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April 2009

Energy Audit Report


Custom Capsules private Limited, Boisar

The report presents finding of the energy audit study at Custom Capsules private limited, Boisar. The overall potential for improvement in the facility is Rs. 34.65 Lakhs per annum for an investment of Rs 31.50 Lac.

Prepared by:


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT M/s A.R.S. Energy auditors. team has carried out energy audit study at M/s. Custom Capsules Pvt. Ltd., Boisar during the month of April 2009. We hereby express our special thanks to Mr. J.N Vyas CEO, Custom Capsules Pvt. Ltd. And all other employees for their proactive support and courtesy extended to the visiting energy audit team during the study.

For Team ARS: 1. Mr.Sachin Deshpande, BE(Mech); BEE Certified Energy Auditor. Experience : 18 years 2. Mr. Sunil Apte, B.Tech (Civil); BEE Certified Energy Auditor. Experience : 30 years.
Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

3. Mr. Atul Vartak, BE (EXTC); P.W.D Certified Electrical Supervisor Experience: 18 years. 4. Mr. Parag Nerurkar ,Dipl(Etrx), AMIE; Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution and Management (ACPDM) Experience : 3 years. 5. Mr. J.V. Kade, Dipl (Mech), Dipl (Elex) Experience : 32 years.

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors


1 . E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y ........................................................................................................7 1 .1 P R E L U D E : ...............................................................................................................7 1 .2 C U R R E N T E N E R G Y S C E N A R I O : ...................................................................................7 1 .3 T H E A U D I T A C T I V I T Y : ...............................................................................................8 1 .4 E N E R G Y S A V I N G M E A S U R E S : ......................................................................................9 1 .5 P O T E N T I A L F O R E N E R G Y S A V I N G S : ...........................................................................1 0 B A C K G R O U N D .......................................................................................................................1 1 P R E S E N T E N E R G Y S C E N A R I O ..................................................................................................1 2 O V E R V I E W O F T H E B U I L D I N G E N E R G Y U S A G E : ....................................................................1 2 H I S T O R I C A L D A T A A N A L Y S I S ...........................................................................................1 2 M E T H O D O L O G Y .....................................................................................................................1 6 E L E C T R I C A L D I S T R I B U T I O N S Y S T E M : ...............................................................................1 6 I N D O O R L I G H T I N G : ........................................................................................................1 6 W I N D O W / S P L I T A I R C O N D I T I O N E R S ................................................................................1 7 P U M P S : ........................................................................................................................1 8 4 .2 UPS: ....................................................................................................................1 9 C O M P R E S S E D A I R S Y S T E M : .............................................................................................2 0 3 H I S T O R I C A L D A T A A N A L Y S I S ...............................................................................................2 1 M O N T H L Y E L E C T R I C I T Y B I L L S ..........................................................................................2 1 L O A D D I S T R I B U T I O N ......................................................................................................2 2 L O A D P R O F I L E : .............................................................................................................2 3 T A R I F F A N A L Y S I S : .........................................................................................................2 7 M E A S U R E M E N T S , O B S E R V A T I O N S , A N D D A T A A N A L Y S I S .............................................................2 8 B I L L I N G A N A L Y S I S , E L E C T R I C A L D E M A N D A N D P O W E R F A C T O R : ..........................................2 8 C A P A C I T O R B A N K S : .......................................................................................................3 0 L I G H T I N G : ....................................................................................................................3 1 W I N D O W A I R C O N D I T I O N E R S : .........................................................................................3 4 DX C H I L L E R S ...............................................................................................................3 6 C O M P R E S S E D A I R S Y S T E M : .............................................................................................3 8 P U M P S : ........................................................................................................................3 9 UPS 4 0 7 E N E R G Y C O N S E R V A T I O N O P P O R T U N I T I E S ..............................................................................4 2 C A P A C I T O R B A N K S : .......................................................................................................4 2 L I G H T I N G ......................................................................................................................4 2 W I N D O W / S P L I T A I R C O N D I T I O N E R S : ..............................................................................4 6 C H I L L E R S ......................................................................................................................4 8 C O M P R E S S E D A I R S Y S T E M : .............................................................................................5 3 P U M P S : ........................................................................................................................5 3 R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y ............................................................................................................5 4 S O L A R PV S Y S T E M : .......................................................................................................5 4 S O L A R A N D W I N D E N E R G Y H Y B R I D S Y S T E M : .....................................................................5 7 P A S S I V E D E S I G N T E C H N I Q U E S .........................................................................................5 9 1 0. 1 EL EC TRO N I C B AL L ASTS ...............................................................................6 3 VO L TAGE C O N TRO LL ER FO R L I GHTI N G .............................................................6 4 1 0. 3 T5 TUB E LI GHTS (28 W ATTS) ....................................................................6 5 1 0. 4 L I G H T I N G S E N S O R S ..............................................................................................6 6

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

1 0. 5 C H I L L E R S ............................................................................................................6 7

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

List of Tables
TABL E N O.1 : H ARM ON ICS: ............................................................................26 TABL E N O. 2: M ON TH L Y EN ERGY BIL L S......................................................28 TABL E N O.3 : L IGH TIN G.................................................................................31 TABL E N O.4 : COM PARISON OF L PD VAL UE WITH ECBC N ORM S...............33 TABL E N O.5 : COM PARISON OF PRESEN T L UX L EVEL WITH N BC...............33 TABL E N O.6 : M EASUREM EN TS AT WIN DOW AIR- CON DITION ERS..............34 TABL E N O.7 : DATA AN AL YSIS WIN DOW AIR CON DITION ER.......................35 TABL E N O.8 : DX CH IL L ER IN PUT DATA .......................................................36 TABL E N O.9 : DX CH IL L ER PERFORM AN CE AN AL YSIS.................................36 TABL E N O.1 0 : AIR COM PRESSOR PUM P UP TEST RESUL TS.....................39

TABL E N O.1 1 : PUM P PERFORM AN CE...........................................................39 TABL E N O.1 2 : UPS.........................................................................................40 TABL E N O.1 3 : BY M AIN TAIN IN G POWER FACTOR UN ITY...........................42 TABL E N O. 14 : SAVIN G BY REPL ACEM EN T OF CON VEN TION AL BAL L ASTS WITH EL ECTRON IC BAL L ASTS .......................................................................43 TABL E N O. 15 : SAVIN G BY IN STAL L ATION OF VOL TAGE REDUCTION DEVICE ............................................................................................................44 TABL E N O. 16 : SAVIN G BY RETROFITTIN G PRESEN T L IGH TIN G FIXTURES WITH EN ERGY EFFICI EN T L IGH TIN G FIXTURES T5 :....................................45 TABL E N O. 17 : SAVIN GS BY IN STAL L IN G EN ERGY SERVER.......................46

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

TABL E N O. 18 : SAVIN GS DUE TO IN STAL L ATION OF CEN TRAL AIR CON DITION IN G SYSTEM ................................................................................47 TABL E N O. 19 : SAVIN G BY IN STAL L IN G CEN TRAL AIR CON DITION IN G SYSTEM .........................................................................................................48 TABL E N O. 20 : SAVIN GS BY IN STAL L ATION OF TH ERM AL STORAGE SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................52 TABL E N O. 21 SAVIN GS BY AVOIDIN G L EAKAG E........................................53 TABL E N O.2 2 : SAVIN G BY IN STAL L IN G SOL AR PV SYSTEM .......................57 TABL E N O.2 3 : SAVIN G BY IN STAL L IN G SOL AR AN D WIN D EN ERGY H YBRID SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................59

