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It is my honor to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of my

individual report,

First and foremost, I want to express my sincere gratitude to my respective module lecturer


For helping me in completing my report successfully, and for giving me a chance to enhance my
learning skills.

Second, I’d like to thank all the respective lecturers who helped in various ways.

My thanks go to all who helped me in completing my report, and for your invaluable assistance
and guidance.

Table of Contents
Task 1 ……………………………………………………………………. 4-5

Task 2 …………………………………………………………………… 6-7

Task 3 …………………………………………………………………… 8 - 12

References ……………………………………………………………. 12

Task 1
When discussing the workings of a company, we can divide it into two broad categories: the
private sector and the public sector. The private sector refers to the part of the economy that is
not managed by the government but is instead operated by individuals and companies for
financial gain. This encompasses all private businesses operating for profit outside of direct
government control. The public sector is a component of the economy that consists of all
government-owned and -operated firms. Providing essential services for the benefit of the public
is the public sector's top priority.
MAS is a private-sector organization. Around 66,000 people are employed by MAS, the
largest private employer in Sri Lanka, across all of its facilities.
There are different types of business, all those businesses come under the three categories
mentioned below:
 Primary
 Secondary
 Tertiary

Primary sector – this sector deals with the extraction and harvesting of natural resources such as
agriculture and mining.
Secondary sector – this sector comprises construction, manufacturing, and processing
Tertiary sector – this sector makes up of retailers, entertainment, and financial companies
MAS holdings is a secondary sector company, as it comprises manufacturing clothes like
apparel accessories, fabric, and apparel manufacturing.
There are five types of legal business structures,
 Sole proprietorship
 General Partnership
 Limited Liability Company (LLC)
 Corporations
 Corporative
Sole proprietorship - When starting a company, the easiest option is to operate as a sole
proprietor. A sole proprietorship is a business structure in which one person takes on the risk and
rewards of the business's financial success and failure. Sole proprietorship is very common for
new firms. Businesses that are now worth millions of dollars often began as one person's hobby
and then expanded.
Partnership - When two or more people own a business together, they are called partners. There
are two types of partnerships: general partnerships, in which all partners receive an equal cut of
the profits, and limited partnerships, in which only one person is responsible for running the
company while the others merely make financial contributions and split the earnings.
Limited liability Company - LLCs are a kind of business organization that combines the tax and
flexibility advantages of partnerships with the liability protection of corporations.
Corporations - A corporation is a type of business structure that gives the entity a separate legal
entity from its owners. It is complex and expensive to set up, and it requires the owners to
comply with more tax requirements and regulations.
MAS Holdings, LLC is a limited liability company (LLC), a business structure that combines
aspects of corporations and partnerships. It reduces administrative burdens and limits the owners'
exposure to personal liability. Since the profits and losses of a firm are "passed through" to the
owners, they must be reported by each owner on their personal tax returns.
A company's tax burden, its access to capital, its regulatory burden, and its owner's exposure to
personal culpability are all influenced by its legal structure. Organizational clarity benefits
workers at all levels. Departments can run more smoothly if attention is paid to their structure,
and resources are prioritized in accordance with their most useful uses.

Task 2
Depending on your industry and business model, you may need to organize your company into
several divisions. Here are only a few: manufacturing, retail, advertising, administrative, and
scientific work. It is via these corporate endeavors that the organization will run efficiently and
achieve its full potential. The company will no longer require its employees to wear several hats,
but rather will staff each division with experts in a certain area, such as accounting, sales, or
digital marketing. Human resources, marketing, operations, accounting and finance,
administration, information technology, and customer service are the most important aspects of
every organization.
Every aspect of a company is based on the production function, which is an ongoing operation.
Because production is only justified when it generates revenue through sales, the marketing
function plays a significant part in the production cycle. Large amounts of both fixed and
working capital are committed to the production process. Consequently, the financial manager
must exercise strict management over capital expenditures on productive assets.
The R&D department focuses on developing and improving existing products and services as
well as exploring new avenues for doing so. Research and development (R&D) efforts must be
closely linked with marketing and sales activities to ensure that the company is giving exactly
what its consumers want in the most effective, efficient, and cost-effective way possible.

