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Kind of Experience

The canteen looks quite crowded who will fill their empyt stomatch, One of the rectangular
canteen tables, several students who are enjoying lunch. They are Oval, Reza, and Alvin. It
seemed that the threeof them were engrossed in telling stories about their holiday

Oval: Hi, how are you, guys?

Reza: I’m fine as always

Alvin: I’m also fine. How about you, Beni?

Oval: Good. Thanks. (Aku baik-baik saja. Terima kasih)

Reza: How was your holiday? I bet it was fun. Mine was so-so since I didn’t go anywhere during
the holiday.

Alvin: That was too bad, Dewi. If I had known you going nowhere during the holiday, I would
have asked you to come along with me to Bali

Oval: Yeah, Dewi. I would also have invited you to come along with me during the holiday.

Reza: It’s okay, friends. Even though I stayed at home only, my holiday was not that bad.

Oval: Really?

Reza: Yeah, my cousins from Palembang visited us. We had family time during the holiday. You
know, we had barbeque party and played some family games together.

Budi: That was great.

Reza: I know, but it would have been even greater if I could have spent the holiday outside the
town. Anyway, how was Bali, Alvin? Was it fun

Alvin: Of course, it was. Me and my sister went surfing in Nusa Lembongan.

Oval: Wait, you can surf?

Alvin: Yes, I can.

Oval: I didn’t know you can do that.

Alvin: Well, now you do.

Reza: Did you only go surfing when you visited Bali?

Alvin: Of course not. I also visited some cool places there, such as Mount Batur, Uluwatu
Temple, and Ubud Art Market. Speaking of Ubud Art Market, I brought you some souvenirs
from there. Here they are.

Oval: Wow, it’s so cool. Thanks, Alvin.

Reza: Yes, it’s really pretty. You’re the best, Alvin

Then came their other friends who joined in their conversation

She pulled up one of the empty chais, and he sat down

Alya: Hallo, what are you guys doing?

Alvin: Oh hi, Alya. We’re talking about our holiday. Come join us. Oh, and this is a souvenir
from Bali for you.

Alya: Thanks, Alvin. I went to Jogja on the holiday.

Oval: Really? I went there too on holiday. How come we didn’t come across each other?

Alya: I don’t know. It’s strange, right?

Reza: Perhaps you stayed in the different part of Jogja?

Oval: Reza might be right. I stayed in Bantul during my visit in Jogja. What about you

Alya: It is no wonder, then. I stayed in Sleman.

Alvin: But from Sleman to Bantul is not that far. You both could have still met each other by

Alya: Yeah, I know. I think we weren’t meant to meet there.

Oval: It also didn’t happen because Alya and I didn’t contact each other during the holiday

Reza: That’s right. Communication is important. Next time we should inform each other on

Alvin: True! So, Alya, Oval, would you like to share your adventure in Jogja? What did you do
in Jogja? Did you visit interesting places?

Alya: The first day I just visited my mother’s friend, and the second day I visited my aunt hose
and we stayed there’. Then me and my aunt family vsited Kebun Buah Mangunan.

Alvin : Kebun Buah Mangunan is very beautiful in the morning

Reza : Have you ever visited it ?

Alvin : No, but I’ve read about it in an article

Reza : How long did you vocation in jogja alya ?

Alya : I was there for a week, What about you Oval ?

Oval: Ah, nothing so exciting. I just went to visit my grandmother who was in Semarang. I
haven't visited it in one year.

Reza: Your grandmother must have greeted you with great joy

Oval: Oh Hahaha, right. As soon as I arrived she immediately hugged me tightly and kissed my

Alya : She must really miss you, plus you are his only granddaughter, anyway what are you
doing there ?

Oval : My grandmother’s backyard is large, so we do some gardened and I also picked some
vegetable. Then before dinner, we cooked it together.

Alvin : Don’t forget too many eggs from your grandma’s chicken farm.

Oval : Correct

Reza : Oh, how did you know about her grandma’s chicken farm ?

Alvin : Because, last year I bought chicken eeg from her grandmother’s farm.

Alya : ah, I see

Oval : Okay guys, we all have fun holiday stories,now it’s time to go to class, bcs the bell has

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