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

List of Figures
FIGURE 1 : SEASON AL POWER CON SUM PTION PATTERN ..........................13 FIGURE 2 : DAIL Y POWER CON SUM PTION PATTERN ...................................14 FIGURE 3 : DATE- WISE POWER CON SUM PTION PATTERN ...........................15 FIGURE 4 : HISTORICAL DATA AN AL YSIS.....................................................21 FIGURE 6 : LOAD DISTRIBUTION BASED ON KWH.......................................22 FIGURE 7 LOAD PROFIL E POWER..............................................................23 FIGURE 8 : LOAD PROFIL E - VOL TAGE..........................................................24 FIGURE 9 LOAD PROFIL E POWER FACTOR................................................24 FIGURE 1 0 L OAD PROFIL E DEM AN D..........................................................25 FIGURE 1 1: L OAD PROFIL E VOL TAGE H ARM ON ICS...................................25 FIGURE 1 2: L OAD PROFIL E CURREN T H ARM ON ICS...................................26

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors


Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

1.Executive Summary
1.1 Prelude : M/s. ARS Energy Auditors, Virar, conducted an energy audit study at M/s. Custom Capsules Pvt. Ltd., Boisar. The company is in the field of manufacturing empty hard gelatin capsules. The CCPL, Boisar Plant was inaugurated in the year 1980. The unit is spread over an ~5 acre area and contains a manufacturing block and administrative unit connected together. The building is provided with utilities like air conditioning,

lighting, pumping etc. A DX type air conditioning system with package units is provided for the manufacturing block and the administrative block contains a mixture of Window and Split type Air conditioners. Approximately 150 persons are present at any given point of time. The building operates from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM and a night shift is instated when the production demands are higher. The focus of the study was on to identify and evaluate energy conservation opportunities in the facility. 1.2 Current Energy Scenario:

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

M/s Custom Capsules Pvt. Ltd. (CCPL) has an annual bill of Rs. 56.27 Lac for the electricity consumed. Total annual electricity usage a between the months April 2008 till March 2009 is shown as under: Annual Electricity usage: Electricity bill kWh/year Rs. /year Contract demand kVA Billing Demand kVA 576144 5627196 500 203

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Power Factor Energy Charges Rs. /kWh

0.99 (in past 5 months) 6.20

1.3 The Audit Activity: In order to conduct the comprehensive energy audit study, ARS Energy Auditor evaluated performance of individual equipments like Chillers, water etc. as pumping per systems, of lighting, motors, Air compressors guidelines. Bureau Energy Efficiency ( BEE)

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009


Energy Saving Measures:

Power Factor Improvement: Improve the power factor by installing capacitors at suitable load centers Lighting: Replace the conventional ballasts with electronic ballasts. After installing electronic lighting feeder. OR Replace the present 52 W and 48 W tube lights with energy efficient T-5 tube lights having electronic ballast Window Air Conditioners: Installing energy saving devices like timer based ON-OFF system for present window/split air-conditioners OR Replace present air conditioner system with central air conditioner system chokes, install voltage reducing device for

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

DX type Package Air Conditioners: Replace present air conditioner system with central air conditioner system OR Replace present air conditioner system with Thermal storage system Air Compressor: Avoid the leakage present at receiver.

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

1.5 Potential for Energy Savings: Power saving kWh/Annu m Electric Energy: Capacitor bank Improvement of power factor Unity Option I: Step I Replacement of Convention ballast with electronic ballast Option I: Step IIinstallation of reducing operating voltage from 235 V to 210 V Option II: By retrofitting present lighting fixtures with energy efficient lighting fixtures (T5) Option I: Installing Energy Saver Option II: Installing Central air conditioner Option I: Installing Central air conditioner Option II: Installing thermal storage system 1.01 1.13 13 Energy Investme Saving nt Lac Rs. / Lac Rs. Year Simple Pay Back, Month s

Sr. No







Interior Lighting









152064 177408 368640 2323 345013

14.84 17.32 32.72 0.22 34.65

15.20 13.50 230.40

12 9 85

Chillers 3

Air 4 Compresso By avoiding r leakage at receiver 5 Total :


Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors


Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Window / Split air Condition er




MSEB energy has initiated with the several objective valley demand of peak and filling side load management strategic in shifting programmes clipping,


accordance with directive issued by the MERC. The consumers included for such study have contract demand of 1000 KVA and above, both in commercial and industrial sectors. As a part of this initiative, ARS Energy Auditors, Virar carried out energy audit activity at M/s. Custom Capsules Pvt. Ltd. This report relates to the findings of the energy audit activities.

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Present Energy Scenario

Overview of the Building energy usage:
Custom Capsules Pvt Ltd, Boisar is a ground floor building and around 100 employees are working in the building. The overall load, based on units consumed, is 2160 kWh/day. The major contributors are: Plant Machinery (37%), Window Air Conditioners (24%), Chillers (20%), Lighting (9%), Computers (6%), and Air Compressor (4%)

Historical Data Analysis

Monthly Electricity Bills: Custom Capsules Pvt. Ltd., Boisar receives power from the

The annual electrical unit consumption between April, 2008 to March, 2009 was 576144 kWh. The maximum electrical unit consumption was in the month of February 2009 and minimum electrical unit consumption in the month of September 2008.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

MSEB; the type of supply is LT Com(c).

Seasonal Variations: Figure 1: Seasonal Power Consumption Pattern

Seasonal variation
52000 Unit Consumption 50000 48000 46000 44000 42000
pr -0 M 8 ay -0 8 Ju n08 Ju l-0 8 A ug -0 8 S ep -0 8 O ct -0 8 N ov -0 8 D ec -0 8 Ja n09 Fe b09 M ar -0 9

1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Power Factor 1

Months Unit consumption kwh P.F.



variation was in


that of


maximum and

electricity minimum





electricity consumption in the month of September due to less usage of machinery. The CCPL, Boisar operates between 10.00 hours to 18:00 hours. The laboratory equipments and lighting, computers contribute to regular loads; while space conditioning systems like air

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

conditioners, fans etc. contribute to time-bound / seasonal loads. To understand the power consumption pattern, the electrical

measurements for the period of 5 days at incoming LT meter were carried out to capture the loading pattern of the facility.

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Figure 2: Daily Power Consumption Pattern

Daily power consumption pattern from 16 t h April 2009 to 21 s t April 2009 is as shown above. Being weekly OFF, the power consumption was less on 18 t h and 19 t h April.

graph trend shows from








consumption of 130 kW at around 9:50 AM. It remains stable in the range of 120 kW to 140 kW between 9:50 AM to 5:50 PM and after that, it shows receding trend upto 11.00 PM (30 kW) and remains stable upto 6:00 AM. From 6:00 AM onwards the consumption starts increasing and reaches 48 kW and remains constant upto 8.50 AM. Night load is 30 kW, which is mainly due to plant machinery.

140.00 120.00

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009









Figure 3: Date-wise power Consumption Pattern

P we Co o r nsum io kW /da pt n, h y 2500.00 2000.00 kWh/day 1500.00 1000.00 500.00 0.00 16-Apr 17-Apr 18-Apr Da te 19-Apr 20-Apr

Powe Consum r ption, kWh/ day

The power consumption pattern for five days is represented above, it may be important to note that, 18th and 19th April being weekly OFF, the power consumption on Monday, 20 t h April is more than normal working day, due to high start- up load.

