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Muhidsa Butt , Sidra Syed , Maryyam Suhail
Department of Physical Therapy, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan

Highlights: disorders and compare them between

· This cross-sectional study was housewives and working women.
conducted on 196 females in Lahore,
ages between 20 to 35, women with prim Methodology:
gravida and both house wives and This cross-sectional study was conducted on
working women were included for the 196 females in Lahore, aged between 20 to 35,
study. women with prim gravida, both housewives as
· For the collection of the data, a Nordic well as working women were included for the
Questionnaire was used. An informed study. Any participants with musculoskeletal/
consent was taken from the study neurological/ psychological/ psychiatric /
participants dermatological/ deficit or disorders that can
· The upper limb regions were more affect the study were excluded. For the
commonly affected among the working collection of the data, standardized Nordic
women with neck region (53.3%) being Questionnaire was used. An informed consent
the most affected followed by the was taken from the study participants. SPSS 25
shoulder and upper back area. Whereas was used for data analysis.
among the housewives, musculoskeletal
symptoms were more frequently Results:
reported in the shoulder region (60.4%) The overall mean age of the participating
followed by increased symptoms in the women was 26.86 years. Among the total
lower back, ankle/feet and the knees. population, 91 (46.4%) were housewives and
105 (53.6%) were working women. Among the
ABSTRACT working women, 49 (25.0%) worked part time
Background: (5-6 hours), 40 (20.4%) worked full time (8-10
Musculoskeletal conditions are the most hours) and 10 (6.1%) worked other hours.
common cause of physical and functional
limitations among both working and non- Conclusion:
working population. A 45% increase has been The upper limb regions were more commonly
observed over 20 years in these conditions due affected among the working women with neck
to changes in lifestyle and activities. Nearly 25% region (53.3%) being the most affected followed
of the overall population in under developed by the shoulder and upper back area. Whereas
countries complain of MSK symptoms which among the housewives, musculoskeletal
decrease their functional capacity by restricting symptoms were more frequently reported in
them with pain. the shoulder region (60.4%) followed by
increased symptoms in the lower back,
Objective: ankle/feet and the knees.
To find out the prevalence of musculoskeletal


Butt M et al., Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Working Women

Key Words: back area, as compared to men. The prolonged
musculoskeletal disorders, female health, working hours, static maintenance of postures
housewives, working women, workplace for longer times, poor ergonomic setups in
office jobs, incorrect ways of lifting in certain
INTRODUCTION jobs, work over load and shorter recovery
Musculoskeletal conditions are the most durations all contribute to the MSK
common cause of physical and functional complications that increase gradually with time
limitations among both working and non- and work. All these factors collectively lead to a
working population. The complications may poor quality of life and decreases efficiency at
occur due to over work, specific work demands work. It may even lead to functional limitations
8, 9
that require prolonged posture maintenance with time and further restrict the individuals.
and health factors. Musculoskeletal (MSK)
disorders are reported by 1.7 million Working women consist of 40% of the total
individuals globally and comes fourth among work population. As they are more under
health effecting variables. A 45% increase has added physical, functional and psychological
been observed over 20 years in these conditions stresses, it puts them at the risk of deteriorating
due to changes in lifestyle and activities.
1 health and increased chances of musculo-
Nearly 25% of the overall population in under skeletal symptoms. The over loading factors
developed countries complain of MSK and the nature of their responsibilities, put
symptoms which decrease their functional them at a greater risk of developing early MSK
capacity by restricting them with pain. 2 complaints as compared to males. 10 The
working women are slightly more susceptible
MSK related issues are frequently reported and than the housewives due to the additional work
are observed to occur at a rate of 11% to 60% in load to the usual household chores as well. Of
developed or under developed states. The all the MSK conditions, 33% are occupation-
occurrence of musculoskeletal issues among specific and occur among the working women. 11
women in United States is around 79%. While
they occur at a rate of 50% among Canadian The increasing rate of work-related MSK
women. ' 3, 4 About 35.9% of the housewives in conditions leads to more off days from work
India complain of musculoskeletal symptoms which reduces the productivity levels of the
with lower back pain being the most commonly women. The most common work-related MSK
occurring symptom in 10.7% of the women and disorders among women are either upper
7.9% of them having pain in the upper back. extremity issues due to static improper posture
5 or work-related low back pain. Some women
The MSK disorders are more common among also report symptoms of carpal tunnel
females as compared to males. The difference in syndrome and leg pain due to varicose veins.
incidence is thought to be due to the skeletal,
hormonal and physical, postural and other MSK issues among the housewives cannot be
work-specific changes among the women. The ignored. The daily chores of a housewife
prevalence increases with age, weight and BMI. including household work and taking care of
The musculoskeletal disorders among women the children and other family members require
is 3 times more as compared to men in the a lot of energy expenditure and physical and
regions of upper limb and is observed 1.5 times functional activation which puts these women
more frequently in neck, pectoral and upper at a risk of developing complications. 14 An


