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The connection between bone health and overall health and quality of life cannot be

overstated. Healthy bones offer a foundation for the body, allowing it to move freely and

shielding it from harm. Minerals required for the effective operation of a variety of other life-

sustaining body functions are stored in the bones. On the other hand, weak bones perform

poorly in these tasks and can result in bone disintegration or fractures that put a person's life

in danger. (OpenStax, 2018).

Maintaining a bone-healthy diet, exercising regularly, and refraining from harmful habits like

smoking are the keys to promoting bone health. Smoking has been linked to several

idiopathic bone illnesses, including Paget's disease and osteoporosis (OpenStax, 2018). I

believe that encouraging people to quit smoking, especially the elderly, will go some way

toward maintaining good bone health. Smoking affects the blood flow to the bones, which in

turn inhibits the formation of bone cells. It also diminishes the bone's ability to absorb

calcium, which weakens the bone and increases the risk of fracture (UCI Health, 2018).

Active people have stronger musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems, so osteoporosis-

related falls and fractures are less common. This is especially true for those who exercise for

at least 30 minutes three times a week in a moderate-to-vigorous manner, such as weight-

bearing exercises. When muscles pull on bones, the bones become more robust and dense

(Reed at el.,2014). The more bone mass you gain between birth and age 35, the better off

you'll be as your bones begin to degenerate over time. Around the age of 35, the body starts
to lose bone mass faster than it can replace it. Additionally, exercise might help you maintain

bone density as you age.

A low-calcium diet increases the risk of fractures, early bone loss, and lower bone density.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for calcium for males and females aged 19–50

and 51–70 is 1,000 mg per day(OpenStax, 2018). The recommended daily dose is increased

to 1,200 mg for men and women who are 71 years of age and older, respectively. Calcium-

rich foods include dairy items, almonds, broccoli, kale, canned salmon with bones, sardines,

and soy items. If people are experiencing problems getting enough calcium from their diets, I

would advise them to talk to their doctors about calcium supplements (OpenStax, 2018).

In conclusion,

Since some bone disorders have an idiopathic etiology and others have symptomatic reasons,

methods like door-to-door sensitization are something I would promote in my

neighbourhood. Making people aware of the signs of bone illnesses enables them to see an

orthopaedist before their condition worsens. Additionally, encouraging people to get their

bones checked, especially the elderly, will aid in maintaining strong bones since, as we age,

our bones become weaker owing to a loss of bone minerals, which increases the risk of

breakage and discomfort. The bones can be strengthened by eating a lot of vegetables,

avoiding low-calorie foods, engaging in weight-bearing activities, and doing strain training.

OpenStax. (2018) Anatomy & physiology. Houston, TX: Rice University.

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