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Pearson Higher Nationals in

Unit 03: Professional Practice
Assignment 01

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Pg No

General Guideline 3
Student Declaration 4

Assignment Brief 5

Scenario 6-8

Grading Rubric 9-12

Task 1 13-19

Task 2 20-22

Task 3 23-24

Task 4 25-37

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment.
Use previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment
No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become
detached for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing
your assignment.

Important Points:

1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the
compulsory information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the
body except for the before mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of
your work.
2. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as
illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL.
You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly
using HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-
text citation and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade
could be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present
it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it
means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be
my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the
correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Pearson, UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is
not attached to the assignment.

Student’s Signature: Re re-submission Date:

M.A.F.R Mendis
( (02/09/2022)

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief


Unit Number and Title Unit 3: Professional Practice

Academic Year 2022/23

Unit Tutor Ms.Eranga

Assignment Title Work Related Learning Report: Design and Deliver a Training

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission format

The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style
using single spacing (refer to the assignment guidelines for more details). You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please provide in-text citation and a list of references using
Harvard referencing system. Please note that this is an activity-based assessment and your report should
include evidences to the activities carried out individually and/or in a group.

To carry out the activities given on the brief, you are required to form groups, comprising maximum of 6

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1

Assume yourself as the event coordinator working in an event planning organization specialized in
delivering trainings on IT and soft skills. you have been appointed to design and deliver a training event
on IT /Soft Skills to an identified audience. You are required to complete the project within 2 months and
the training plan and resources should be finalized as per the requirement of the client.

You are required to form a group of not more than 6 members in order to carry out the event. The event will
be headed by an event manager/ leader and each group member will be assigned a set of tasks. While
designing and delivering the event,

 the skills required to make the event successful

 challenges faced during the design/ delivery
 Critical evaluation of the problems, challenges faced and the methods used to overcome them
 The need for continuously develop in a professional environment

Need to be thoroughly considered.

At the end of the event, produce an individual report by each member covering the following tasks.

Task 1:

Demonstrate how you are planning to effectively deliver the training event by designing a professional
project plan with following details.

 Roles appointed to group members and an evaluation of interpersonal skills of each member that
justifies the assigned role in the team.
(Use the Belbin Theory to interpret the roles appointed to group members – Justify the roles
allocated – Describe the interpersonal skills of each member) – P1 & D1
 Goal and objectives of the project (Common answer) (Use SMART approach)
 Evidences to the meetings conducted with the client and the team members and the findings/
outcomes of the meetings (Screen shots of WhatsApp discussions, emails exchanged, teams’
meetings you conducted, physical meetings – Photographs)
 Challenges/ problems identified and the plan to overcome them –
(Common answer – by listing brief interpretation of challenges you’ll faced during the team work
and the suggested solutions to overcome them) identify 5-6 major problems/challenges

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
 A project schedule with the activities, milestones and contingencies identified.
(Include the Gantt chart) – P2 & M1

Task 2

Research different problem-solving techniques that can be used to solve the identified problems in task 1
and demonstrate how critical reasoning (explain the reason for selection of the particular solution) can be
applied to identify a solution to the identified problems.

{Research the application of problem-solving techniques in the real world, and then take the above
identified problems and suggested solutions in the task 1 and do a comparison of the application of
suggested solutions and identify the most effective solution for the problem (Collectively agreed solution)}

Critically evaluate the solution methodology used to solve one of the identified problems and justify how
selected methodology helped you to successfully solve the problem and achieve the project objectives.


Task 3

Work in your team by contributing your skills and knowledge to meet the project goal. Critically evaluate
your own role and contribution to the group for the completion of the training event.

Discuss the importance of having dynamic team members in a group to meet its goals by referring to the role
assigned to the group members and analyse how team dynamics among your group members effectively
helped to achieve the shared project goal.

