MACMILLAN - 2008 - Destination - C1 - and - C2 - Phrasal Verbs

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ete TLL add up to combine to produce a particular result or effect: These ‘new measures do not add up to genuine reform. add up to if separate amounts add up to a total amount, together they form that total: His business expenses add up to around £4,000 a year. answer back reply rudely to someone who has more authority than you: I got inf rouble or anierg he teacher back ask outinitesomecne to go with you toa cinema, restaurant, etc because you want to start a romantic or sexual relationship wth ther: Fred asked Vanessa to go out with him but se sad ro. back down stop asking for something or stop saying that you will do something, because alt of peogke oppose yu: fm not going to back dovmn just because a few people disagree sath me back up give suport to someone by eng oter people that you age with them backup nit bebeve Simons story uni dance backed in up. back up make a copy of information on your computer ‘backup (n): Make sure you back all your data up, just in case you geta ws black out make a place dark by turning off all the lights, for ‘example so that the enemy cannot see a place at night blackout (n): The whole city was blacked out for nights on end during the war. black out suddenly become unconscious: He had blacked out as ‘is car hit the tree. blend in if someone or something blends in, they are similar to the other people, objects, buildings, etc around them, and so ‘they seem appropriate or you do not notice them: The building doesn't really blend in very well with the others around it blurt out say something suddenly and without thinking about the effect it will have, usually because you are nervous or excited: ‘She blurted out his name, then gasped as she realised what ‘she'd done. board up cover a window or door with wooden boards: We boarded the house up because we knew a bad storm vas coming. break down divide something such as a total amount into sepaate parts breakdcun (rk. The amount doesn seem qute s0,bad when you Breakit down nto monthly payments break up break something to make smaller pieces: Break that ald wardrobe up; then | can put it on the fire, break up if a meeting or other event breaks up, or if you break it up, it ends and people leave: The meeting finally broke up after tre hours ‘break up if two people break up, they end their relationship: When did Diana and James break up? brighten up if the weather brightens up, it becomes sunnier: It's brightening up, at last. brighten up start looking or feeling happier: Sarah brightened up ‘considerably as she thought of Emily's words. brighton up start to have more colour or ht, give something ‘more colour or light: You could brighten up that skirt with a red blouse. bring about make something happen, especially to cause ‘changes in a situation: It's not something we can bring about overnight. bring out make someone or something show a quality that they. Tiave: That dress realy brings out fhe green your ees. bring out praduce a new product and start to sell it: They've brought out a new 3D video camera. bring together create a situation in which people meet and do something together, especially wtien they would not usually do 0: The attack onthe city realy brought people together. brush up (on) practise and improve your skls or knowledge of| something: | took a class to brush up (on) my German before the trp. build up gradually develop: Many popular writers built up their reputations during the war. ‘build up increase or make something increase: The food industry ‘needs to build up consumer confidence again. ‘build up make someone bigger heather and stronger, especialy by making them eat more buildup (nl: You need lots of fresh fut to help build you up. build up tak about someone or something in avery positive way ‘so that people are impressed with them: They've bit him up tobe something that he isn. bump into accidental hit against something: twas dark and | bumped into the table bump into meet someone unexpectedly: Guess who | bumped into in town? buy off give someone money so that they do nat act against you: Efforts to buy her off have failed. buy out pay money to your business partner so that you can ‘control al ofa business you prewousy owned together buyout (nk The other directors have offered to buy me out. buy up buy large amounts of someting or all oft that is avaiable: Developers have been buying up old theatres and ‘converting them into cinemas ‘cance! out stop someting from having any effect: These hheadohones cancel out any other noise so all you can hear is the music. carry over take something that you earn or are given in one year ‘ot period of time into the next one carry-over (nl: You ae not alowed to cary over holiday entitlement from one year into the next catch on become popular or fashionable: Sports drinks have ‘caught on as consumers have become more health-conscious. | catch on understand: He didnt catch an at frst. centre around if someting centres around someone or something o you centre something around them, they are its main subject of attention or interest: The book centres around 2 woman who becomes an astronaut ‘chance upon find or see someone or something when you did not expect to: We chanced upon a charming ite restaurant ‘change around move tings so that they ae in diferent places ‘or postions: My fiends had changed athe furniture in my room around a joke ‘change into stop