01 Choohoo2ReqModDef

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Choohoo | Copyright © Choohoo Partnership 2017. All rights reserved. Cape Town, South Africa.

All intellectual property rights vest with Karlind Govender, Wayne Lazarus, Pashkar Moodliar and Daoud Saunders Page 1
Choohoo | Copyright © Choohoo Partnership 2017. All rights reserved. Cape Town, South Africa.
All intellectual property rights vest with Karlind Govender, Wayne Lazarus, Pashkar Moodliar and Daoud Saunders Page 2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Scope 4
2. Overall description 5
2.1 Product perspective 5
2.2 Operating environment 7
2.3 Design and implementation constraints 7
3. Choohoo System Modules 8
3.1 Module Descriptions 8
3.1.1 Module 1: Participant Account Management 8
3.1.2 Module 2: Super Admin Account Management 8
3.1.3 Module 3: Payment Management | Transactional Info 8
3.1.4 Module 4: SFT Pod Management 8
3.1.5 Module 5: Special Code & Super Special Code Management 8
3.1.6 Module 6: App Promo Code Management 8
3.1.7 Module 7: Push Notifications Management 8
3.1.8 Module 8: Help Desk Management 8
3.1.9 Module 9: Other Content Management 8
3.1.10 Module 10: Technical Update Management 9
3.1.11 Module 11: Dashboard, Analytics & Report Management 9
3.1.12 Module 12: Security Management 9
3.1.13 Module 13: Storage Management 9
Choohoo | Copyright © Choohoo Partnership 2017. All rights reserved. Cape Town, South Africa.
All intellectual property rights vest with Karlind Govender, Wayne Lazarus, Pashkar Moodliar and Daoud Saunders Page 3

1. Introduction
The system is a complete 3 platform-based application:
1. Mobile Native App (Android incl. Huawei, IOS)
2. Website
3. Backend Admin Panel Management (CRUD & REST)
a. Super Admin (all access, except some of participant user details)
b. Admin Manager (specific access) (phase 2 development only)
c. Reseller (has his own separate Admin Panel features) (phase 2 development only)

The users:
1. Participants (Mobile Native App and Website)
2. Super Admins (x4) (Mobile Native App, Website and Backend Admin Panel but cannot
participate in SFT Pods)
3. Admin Managers (Mobile Native App and Backend Admin Panel but cannot participate in SFT
Pods) (phase 2 development only)
4. Resellers (Mobile Native App and Reseller Backend Admin Panel, can participate in SFT Pods
that they are not partners in) (phase 2 development only)

The goals of the system:

1. Host a marketplace for SFTs and content where a percentage of sales goes to:
a. A Money-Reward opportunity to 1 or many users (participants)
b. The artist
c. A public benefit as a donation
d. A sales partner
e. Choohoo company expenses
2. For participants to also get SFTs and content using Codes (Special Codes, Super Special
Codes and App Promo Codes)
3. For the system to randomly choose a participant/s to receive the Money-Reward 1 minute
after the SFT Pod closing time.
4. For one or more participants to be guaranteed to receive the Money-Reward always, but
only if they have either bought the SFT in the Pod or used a Code to participate.
5. For participants to buy as many SFTs per Pod that they want to.
6. For the system to generate the Money-Reward amount based on: SFT Pod Sales subtract
(Artist % + Public Benefit % + Partner % + Choohoo Contribution Money Amount + Choohoo
Expenses %) divided by 1 or more.
7. For the system to use magic links for participants to download their SFTs and content that
are uniquely numbered based on the quantity sold per Pod.
Choohoo | Copyright © Choohoo Partnership 2017. All rights reserved. Cape Town, South Africa.
All intellectual property rights vest with Karlind Govender, Wayne Lazarus, Pashkar Moodliar and Daoud Saunders Page 4

8. For the system to manage all relevant aspects of the mobile app, website and system itself.

1.1 Purpose

The main objective of our system is to let people get and buy SFTs and content via different
Pods, while at the same time contributing portions of the sales to artists and public benefits,
and Money-Rewards to random participant/s who have either bought an SFT/content or got
an SFT/content via a code.