Task 4

Discuss with examples, the importance of continuous professional development (CPD) in a work setting by
evaluating the range of CPD criteria that can be used to measure the effectiveness of your employees in your

Produce a continuous professional development (CPD) plan using the criteria identified above with relevant
to the responsibilities, required skills, performance objectives for the members of your team. Compare and
contrast different motivational theories and discuss how they can be helpful to improve the performance of
the team members and meet the objectives of the developed CPD plan.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Task 1:

Demonstrate how you are planning to effectively deliver the training event by designing a
professional project plan with following details.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Goal and objectives of the project

 Goal Of the Project

1. Performance understandable to the audience.
2. Self-improvement
3. Provide Quality Information
4. Time management.
5. Giving 100% of the topic

 Objects of the project

In our project as a team we follow SMART theory to success our training


WHAT IS SMART concept?

SMART objects are defined as a set of objectives and goals that are put in place by
parameters, that bring structure and tractability together. SMART goal setting creates a verifiable
trajectory towards a certain objective with clear milestones and estimated timeline to archive the
goals. SMART is an acronym that stands for:
T – Time Based

 SPECIFIC (What is the Specific Task ?)

Our team topic is Technology Revolution. So our task is to Give 100% of the topic
and make Audience understandable about Technology Revolution.

What : Design and deliver a training event on IT

Where : At ESOFT Metro Campus Colombo – 04
How : Physical Training Programmed

 MEASURABLE ( What are the concrete criteria for measuring change )

We all have clear definition of that we can do this project success. While
we are having group discussions, we had that confidence and it help us to evaluate
achievement and also progress about our project. And we also keep in our mind who is
the targeting audience we our going to talk. According to that did our project.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
 ACHIEVABLE (is the task feasible )
1. As a team we discuss what the sub topics we are going to talk about
on the day of training programmed. As example artificial intelligent,
advantages and disadvantages of technology revolutions and
examples of technology revolutions.
2. Then we gave each and every team member a topic to do a research
and find more details about relevant topic given by group leader.
3. Finally, We gathered all information together and make final
presentation that what we must do on the training programmed.

 RELEVANT (Does Objective relate directly to the goal)

So, our main goal is to provide quality information, Performance should be
understandable to audience and giving 100% of the topic so according our goal while we
present our topic we used many methods to make Audience understandable. As an
Example, in our project we were talk about subtopic technology Revolution example so
for that topic we used posters, Human Examples as well as Aircraft model to explain
audience about technology revolution. so from those method I hope we archive our goal
in our project.

 TIMEBASED (When will objective be measured/met)


We start our research two months before the project deadline and also we all have
idea that time frame that we have to present we got only 1hr time period so according that
time period of presenting we should archive our goal that giving 100% of topic that
giving 100% of topic, giving quality information as well as and our performance
understandable to audience. So as a team we always work on time based and each and
every task we had a deadline so it’s easy to archive our target.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Evidence to the meetings conducted with the client and the team members and the
findings/ outcomes of the meetings

WhatsApp Group Create for The Project On 05/03/2022


Distribute Team members responsibilities for training


Meet Team Members at ESOFT Metro campus Colombo 04 for Project Discussio

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
11/06/2022 on the Training Programmed Day

WhatsApp Group Details and Meeting Minutes

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Challenges/ problems identified and the plan to overcome them

 Challenges/Problems Identified While Doing the group Project

a. Less Interaction With Team Members.

 Less Interaction with team Members mean we mainly had online
sessions because of situation of our country so its difficult to
meet are goals.

b. choosing a topic and assigning subtopics to the group members.