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Electrical Distribution System:
Scope of Work: Measure/Record the 24 hrs. Load distribution. To suggest various energy efficient measures with first order

cost benefit analysis Methodology: A. Census: Find out the electrical normal & emergency loading. Type of tariff Rating of installed transformer General hygiene as per standard maintenance practices Data on operating hours data was collected from the

operating staff B. Performance audit: Electric load recording with: Voltage, current, kW, kWh, P.F., Harmonic Voltage and Current

Indoor Lighting:
Scope of Work: To study existing lighting scenario of facility and verify the

building data To find out the performance of lighting fixtures To calculate the ILER (Lux/watt/m 2 ) and compare lux with

the bench mark/prevailing standard in the facility

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

To suggest various energy efficient measures with first order

cost benefit analysis Methodology: A. Census: Upto 80 % of the lighting fixtures were inspected for following: No. of lights installed and no. of lights working Type of lights General hygiene as per standard maintenance practices Data on operating hours data was collected from the

operating staff B. Performance audit: 10 % of the total connected lighting load from the Census was studied in detail as per following: Measurement of lux level Measurement of room dimensions Power drawn by the lighting system

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Window /Split Air Conditioners

Scope of Work: To study existing window air conditioners of facility and verify the building data To find out the performance of air conditioners To compare the specific energy consumption with the bench

mark/prevailing standard in the facility To identify the causes of deviation in the performance and

suggest recommendations for corrective actions

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

To suggest various energy efficient measures with first order

cost benefit analysis Methodology: A. Census: Upto 10 % of the window air conditioners were inspected for following: No. of window air conditioners installed and no. of air

conditioners working Type of window air conditioners General hygiene as per standard maintenance practices Data on operating hours data was collected from the

operating staff B. Performance audit: 10 % of the total connected window air conditioners from the Census was studied in detail as per following: Measurement of air flow quantity across evaporator

Power drawn by the air conditioner

Scope of Work: To study existing pumping system of facility and verify the building data To carry out analysis To find out the performance of pumping system To compare the operating efficiency with the bench

mark/prevailing standard in the facility

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Measurement of temperatures of the supply air and room

To identify the causes of deviation in the performance and suggest recommendations for corrective actions

To suggest various energy efficient measures with first order cost benefit analysis

Methodology: A. Census: All water pumps were audited for following: Total no. of pumps installed Total no. of pumps working Pressure gauge working Ammeter working General hygiene conditions Data on operating hours data was collected from the

operating staff B. Performance audit:

All working pumps from the Census were studied in detail as per following:

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Water flow rate Head generated Power drawn by the pump

m 3 /hr mWC kW


Input and output power consumption of UPS was carried out

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Compressed Air System :

Scope of Work: To study existing Compressed Air system of facility and verify the building data To carry out analysis To find out the performance of Compressed Air system To compare the operating efficiency with the bench

mark/prevailing standard in the facility To identify the causes of deviation in the performance and suggest recommendations for corrective actions Methodology: Following parameters would be measured for evaluating the performance of the air compressors: Load pressure Unload pressure Average load time Average unload time Suction filter area Temperature of inlet air Load power consumption Unload power consumption Energy consumption per hour Volume of the receiver and piping kg/cm 2 kg/cm 2 Sec

M2 C kW kW kWh/hr m3

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors


Energy Audit Report | April, 2009


3 Historical Data Analysis

Monthly Electricity Bills
MSEB is distributor of the electrical power for CCPL, Boisar. The monthly electrical bill analysis for CCPL Boisar is as per under. The annual 2009 electrical was unit consumption kWh. The during annual April, 2008 to March, 5627192 electrical unit

consumption with month wise break-up is as under. Figure 4: Historical Data Analysis
52000 51000 50000 49000 48000 47000 46000 45000 44000 43000 42000

Monthly Bill analysis

600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0

Unit Consumption kWh

Energy Audit Report | April 2009


pr -0 M 8 ay -0 8 Ju n08 Ju l-0 A 8 ug -0 8 Se p08 O ct -0 N 8 ov -0 D 8 ec -0 8 Ja n09 Fe b0 M 9 ar -0 9

Consum ption kwh


Bill am ount Rs.








Bill amount Rs.


consumption was in the month of February and minimum electrical unit consumption in the month of September.

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Load Distribution
Load Distribution based on kWh: Figure 6: Load Distribution based on kWh

P w r C n u p io , k h a o e o s m t n W /d y
Co p e r m r sso 4 % Lig tin h g 9 %

Eq ip e ts u mn 3% 7

W d w lit AC in o /Sp 2% 4

Ch r ille s 2% 0

Co p te s mu r 6 %

As the energy audit was conducted in the month of April, 2009, there was maximum requirement of air conditioning system, lighting. The rest of energy was consumed by Plant machinery,

The load distribution based on units is 2160 kWh/day. The major contributors are Plant Machinery (37%), window air conditioners (24%), Chillers (20%), lighting (9%),), Computer (6%), Compressor (4%). In order to calculate kWh/day it was assumed that the equipment load is 100 kW and working hours of all loads is 8 hour.

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors


Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

pumps, computers, printers etc.

Load Profile:
During study load profile recorded for five days, Load profile given below is dated 21 s t April 2009 Power: Figure 7 Load Profile Power

180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00


100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00

0 3 :2

AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM PM :00 0:00 0:0 0 0:0 0 0 :0 0 0: 00 0: 00 0:00 0:00 0:0 0 0:0 0 0:00 0:00 0: 00 0: 00 0:00 :5 :2 :5 :2 :0 :5 :2 :5 :2 :5 :5 :2 :5 9 :2 :2 7 9 2 4 6 1 3 4 6 7 10 10 12 12

T ime

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

The maximum power consumption during data logging was 152 kW and the minimum power consumption was 31 kW. The average power consumption was 82 kW.

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Voltage Variation Figure 8: Load Profile - Voltage

Volta eVa tion g ria

450.00 440.00


430.00 420.00 410.00 400.00 390.00

A M 0 A M 0 A M 0 A M 0 PM 0 PM 0 PM 0 PM 0 PM 0 A M 0 A M :0 :00 0:0 :20:0 :40:0 :00:0 :20:0 0 0:0 :00:0 :20:0 0:0 :40 3:0 5 7 3:2 5:4 8 3:0 10 12 10 12

Tim e

The average Voltage recorded during data logging was 430V. Power factor: Figure 9 Load Profile Power Factor
1 0 .2 1 0 .0


0 0 .8 0 0 .6 0 0 .4 0 0 .2 0 0 .0

AM AM A M A M 0 A M 0 P M 0 P M 0 P M 0 PM 0 PM 0 P M 0 A M :00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:0 0:0 :20:0 :20:0 :20:0 :20:0 :20:0 30:0 0 1:2 3 5 7 9 5:2 7:2 9:2 11:2 3:2 1: 11

Tim e

The average power factor recorded during data logging was 0.93.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

P w rF c o o e at r

Demand: Figure 10 Load Profile Demand

180.0E+3 180.0E+3 160.0E+3 160.0E+3 140.0E+3 140.0E+3 120.0E+3 120.0E+3 100.0E+3 100.0E+3 VA 80.00E+3 80.00E+3 60.00E+3 60.00E+3 40.00E+3 40.00E+3 20.00E+3 20.00E+3 4/20/2009 4/20/2009 1:25:00.000 PM 1:25:00.000 PM 1:01:55:00 (D:H:M:S) 1:01:55:00 (D:H:M:S) 5 Hours/Div 5 Hours/Div 4/21/2009 3:20:00.000 PM

The maximum demand recorded during data logging was 164 kVA. Voltage and Current Harmonics: Figure 11: Load Profile Voltage Harmonics

1.600 1.600

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

1.400 1.400 1.200 1.200 % 1.000 1.000 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.60 4/20/2009 4/20/2009 1:25:00.000 PM 1:25:00.000 PM 1:01:55:00 (D:H:M:S) 1:01:55:00 (D:H:M:S) 5 Hours/Div 5 Hours/Div 4/21/2009 3:20:00.000 PM

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Figure 12: Load Profile Current Harmonics