In many companies, sales and marketing fall under the purview of the same division. The role of
the sales and marketing department is to promote the firm and build relationships with potential
clients, suppliers, investors, and other interested parties. The end goal is obviously an increase in
sales and popularity for the brand. Those in charge of sales and marketing conduct research on
potential customers and the market as a whole, monitor the company's social media presence,
create promotional materials, and seek out new clients. They might also make contact with
journalists and reporters and develop content for websites, brochures, and other promotional
HR is one of the most important facets of any large company's operations because of the
importance of its personnel. Human resources professionals are accountable for recruiting top-
tier workers, vetting and interviewing applicants, overseeing workplace relations, and keeping
the office running smoothly. Compliance with labor and employment legislation, employee
dispute resolution, and fielding of queries all fall within the purview of human resources.

Every single monetary transaction, whether it's an influx or a drain, is recorded by accountants
and financiers. Putting together financial documents such an income statement, balance sheet,
and cash flow statement for distribution to stakeholders and other stakeholders. The tax liability
of a company is calculated on the basis of its financial accounts. Planning, controlling, and
decision-making are all improved with the help of accounting information that has been analyzed
and interpreted in a way that is useful to management


COO Digital Innovation HR Finance

Process HR
MAS Active Digital Excellence Innovation

Talent Management
MAS Initiatives Mktg and Supply Innovation

Strategic Growth and business
transformation development
MAS Kreeda

Activities are more effective and efficient as a result of the organization. By dividing its
workforce and its responsibilities into specific departments, the company can take on a wide
variety of projects at once. Further, a well-defined framework instructs employees on how to best
accomplish their duties (Scott, 1975). When it comes to human resource issues like delegating
responsibility, a well-defined organizational structure is essential for every growing corporation.
When a firm is ready to expand, its founders should think about establishing a formal structure.

The organizational structure guides the company's operations by specifying the formal reporting
relationships that govern the many tasks and departments.
The formal organizational chart of a corporation facilitates the creation of new positions within
the company and provides a ready and adaptable means of growth. Employees at all levels of a
firm can do their jobs better if they have a clear understanding of how the business is structured.
Departments can function more effectively and devote more time and resources to productive
endeavors if the organizational structure is carefully considered. For companies, a clearly defined
organizational structure can also act as a roadmap for internal promotions, providing a
framework for creating viable career advancement opportunities for new hires.

Task 3
In addition to the usual suspects like suppliers, customers, competitors, employment markets,
and financiers, a firm's operational environment may also include things like trade associations,
labor unions, and even a parent company. In contrast, the general or contextual environment
includes these macro environmental aspects. Businesses face challenges in the areas of
economics, politics, sociocultural, technology, and law from a variety of sources, including
regional and governmental sources, as well as global and supranational movements. A company's
operations are affected by a wide variety of factors in what is called its "external environment."
The company needs to take action or react to preserve its existing level of productivity. Outside
factors can be broken down into two broad classes: the macroenvironment and the
microenvironment. The microenvironment consists of the factors that have an immediate impact
on a business's daily operations. Macroenvironment elements are broad variables over which a
company has little to no say. The company's fate rests on its capacity for change. Every setting
has its own unique set of factors to take into account. As an illustration, we'll use a petrol station
to discuss the effects of both large and small scale environmental influences.
Micro environmental factors
The term "microenvironment" is used to describe the immediate surrounding area of a firm,
which can have an immediate impact on daily operations. It consists of external elements, such
as political, economic, technological, and cultural forces, that are near to the organization and
have the potential to affect its performance and day-to-day operations. The six components of a
company's immediate environment are the company itself, its suppliers and marketing
intermediates, its competitors, the general public, and its consumers.
Several departments and functions throughout a business, such as executive management,
finance, operations, human resources, R&D, accounting, and so on, must be taken into account
by marketing management when formulating marketing strategies. Because of this, they require
close cooperation from marketing managers in order to make judgments based on long-term