 Some of the group members had jobs and were unable to attend
the meeting because of their work schedules. Because of this,
we had to schedule a time for a group meeting. Because of this,
we polled the entire group through WhatsApp and decided to
meet on Google meets in the night, when everyone is more
rested. Choosing a topic and assigning subtopics to the group
members for selecting a topic for the training program to be
conducted on. Since we are studying our Higher Nationals in
Computing, we had to choose a topic that fell within the category
of information technology (IT). All the members of the group
were creative and came up with some great ideas for the theme,
which we then debated and came to a decision on (Technology
This was followed by dividing the main
topics into sub-topics so that each group members
could be assigned to a certain topic. When the
subtopics are listed, each group member selects a
topic, and some members select multiple topics in
order to complete the program material within
the deadline set by the leader.
c. Stage Fear
 Some of our team members had stage fear so we had more
practice with them and make them confidence on Training
program day.
d. Time Management
 Beginning on are project we gave each and every one task and
gave a deadline so each and every one able archive there goal.

e. Pandemic Situation In our Country

 Because of current situation in our country we couldn’t meet
physically most of the time we did online sessions most of the
time so because of that we could archive some of target properly.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
 A project schedule with the activities, milestones and contingencies identified


M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Task 2

 Research different problem-solving techniques that can be used to solve the identified
problems in task 1 and demonstrate how critical reasoning (explain the reason for
selection of the particular solution) can be applied to identify a solution to the identified

1. Less Interaction with Team Members

2. Pandemic situation of our country
3. choosing a topic and assigning subtopics to the group members.
4. Stage Fear
5. Time Management.

Those are the problems we faced while we are doing are training programme.
A problem or condition that is seen to be negative or detrimental and must be solved or
overcome. When you operate as a team, you are more likely to experience issues. Fortunately,
there are several problem-solving strategies available to help us quickly solve complicated issues.
This is how we solved our major problems by utilizing various problem-solving techniques and

 Divide main topic into subtopics.

 The topic we selected was technology revolution. We had to
divide our major topic into smaller sections to prepare a
presentation for our training program. This was the difficulty we
had because we had many area’s to cover about that topic and
also have to select what is most important sub topics we are
going to present, and Group Brainstorming was the best
approach we came up with to overcome this problem.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Group Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a group problem-
solving technique that entails the free presentation of innovative
ideas and solutions. These things are made a lengthy, open
conversation in which each member of the group is encouraged
to think openly and propose as many ideas as possible based on
their different knowledge. Some of these ideas may be developed
into unique, unique solutions to problems, while others might
bring new things.
we execute the Group Brainstorming session online since
we cannot have it in Physical because to the Covid 19 pandemic
& Fuel Crisis. We submitted the topic to the group members for
study and suggestions, and we received numerous concepts
regarding this issue from the group members, making it easier to
select sub-topics from the supplied concepts. This method helps
us to solve our problem.

 Less Interaction with Team Members (The Members couldn’t make up to Meeting)
 because the group talks and gatherings are held through internet,
so there were several issues that came across during the session,
such as power cuts, network issues, and so on, which reduced the
presence of the group members to the meeting and caused a slew
of problems. So we had to use the method of the root cause

Root Cause Analysis: Root cause analysis (RCA) is a problem-

solving technique that identifies the underlying causes of errors
or issues. The RCA method's major aim is to evaluate issues to
determine what happened and how it happened, as well as to
develop measures to prevent recurrence.
The underlying cause of our difficulty was not having other
option to join the meeting, and the answer is to keep the devices
charged when you have power outage warning, and to have
some mobile data reserved to attend the meeting when your Wi-
Fi is producing problems. And, one week before the meeting we
got chance to meet physically and discuss about the final
presentation. So, it This approach is utilized to determine the
root source of our problem, after which we can simply use those
methods to solve our problem.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
 Stage Fear
 To function effectively as a team, the members of any group
must each perform a defined role. Members were first anxious
about the part they should play, and which was best for them.
We had to assign a role to each member so that they could
operate more efficiently. The 5Whys approach was utilized as a

The 5 Whys: The 5 whys technique is an attempt to analyses

technique used to investigate the cause-and-effect connections
underlying a specific situation. The technique's primary
objective is to discover the root cause of a problem by repeatedly
asking the question "Why?", this method is comparable to root
cause analysis.
As the first phase of this approach, myself and my team
leader questioned of the group member why this problem exists,
and then the process of breaking down the problem begins,
which leads to the root of this problem. When we got the
response to the first why, we had to ask another four whys, each
with a different answer. Finally, we discovered the source of the
difficulty, which was determining each member’s interpersonal
skills. When we’ve identified those skills, we’ll be able to
allocate them to specific role. This approach broke down the
problem into smaller pieces, allowing us to identify the source of
the problem. At the result of this the member who had stage fear
they performed well on the final day.