30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 %20.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 5.000 5.000 4/20/2009 4/20/2009 1:25:00.000 PM 1:25:00.000 PM

1:01:55:00 (D:H:M:S) 1:01:55:00 (D:H:M:S) 5 Hours/Div 5 Hours/Div

4/21/2009 3:20:00.000 PM

Table No.1: Harmonics: Maximu Maximum Area m ITHD % VTHD % R Phase Y Phase B Phase 1.5 1.4 1.6 26 29 31

IEEE standard 519-1992 defines the limits of various parameters are shown as under: PARAMETER %Voltage variation % VTHD % ITHD % Frequency variation % Unbalanced V LIMIT Upto 5% 1.5 5% Upto 10% Upto 3% Upto 2%

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Presence of harmonics is generally not desirable. Harmonics also result in higher wattages being recorded in electronic meters resulting in higher electricity bills. The current harmonics are more than the limit specified by IEEE. Incoming voltage also was found to be varying between a minimum of 430 447 V (as compared to the standard of 415 V). The variation here is therefore 4.53% which is within acceptable limits. Voltage unbalance in individual phases is not very prominent and also variation in supply frequency is 1.4% which is within permissible limits.

Tariff Analysis:
LT2 Com(c) tariff is applicable to CCPL,Boisar office. Tariff structure is as follows: Demand charges Rs. 150 kVA/month Base energy charges Rs. 4.00 per kWh TOD tariff (in addition to base tariff) Hours Paise / kW -75 0 50 0 100

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

2200 hrs - 0600 hrs 0600 hrs - 0900hrs 0900 hrs 1200 hrs 1200 hrs 1800 hrs 1800 hrs 2200 hrs

For average power factor (PF) more than 0.95, an incentive is given at the rate of 1% of the amount of the monthly bill including energy charges, ASC, FAC, and fixed/demand charges, but excluding taxes and duties for every 1 % improvement in power factor above 0.95. For PF of 0.99 the incentive will amount to 5 % reduction in monthly bill and for unity PF, the effective incentive will amount to 7 % reduction in monthly bill.

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Measurements, Observations, and Data Analysis

Billing Analysis, Electrical Demand and Power Factor:
Billing Analysis: The 12 months electricity bill data is tabulated and analyzed from which average electrical unit cost is calculated. Table No. 2: Monthly Energy Bills Bill analysis December 2007 to November 2008 Unit consumpti on kWH 47366 48337 50377 47110 47298 45192 46158 45355 50087 48806 51421 48637 576144 From the Bill amou nt Rs. 45778 7 49361 8 52520 8 47951 1 50557 4 43853 8 42849 5 41346 4 47750 3 45756 1 48519 5 46474 2 56271 96 above Deman d Charg es 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 Billed P.F.Incent maximu ive m /Penalty demand Rs. KVA 22805 46412 49307 48355 51040 0 -19346 -26615 -21573 -29474 -22110 -20998 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Recorde d maximu m demand KVA 209 233 220 210 226 226 188 167 168 183 193 208 202.58 is observed that maximum unit

Mont h Apr08 May08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug08 Sep08 Oct08 Nov08 Dec08 Jan-09 Feb09 Mar09 Total

Rs./kW H

P. F. 0.8 5 0.7 9 0.7 9 0.7 8 0.7 8 0.9 0.9 9 1 0.9 9 1 0.9 9 0.9 9 0. 90 it

9.66 10.21 10.43 10.18 10.69 9.70 9.28 9.12 9.53 9.38 9.44 9.56 9.76 table

consumption was in the month of Feb 2009. From April 2008 to

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

August 2008 power factor penalty was added in the bill and after Sept. 2009 power factor was maintain near to unity. For maintaining power factor above 0.95 during this period, Recorded demand was never exceeding sanctioned demand of 500 kVA and the facility received incentive of total Rs. 1.4 Lac.

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Capacitor Banks : Observation: It was observed that 2 nos. of 50 kVAR and 1 no. of 25 kVAR capacitors were provided for power factor correction which was operated manually by operator. Analysis: Following data were measured for evaluating performance of capacitors: Capacit or Rating (kVAR) 50 50 25 Actual Current (A) R 63.9 46.9 32.5 Y 63.4 45.4 32.2 B 64.1 46.1 32.4 Requir ed Curren t (A) 65 65 32.5

Sr. No. 1 2 3



Capacitor C1 Capacitor C2 Capacitor C3

Ok De-rated Ok

It was found that actual current of capacitor 2 was low as compared to the rated current, which indicated that the capacitor was derated.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Lighting: Observations: The facility is having 172 nos. of 52 watts tube lights, 113 nos. of 48 tube lights, 81 nos. of 36 watts PLC. The office lighting remains ON during 10 AM to 6.00 PM Following is the measured data of lighting system of CCPL, Boisar at various floors: Table No.3: Lighting Name of Department Ground floor Conference Room Manager's Room IGR-16 De-dusting IGR-10 Stores IGR-18 AC Storage Documentation & Executive Area IGR-17 Library IGR-14 Product Development IGR15 Product Development IGR15 Lounge Pantry IGR-12 Electrical Panel Room Entry Lobby Female Change Male Change Air Lock IGR-26 Over gowning Dispensing Area IGR-41 Air Lock 38.44 7.68 6.96 33.64 5.22 22.94 18.6 4.21 24.79 57.66 31.19 8.19 7.69 10.25 10.53 4.3 8.19 10 5.76 230 94 226 125 123 143 177 152 397 103 56 123 296 248 229 227 189 296 307 153 5 340 104 416 104 736 628 96 624 106 1 192 52 208 208 208 104 104 416 104 40 44.3 15 12 20 32 34 23 25 18 6 6 27 20 20 24 13 42 18 6 2 15 10 6 4 5 7 16 6 9 19 11 12 12 9 15 7 17 5.97 12.24 32.40 3.72 23.47 6.24 9.53 35.95 15.99 1.78 1.78 15.06 38.47 24.16 21.75 52.67 23.04 29.63 53.21 0.15 0.28 2.17 0.30 1.18 0.19 0.28 1.58 0.64 0.10 0.29 2.37 1.42 1.19 1.10 2.18 1.81 0.71 2.95 Area, m2 Lux level Tot al wat ts W/m

Lux/W/ m2

Lux/ m2

Lux/ W

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Name of Department Ground floor Aerosol Air Lock-1 Granulation IGR-30 Blending igr-31 Capsulation IGR-39 Washing IGR-32 Clean Hold Compression - II IGR33 Compression - I IGR-34 IPQC IGR-35 Coating IGR-36 Blister Packing IGR-37 Quarantine IGR-38 Corridor 1 Corridor 2 Staircase First Floor Manager Cabin-1 IFR-5 Manager Cabin-3 IFR-7 Passage-1 Cabin-1 IFR-10 Director's Cabin IFR-9 Changing Room IFR-14 Instrument Room IFR17 Passage Instrument roomUPS Room IFR-25 Documentation Room IFR-20 Wet Chemistry IFR-29 Wet Chemistry IFR-32

Area, m2

lux level

Tot al wat ts 80 104 160 208 208 208 104 208 208 208 80 624 624 416 416 416 288 375 123 6 314 192 528 302 8 984 139 2 144 192 471 252 2


Lux/W/ m2


Lux/ W

10.92 3.64 24.07 11.27 10.56 3.00 3.44 11.4 10.26 7.6 12.36 23.28 6.66 21.83 28.35 8.75 8.75 21 12.25 19.25 12 81 45 27 6 18 36 36

59 486 102 259 335 218 195 154 97 362 102 418 404 347 123 75 174 143 172 173 91 191 198 164 295 59 170 229 211