goals and objectives. With marketing as the driving force, other departments like production,
finance, legal, and HR are tasked with learning about customers and providing value to them.
A company's suppliers are a crucial cog in the machine that is bringing value to its consumers.
They provide the company with its essential inputs, such as raw materials, components, cutting
tools, equipment, and so on. The quality and consistency of a company's suppliers significantly
affects its capacity to function successfully. Managers in charge of marketing should always be
aware of their suppliers' rates and availability. Shortages or delays in obtaining goods due to
natural disasters or other occurrences could hurt sales in the short term and lead to dissatisfied
customers in the long term.

The marketing intermediates are crucial cogs in the wheel of the company's value distribution
system. In this context, "suppliers" refers to anyone who helps a company get its products in
front of customers. Distribution companies (such as warehouses or transportation companies)
help businesses stock and transport goods from their point of origin to their final destination;
marketing service companies (such as market research and advertising firms) aid businesses in
identifying and reaching target audiences; and so on.
In business, a company's competitors are its adversaries that want to undermine its success in the
market and compete for its resources. According to the marketing principle of differentiation, a
company can only thrive if it provides more to its customers than its competitors. Instead of just
accommodating the preferences of their target audience, marketers should actively seek to
acquire an edge over their competitors by strategically positioning their products in the market.
Public at large - The "public" here refers to anyone who might be interested in the company's
product or who could have an impact on the company's capacity to achieve its objective. Public,
financial public, media public, government public, citizen-action public, internal public, and
local public are the seven types of publics that might be encountered in a business's marketing
Customers are the most important factor in a company's immediate environment. Every step of
the value delivery process is geared toward establishing a rapport with the intended
demographic. There are five potential consumer groups that businesses can aim at. International
markets, markets for resellers, government markets, commercial markets, and consumer markets
are all included.
Macro environmental factors
When discussing the decision-making process of a company, the term "macro-environment" is
used to describe the large, external, and uncontrollable forces that play a role. A corporation does
not operate alone in its business environment but acts in a larger context. It is made up of
elements that can be both beneficial and harmful to companies. Demographic, Economic,
Natural, Technological, Political, and Cultural environments are six aspects of the macro

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Demographic environment - The study of the human population in connection to its size, density,
age, location, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics is known as demography. Marketers
take a keen interest in the demographic landscape because consumers drive economic growth.
For enterprises, the huge and diversified demographics bring both opportunities and
Economic environment - The economic environment consists of aspects that may have an impact
on consumers' purchasing power and spending habits. A company, for instance, should not start
exporting to a country without first learning about its consumers' buying habits. Important
economic indicators include gross domestic product, gross national income, the rate of import
duties, unemployment, inflation, consumer spending patterns, and personal disposable income.

The term "natural environment" is used to describe the external conditions and resources upon
which marketers rely or which are affected by their efforts. The state of the environment has
risen in importance as recent years' worth of environmental problems have shown.
Environmental disasters such as flooding, drought, air and water pollution, etc.
The impact of technology on the global environment is substantial. Before investing in
marketing, businesses should examine how new technologies are being used and adopted. The
success of the company's communications and marketing efforts depends on its understanding of
the local rate of technological adoption and the state of user interface development.
Politics - Shifts in the political sphere have a significant effect on business decisions. What this
has to do with is the ways in which various groups and individuals in a society can be influenced
or restrained by the laws and governing bodies as well as by pressure groups.
Cultural environment - The cultural environment is linked to aspects that have an impact on
societal norms, preferences, perceptions, and behavior. Businesses must understand the societal
norms and values in order to make effective marketing decisions. When companies fail to
appreciate other cultures, misunderstandings and missteps are common. Symbols that have
favorable connotations in one culture may, for example, have bad connotations in another.
The company's ability to comprehend internal and external occurrences will improve with
environmental analysis, as will the possibility that the resulting organizational plans will be
reflective of the company's actual environment. Rapid environmental shifts have substantial
bearing on a business's ability to function, making environmental scanning a crucial activity.
Analyzing the context in which a company operates can help with the identification of its SWOT
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). The success and growth of every business
relies heavily on doing a SWOT analysis.
Identification of strength - The ability to outperform other companies is a sign of a business's
strength. The strengths of a company can be better understood after an examination of the
organization's internal business environment. If a business is good at something, it should play to
its strengths by expanding on its existing strategies and practices.

