WLP Mathematics-5 Q1 W6

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Quarter 1 Grade Level 5

Week 5 (October 3 -7, 2022) Learning Area MATHEMATICS
MELCs Adds and subtracts fractions and mixed fraction without and with regrouping
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving addition and /or subtraction of fractions using appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
1 Adds and subtracts Add and subtract A. Drill Answer the Learning Tasks found in
fraction and mixed Fraction and mixed Game: Fill Them Up MATH 5 SLM.
fraction without and fractions with and Materials: fraction cards, colored chalks
with regrouping without regrouping Mechanics: Write you answers on your
a. Form 2 groups of five. Line them up. Notebook/Activity Sheets.
b. Each group will be given sets of fraction cards.
Review Learning Task No. 1:
Finding the LCD of some given fractions
Strategy: Relay Game (This task can be found on page
Materials: flashcards ____)
a. Divide the class into two groups. One representative from each group
stands at the back of the room.
b. Flash the card with 2 to 3 fractions on it.
c. The pupils give the LCD orally and the one who gives the correct answer
first gets the point.
d. The game continues until all the selected players have participated.
e. The group with the most points at the end of the game
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Who among you has a vegetable garden at home? What are the vegetables
that you and your family grow? How do you take care of your plants?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Directions: Find the sums. Simplify, if possible.
a) 2/3 + 5/ 14 b) 7/ 38 + 1/4
c) 1/4 + 12 1/4 d) 2 3/8 + 1/2
e) 2 23 + 19

Evaluating learning
Add. Reduce your answer to lowest terms, if possible
a) 4 2/3 + 1/5
b) 3/8 + 10 1/4
c) 1/10 + 12 1/5 + 3/5
d) 8 3/8 + 3 1/6
e) 7 1/3 + 2/9
2 Adds and subtracts Add and subtract Drill Learning Task No. 2:
fraction and mixed Fraction and mixed
fraction without and fractions with and Directions: Change the following dissimilar fractions to similar (This task can be found on page
with regrouping without regrouping ____)
Use flashcards to answer the ff.

B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Have your tried bibingka as a merienda? What can you say
about it?
Let us find out what Aling Ester’s daily routine in selling her
sumptuous treat.

C.Presenting Examples/ instances of the new lesson

Aling Ester sold the bibingka she made in the market. At lunch time, she
brought home the 1 712 bibingka left. If her neighbors
bought 412, how many more bibingka she have left to sell?

D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

a. What are given?
b. What is being asked?
c. What operation will you use?
d. How will you solve this problem?

E. Developing Mastery

Subtract these mixed numbers and fractions. Write your

answers in lowest terms.
a. 5 8/9 – 2/9
b. 4 11 1/2 – 312
c. 7 9/10 – 2/10
d. 9 5/6 – 2/6
e. 4 13 1/4 – 7 ¼

3 Solves routine and Solves routine and Drill Learning Task No. 3:
non-routine non-routine
problems involving problems involving Strategy: “HI –Low “ (This task can be found on page
addition and /or addition or ____)
subtraction of Materials: Fraction Cards, Show me board
subtraction of
fractions using
appropriate problem Mechanics:
solving strategies and
tools. a. Form two groups of five and let each group form a line. Give each group a
b. Fraction cards and laid on the table facing down.
c. The card in row “A” will be opened at the same time as the card in row “B”.

d. The first pupil in line will “HI”. If he/she thinks the fraction written on the
card is in higher term and write “LOW”, if the fraction on card is fraction
written on card is in a lowest term. The pupil to show the correct answer gets
a point for the group.

e. The game continues until the last pupil in the line has answered. The
Team/group with the most number of points wins the game.

B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Who among you is a scout member? What activities have

you participated? Have you joined camping? How did you feel?

C. Presenting Examples/ instances of the new lesson

Strategy: Problem Opener

The boy scouts went camping 3 km away from their school. They hiked 1 26
km on the first day and 1 26 km on the second day.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

a. Ask the pupils to think about these:

• Why is it important to join scouting activities?

b. Analyze the problem by asking the following questions:

• What is asked in the problem?

• What are given in the problem?

• Is there a hidden question to be solved? (What is the first thing that you
have to solve in the problem?) Is it stated in the problem?

• What do you think are the operations to be used to solve the problem?

2. Performing the Activities

Ask the pupils to solve the problem by pairs.


Know what is asked in the problem?

How much farther still will they have to hike to reach the camp?

Know what are the given facts:

3 km, 1 26 km and 1 36 km

Plan: Determine the operation to use: Addition and subtraction

Draw a diagram to represent the problem.

4 Solves routine and Solves routine and E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 Learning Task No. 4:
non-routine non-routine
problems involving problems involving After sharing the answers, let the pupils express their thoughts about the (This task can be found on page
addition and /or addition or activity. Appreciate their thoughts then ask: ____)
subtraction of subtraction of
fractions using fraction How did you solve the problem?
appropriate problem
solving strategies and
F. Developing Mastery

Directions: Read and understand the following problems then


a. It took 10 hours to build a tent. If 4 12 hours were spent in preparing the

poles, 3 hours in making the frame and the rest of the time in covering the
frame, how many hours were spent in covering the frame?

b. The perimeter of the triangle is 7012 cm. Two sides measures 25 cm and 31
cm. What is the measure of the

third side?

c. Faye bought of cloth. She used for a dress. How much cloth was left?

2 12 m


3 56 km

2 16 km

5 Weekly Test Answer the Evaluation that can be

found on page _____.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Principal II

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