7 29 7 18 20 69 30 18 20 27 6 27 94 19 15 33 43 59 26 10 44 37 22 52 24 11 13 70

8 17 15 14 17 3 6 8 5 13 16 16 4 18 8 5 3 3 7 9 4 5 8 6 2 16 18 3

5.37 133.52 4.25 22.94 31.74 72.59 56.69 13.49 9.41 47.66 8.21 17.97 60.62 15.87 4.32 19.83 16.31 8.18 14.12 4.71 15.92 2.45 3.64 10.93 9.79 9.44 6.37 5.87

0.73 4.67 0.64 1.24 1.61 1.05 1.88 0.74 0.46 1.74 1.27 0.67 0.65 0.83 0.29 0.18 0.60 0.38 0.14 0.55 0.47 0.36 0.07 0.17 0.21 0.41 0.89 0.49 0.08

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Instrument room-3







Following table indicates norm of ECBC Norm (w/m 2 ) for LPD: Table No.4: Comparison of LPD value with ECBC Norms ECBC LPD Values W/m2 11.84 13.99 9.69 6.46 12.92 16.15 Present LPD Values W/m2 26 40 20 7 33 20 % Increa se 119 185 106 8 155 23

Typical Rooms

Office Enclosed Conference rooms Toilet and Restrooms Staircase Equipment room Electrical/ Mechanical Room

Following table indicates Lux level required as per National Building Code: Table No.5: Comparison of present lux level with NBC % Increase Illuminati Present Typical Rooms / on Lux Lux Level Decreas e Entrance and Reception Area 150 155 +3 Conference rooms and Executive 300 230 - 24 Offices General Office 300 122 - 59 Staircase 100 75 - 25 Corridors and Lift Cars 70 181 + 159

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

It was observed that the present LPD (w/m 2 ) is higher than ECBC norm by 99 % but average illumination (Lux) level is greater by 10 % as compare with National Building Code. The main reasons of this lower lux levels and higher power

consumption are: Poor house-keeping, and

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Improper layout and selection of improper luminaries

Window Air Conditioners:

Observations: At CCPL,Boisar, the installed air-conditioners (total 40

nos.) of 1 ton, 1.5 ton and 2 ton configuration. At the time of audit, most of the air conditioning machines

were in operation, being Summer season Maximum nos. of the air conditioners is installed on First

Floor. For evaluating window air conditioner performance, following air conditioners were selected on sample basis. The following parameters were measured for evaluating

performance of window air conditioners: Table No.6: Measurements at Window Air-Conditioners Supply Room Power Duct Air Temperature Temperature consumptio Location Area Velocit (C) (C) n (m2) y (m/s) (kW) DBT WBT DBT WBT UPS Room Control sample room Change room 1st floor passage Manager cabin Server room 0.04 0.40 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 3.78 3.36 3.45 0.93 3.03 3.38 10.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 14.00 9.00 9.00 14.50 17.00 15.00 12.00 8.00 19.00 21.00 24.00 28.00 21.00 15.00 18.00 15.50 23.00 22.00 19.00 13.00 2.01 1.91 Measureme nt of power was not possible 1.8

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Following is the analysis of window air conditioners: Table No.7: Data analysis Window air conditioner Location UPS Room Control sample room Change room 1st floor passage Manager cabin Server room Rated TR 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 2 TR 1.40 1.26 0.99 0.37 0.67 0.95 KW/T R 1.44 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.86

Air conditioners for UPS room, Control sample Room and Change room are delivering acceptable cooling (TR), however, the air conditioner installed at the first floor passage, and at server Room are not performing as desired and need critical overhauling or Refrigerant re-charging.

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

DX Chillers
Observations: Apart from Window Air-conditioners, 9 nos. DX type Chiller of different capacities have been installed At the time of audit Chiller no. 5 and 8 were not working All chillers are installed on Ground Floor Table No.8: DX Chiller input data Identificati on Duct Area (m2) 0.38 0.43 0.44 0.38 0.41 0.49 0.43 Air Velocit y m/s 1.91 1.15 2.83 1.42 1.05 2.05 0.86 Supply Temperature (C) DBT 14.0 0 18.0 0 25.0 0 19.0 0 19.0 0 19.0 0 19.0 0 WBT 10.00 16.50 20.50 15.00 16.50 16.00 16.00 Room Temperatu Power re (C) consumpti on(kW) WB DBT T 21.0 25.50 17.70 0 21.0 23.50 4.68 0 24.0 29.50 9.98 0 20.0 23.00 5.03 0 20.5 23.00 4.54 0 20.5 24.00 9.70 0 21.0 23.00 4.82 0


Table No.9: DX Chiller performance Analysis Location AHU AHU AHU AHU AHU AHU AHU 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 Rated TR 12 3 7 3 5 7 5 Measured , TR 7.80 2.44 5.41 2.82 1.93 4.80 2.00 kW/TR 2.27 1.92 1.84 1.79 2.35 2.02 2.40

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

The SEC of chillers is high as compared to the norm of 1.2 kW/TR .

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Compressed Air System:

Observations: Compressed air is required for various machines like for packing, for operating pneumatic tools, etc. Compressed air is supplied by Compressor #1. Compressor #1 operates between pressures of 6.4 bar to 6.0 bar. Compressed air from receiver is supplied to plant via air cooler. During the field study, Pump-up test was carried out to determine compressor leakage actual to free air delivery total and compressed of air air line in test determine quantity leakage

compressed air line. It was observed that Leakage was observed at the Receiver and the same was notified to the coordinator. Analysis: Pump Up test: Pump up test on the compressor shows that compressor is not (28.14 kW/100 cfm) high compare to the standard value of 16 kW/100 cfm. The specific power consumption of compressor and its actual free air delivery (cfm) is shown in the following table:

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009








Table No.10: Air Compressor Pump Up test results Air Parameters UoM Compresso r Reciprocati Compressor type ng Capacity CFM Capacity Measurement By Pump Up Test Air generation rate Power consumption during generation Specific Energy Consumption, SEC % leakage Leakage quantity The compressed reduced air leakage Cfm kWh kW/100 scfm % m3/hr rate is 41 11.7 28.14 29.82 18.74 30% which can be







Observations: 2 nos. x 3 HP monobloc pumps have been installed and only one pump is operated for transferring water to overhead tank, while other pump is stand-by. The rated Head of the installed pump is very high, while the operating Head is very low; still pump does not offer excessive flow and at the same time consumes full power. Table No.11: Pump performance Pump Identification Water pump no. 2 for overhead tank Flow, m3/hr Actua Rated l 14.00 12.00 Head, m Rate Actua d l 25 20 15 Power, kW Rate Actual d 2.20 2.10 Efficiency, % Rate Actual d 40% 23%

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Water pump no. 1 for overhead tank



25 20






The pump efficiency is poor but as these pumps are operated for only 20 minutes in a day, it is not feasible to replace these pumps with energy efficient pumps.

