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Are you able to teach the content assigned to you? How well are you able to do it?

*Yes, I was able to teach the content assigned to me. I did it with the help of the lesson plan
that we made. Every week we had our PLC meeting and in every meeting lesson plan for next week
will be discussed. Teachers will share ideas/strategies on how we can teach a certain topic.

How is the sequencing of the topics in our subject guide? Is there a need to improve on the
sequencing of the topics?

*In Kinder One we based our topics from Kinder Two’s Scope and Sequence. I think most of
the topics are in proper order. Specially in Numeracy and Social Studies / Science. Need to review
the writing book/activities for Literacy.

How is the grouping and organization of the topics?

*As much as possible the topics were integrated.

How many percent of the subject guide were we able to cover and how appropriate is the time
frame assigned per unit/lesson?

*If we will talk about the subject guide (curriculum guide) of DepEd for Kinder, I think we
didn’t cover 100% of it. Simple because there are some topics that is not suitable for Kinder One. But
based from our Scope and Sequence we surely covered 100%. Per lesson we are given one week to
discuss. I think in most topics one week is enough (Numeracy and Social Studies/Science). In some
cases, especially in Literacy I hope topics will be given a bit longer time (Intro in CVC). There were
times when we cannot finish an activity (cause of activities in school, class suspensions, etc) we
continue it the next regular class day. We try our best to finish it so that the next topics (for the next
week) won’t be affected.


What are success stories, innovations as well as challenges and issues did you encounter when
designing classroom experiences, which competencies are present in our Subject Guide and which
are not?

*This is my first year to teach in a progressive school. I don’t have any idea on how to make
Kinder lesson plan (progressive). Being open to colleagues’ ideas, asking questions, researching,
reading and accepting mistakes (try not to be know-it-all kind of teacher) will also help. Thank you so
much to our head, Ms. Karen for commending my lesson plan whenever I made a good one. I really
feel genuinely happy whenever Ms. Karen compliment my lesson plan. It feels so good cause it came
from someone who knew much about progressive way of teaching.

Whenever I am doing my lesson plan, as much as possible I try to look for the competencies in the
curriculum guide. Most of the topics can be found in the guide. There are some topics in the animals
and plants that cannot be found in the guide.

What are current practices and processes currently established and followed?

*In making Kindergarten lesson plan, integration should really be a practice. Repeating some
concept to pupils will help them remember. Experiential learning, we let our pupils involve.

What are common challenges did you face?

*Regarding assessment, what makes it hard is when we need to understand that our pupils’
capabilities are of course not the same. There are some who can understand the topic in one
example, some cannot. Teachers must keep on trying different ways on how to let them answer. Like
during our exam aside from written we conduct performance task. Others might not be good during
written exam but does well in performance.

What factors influence your way of grading your student?

*In Kinder we based it from Developmental Checklist. Different criteria are indicated.


In what way was the Textbook/Module used?

*We based our topics (Literacy) in our Textbook. As much as possible we will not make any
worksheets in Literacy because we use the activities in the book (assessment - serves as their

How much of it were we able to cover/accomplish

*I think by the end of school year we will be able to finish all the activities/seatwork/topics
in Literacy book, page by page.

Danica A. Evangelista

K1 - Aurora

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