being in one state, condition or form and stat being in another, & make someting do this: The fim was ‘bout a man wo changes into a werenalf during the fu moon. ‘change into take ofthe clothes or apiece of clothing you are ‘wearing ad put on diferent ones: Let me ust change into something a bit more comiortabe change out of tke off the clotes or apiece of clothing you are ‘wearing and put on different ones: Come inside and change Out of those wet things. check out examine someone or something in order to be certain that everyting i correct, true or satisfactory: ve been taking loads of photographs, us to check out the camera, check out if information checks aut, you fe! tat itis tue ater examining it Their story just did't check out 245 eee Phrasal verbs database 246 clock up reach a particular number or amount: Dawson has clocked up 34 years as a poice officer. close up lock the doors ofa building or business: The newsagent was closing up forthe evening. Club together if people club together, each of them gives some money so al the money colected canbe used to buy something: Lets al cb together and get her a nice resent. come across meet someone of something ty chance: | came across a reference to my grandfather n an od book ‘come (around (to) change your opinion or decision because someone has persuaded you to agree with them: dit ‘agree at ist but Ive come (around to the idea now. ‘come between cause a disagreement or argument between people: I woud never lt anything come Between us ‘come out be removed from someting such as clothing or cath by washing r rubbing: The stain fraly came out, but had to wash the F hit three times, ‘comme out be spoken, heard or understood in a particuar way: That came out wrong. Let me rephrase it ‘come out become avaiable to buy or see: The magazine comes ‘out every Thursday. ‘come out become easy to notice: These differences dat come cut uni you put the two groups in a room together. come out become known: He said itl all come out in cour. come out ave a paticuar result or end ina particular way Eventing came out all itn the end. ‘come out in become covered in spats because you are il or your badly reacts to a food or medicine: She cant eat shelish wathout coming uti spots. come out with say something suddenly, usually something that Surprises or shocks peopl: You never know what the chien are going to come out with come round become conscious again ater being unconscious: felt sick when I came round after the operation. ‘come round change your opinion or decision because someone tas persuaded you to agree wth them: We were sue she'd ‘come round inthe end ‘come round go to a place where someone is, especially their house, in order to vist them: Why don't you come round after work? ‘come round ita regular event comes round, it happens again Jean's annual garden party must be coming round agan soon, ‘come up with thik of something suchas an idea ora plan: Is thatthe best you can come up with? cool down become cooler, or make something cooler: Is cooled down a lot inthe last coupe of days. ‘cordon off stop people from entering an area by puting something such asa rope around it Why have they cordoned of the city centre? Cotton on begin to realise or understand something: Suddenly I cottoned on. She'd been bing fom the star. crack down (on} start deaing with someone or something much more stil crackdown (I's about tme they cracked down con people who drop iter. crease up laugh alt, or make someone laugh alt: You really crease me vp! creep up on move towards someone quietly and slow, especialy because you want to surprise them: watched a cat asiterept up on a bird. ‘op up appear or happen suddenly or unexpectedly: Ben had to 'g0 back to work ~ something's cropped up thee. ‘crowd around move toa particular place atthe same time as 2 lotof other people: Everyone crowded around the actor a8 he signed autographs ‘cut back (on) reduce the amount of something, especially money that you spend: m trying to cut back on grocers. ‘cut out remove something from a lager piece by cutting: Cut out the material you need and make sure it's the right size. ‘cut out stop eating something or doing something, especially because itis bad for your health: Im going to have to cut coffee out because it gives me indigestion. die out become weaker or less common and then disappear completely: There used to be wolves here but theyve ed out. | dig up dig hoes in an area of and: Police have dug the garden up looking fr evidence. dig up find information by searching carefuly: See what you can ig upon the Internet on Mr Anderson. dig up remove something from under the ground by digging Archaeologists have dug up a bag of coin from Roman tines. dive in start doing something in a very enthusiastic way. ‘Sometimes you've jst got to take a chance and dive i, do away with get rid of: Did you hear that theyre gong to do ‘aay wth private universities atogether? do up fasten (an item of clothing): Do your coat up or youl catch cold, do up repair, paint and improve an od building, car, boat, etc: We bought an old farmhouse in France, intending to do it up drum up try to make people support you or buy something fom ‘You: Advertisements should help to drum up some business. dry up i something dries up or is died vo, al the water comes, cout ot The rive es completely cried up. dry up stop being avaiable: Im a TV repairman, but work seems to have dried Up lately

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