 We were able to overcome a major problem at this event by utilizing problem-

solving techniques such as Group Brainstorming, Root Cause Analysis, and the 5
Whys Concept.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Task 3

Work in your team by contributing your skills and knowledge to meet the project goal. Critically
evaluate your own role and contribution to the group for the completion of the training event.

Discuss the importance of having dynamic team members in a group to meet its goals by
referring to the role assigned to the group members and analyse how team dynamics among
your group members effectively helped to achieve the shared project goal.

 My contribution to this project to archive Goal.

I Akila Mendis (Author), My role is Resource Investigator, my group's leader
placed a lot of trust in me because I was studying on the topic “Technology revolution.
I had to do a lot of research and was able to discover a list of subjects that I
should utilizing the presentation, but it was a difficult challenge to select the most
relevant one that the audience could understand. And I am confident that I made the
finest contribution to the training event, and also volunteering to help produce
information with another group member who had to make the slides for the training
session. Even though I couldn’t interact vocally, I kept the WhatsApp group alive by
periodically talking to the group members and inquiring about their progress on their
assigned task. Even though I gave my all, there are certain areas where I need to develop
my abilities, which may have helped me do better. For example, I could have spoken with
my group members orally and provided some ideas to the training program. In addition,
I lack the capacity to think imaginatively, and I must be strategic. Overall, I
need to work on my interpersonal skills so that I may be even more successful in the

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Name Team Role How to Archive Team Goal
She was able to identifies other Team
Akshshya Co-Ordinator Members Talents and able to Clarifies
She improves her Specialist knowledge
Aziza Specialist
and Skills Regarding the project.
She searches all the options and judges
Shamii Monitor Evaluator
She is listens and averts friction about
Ushani Team Worker
the project.
I always try to explore opportunities and
Akila Resource Investigator
develops contacts.
He always painstaking, conscientious,
anxious. Searches out error in our project
Kavinda Complete Finisher and work on that to archive our team
goals as well as do a polishes and prefect
Job in our project
He is very practical, Reliable, efficient.
Thilina Implementer He truns ideas into actions and organises
work to be done to success the project.
He is challenging, dynamic person as
well as he always encourage other team
Sharwin Shaper
members to overcome obstacles in our
He have creative, imaginative, Free
Rishard Plant thinking, generates ideas and solve
difficult problems.
 How team members archive team goals by using Belbin Theory .

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Task 4

Discuss with examples, the importance of continuous professional development (CPD) in a work
setting by evaluating the range of CPD criteria that can be used to measure the effectiveness of
your employees in your organization.

 How are project progress is happened on CPD evidence criteria?

 The CPD evidence criteria mean it’s referred to the process of tracking
and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience we had grin both
formally and informally as we work, beyond any initial training. It’s a
record of what is are experience, learn and then apply.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
A. Reflect
 Reflective practice is the process by which I analyse my continuing
professional development (CPD) activities. It encourages me to identify links
between development activities and their impacts allowing me to modify
actions, behavior, and learning objectives appropriately. It also prompts
recognition of the purpose of each CPD activity, what I specifically gaining
from this training programmed and what are the areas of potential I have to
improvement in the future.
Eg: From this training I learn how to work with different mindset people
and how to handle them. And also, from this project I learn and I think that I
have to improve my think out of the box concept.

B. Plan
 CPD planning is to help me to identify my current learning needs.
Eg: What are the priority areas for my practice? For me I must
practice more about my presentation skills, so I practice lot and did a good
job on the training program day.