Observations: 2 nos. x 10 kVA and 1 no. x 40kAV UPS have been installed UPS no 3 (40 kVA rating) was observed to be overloaded While mapping the load-profile, it was observed that, the

current Harmonics were predominant during the night hours, when other motive loads were at minimum. There is a possibility of UPS might be generating Harmonics and there is a need for separate study to assess the Harmonics issue. Table No.12: UPS Identificatio n UPS Main Pha se R Y B R Y B R Y B R Volta ge 432 433 433 433 433 Current 26.3 21.9 22.3 Pow er 18.3 14.5 14.9 Power Factor 0.91 0.88 0.89 1 0.95 % Loading

UPS 1 (10kVA)

7.29 5.45 2.05 1.45 No Current 3.31 3.61 4.07 21.4 2.25 2.46 2.83 14.3


UPS 2 (10 kVA)

434 432 432 433

0.9 0.9 0.93 0.89




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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

UPS Input

(40 kVA) Identificatio n UPS 1 (10 kVA) UPS 2 (10 kVA) UPS 3 (40 kVA)

Y B Pha se R

433 431 Volta ge 405

20.3 13.6 22.3 14.5 UPS Output Current 8.59 No Current 5.17

0.89 0.87 Power 5.81 Power Factor 0.96





232 232 231

11.4 10.2 9.63

2.11 1.91 1.98

0.8 0.81 0.89

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

7 Energy Conservation Opportunities

Capacitor Banks:
It is recommended to replace the faulty capacitor with new capacitor. Also, as present capacitors are operated manually, it is recommended to install automatic power factor sensing device. Table No.13: By maintaining power factor unity Improving Power Factor to unity: Particulars Present power factor Propose power factor Present Demand Propose Demand Demand charges Saving in demand charges Annual saving in demand charges Present average bill charges (of past 12 months) Propose P.F. incentive due to improve in power factor to unity Cost of 50 kVAR and real time power factor improvement panel Payback Period UoM Value 0.99 1 200 198 150 300 3600 50268 26 10053 7 11250 0 13.0

kVA kVA Rs./kVA Rs./mont h Rs./annu m Rs./annu m Rs./annu m Rs. Months

7.2.11 For interior lighting: I. Option I: Step I: By replacing conventional ballasts with electronic ballasts: At present 285 nos. lighting fixtures are fitted with magnetic ballasts and consume 12 W of power per ballast. Also, lighting fixtures consume 40 Watts power per fitting. Thus, power

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009








ballasts is 52 W per fitting. It is proposed to replace these lighting fixtures with electronic ballasts which consume 2 W per ballast. The expected savings shall be as under: Table No. 14: Saving by replacement of conventional ballasts with electronic ballasts Parameters Present Status No. of magnetic ballast installed Power consumption of magnetic ballast Operating duration Electrical unit cost Present electrical energy consumption Status after replacement with ballast No. of electronic ballast required Power consumption of electronic ballast Propose electrical energy consumption Savings Implementation cost UoM no. W hr/day days/month Rs./kWh kWh/year Electronic no. W kWh/year kWh/year Rs/year Rs./unit Rs. Months Value 285 12 9 20 9.76 7387

143 2 616 6772 66091 400 57000 10

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Simple payback period

Step II: After replacing with electronic ballasts, install voltage reducing device that shall reduce operating voltage from 235 V to 210 V. The savings shall be as under:

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Table No. 15: Saving by installation of voltage reduction device Present Status No. of 52 W Tube fittings Power consumption No. of 48 W Tube fittings Power consumption No. of 36 W Tube fittings Power consumption Operating duration UoM No. W No. W No. W hr./day days/month Electrical unit cost Rs./kWh Electrical unit consumption kWh/year Status after installation of lighting transformer Electrical unit consumption kWh/year Savings kWh/year Rs./year Size of lighting transformer kVA Investment Rs. Simple Payback period Month Step III: By installing motion / occupancy sensors Feature of motion sensors: Motion sensor is a fully automatic indoor and out door lighting controller. Capable of controlling up to 1000 W incandescent or 30x 10 fluorescent of lighting. At night, built in passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor turns on connection lighting system, when it detects motion in its cover area. During the day in built in photocell sensor saves electricity by deactivating the light. The adjustable timer lets you select how long the lights stay on activation the lights. Value 172 42 113 38 81 36 9 20 9.76 31177

24942 6235 60858 21 110000 22

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Lux adjustment determine at what level lighting system will start operating when you set motion sensor to automatic mode.

It is not possible to quantify saving achieve by installing motion sensor.

II. Option II: By retrofitting 172 nos. lighting fixtures with 52 watts T-5 and 113 nos. lighting fixtures of 48 watts with energy efficient lighting fixtures T-5: The present 285 nos. lighting fixtures consume 52W power per fitting. It is proposed to retrofit these lighting fixtures with T-5 tube lights which consume 30 W power per fitting. The savings shall be as under: Table No. 16: Saving By retrofitting present Lighting fixtures with energy efficient lighting fixtures T5: Parameters Present status: No. of 52 W Tube fittings Power consumption No. of 48 W Tube fittings Power consumption Operating duration UoM Value 172 52 113 48 9.76 20 33655 30 20027 13628 9.76 13628 133010 199500 18

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

No. W No. W hr./day days/month Electrical unit consumption kWh/year Status after replacement with T5 Power consumption W Electrical unit consumption kWh/year Savings kWh/year Electrical unit cost Rs./kWh Total savings kWh/year Rs./year Investment Rs. Simple payback period Months

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Window/ Split Air Conditioners:

Option I: By installing Energy Saver device: The power consumption of present compressor is about 1.7 kW per TR. The power consumption after installing the energy saver will reduce upto 15%. The savings shall be as under: Table No. 17: Savings by installing energy server Installing Energy Saver: Parameters Quantity of Window Air Conditioner Present power consumption per unit Proposed Power consumption after installing Energy Saver device @ 15% Saving Saving by Installing Energy Saver Operating hours per annum Total Units Saved by Energy Saver Cost of Energy Saver Device Total Cost of Energy Saver devices Cost Per unit Total Saving per annum Simple Payback Period Option II: Replace present Split Air conditioners at first floor with central air conditioning system Specific power consumption of present spilt AC is 1.7 kW/TR which is very high when compared with the central air conditioning system, (Water cooled Screw Chiller). The Specific energy Consumption (SEC) of the proposed system shall be 0.80 kW/TR ; resulting in saving of 0.9 kW/TR. UOM Nos. kW kW kW Hour kWh/annu m Rs./Unit Rs. Rs./kWh Rs./annu m Months Value 40 1.70 1.45 0.26 2112 21542 3000 120000 9.76 210254 7

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Table No. 18: Savings due to installation of central air conditioning system Installing Central Air Conditioning Plant: Parameters UoM Requirement of TR TR Present specific energy consumption per unit kW/TR Proposed specific energy consumption after installing Central Air Conditioning Plant Saving by Installing Central Air Conditioning Plant Operating hours per annum Total Units Saved by Central Air Conditioning Plant Cost Per unit Total Saving per annum Cost of Central Air Conditioning Plant Simple Payback Period kW/TR kW/TR Hour kWh/annu m Rs./kWh Rs./annu m Rs. Months Value 80 1.70 0.80 0.90 2112 15206 4 9.76 14841 45 15200 00 12

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Option I: The power consumption of present DX type chiller installed at ground floor is about 1.85 kW /TR. The power consumption after installing the Central air conditioning system shall be 0.80 kW /TR. The savings shall be as under: Table No. 19: Saving by installing central air conditioning system Installing Central Air Conditioning Plant: Parameters Requirement of TR Present specific energy consumption per unit Proposed specific energy consumption after installing Central Air Conditioning Plant Present power Consumption Saving by Installing Central Air Conditioning Plant Operating hours per annum Propose power Consumption Total Units Saved by Central Air Conditioning Plant Cost Per unit Total Saving per annum Cost of Central Air Conditioning Plant Simple Payback Period kW/TR Hour kWh/annu m kWh/annu m Rs./kWh Rs./annu m Rs. Months UoM TR kW/TR kW/TR Value 80 1.85 0.80 31257 6 1.05 2112 13516 8 17740 8 9.76 17315 02 13500 00 9

