Last Human

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How Long can the Humanity last?

It is difficult to predict with certainty how long humanity will exist. The future of humanity depends
on various factors such as technological advancements, environmental changes, geopolitical events,
and others. It also includes the potential for catastrophic events such as war, natural disasters, and
pandemics, which could have a significant impact on human civilization.

Some experts argue that humanity could face a collapse or extinction event within the next century
due to issues such as climate change, overpopulation, and resource depletion. Others believe that
humanity will continue to evolve and adapt to new challenges, potentially leading to a much longer

There are also a number of futuristic scenarios that have been proposed, such as the possibility of
human immortality through medical advancements, or humanity reaching a "post-human" stage
through technological advancements like artificial intelligence and human-computer integration.

It's important to note that making predictions about the future of humanity is difficult and complex,
as it depends on many variables and uncertain factors. Additionally, humanity's potential longevity
isn't a question that can be answered with certitude, as many of the factors that would affect it can't
be predicted and are subject to change.

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