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Kalba ir mobilūs resursai

Vuk Vukotić
The linguistic marketplace (traditional)
The linguistic marketplace (mobile, global)
Power and inequality are features of scaling, of the asymmetrical
capacity to invoke particular scale levels in the interpretation of an act;
scales provide contexts with possible regulations of access.

Scalar processes are processes of shifts between such scales, and we

should recall that such shifts involve complex re-semiotizations of
TimeSpace: new images of time and space, new patterns of acting
upon them.

(p. 36)
• Orders of indexicality
• Indexical orders (Registers, Voices...)
Mobile resources vs. language rights
• Territorialization and deterritorialization
• Social and geographical mobility

Linguistic aspects of globalization
Now Earlier
• Global economy (mobile resources) • National-regional economy
• Globally mobile humans • Less mobile humans
• Globalized, multiple media, internet • National, singular media
• Deterritorialized language • Territorialized language
• Accent, globalized culture • Accent, local / national culture
• Globally created orders of • Nationally created orders of
indexicality indexicality
• Mobile resources • Local resources
Higher order global English indexicality

Conclusion – does the global spread of English cause global inequality?

There is no inequality between „languages“, i.e. no „evil English“
attacking small languages. There is, hoewever, inequality, but it is an
inequality of access to resources and products (economic inequality),
which brings about an unequal access (of globally and nationally
differently positioned people) to valuable linguistic resources. Social
and geographical movement is conditioned by access to those

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