Option II: In order to optimize the performance of air-conditioning system and to avail benefits of Time of the day ( TOD) tariff, it is recommended to install Thermal Storage System, which would operate (charge) during lean tariff time at full load and would discharge during the peak tariff hours.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Demand Management through Thermal Storage System: In most of the states in India, industrial consumers pay separate charges for electricity consumed and maximum kVA or kW demand. At Boisar, MSEB also has an attractive low night-time tariff between 24.00 hrs. to 8.00 hrs. Following is the TOD tariff details schedule at CCPL,Boisar: Hours 2200 hrs - 0600 hrs 0600 hrs - 0900hrs 0900 hrs 1200 hrs 1200 hrs 1800 hrs 1800 hrs 2200 hrs Paise / kW - 75 0 50 0 100

Consumers with large refrigeration and air-conditioning load can use the concept of thermal storage to reduce their maximum demand, reduce peak time energy consumption and avail tariff rebates. Thermal Storage implies storing the cooling effect in the latent heat of ice banks (refer to the figure below) or eutectic salts (which undergo a phase change) and using it when required. Ice banks are being used in dairies for the past many years to overcome their peak cooling loads. The same concept can be used to reduce energy cost by operating the chillers during off-peak hours and storing chilled for use during peak hours. This reduces the number of chillers that may have to run to satisfy the peakcooling load. One thing worth mentioning here is that Thermal Storage system is not an energy conservation system. It is energy cost reduction technique by way of Demand Management. The energy cost savings accrue due to reduction in the registered Maximum KVA and Peak-time energy charges and rebates (if applicable); the quantum of savings would depend on the load profile of the plant.

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Ice banks are a proven technology. available which can change

A variety of eutectic salts are solid to liquid phase at The salt hydrates are


temperatures ranging from 33 to +27C.

enclosed in HDPE (High Density Poly-ethylene) nodules; a number of such nodules are enclosed in a tank through which chilled water or brine can be allowed to flow. Schematic of a typical thermal storage tank is shown below: During charging cycle, liquid refrigerant is passed through the coil, absorbs heat from water or eutectic salt and evaporates. water undergoes a phase change. Salt or During the Discharge Cycle,

brine or water to be cooled is passed through the system. Ice or salt nodules absorb latent heat of fusion from the cooling medium. Charging is done during OFF PEAK periods and Discharging is done during PEAK period thus lowering the maximum demand registered.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Return Water Refrig erant Vapou r


I c e Wa e Water ter Ice e ter e Chilled Water to e Load e e technology can be used very effectively

Liquid Refrigera nt




conditioning costs by way of demand management. Option I: It is proposed to operate both chillers at -5 deg. C. The chillers would be operated during off-peak hours i.e. between 24.00 hrs. to

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

8.00 hrs. to feed the Thermal storage system. This would generate about 640 TRH of Thermal storage system during the off-peak period of 8 hours. Therefore, with the help of the Thermal storage, it would be possible to meet the air-conditioning needs of CCPL,Boisar without the need to operate the chillers during

daytime since the entire requirement would be met by the Thermal storage system. At the same time, additional pumps would be required to circulate chilled water from the Thermal storage system to the AHUs. At the same time, savings due to non-working of chillers during peak and normal tariff hours shall also be substantial.

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

The savings shall be as under: Table No. 20: Savings by installation of Thermal storage system Thermal Storage System Thermal Storage System UoM Present specific energy consumption kW/TR Present TR generation TR Present power consumption kW Present operating hours Hours/day kWh/annu Present energy consumption m Proposed specific energy consumption kW/TR Proposed TR generation TR Proposed power consumption kW Proposed operating hours Hours/day kWh/annu Proposed energy consumption m kWh/annu Saving in energy consumption m Cost of power from 9.00 hours to 18.00 Rs./kWh hours Cost of power from 24.00 hours to 8.00 Rs./kWh hours Rs./annu Energy savings m Present demand charges Rs./annum Rs./annu Savings in Demand Charges m Rs./annu Total Savings m Cost of TSS Payback Period Rs. Months

1.85 160.00 296.00 8.00 852480 1.05 160 168 8 483840 36864 0 6.30 5.45 27336 96 538182 53818 2 32718 78 23040 000 85

Thus, by implementing Thermal storage scheme as above, it would be possible to meet the air-conditioning requirements of any normal day without running the chillers during normal working hours.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Compressed Air System:

It was observed that compressor shifts on loading without using compressed air because of 29 % leakage is present at receiver. This has been brought in the notice of co- ordinator and CCPL, Boisar has if promised this to take is immediate arrested, action then against this. in However, leakage the saving

compressor power consumption shall be as under: Table No. 21 Savings by avoiding leakage Parameters Compressor loading one hour Compressor loading One hour Power Consumption during loading Power Consumption during loading Unit rate Operating hours UoM Min Hours kW kWh/day Rs/Unit hr/day day/month month/year Total savings Total savings Investment kWh/year Rs./year Rs Months Air Compressor can Value 12 0.2 11 2.2 9.4 4 22 12 2323.2 21838 Nil Immedia te be improved by

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Pay Back Period Performance overhauling. of

Even the efficiency of pump is poor its operating hour is less then one hour. Hence, it not advisable to replace present pumps with energy efficient pumps.

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Renewable Energy
Solar PV system:
Solar PV power generation systems consists of interconnected components, each having specific function. One of the major features individual of PV systems is modularity. be replaced As or your needs to grow, components can added provide

increased power demand. Following are the main components of a typical PV system. Schematic of Solar PV System:

Solar Array The solar array comprises of one or more PV modules which convert sunlight into electric energy. The modules are connected in series and/or parallel to provide the voltage and current levels to meet your power needs. The array is normally mounted on a metal structure and inclined to face the sun.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Charge Controller Charge controllers their main function is to maintain the batteries at the proper charge level, and to protect them from overcharging. Battery Bank The battery bank contains one or more set of batteries, connected in series and/or parallel depending on the voltage and current capacity required. The batteries store the power produced by the solar array and discharge it whenever required. Inverter The inverter converts the DC power from the solar array/batteries into AC power. AC and DC Loads These are the appliances (such as lights or radios), and the components (such as water pumps and microwave repeaters), which consume the power generated by your PV array. Balance of System These components provide the interconnections and standard

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

safety features required for any electrical power system. These include: array combiner box, properly sized cabling, fuses, switches, circuit breakers and meters. Five Steps to Sizing a Solar PV System Determination of Power Consumption Demands Make a list of the appliances and/or loads you are going to run from your PV system. Find out how much power each item consumes while operating. Most appliances have a label on the back which lists the wattage

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

Optimization of Power System Demands Examine your power consumption and reduce your power

needs as much as possible. Identify large and/or variable loads (such as water pumps, outdoor lights, electric ranges, AC refrigerators, alternatives fluorescent etc.) lights and try to eliminate possible. them or examine with lamps available. Replace incandescent fixtures



provide the same level of illumination at lower wattage levels. If there is a large load that you cannot eliminate, consider using it only during peak sun hours or only during the summer. Revise your Load Sizing. Sizing of Battery Bank Understand characteristics of Batteries and then choose the appropriate battery for your needs. Determine the Sun Hours Available Per Day Following factors influence how much sun power your modules will be exposed to be:

year-round. Typical local weather conditions. Fixed mountings vs. trackers. Location and angle of PV array.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

When you will be using your system summer, winter, or

Sizing of PV Array Detailed study of above four factors will decide size of PV system. Typical costing of 50 kW Solar PV system: Table No.22: Saving by installing solar PV system Installing Solar PV System: Solar PV System Present power consumption Average sunshine hours per day Total no. of days per annum Operating hours per annum Total power consumption Cost of power Present Cost of power consumption Total sunshine hours per annum Propose Solar PV System Power generation by Solar PV System Cost of Solar PV System Total Saving per annum Simple Payback Period UoM kWh/hr Hours Days/annum Hour kWh/annum Rs./kWh Rs./annum Hours/annum kWh/hr kWh/annum Rs. Rs./annum Months Value 25 6 270 1620 40500 10 405000 1620 25 40500 750000 0 405000 222