C. Do
 In this stage to archive our team goal we must do research about our project
to get more knowledge.
Eg: So, I search lot of things regarding our topic. Examples I did google
search and find information about topic as well as when I am searching for
information, I was able to develop my knowledge and got to know many
things which I don’t know.

D. Record
 Record stage do we have to write down everything what we must do and how
we going to archive our goal and how am going to contribute to my team.
Eg: As example from the 1st day onwards I note down each and
everything we discuss on at the team and wrote down what are things I have
to do on the project(my responsibility is do the research on our main topic
and do a summary so as my team leader say I did that according to the way
she want) so because I record everything according the project so it was not
difficult task to archive the goal.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
 Feedback sheet of our team members who need to improve on there weakness.

Name Weakness How To Improve Weakness

 There is nothing in this
world that you cannot
achieve through practice.
So before going to the
Ushani Stage Fear
stage, if you practice
enough, then you will get
confidence, which helps
you in the stage.
 Always have healthy
Shamil Unhealthy meals as well as have to
proper sleep at least 8hrs
 He should have proper
woking schedule to do
Rishard Life Balance office work as well as
project so then it wont
crash together.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
 Personal SWOT Analysis Worksheet

Strengths: Weaknesses:

 Work well in team  Can show impatience.

 Communicate well  Too detail-oriented
 Happy to take on challengers  Saying “NO”
 Team Management skills  Sensitive
 Have creative ideas  Can get stressed when under pressure.

Opportunities: Threats:

 Communication training  Team members often more prepared than

 Time management training I am
 Learn to trust my choices more  Tendency to take on too much
 Be more appreciative of what I can offer  Find it difficult to ask help
 Opportunity to focus where I can add

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
 Personal Development Plan Worksheet

Name: Current Position: Date Started:

Akila Mendis Team Member 2022.03.05

Career Mission Statement (What you intend to accomplish, and why)

To give 100% on topic and make audience understand about our topic

Major Career Goals (What you need to accomplish in the medium term to further your
Goal: To find a Target Target
Goal: Work hard and do
topic which is Date: Date:
the training day success
relevant to IT 3/4/22 7/6/22
Goal: Archive Target Target
the team goal as Date: Goal: Date:
mention Above 11/6/22
Target Target
Goal: Date: Goal: Date:
Skills Audit C: I need to improve this skill/competency
A: I have accomplished this skill/ I demonstrate high competence D: I need to put in
considerable work to develop this skill/competency B: I have this skill/competency but some
improvements could be made E: I need to acquire this skill/ develop this competency
Rank Rank
Now 6m 1yr 3y Skill/Competency Now 6m 1yr 3yr
Team Worker A Plant A

Co-Ordinator B

Specialist B

Monitor Evaluator C

Resource A

Complete Finisher B

Implementer B

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Shaper A

 CPD plan for team members and how to use motivation theory to archive future


 A – Excellent
 B – Have skill but to improve
 C- Need to Improve
 D- Need to put work to develop skill

Team Member Name Goal : To give 100% on topic Start Date End Date
Akshshya and make audience 5/3/22 11/6/22
understand about our topic
Skills Rank
Attendances Punctuality A
Professionalism A
Communication Skills A
Independence A
Flexibility B
Time Management B
Cooperation A
accuracy A
Design Abilities B
Creativity A

How to motivate: She is good team leader as well as she has ability to handle any
situation but you have to flexible with other team members work too. Otherwise
overall you’re a good team plyer.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1

 A – Excellent
 B – Have skill but to improve
 C- Need to Improve
 D- Need to put work to develop skill

Team Member Name Goal : To give 100% on topic Start Date End Date
Aziza and make audience 5/3/22 11/6/22
understand about our topic
Skills Rank
Attendances Punctuality A
Professionalism B
Communication Skills B
Independence B
Flexibility C
Time Management B
Cooperation B
accuracy C
Design Abilities C
Creativity M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 C Professional Practice – Assignment 1
How to motivate: As a team member she is a good team plyer but you have to think
out of when comes to creativity while making presentation.

