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Bandillo, Lord Andrei A.


1. What is your role as a healthcare provider in this situation?

As a healthcare provider, I will explain the benefits of immunization, especially when it

comes to children. I will not force them to be vaccinated, thus I will be an advocate to
give information about vaccines.

2. Religious beliefs are protected by the Constitution, but can parents refuse to vaccinate
their children based on unfounded fears?

If the parents refuse to vaccinate their children even though given adequate information,
we can accept it because it is their right to refuse.

3. Should these unvaccinated children be allowed in public schools?

Yes, it is the children’s right to be given or to receive a good quality education. Despite
being unvaccinated, they have the right to study or to learn. Given this situation, the
public school staff or the principal and advisers must be informed of this, to prevent
misconception and misunderstanding.

4. Should we adopt an “everybody” requirement policy like in Cuba, for the sake of public

If the comorbidity rate here in the Philippines gradually goes up, I will adopt this policy
for the sake of public health to prevent or stop the trend. Since immunization is given
when we were kids, it is not that hard to be an advocate for the benefits and advantages of

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