Butt M et al., Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Working Women

early onset of Osteoarthritis and Low Back Pain questionnaire consists of questions divided into
are more common among housewives. Pain due different regions of the body and whether the
to varicose veins and carpal tunnel syndrome participants have experienced musculoskeletal
are also being observed among these women symptoms during a span of previous 7 days,
due to various household chores that require few weeks or 12 months. This study focused on
standing and wrist turning movements daily. recent symptoms of 7 days. Data was entered
The aim of this study was to observe the and analyzed using IBM SPSS 25. Frequencies
comparison of work-related musculoskeletal with percentages were calculated for
disorders among working women and categorical variables.
housewives. Previous studies included women
between ages of 25 to 35 years. The present RESULTS:
study identifies the musculoskeletal complaints The overall mean age of the participating
among women in different occupations and women was 26.86 years. In the total population,
includes women from a younger age group of 91 (46.4%) were housewives and 105 (53.6%)
20 to 35 years. According to the researcher's were working women. Among the working
knowledge, previous studies have been women, 49 (25.0%) worked part time (5-6
conducted among teachers, nurses and doctors, hours), 40 (20.4%) worked full time (8-10 hours)
whereas the current study also includes women and 10 (6.1%) worked other hours. Body pains
doing part time jobs and who are freelancers. increased with increased hours of work, but
also entirely depended on the type or nature of
METHODOLOGY work. 100 (51.0%) women did their house
This cross-sectional, observational study was chores themselves and 96 (49.0%) had house
conducted in Lahore from February 2021 to July help. Women with house help had relatively
2021 to observe the comparison of work-related less body pains than the ones with no house
musculoskeletal disorders among working help.
women and housewives. Approval was
obtained from the institutional review board of Table 1: Descriptive statistics for most effected
Superior University, under letter number 734. region among working women.
The sample size of 196 was calculated from the Most effected region Construct Frequency Percent
formula; with Epitool at 95%
Neck pain Yes 56 53.3 %
No 49 46.7 %
confidence interval. Non-probability purposive Shoulder pain Yes 55 52.4 %
sampling technique was used. Inclusion criteria No 42 40.0 %
Upper back pain Yes 38 36.2 %
was set to be age range of 20-25, working No 67 63.8 %
women as well as housewives and married
Table 2: Descriptive statistics for most effected
women with prim gravida were included.
region among housewives
Participants having any systemic or diagnosed
musculoskeletal disorder or any neurological Most effectedregion Construct Frequency Percent
deficit or pregnant women were excluded. Shoulder pain Yes 55 60.4 %
Written consent was taken from the No 28 30.8 %
Lower back pain Yes 50 54.9 %
participants before filling the questionnaires. No 41 45.1 %
Ankle/feet pain Yes 50 54.9 %
For data collection, Standard Nordic No 41 45.1 %
Knee pain Yes 36 39.6 %
Questionnaire (SNQ) was used. The No 55 60.4 %


Butt M et al., Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Working Women

DISCUSSION women reported pain in shoulder area while

According to a study conducted by S Kalra et al. upper back was more affected 38 (36.2%) than
in 2017, the Standard Nordic Questionnaire the lower back 36 (34.3%). The lower extremity
(SNQ) was used to analyze the prevalence of regions were comparatively more affected in
musculoskeletal symptoms among housewives the current study.
in India. Women of ages between 25 to 35 years
with no pregnancy at the time of collection of According to a study by M. Javed Sheikh
data were included. While women with any mozafari et al., conducted on housewives, due
diagnosed neurological or musculoskeletal to the nature of their repetitive routinely
deficits were excluded from the study. Overall, household chores, lower back pain and pain in
the lower back was most affected region the knees and elbows was more frequently
followed by upper back and shoulders. 14 observed among them. Which was contrary to
Similarly, according to the results of the present the results of a recent study by Nazish et al., in
study, the SNQ was used to observe 2020 according to which shoulder region is the
musculoskeletal symptoms among non- most common area of musculoskeletal
working and working women of ages between complaints among housewives. 17 According to
20 to 35 years. Women with diagnosed the results of present study, shoulder region
musculoskeletal, neurological or any other was the most affected area in majority 55
disorder that might affect the study were put (60.4%) of the women. After which symptoms
under the exclusion criteria. However, in were more frequently reported in both lower
contrast to the mentioned study, in this current back and ankles/feet by 50 (54.9%) of the
study musculoskeletal symptoms were most women.
commonly reported in the neck, shoulder and
lower back region among both working and CONCLUSION
non-working women overall. The upper limb regions were more commonly
affected among the working women with neck
According to a study by Prawit J. et al., which region (53.3%) being the most affected followed
was conducted on both male and female office by the shoulder and upper back area. Whereas
workers, the prevalence of musculoskeletal among the housewives, musculoskeletal
symptoms in the past 12 weeks, in 9 regions of symptoms were more frequently reported in
the body was observed by using Standard the shoulder region (60.4%) followed by
Nordic Questionnaire (SNQ). The most effected increased symptoms in the lower back,
region was the neck (42%), 16% people had pain ankle/feet and the knees.
in their shoulders, 20% people had pain in the
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among house wives and working women.



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