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Ярової Анастасії

1.У ресторані(діалог)

Waiter: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our restaurant. What I can do for you?
Did you book a table?

Client: Yes. I called you last night. My name is Lucas.

Waiter: Yes, sir. You are lonely. Oh, no, sorry, a table for two.

Client: My wife will be here soon. Waiter: Want this table?

Client: Oh, no. The wife likes to sit by the window and look at passers-by.

Client's wife: Sorry I'm late.

Client: Better late than never.

Client's wife: Please don't grumble! I just visited a beauty salon. In addition,
women have the right to be late.

Client: Yes, you are right. Do you like this place?

Client's wife: Oh, I'm so glad!

Waiter: Here is the menu. Where would you like to start, madam?

Client's wife: Wait a minute. The dishes on the menu look so appetizing ...
Well, I'd like to start

mushrooms in a melon.

Waiter: And you, sir?

Client: As for me, I would like to start with something more interesting. What
can you say about your stacks

Waiter: Oh, they are very tasty today! What vegetables do you want with
flocks? Fried tomatoes with hot sour cream, cauliflower or beans?
Waiter: So, two steaks with fried tomatoes. What else? Client's wife: Waiter,
the same for me, please.

Client: What about your diet?

Client's wife: Let's forget about it!

Waiter: something to drink?

Client: a bottle of French red wine, two cups of strong coffee ...

Client's wife: and orange juice, please!

Client: Of course! How could I forget!

Waiter: Please wait a few seconds. Here please.

Client's wife: It seems and smells fantastic!

Client: Great!

Waiter: Bon appetit! Enjoy. What would you like for dessert?

Client's wife: Mix vanilla ice cream with pieces of chocolate and pineapple, a
good piece of apple pie for me and ... absolutely nothing for my husband, I think.

Client: You're right, darling! Could you bring me the bill, waiter?

Waiter: Of cours,sir.
Karen Johnson

8 Red Lake Court, Gresham,

Wisconsin 54128, USA

Tel: +1-210-092-8169

20 th April, 2022

Donavan Brigs

17, Grinders Street

New Jersey, 24801, USA

Tel: +1-256-9784-6989

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Karen Johnson
Karen Johnson

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