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In the body, neurotransmitters are frequently referred to as chemical messengers. They are

primarily responsible for relaying messages from nerve cells to the target cells. A variety of

neurotransmitters will be covered below, along with their functions and any accompanying

physiological effects (OpenStax ,2018).

A chemical messenger called a neurotransmitter carries a signal from a nerve cell to a target

cell. Muscles, glands, or nerves are examples of these target cells. Neurotransmitters are

chemical messengers that the brain utilizes to control a variety of bodily processes, including

respiration, digestion, mood, focus, muscle movement, and even appetite. Neurons, also

referred to as "nerve cells," and their transmitters have a significant impact on the

body(OpenStax ,2018). A chemical messenger called a neurotransmitter carries a signal from

a nerve cell to a target cell. Muscles, glands, or nerves are examples of these target cells.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that the brain utilizes to control a variety of

bodily processes, including respiration, digestion, mood, focus, muscle movement, and even

appetite. Neurons, also referred to as "nerve cells," and their transmitters have a significant

impact on the body.

Organs, as well as physical and psychological processes, are under the control of the nervous

system. Transmitters, which are substances that carry signals to cells, are released by nerve

cells to produce impulses. Neurotransmitters move from one cell to another and bind to

certain receptor cells. Once they have delivered the message, the body breaks them down and

recycles them. When they bind, a reaction occurs in the target cells. (Berry, 2019)
The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system are the two basic components

of the nervous system. Each of them has a unique makeup and purpose.

The nervous system of the periphery mostly consists of nerves that emerge from the brain and

spinal cord. As a network of communication between the central nervous system and the rest

of our body, the nerves serve the primary role in this situation. We have a further split of the

somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system inside the peripheral nervous

system. According to the National Cancer Institute (n.d.), the autonomic nervous system is

made up of nerves that connect the central nervous system to visceral organs like the heart,

stomach, and intestines, whereas the somatic nervous system is made up of nerves that go to

the skin and muscles and are involved in conscious activities.

Alzheimer's disease, depression, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, Huntington's

disease, and myasthenia gravis are only a few of the chronic deficiencies or illnesses linked to

neurotransmitters. I'll discuss epilepsy. We occasionally notice individuals afflicted by this

illness in our neighbourhood, and the WHO (2019) lists the following as important factors

associated with epilepsy:

In conclusion

All ages are affected by the chronic, noncommunicable brain disorder known as epilepsy.

Epilepsy affects about 50 million individuals worldwide, making it one of the most prevalent

neurological conditions worldwide. People with epilepsy make up over 80% of the

population in low- and middle-income nations. According to estimates, up to 70% of epilepsy

patients could avoid seizures if they received the proper diagnosis and treatment. Epilepsy

patients have a threefold increased risk of dying before their time than the general population.

In low-income nations, 75% of patients with epilepsy do not receive the necessary care.

Berry, J. (2019, October) What Are Neurotransmitters? Retrieved from:

Web MD. (n.d) What is Dopamine? Retrieved from:


Cadman, B. (2018, January) Dopamine Deficiency: What You Need To Know. Retrieved from:

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