1.2 Scope

1.2.1 The system asks the player to make an account. Once the player is registered and
receives a unique ID, the system shows SFT Pods available to participate in. The participants
either buy an SFT/content in SFT Pod or get an SFT/content via a Code (Special Code, Super
Special Code or App Promo Code)
Only within 1 minute after the SFT Pod closes at a preset date and time, does the system
randomly choose one or more participants to receive a Money-Reward. The quantity of
participants to receive Money-Rewards is preset by the system options.

The system provides complete access to the participant’s purchases, use of Codes and activity
history. The system also provides features for selected users. The system accommodates
unlimited users.
1.2.2 The system provides complete management of all relevant aspects of the system itself,
and of all aspects of the marketplace for Super Admins. Super Admins can create the user
type- Admin Manager but not vice versa. Admin Managers can manage most aspects of the
system but not all (phase 2 only). Super Admins and Admin Managers (phase 2 only) can
register on the marketplace and view all SFT Pod info, but cannot buy SFTs/content or use
codes for SFTs/content, nor receive Money-Rewards. The system sends automated
notifications based on scenarios, and allows Super Admin to send custom notifications to a
single player, group of players or all players.
1.2.3 Super Admins can also create the user type- Resellers with Sales Channel IDs. (phase 2
1.2.4 Admin Managers and Resellers can only manage some aspects of the system. (phase 2
Choohoo | Copyright © Choohoo Partnership 2017. All rights reserved. Cape Town, South Africa.
All intellectual property rights vest with Karlind Govender, Wayne Lazarus, Pashkar Moodliar and Daoud Saunders Page 5

2. Overall description

2.1 Product perspective

About Choohoo
A shared marketplace for SFTs, content (art, design, video, audio) and other digital assets,
with Money-Reward opportunities and public benefits across the globe.
The Choohoo system randomly chooses a participant/s to receive a Money-Reward in 1
minute after every SFT Pod closing time.
One or more people are guaranteed to receive the Money-Reward always, all you have to do
is buy the SFT in the Pod, or use a code to participate.
Special Codes are issued after every 4th SFT purchase.
As a precursor to a future project, KG, PM, WL & DS decided to create a more democratised
alternative to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs); where instead, more people could participate in
purchasing content (art, design, video, audio), other digital assets, and Shared-Fungible
Tokens (SFTs), without facing the barriers of high prices associated with many NFTs.
What is Choohoo?
A shared marketplace for SFTs, content (art, design, video, audio) and other digital assets,
with Money-Reward opportunities and public benefits across the globe.
Choohoo supports socio-economic development, and the work of creatives, artists and
Get your Shared-Fungible Tokens (SFTs) and be given the opportunity to receive a Money-
Reward in relation to the total value of all SFTs sold; split between 1 or more people per
Choohoo assists artists, creatives and innovators by selling their brilliant work! At the same
time Choohoo contributes to public benefit initiatives, via a portion of all SFT sales donated
to socio-economic development programmes, which in turn gets you a section 18A tax
In addition, Choohoo creates jobs by also sharing a portion of various SFT sales with
independent marketing and sales partners.
As a global platform we invite people from all over the world to participate in the
opportunities available.
Choohoo | Copyright © Choohoo Partnership 2017. All rights reserved. Cape Town, South Africa.
All intellectual property rights vest with Karlind Govender, Wayne Lazarus, Pashkar Moodliar and Daoud Saunders Page 6

Each SFT Pod contains all details for each SFT. SFT Pods run for 2 weeks from start date.
Twice a month, beginning on the first and second Tuesday of every month, at 14:00 South
Africa Time (GMT+2), and closing at 16:00 on each prior Monday respectively.
Money-Rewards increase in value as more people purchase SFTs per Pod, this includes the
public benefit.
Money-Rewards are provided within 1.5 weeks of issued date.
Countries excluded from participating in Choohoo are Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and
The Choohoo shared marketplace mobile app is freemium, free to download but includes
paid for content.
Our global monthly SFT Pods bring people together through exciting and edgy content that
gives participants a new sense of wonderment every time they engage Choohoo.