 A – Excellent
 B – Have skill but to improve
 C- Need to Improve
 D- Need to put work to develop skill

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Team Member Name Goal : To give 100% on topic Start Date End Date
Shamil and make audience 5/3/22 11/6/22
understand about our topic
Skills Rank
Attendances Punctuality B
Professionalism C
Communication Skills C
Independence C
Flexibility C
Time Management B
Cooperation C
accuracy B
Design Abilities A
Creativity A

How to motivate: Must schedule team building activities. (Eg: Help them to develop
better communication skills, push them out of their comfort zone)

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1

 A – Excellent
 B – Have skill but to improve
 C- Need to Improve
 D- Need to put work to develop skill

Team Member Name Goal : To give 100% on topic Start Date End Date
Ushaini and make audience 5/3/22 11/6/22
understand about our topic
Skills Rank
Attendances Punctuality D
Professionalism C
Communication Skills C
Independence C
Flexibility C
Time Management D
Cooperation C
accuracy C
Design Abilities C
Creativity C

How to motivate: Make her feel valued (eg: People want to feel valued and
love to receive praise and recognition for a job well done, especially in front
of their peers. Praise can go a long way to make them feel like they are part
of the team and achieving their goals.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1

 A – Excellent
 B – Have skill but to improve
 C- Need to Improve
 D- Need to put work to develop skill

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Team Member Name Goal : To give 100% on topic Start Date End Date
Kavinda and make audience 5/3/22 11/6/22
understand about our topic
Skills Rank
Attendances Punctuality C
Professionalism B
Communication Skills B
Independence A
Flexibility C
Time Management B
Cooperation C
accuracy B
Design Abilities B
Creativity B

How to motivate: Give them responsibility (Eg: A team member who only receives
small, menial tasks, will in time become unhappy in their role. Likewise, if
someone's been overloaded with work they might struggle under the pressure. Try to
delegate responsibilities that will add variety to archive his future goal also )

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1

 A – Excellent
 B – Have skill but to improve
 C- Need to Improve
 D- Need to put work to develop skill

Team Member Name Goal : To give 100% on topic Start Date End Date
Thilina and make audience 5/3/22 11/6/22
understand about our topic
Skills Rank
Attendances Punctuality B
Professionalism A
Communication Skills C
Independence B
Flexibility B
Time Management B
Cooperation B
accuracy C
Design Abilities A
Creativity B

How to motivate: Create a positive working environment for team members (Eg:
While we do the teamwork atmosphere can have a very powerful impact on the way
people work and also Let them have fun and make the team feel valued. Like
celebration special moments with them.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1

 A – Excellent
 B – Have skill but to improve
 C- Need to Improve
 D- Need to put work to develop skill

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
Team Member Name Goal : To give 100% on topic Start Date End Date
Sharwin and make audience 5/3/22 11/6/22
understand about our topic
Skills Rank
Attendances Punctuality A
Professionalism A
Communication Skills B
Independence C
Flexibility B
Time Management B
Cooperation B
accuracy B
Design Abilities B
Creativity B

How to motivate: Create Goal(Eg: Create goals and let our team know what is
expected and set a clear path for advancement – and are a must at any successful to
archive our team goals.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1

 A – Excellent
 B – Have skill but to improve
 C- Need to Improve
 D- Need to put work to develop skill

Team Member Name Goal : To give 100% on topic Start Date End Date
RiShard and make audience 5/3/22 11/6/22
understand about our topic
Skills Rank
Attendances Punctuality B
Professionalism A
Communication Skills B
Independence C
Flexibility B
Time Management A
Cooperation B
accuracy B
Design Abilities B
Creativity B

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1
How to motivate: Encourage Personal Growth (Eg: we can develop this mindset in
our team by encouraging personal growth. Send them articles about new skills they
could master, books about success and invites to networking events. Personal growth
leads to professional growth.

M.A.F.R Mendis E158761 Professional Practice – Assignment 1

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