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ISO 9001 : 2008
Marketing & Registered office : 301, Panorama Complex, RC Dutt Road, Vadodara,
ISO 14001 : 2004
Gujarat,India 390 007.
OHSAS 18001 : 2007

Transition / Knee Point temperature calculation & Sag tension

after Knee Point Temperature
A) Calculation Conditions
Sr.No. Parameter Symbol Unit Values
1 Conductor Code Name - - STACIR 508mm²
2 Diameter of conductor D mm 29.26
3 Nominal cross section area of conductor A mm2 507.74
4 Nominal cross section area of Core Ai mm2 96.06
5 Nominal weight of conductor W Kg/m 1.820
6 Equivalent modulus of Elasticity of conductor E Kgf/mm2 7537.00
7 Equivalent modulus of Elasticity of steel core Ei 2 15806.0
8 Equivalent coefficient of linear expansion of α 1/°C 0.0000153
9 Equivalent coefficient of linear expansion of αa 1/°C 0.000023
aluminium alloy wire
10 Equivalent coefficient of linear expansion of αi 1/°C 0.0000037
steel Core wire

B) Loading Conditions
Sr.No. Parameter Symbol Unit Values
1 Temperature under maximum tension t max °C 0
2 Temperature at manufacturing conductor t mfg °C 13
3 Wind pressure V Kgf/m 30
4 Thickness of snow ice (Snow ice weight) - Kg/m 0
5 Maximum tension T max Kgf 4430
6 Span length S m 400

Calculations :
Tension at transition temperature T c
i) q =W max /W c = ((W 2 +(D*V/1000) 2 ) 0.5 )/W = 1.1102
ii) f max = T max / A = 8.7249
iii) δ = W / A = 0.0036
iv) K = f max - E/24 * (qδS/f max ) 2 = -1.7289
v) M = E/24*(δS) 2 = 645.594
vi) (α a - α)/ α a = 0.3348
vii) f [f-((α a - α)/α a )*{K-α*E(t-t max )}] = ((α a - α)/α a )* M
Therefore f = 5.6618 -0.00067
Tc = f*A
= 2874.7 Kgf
SAG at Knee Point = 12.66 m
Transition temperature t c
t c = {f / E*(α a - α) } + t mfg = 110.56 °C
Sag d and tension T at the continous operating temperature
i) fic = Tmax / Ai = 29.92648
ii) δi = Wc / Ai = 0.0189465
iii) k = f ic - Ei/24 (δiS/fic)^ = -12.30918
iv) M = Ei/24*(δS)^ = 37826

Operating temp (°C) 112.0 142.6 150.0 180.0 210.0

f2 [f - {k - αiEi(t - tc)}] = M; Therefore f = 29.904 29.445 29.336 28.905 28.487
T = fAi; Therefore T (Kgf) = 2873 2828.48 2818 2777 2736
d = δs2 /8 f; Therefore Sag (m) = 12.671 12.869 12.917 13.110 13.302
SAG TENSION CHART (Before Knee Point Temperature)

Description Symbol UOM Values

Name - - STACIR 508mm²
Aluminium Alloy Strands - No/mm STAL.30/4.18mm
Steel Strands - No/mm Al.Clad.Invar 7/4.18mm
Overall diameter (m) D m 0.02926
Cross section area (m²) A m2 0.00050774
Ultimate Tensile Strength (Kg) U Kg 15680.94
Unit weight (Kg/m) W Kg/m 1.820
Modulus of elasticity (Kg/m²) E Kg/m2 7.537E+09
Coefficient of linear expansion (/ºC) α /°C 0.0000153
Span of Conductor (m) L m 400
Wind pressure (Kg/m) P Kg/m2 45

δ = w/A = 3584.512 Kg /m/m²

Different wind conditions are as follows.

- No wind (P1)
- 1/3 of full wind (P2)
- 2/3 of full wind (P3)
- Full wind (P4)

Accordingly we get value of ‘q’ at different wind conditions as follows

(q1) ² = 1 + (p1 / w) ² = 1
(q2) ² = 1 + (p2 / w) ² = 1.05816
(q3) ² = 1 + (p3 / w) ² = 1.23262
(q4) ² = 1 + (p4 / w) ² = 1.52340

Now, for different wind conditions we have.

G1 = (l² X δ² X q1² X E) / 24 = 6.4561E+20 (No Wind)
G2 = (l² X δ² X q2² X E) / 24 = 6.8315E+20 (1/3 of Full Wind)
G3 = (l² X δ² X q3² X E) / 24 = 7.9579E+20 (2/3 of Full Wind)
G4 = (l² X δ² X q4² X E) / 24 = 9.8351E+20 (Full Wind)

Starting Condition
*F.O.S. = -
Everyday temperature in °C = 32
Working Tension (T) in Kgs = 4278 @ 45 Kg/m² Wind Pressure
Stress (f) = 8.4256E+06

Now Substituting the value of “f” and taking every day temp. = 32°C
G1 = f² {f – (k – αtE)}
Therefore (K) = -1.7289E+06

1. Tension at full wind condition - 45 Kg/m² (G=G4)

Temperature in °C 0 25 32 45 57 75 90 110
Working tension in Kgf (Full Wind) 4773 4376 4278 4108 3957 3771 3627 3454
Sag in meters (Fulll Wind) 7.63 8.32 8.51 8.86 9.20 9.65 10.04 10.54
Tender Spec Requirement ≤ 4278

2. Tension at 2/3 wind condition - 30 Kg/m² (G=G3)

Temperature in °C 0 25 32 45 57 75 90 110
Working tension in Kgf (2/3 Wind) 4430 4039 3943 3778 3640 3453 3315 3152
Sag in meters (2/3 Wind) 8.22 9.01 9.23 9.63 10.00 10.54 10.98 11.55
Tender Spec Requirement ≤ 4480

3. Tension at 1/3 wind Condition - 15 Kg/m² (G=G2)

Temperature in °C 0 25 32 45 57 75 90 110
Working tension in Kgf (1/3 Wind) 4197 3811 3717 3555 3420 3240 3106 2949
Sag in meters (1/3 Wind) 8.67 9.55 9.79 10.24 10.64 11.24 11.72 12.34

4. Tension at no wind - 0 Kg/m² (G=G1)

Temperature in °C 0 25 32 45 57 75 90 110
Working tension in Kgf (No Wind) 4114 3730 3636 3476 3342 3164 3032 2877

Sag in meters (No Wind) 8.85 9.76 10.01 10.47 10.89 11.51 12.01 12.65

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