MACMILLAN 2008 Destination C1 and C2 Vocabulary

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224 Unit 2 ‘assess (v) to carelully considera situation, person or problem in order tomake a judgment: We tried to assess hs sutabilty forthe jb, ‘assess (vl to calculate what something costs or is worth: Our agent wil assess the value of your property. assume (v) to believe that something is true, even though no one has tald you or even though you have no proof: Everyone accepted she was feling the truth, although in fact this was quit a lotto assume. baffle () if a problem, someone's behavicur, etc baffles you, you ‘cannot understand it or solve it: Detectives remain Baffled by these murders biased (ad) preferring one person, thing or idea to another in way that is unfair: was a biased report. Concentrate (v to give all yur attention tothe thing you are dong: | was sleeping bady and finding it hard to concenirate. consider (v) to thnk about something caetuly before making a

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