The moon shone bright, the sun did rise, and a dog barked at something that rustled under
the leaves...
What is an SFT?
A Shared-Fungible Token (SFT) is a multiple-of-a-kind digital asset that belongs to whoever
purchases it and whomever it is shared with or sold to. SFTs can be bought, shared or
exchanged by multiple people at higher or lower values than its initial price. SFTs include
artwork, music, animation, photography and other innovative products and content.
If the first Mona Lisa or other original paintings could be considered as NFTs so to speak,
then SFTs are kind of like the digital equivalent of the official reprints of the original NFTs.
Just like official prints or reprints of an artwork are much cheaper than the original, SFTs can
be cheaper than NFTs while still providing an impact in its intended purpose.
Only a few people in the world might be able to afford NFTs, but SFTs can bridge the gap for
those who also want high-quality digital assets at fairly affordable prices.

What are the 3 types of Codes (Special Codes, Super Special Codes, App Promo Codes)?

Special Codes

Choohoo issues Special Codes to participants at various times. You can use Special Codes to
get and SFT and participate for a Money-Reward Opportunity.

Special Codes are valid for 6 months from date of issue.

You get a Special Code after every 4th purchase.
You get a Special Code on your Birthday.
Choohoo | Copyright © Choohoo Partnership 2017. All rights reserved. Cape Town, South Africa.
All intellectual property rights vest with Karlind Govender, Wayne Lazarus, Pashkar Moodliar and Daoud Saunders Page 7

Super Special Codes

Special Codes are valid for 6 months from date of issue.

Super Special Codes are issued to participants for extraordinary occasions, events or
You can use Super Special Codes for the reason/s as deemed by Choohoo.

App Promo Codes

Participants are given a unique App Promo Code to share with non-participants to sign up to
the Choohoo platform.

A participant gets access to 1 SFT every time he refers 10 People that Sign Up. When this
occurs his App Promo Code becomes “greenlit” and is thus usable to access an SFT of his

Accessing the SFT using the greenlit App Promo Code in turn gives the participant access to
a Money-Reward Opportunity.

2.2 Operating environment

The System shall operate correctly, pixel-perfect and responsively with all browsers, Android
(including Huawei) and IOS platforms. The admin panel will work pixel-perfect and
responsively in all modern web browsers like Windows Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, and 9;
Firefox versions 12 through 26; Google Chrome, Safari etc.

2.3 Design and implementation constraints

Front-end for Mobile App must look exactly as per our design provided, pixel perfect with
correct fonts and colours.

Back-end Admin panel does Not have to “look” exactly as per our design, but must include all
the functionality required.
Choohoo | Copyright © Choohoo Partnership 2017. All rights reserved. Cape Town, South Africa.
All intellectual property rights vest with Karlind Govender, Wayne Lazarus, Pashkar Moodliar and Daoud Saunders Page 8

3. Choohoo System Modules

The Choohoo system is divided into 13 modules. Developers must be accurate, precise and
use best coding practice so that if other developers come on board they don’t have to
unravel messy code.

3.1 Module Descriptions

3.1.1 Module 1: Participant Account Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.2 Module 2: Super Admin Account Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.3 Module 3: Payment Management | Transactional Info

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.4 Module 4: SFT Pod Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.5 Module 5: Special Code & Super Special Code Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.6 Module 6: App Promo Code Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.7 Module 7: Push Notifications Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.8 Module 8: Help Desk Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.9 Module 9: Other Content Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.
Choohoo | Copyright © Choohoo Partnership 2017. All rights reserved. Cape Town, South Africa.
All intellectual property rights vest with Karlind Govender, Wayne Lazarus, Pashkar Moodliar and Daoud Saunders Page 9

3.1.10 Module 10: Technical Update Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.11 Module 11: Dashboard, Analytics & Report Management

See Screen Designs and Use Case Narratives for more info.

3.1.12 Module 12: Security Management

Security and security access of all aspects of the system is crucial, this is a content
management system and private info cannot get out via hacks. Our users credit card and
transactional details are also of utmost security priority. Coding Best Practice and Coding
Anti-Hack Strategy is required.

3.1.13 Module 13: Storage Management

It’s crucial that our mobile app and system never goes down due to limited storage and
server processing issues. Speed of processing is important especially when we are looking at
+100000 players. Our servers simply cannot go down, and if it does we must be able to get it
back up very quickly or change servers and hosting with ease, there should be no major
reconfiguration if servers and hosting has to be changed. Again, Coding Best Practice is

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