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o " Listen and read the webpage from a seed company Speaking

again. Which variety will grow in compromised so il?

o With a partner, act out the
roles below based on Task 7.
Listening Then, switch roles.
og Listen to a conversation between a seed developer USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
and a salesman. Choose the correct answers. I want to know the best way
1 What is the main benefit of the seed? to advertise it.
A nitrogen efficiency We should emphasize ...
S drought-resistance Excellent point.
C insect-resistance
D herbicide-resistance Student A: You are a salesman.
Ask Student B about:
2 Why does the woman believe the seed will benefit the
environment? • a new seed
A Less land will be used per season. • seed benefits and traits
S More farmers will plant in dry regions.
C Animals will have healthier feed. Student B: You a seed developer.
D Less irrigation will be needed. Answer Student A's questions.

f) g Listen again and complete the conversation.

Salesman: Carol, please come in. 1 ______ __ Writing

your new seed is almost ready for marketing. ( o Use the conversation from
Developer: After the animal performance assessments, it will
ready to go
t Task 8 and the web page to
write product descriptions _
Salesman: Wonderful. 3 _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ ___ _ . I want to know the best way
to advertise it. and benefits. \,

Developer: Well, the main benefit is that it's extremely

Salesman: Okay. So we'll 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it Crop Type: _ _ _ _ _ __
to farmers in dry regions.
Traits: _ _ _ _ __
Developer: Yes. We'll 6 _ _____ _ _ where rainfalls are
Salesman: Okay. What else? Benefits: _ __
Developer: We should emphasize the dependability of our seed.
Tests showed that the yields produced during rainy
seasons and those produced during droughts varied
very little and they're better for the environment than
Crop Type: _. _ _ _ _ __
conventional seeds.
Salesman: How? Traits:
Developer: With fewer crops failing during drought seasons, there'lI
be greater yields. That means 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
______ _ _ __ _ _ per season.
Salesman: Excellent, Carol.

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