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Recognizing Weaknesses – Constraints are the same as weaknesses for a business. Strengths and
weaknesses of a company can be better assessed by keeping an eye on its internal environment.
In some regions, a corporation may thrive while in others, it may struggle. Growth and expansion
are possible only if the flaws can be identified and fixed as soon as possible.
Commercial chances can be found with the help of environmental assessments. The company
needs to do everything in its ability to seize opportunities as they occur.
The process of recognizing potential threats to an organization. With the use of environmental
evaluations, they can pinpoint potential dangers posed by the surrounding environment. Finding
potential threats before they become actual ones is always a good idea.
To make the most of limited materials, time, and energy, a precise environmental assessment is
essential. There can be no efficient utilization of resources until both the internal and external
contexts are known. The corporation can save money and make better use of its resources thanks
to in-depth analyses of the surrounding market.
To ensure the company's continued viability and expansion, it is vitally important to conduct
regular analyses of the external factors influencing its operations. This allows the business to
survive and even grow in the highly competitive marketplace.
Set your company's long-term course - any successful business has both short- and long-term
objectives. The corporate firm can establish plans and procedures that could make reaching those
organizational aims simple by appropriately studying environmental components. The business
cannot develop a viable plan without first doing environmental scanning.
Scanning one's surrounding environment can help with making judgments, as doing so requires
picking the best alternative from a number of possibilities. One of the most important tools for
understanding and making decisions across the board in any business is an environmental study.
The firm's ability to make precise decisions is important to its success. Environmental impact
studies are essential in helping businesses make the best possible decisions for their growth and
Practical tools and tactics, such as business analysis models, can improve your understanding of
your organization's context and your strategic planning for the future. There is a wide variety of
standard procedures, with some being more common than others.
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis.
The acronym SWOT refers to the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats framework,
a common tool for formulating and evaluating plans (Sarsby, 2016). The SWOT analysis is a
popular tool for evaluating strategic options. It comprises taking stock of your organization's
assets and weaknesses, as well as its opportunities and dangers in the marketplace.
Once you've found them, you can think about how to:
Make the most of your favorable circumstances.

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Avoid drawing too much attention to your faults.
Get the most out of every opportunity.
Lessen the impact of potential risks
By doing a SWOT analysis, you may better comprehend both the internal and external factors
affecting your company. However, it doesn't always prioritize outcomes, which might lead to
subpar strategic judgment.
The political, economic, social, technical, legal, and environmental (PESTLE) factors were
As it is, PESTEL analysis primarily provides an overarching view of a company's situation and
the macroenvironment. There are two main reasons why businesses use PESTEL analysis.
Firstly, it allows for the localization of the company's operations, which is an important piece of
background information. The second primary goal is to provide the company with knowledge
and data that will enable it to anticipate future occurrences and scenarios. As a result, PESTEL
analysis is an essential tool for any strategic management plan (Yuksel, 2012).

Reference List
Anderson, S., 2012. Public, private, neither, both? Publicness theory and the analysis of
healthcare organizations. Social Science & Medicine, 74(3), pp.313-322.
Sarsby, A., 2016. SWOT analysis. Lulu. com.
Scott, W.R., 1975. Organizational structure. Annual review of sociology, pp.1-20
Yüksel, I., 2012. Developing a multi-criteria decision-making model for PESTEL
analysis. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(24), p.52.

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