Ae - It9 - Test2 - Assessment - Criteria Nº5

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Test 2 UNIT 3 Technology is

Critérios Específicos de Classificação


eSight is a medical and technological breakthrough that restores vision and allows people with serious sight
problems to see the faces of their loved ones, read, work, study, and participate in virtually any activity of daily
living. eSight is worn like a normal pair of glasses. It has a high-speed, high-definition camera that captures
everything you are looking at, and then displays it on two near-to-eye displays. Advanced, medically-validated
algorithms optimize the image so that your eyes can truly see it, and in real-time. (abridged and adapted)

N Completa os 7 espaços corretamente. 14

5 Chave:
(1) technological; (2) vision; (3) participate; (4) glasses; (5) camera; (6) image; (7) real-time
N Completa 6 espaços corretamente. 12
N Completa 4 ou 5 espaços corretamente. 8/10
N Completa 2 ou 3 espaços corretamente. 4/6
N Completa 1 espaço corretamente. 2

1. Nothing prepared me for when I put eSight on in the delivery room and saw my baby for the first time. It was
one of those moments I will never forget.
Kathy B.

2. As a student, eSight has been a game changer for me! I can read off the whiteboard and share notes with
my classmates. Words cannot describe how much more confident I feel at school.
Nikki F.

3. eSight does so much more than just enhance my vision; it gives me the mobility and independence I had
never had on the job. I now feel that my work reflects my full potential.
Scott R. (abridged and adapted)

N Completa os 3 parágrafos corretamente.
4 Chave: 6
1. “saw my baby for the first time”
2. “share notes with my classmates"
3. “my work reflects my full potential”
N Completa 2 parágrafos corretamente.
3 4
N Completa 1 parágrafo corretamente.
2 2


A. N Faz as 8 correspondências corretamente. 8

5 Chave:
1. g; 2. f; 3. a; 4. e; 5. d; 6. b; 7. c; 8. h
N Faz 6 ou 7 correspondências corretamente. 6/7
N Faz 4 ou 5 correspondências corretamente. 4/5
N Faz 2 ou 3 correspondências corretamente. 2/3
N Faz 1 correspondência corretamente. 1

B. N Completa os 6 espaços corretamente. 12

5 Chave:
(1) social; (2) clips; (3) effects; (4) company; (5) app; (6) downloaded
N Completa 5 espaços corretamente. 10
N Completa 3 ou 4 espaços corretamente. 6/8
N Completa 2 espaços corretamente. 4
N Completa 1 espaço corretamente. 2


A. N Completa as 5 frases corretamente. 15

5 Chave:
1. Nowadays, technology is much more advanced than it was a few years ago.
2. Interactive whiteboards are linked to computers and are used in classrooms.
3. Technology can be very useful in the music classroom.
4. SoundCloud allows students to upload music, listen to and practise songs at home and
share their work with their friends and family.
5. is very popular once it is free and full of songs students love (by artists such as
Ed Sheeran, Eminem, Adele and Kate Perry).
N Completa 4 frases corretamente. 12
N Completa 3 frases corretamente. 9
N Completa 2 frases corretamente. 6
N Completa 1 frase corretamente. 3

B. N Faz as 5 correspondências corretamente. 5

5 Chave:
1. d; 2. b; 3. a; 4. e; 5. c
N Faz 4 correspondências corretamente. 4
N Faz 3 correspondências corretamente. 3
N Faz 2 correspondências corretamente. 2
N Faz 1 correspondência corretamente. 1


A. N Seleciona as 5 opções corretas. 5

5 Chave:
1. to use; 2. playing; 3. sing; 4. sing; 5. uploading
N Seleciona 4 opções corretas. 4
N Seleciona 3 opções corretas. 3
N Seleciona 2 opções corretas. 2
N Seleciona 1 opção correta. 1

B. N Preenche corretamente os 5 espaços. 5

5 Chave:
1. will give; 2. wants; 3. uploaded; 4. didn’t have; 5. won’t finish
N Preenche corretamente 4 espaços. 4
N Preenche corretamente 3 espaços. 3
N Preenche corretamente 2 espaços. 2
N Preenche corretamente 1 espaço. 1

C. N Reescreve as 5 frases corretamente.

5 Chave: 10
1. When Mary finishes a song, she always asks her friends for their opinion.
2. If Mary had more free time, she would teach music at the primary school near her house.
3. Tom would buy a new saxophone if he had enough money.
4. If Mary had a blog, it would be about music.
5. Mary’s music teacher would perform with his band more often if he wasn’t so busy all the
N Reescreve 4 frases corretamente. 8
N Reescreve 3 frases corretamente. 6
N Reescreve 2 frases corretamente. 4
N Reescreve 1 frase corretamente. 2


Competência Pragmática
A. N Escreve um texto respeitando o tipo de enunciado pedido, contemplando os aspetos 10
5 indicados. Utiliza mecanismos de coesão corretamente e articula as ideias de forma
adequada num texto organizado, claro e coerente. Respeita os limites de palavras indicados.
N Escreve um texto respeitando o tipo de enunciado pedido, contemplando os aspetos 8-9
4 indicados. Utiliza alguns mecanismos de coesão e articula as ideias de forma quase sempre
adequada num texto organizado, claro e coerente.
N Escreve um texto respeitando o tipo de enunciado pedido, contemplando os aspetos 5-7
3 indicados. Utiliza um número ainda limitado de mecanismos de coesão e nem sempre
articula as ideias de forma adequada num texto organizado, claro e coerente.
N Escreve um texto simples, não abordando todos os aspetos indicados. Utiliza conectores 3-4
2 simples para ligar frases elementares e estrutura deficientemente o texto. Pode não respeitar
os limites de palavras indicados.
N Escreve um texto simples, não respeitando o tipo de enunciado pedido e não abordando os 1-2
1 aspetos indicados. Utiliza conectores simples para ligar frases elementares e estrutura
deficientemente o texto. Pode não respeitar os limites de palavras indicados.