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Solar and Wind energy Hybrid system:

The hybrid system makes the use of wind and solar energy to produce electricity. Hybrid system uses a combination of energy producing components that provide a constant flow of uninterrupted power. Hybridization ensures that if any part of the system is not be performing (solar -cloudy days, wind- no wind) for any reason, you will have a back up means of producing electricity. The most popular hybrid choice is that of solar and wind. It's generally windy to some degree during overcast days, which

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.

makes wind towers and turbines effective when the sun isn't shining. The wind collectors will also work at night, providing there's wind. Alone, the solar and wind systems both have flaws; solar can't work without sun, and wind can't work without wind. When the two systems are combined, they fairly well cover each others' weaknesses. Hybrid systems work for both off-grid solutions (such as using propane generators to charge batteries when the sky is overcast) and for grid-tie systems (using wind turbines to supplement the electricity you produce during in climate weather). Schematic of Hybrid system:

Examples of Hybrid systems are: Solar Electric and Wind: Using wind turbines to supplement the electricity you produce during in climate weather Solar Electric and Generator: Using a propane generator to charge batteries, when the sky is overcast.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Solar Electric and Hydro: Water from a running stream generates electricity on cloudy days Wind and Diesel: A wind generator can supplement a diesel generator Table No.23: Saving by installing solar and wind energy hybrid system Installing Solar Wind+ PV Hybrid System: Solar Wind + PV System Present power consumption Average sunshine hours per day Total no. of days per annum Operating hours per annum Total power consumption Cost of power Present Cost of power consumption Total sunshine hours per annum Power Generation by Solar PV + Wind System Power generation per annum Cost of Solar PV + Wind Mill Total Saving per annum Simple Payback Period UoM kW Hours Days/annum Hour kWh/annum Rs./kWh Rs./annum Hours/annum kWh/day kWh/annum Rs. Rs./annum Months Value 25 6 270 1620 40500 9.76 395280 1620 150 40500 112500 00 395280 341

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Passive Design Techniques

Day lighting: Mumbais climate being humid, the need is to create pleasant day lighting levels in the interiors for visual comfort while avoiding the harsh direct solar gains by the use of the shading devices. Day lighting is a controlled admission to reduce or eliminate electric lighting.

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Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors


Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Other Techniques to be used to make the structure a green building:

Rainwater Harvesting: With the rising demand, the rising pressure on the existing water resources has grown high. Rain water harvesting is the age old concept in reducing the run-off and reducing the portable water demand.

In areas having rainfall of considerable intensity, spread over a

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

large period in a year with short dry spells rainwater harvesting from roof top is an ideal option for augmenting water supply. Rainwater is essentially bacteriological pure, free from organic matter and soft in nature. Recharge pits can be provided for the surface water of the open grounds which would help to reduce the run-off and help increase the ground water table. Solar Lighting for the common areas: With the high demand of power and shortage of electricity, certain areas of the structure can be converted to solar energy. Places like common corridors, passages, toilets, garden lights can be powered by solar energy. As CCPL, Boisar had a large amount of terrace on top which is unutilized can take solar panels.

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Application of Reflective coating: Sun Exposed part of the building like roof and walls can be painted with High albedo means reflective paints to reflect the maximum incident solar radiations. It will reflect the solar radiations up 70-80% which helps to maintain the roof or wall surface much cooler than unpainted or coated surface. Finally it implies in reduction in cooling load on HVAC system.

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Vendor List
Elmech Electronics Lake Palace Building, Marol Village Road, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai

West Coast Instruments & Devices 1/1, Sahar Tower Parsiwad a Andheri Sahar Road, Mumbai

Philips India Ltd. Business Group Lamps P-65 Tarotalla Road Calcutta 700 088

Euro-light Electricals Ltd.

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

20 Rahi Chambers, Sadashiv Peth, L. B. S. Marg, Pune - 411 030

Crompton Greaves Ltd. Lighting Business Group, 405, Concorde R.C. Dutt Road, Barod a 390 007

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Prithvi Technologies PVT. LTD. 104 Devendra Industrial Estate, Lokmanya Nagar, Pada No.2, Yashodhan Nagar, Thane 400606 Contact no-9869059501 E-mail

Anupushp Energy & Environmental Services Pvt Ltd. 917/ 19-A shivaji Nagar Fergusson College Road Pune - 411 004

Energy Systems No. 3660, 5th Cross, B- Block Gayatri Nagar,

Beblec India Pvt Ltd P.B. No 3411, 711, 6th Cross 3rd Block, Koramangala Banglore --- 560 034

Vijay Energy Product Pvt Ltd Sp -75 Ambattur Industrial Estates Chennai 600 058 aceinnov@giasmd01. vsnl. net. in

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Banglore 560021



Philips India Ltd. Mahakali Caves Road, Chakala Andheri (East) Mumbai400 093 Tele: 1-22 56912160 Fax: 91-22-56112184

Crompton Greaves Ltd. Kanjur (East) Mumbai 400 042 Tele 022 - 25782451/ 25791990 Fax 022 - 2579488

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Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Prepared By: ARS Energy Auditors.


Lighting Sensors
Bajaj Electricals Limited. 15/17, Saint Savta Marg, Reay Road, Mumbai 400 010 Tele Phone 254 Hand Phone Fax E-mail Contact Person : 022 - 2372 4192, Extn. 402 / 462 / 253 / : 098216 94842 / 098704 551 18 : 022 - 2374 0504 / 2373 0505 : : Mr. Natraj lyer, Sr. Marketing Manager

GE India Industrial (Private) Ltd. Address Tele Phone Fax E- mail Contact Person : Aifacs Building, # 1, Rafi Marg, New Delhi : 011-41551000 : 011 -23355955 :, : Mr. Badal Bagri, Country Director Sales

Kaktiya Energy Systems Private Limited Address : 3-6-272, NVK Towers Himayath Nagar, Hyderabad- 500 029 Tele Phone Fax E-mail Website Contact Person : 040 - 2326 2540 : 040 - 2326 2550 :, :, : Mr. Suresh, Manager

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

Philips Electronics India Ltd. Address Tele Phone Fax E-mail Contact Person : C-47, Sector - 57, Noida - 201 301 : 0120-6611 111 : 0120-6611 086 :, : Mr. Indranil Goswami, General ManagerLIDAC


Blue Star India Ltd. Address Floor, 030 Tele Phone Hand Phone Fax E-mail : 022 - 6654 4000 : 098665 89955 : 022 - 6654 4001 : : Blue Star Limited, Brand Box, House, 4th Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400

Energy Audit Report | April 2009

Carrier Air conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd. Address Tele Phone Fax Website Contact Person : Kherki Daula Post, Narsingpur, Gurgaon -122001 : 0124-2372231/38 : 0124-2372230 :, : Mr. Prakash Assudani, ManagerMarketing(BSS)

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Thermax Ltd. Address Tele Phone Fax E-mail Website Contact Person : 15, Sal Chambers, Pune Mumbai Road, Wakdewadi, Pune - 411 004 : 020-25511010 : 020-25511943 :, :, : Mr. Akhil Javagal - Asst Manager

Voltas Ltd. Address : Electro- mechanical & Refrigeration Business Group Voltas House B I. B. Kadam Marg, Chinchpokli, Mumbai - 400 033 Tele Phone E-mail Website Contact Person : 022 - 6665 6214 : akjoshi@voItas. com, :, : Mr. A. K. Joshi, EVP & COO

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Energy Audit Report | April, 2009

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