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Welcome adventurer!

Conjuring up imaginative details on

the spot for your heroes to find is not
always easy. Even seasoned game
masters need a little help coming
up with stuff in the blink of an eye.
Dungeon Discoveries decks are a fun
and easy way to provide your players
with endless immersive details.

Discover more on:
“You find a cursed, arcane
miniature sailboat”
Using This Deck
Draw cards and match entries from the
top and bottom. Feel free to mix and
match in any order! The results can be
mundane, cryptic, ridiculous,
or even a new quest hook.
fiery red
crude alabaster
exquisite ivory

glowing gemstone
pocket mirror
cabernet goblet
eye emblem
Curious Treasure | card 01 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
brightly colored

sparkling moonstone
opaline pebbles
dryad figurine
satin coin pouch
Curious Treasure | card 02 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
richly engraved
tiny enchanted
faintly glowing

curved poniard
pearwood lute
pocket diary
golden crucifix
Curious Treasure | card 03 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
gnome masterwork
richly carved
ornately crafted

miniature hourglass
elven longbow
silver goblet
bullseye lantern
Curious Treasure | card 04 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
beautifully polished
curved ivory

shoulder pads
walking stick
heavy warhammer
dwarven gauntlets
Curious Treasure | card 05 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
minute ebony

fine goblin wine

clam shell mirror
throwing blades
sturdy buckler
Curious Treasure | card 06 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
exquisitely carved
softly glowing
carved and painted
town elders’

checkers set
prized dulcimer
rod puppet
ritual mask
Curious Treasure | card 07 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
platinum filigree
mermaid motif
engraved glowing

woven hairpiece
anchor bracelet
starlight vial
skeleton chalice
Curious Treasure | card 08 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
miniature ebony
yellow sapphire
engraved electrum
fine ivory

puzzle box
butterfly pendant
pocket sundial
moral compass
Curious Treasure | card 09 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
sparkling aquamarine
weirdly elongated
elven-lord’s prized

mermaid figurine
serrated dagger
crystal skull
enchanted songbook
Curious Treasure | card 10 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
tiny turquoise
gently jingling
sturdy studded

jewelry box
lucky charm
steel bracers
Curious Treasure | card 11 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
gleaming onyx
pristine pearly
finely preserved

belt buckle
hand drum
seashell necklace
aged orc-liquor
Curious Treasure | card 12 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
fallen hero’s

onyx ring
golden tiara
branch flute
Curious Treasure | card 13 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
green pearl
glowing crystal
red marbled
polished azurite

flowery headband
djinni bottle
spiked crown
playing dice
Curious Treasure | card 14 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
red velvet
tacky felt
purple dotted

jester's cap
decorative shawl
eye patch
weapon peace bond
Curious Treasure | card 15 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
blue spinel
dwarven artisan
hand painted

lucky talisman
beard grooming kit
fortune telling cards
pocket hourglass
Curious Treasure | card 16 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
finely gilded
pretty limestone

ceramic urn
dryad sculpture
purity ring
druidic staff
Curious Treasure | card 17 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
zodiac themed
finely woven
black opal

steel buckler
traveler’s cloak
wolf totem
demon statuette
Curious Treasure | card 18 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
color changing
berry infused
ogre skin

elemental elixir
mustache wax
dwarven stout
spiced jelly
Curious Treasure | card 19 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
delicious green
curiously scented
blazing hot

goblin cheese
dried batwings
elven spirit
kobold ale
Curious Treasure | card 20 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
invisibility dispelling
wax sealed
speed enhancing

moon amulet
last will of a king
centaur hooves
Curious Treasure | card 21 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
insult spewing
guttural chanting
sleep inducing
mind controlling

dwarf portrait
minotaur horn
book of thorns
phantasmal flute
Curious Treasure | card 22 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
shiny black
darkness piercing

manticore mane
owlbear talons
unicorn horn
gorgon eyes
Curious Treasure | card 23 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
bubbling acidic
rare gleaming
language deciphering
reflective marbled

troll blood
griffin plume
moonlight prism
key to the city
Curious Treasure | card 24 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
gold and onyx
platinum etched