Competência Linguística*
A. N Escreve um texto elaborado, utilizando recursos linguísticos adequados que lhe permitem 10
5 transmitir a informação de forma precisa. Utiliza vocabulário adequado e variado para se
exprimir. Revela um bom domínio das estruturas e formas gramaticais. A ortografia é precisa
e a pontuação é adequada.
N Escreve um texto razoavelmente elaborado, utilizando recursos linguísticos adequados que 8-9
4 lhe permitem transmitir a informação de forma precisa. Utiliza vocabulário suficiente para se
exprimir. Revela geralmente bom domínio do vocabulário e das estruturas e formas
gramaticais, não cometendo erros gramaticais que possam causar incompreensão. A
ortografia é razoavelmente precisa. A pontuação é geralmente adequada.
N Escreve um texto coerente, utilizando recursos linguísticos adequados, que lhe permitem 5-7
3 transmitir a informação de forma compreensível. Pode ainda revelar alguma influência da
língua materna. Utiliza vocabulário suficiente para se exprimir, embora pouco variado,
podendo surgir algumas lacunas. Pode ocorrer alguma confusão e escolha incorreta de
palavras. Nem sempre revela um bom domínio das estruturas e formas gramaticais, embora
os erros gramaticais não causem incompreensão da mensagem. A ortografia nem sempre é
precisa e a pontuação nem sempre é adequada.
N Escreve um texto simples, utilizando padrões frásicos elementares. Utiliza vocabulário 3-4
2 bastante restrito para se exprimir e estruturas muito simples, cometendo erros gramaticais
elementares de forma sistemática. Revela problemas ao nível da ortografia e pontuação. A
compreensão global da mensagem é frequentemente afetada.
N Escreve um texto simples, utilizando padrões frásicos elementares. Utiliza vocabulário muito 1-2
1 restrito e inadequado. Utiliza estruturas muito simples e comete erros gramaticais
elementares de forma sistemática. Revela muitos problemas ao nível da ortografia e
pontuação. A compreensão global da mensagem é frequentemente afetada.

* A competência linguística só será avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado o tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto, pelo
menos, no nível 1 da competência pragmática.

Suggested answer:
The Internet has many good sides. Firstly, it allows us to find information for schoolwork quite easily, improving our
knowledge and marks. Secondly, we can listen to music, watch videos, play games, share photos, make comments,
and chat to our friends. Moreover, we can interact with people across the world, practising our language skills. On the
other hand, there are many inappropriate pictures and videos online, as well as fake information. Besides this, some
people make offensive comments on our photos or videos, which may be disturbing, and cyberbullying may have
devastating consequences. All things considered, and in spite of its bad sides, I think the Internet makes our life


Suggested answers:

1. It’s my laptop computer. I can access online resources and content, do research for my school work, play games,
listen to music, watch videos, chat to my friends…
2. Yes, I do. I use it for texting and talking to my family and friends.
3. I think they have many benefits. It’s possible to keep in touch with our friends and family and interact with people
across the world with one click. They also allow us to share photos, videos, comments…
4. It’s Instagram / WhatsApp / Snapchat / Spotity…. I can share photos and videos, chat to my friends, listen to
5. It can have a negative effect on your schoolwork and on your health, and it can affect your social life and the way
you interact with your family and friends.

Student A: I’d really like our music teacher to use music apps in our classes.
Student B: It would be great!
Student A: I think we should tell him/her that there are free music apps, which would be cheaper than buying new
musical equipment.
Student B: Yes, and we could tell him/her that they work very well with interactive whiteboards.
Student A: And our teacher could upload backing tracks for the songs he/she wanted to teach.
Student B: I think we should also mention that we could access the music the teacher uploaded very easily.
Student A: Yes, you’re right. Besides that, we could listen to and practise the songs at home.
Student B: And share our work with our friends and family!

Student A: I can see a group of students and their teacher in a music classroom. The students are sitting and paying
attention to what the teacher is saying. They all have musical instruments. The teacher is standing and seems to
be explaining a topic of the syllabus. It looks like they are using an interactive whiteboard and the music app The students seem to be having fun.
Student B: The photograph refers to the music app and shows a mobile phone, a computer and a laptop.
The mobile phone seems to be displaying different music tracks. On the computer screen we can see two
teenagers who seem to be playing musical instruments and singing. There are different music tracks on the
computer screen, too. The laptop seems to be displaying complete notation for vocal and instrumental parts. Music
and technology seem to work very well!

Student A: Well, the role of technology in music classes is very important. Some music apps allow teachers and
students to freely upload, promote and share their music. And they work very well with interactive whiteboards.
Student B: Yes, you’re right. Teachers can upload backing tracks for the songs they are teaching, as well as full
recordings of the songs.
Student A: And students can access the music teachers upload and listen to and practise the songs at home.
Student B: Besides this, they can also share their work with their friends and family who can ‘like’ their tracks and
leave comments.
Student A: I think I would like to use a music app in my music classes…
Student B: Classes would be more interesting and motivating if teachers used these interactive technologies. And
students would probably be more creative.

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