Telehealth - Parvesh Singh

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The Rise of Telehealth : How the COVID-19 Pandemic led to the Rise in Remote Health Services

As we all observe with emerging technology many things takes new look in form of digitasation , same
goes with medical treatment. In medical services Geography becaming history and a medical practitioner
is as far as screen away from a patient. Telehealth is terminology connects the medical assistance to the
patients through video conferencing , audio calls, real time chat,etc. through smartphones or desktop
over Internet. In some extreme cases a medical person like nurse with van equipped with desire
diagnostic machine and under doctor supervision over video conference can treat effectively.

Telehealth provides a quality treatment for symtoms based illeness very effectivelly and it reduces the
time of treatment as patient does not have to go physically and also cuts the transportation cost
therefore overall treatment costs reduces. A person from rural area can connects to any specialist in
world or county or state, so the quality of medical service does not limits to urban area. Apart from time
reduction , cost efficient but also have to cut social interaction. As telehealth reduces load on hospital by
physically less patients in premises so it get a huge boost in COVID peak time. When people with
shortterm symptomatic illeness can not go to clinics and hospital for treatment because of COVID
spread. As from pandemic time Telehealth gots a much needed boost and due to internet availability in
Remote areas it became easier for people to choose telehealth and also all the report, prescriptions
stored digitally ,so it became easier for future treatment as medical history is one click away. There are
certain challanges also rising which need to be tackled like Social challange people are not considering
telehealth as effective as traditional visit. also there is financial problem in setting up telehealth centre
with nurses and basic staff in rural areas which would provide most of treatment , diagnostics related
work. There is systematic problem also where there no uniform governing body over most of telehealth

Many developed countries bringing new policies and scheme to promote telehealth and also
infrastructure is developing accordingly new servers are being setup to store medical history of a
person, also AI technology is evolving in this field also and now robots and perform certain surgeries very
precisely . This robots can be setup in remote and hilly areas where the complete hospital setup is very
difficult. Some telehealth centre with basic staff can easily be also setup which can easily give primary
treatment to trauma condition and turnout to be a lifesaving measure.Recently Indian government
decided to provide health ID to every individual so with one click doctor can have whole medical history
of patient , this improves the effectiveness of the treatment and also increses the awarness of telehealth
in common people.

As of now Telehealth is growing rapidly eradicating some of basic problems from its growth like Social
accaptance can be increased by public awareness camps. Financial problem can be minimised by
government subsidy , and reducing taxes on import on releavent machines and articles. And also
government can make independent body to regulate telehealth protocols as we are seeing in china in
telehealth checkup doctors are recommending heavy drugs and also guiding patients how to insert
needle in body and inject drug , which in turn can be disastrous so government/country should impose
strict code of conduct on how to perform telehealth guidance .Some efforts will surely change the
healthcare forever and everyone can have quality treatment from comfort of there home.

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