box of truth stones

fireproof gauntlets
never-ending rope
hydra heads
Curious Treasure | card 25 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
sparkling white
ornamental elvish

boots of trespassing
icarus wings
golem tears
letter opener
Curious Treasure | card 26 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
gold studded
the one and only
wound curing
water breathing

helmet of courage
unicorn horn
phoenix feather
triton sea necklace
Curious Treasure | card 27 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
ornate brass
never dulling
hydra skin
will crushing

falconer’s glove
demon mouth
Curious Treasure | card 28 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
cursed arcane
mysterious old
delicate walnut
fine chalcedony

horned skull
miniature sailboat
signaling whistle
Curious Treasure | card 29 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
jet black
immaculate bronze
tacky decorative

tattoo designs
sea chart
alchemist scales
owlbear talons
Curious Treasure | card 30 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
perfectly balanced
beautifully etched

brass gyroscope
pair of acrobat stilts
electrum chime
mountaineering gear
Curious Treasure | card 31 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
faintly shimmering
rare and precious

herbalist pouch
slain lich’s phylactery
fey flower seeds
meteorite fragment
Curious Treasure | card 32 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
blood-red wooden
green ghostly
intricately crafted

medusa head
ship in a bottle
four leaf clover
master key
Curious Treasure | card 33 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
tempered glass
prophecy whispering
flame embossed
green tinged

alchemist’s alembic
talking skull
angular canteen
shrunken ogre head
Curious Treasure | card 34 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
purple billowing
eerily whispering
fear invoking

dragon heart
ornate censer
orc-blood ink
kraken tentacle
Curious Treasure | card 35 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
flower motif
ornately gilded
melodically chiming

ornamental comb
beard beads
lariat necklace
deep sea pearl
Curious Treasure | card 36 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
simple elegant

gemstone bangle
climbing gear
silver darts
tiny casket
Curious Treasure | card 37 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
colorful striped
moonlight radiating
blood-red dyed

tassel necklace
pouch of marbles
charm bracelet
waterproof lantern
Curious Treasure | card 38 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
exquisitely embellished
basilisk skin
cold repelling
sunlight absorbing

studded anklet
spell component pouch
white fur cloak
holy sun emblem
Curious Treasure | card 39 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
fine porcelain
antique brass

sheet music binder

demitasse tea set
etched desk bell
dome-top bird cage
Curious Treasure | card 40 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
sparkling jacinth
centaur fur
carved ogre bone
woven yin-yang

tribal headband
cold resistant boots
dousing rod
dream catcher
Curious Treasure | card 41 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
emerald inlaid
mint condition
midnight black

leather gloves
goblin draught
leather arrow quiver
moon-shaped buckler
Curious Treasure | card 42 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
ornately detailed
angelic sounding
superbly crafted
green shimmering

diamond tiara
thin tubular bells
scroll case
mortar and pestle
Curious Treasure | card 43 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
pitch black
vibrant sparkling
spider skin
blue sparkling

clairvoyance tea
smoke powder
darkness mantle
lightning mace
Curious Treasure | card 44 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
sturdy waterproof
wonderfully crafted
elegant electrum
gnome made

wayfinding boots
artisan's pencils
intricate astrolabe
weather compass
Curious Treasure | card 45 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
boar blood
red and black
silver fuming

tribal face paint

salted orc sausages
truth-telling incense
armor painting kit
Curious Treasure | card 46 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
triangular emerald
red dragon scale
blue ephemeral

future sight mirror

flame motif bangle
orc fang earrings
sea serpent pipe
Curious Treasure | card 47 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
weightlessly floating
eerily humming
water walking

pentagram hanger
raven skull
ocean king’s trident
small harp
Curious Treasure | card 48 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
pure white
gleaming opaline
ever burning

holy grail
divine cross
spider talisman
oil lantern
Curious Treasure | card 49 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
persistently ominous
cheater’s choice

tarot cards
marble chess set
playing cards
weighted die
Curious Treasure | card 50 © 2019 Loresmyth Publishing
Create Your Own Card
The smithing of lore and myth into a
powerful compound.

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