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Task 1. Read each question carefully. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. “Unity in diversity” is drawn by the reality that Indonesia has different

a. Ethnic groups and languages that keep away from each other.
b. Ethnic groups and languages that separate them to interact each other.
c. Ethnic groups and languages that connect each other.

2. One characteristic of wet-rice society was ...

a. Practicing shifting cultivation.
b. Performing a good agricultural system.
c. Trading to another island.

3. Why do tribal people practice shifting cultivation ?

a. Because they live in inland areas where areas where the farm is fertile.
b. Because they live in inland areas and they do not know how to cultivate.
c. Because they live in inland areas where the climate and farm do not support wet-rice

4. To trade goods from one island to others is usually conducted by

a. Wet-rice society
b. Coastal people
c. Tribal groups

5. Adat is
a. A written traditional code governing all aspects of personal conduct from birth to death.
b. A customary law that rules all appearance of people who live on the certain area.
c. An unwritten government law that regulates people’ life.
Task 2. Find the words or phrases in the text which have the same meaning as the provided
words below. Use the context clue in brackets.
1. Different (disparity)
2. Reality (Fact)
3. Cluster (group)
4. Descent (Ancestry)
5. Confess (Profess)
6. Source (Origin)
7. Rural area (idyllic)
8. Old- fashioned (Ancient)
9. Seasid (Coast)
10. Wide (Broad)
11. Inhabitant ( Population )
12. Tribe ( Rate)
13. Habit ( custom)
14. Proof ( Evidence)
15. Blend ( Mixture)

Task 3. Choose the correct part of speech (Nouns, Verb, Adjectives) in brackets to suit with
the sentences below.
Example: The chief of tribe (decision, decides, decisive) the punishment for that criminal.

1. Indonesia has more than 300 (difference, differentiate, different) ethnic groups.
2. Javanese is the most (domination dominate, dominant) Language of the subgroups.
3. Indonesia, as a (development, develop, developing) country, has grown its economy.
4. The tribal people cannot (cultivation, cultivate, cultivated) their farmland because of
unsuitable climate.
5. Those tribes (occupation, occupy, occupied) in Kalimantan island.
6. A different ethnic groups and languages an (illustration, illustrate, illustrative) fact of unity
in diversity.
7. They speak (relation, relate, related) language.
8. The (variety, vary, various) groups have developed a wide range of cultures.
9. The chief of ethnic groups must be able to (administration, administer, administrative)
simply his people.
10. A crime can be absolved by a (reconciliation, reconcile, reconcilable) to the aggrieved

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