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Name: __________________________ Section:_________________________

Activity # 16
t-Test for Correlated or Dependent Data
A group of employees was given an attitude test on a controversial subject. Then they were shown a film
favorable to the subject and the attitude test was then re-administered. Make a directional test with alpha
= 0.01.

Employee Scores Scores After
Number Before the the Film
Film Showing Showing
1 17 21
2 18 22
3 20 24
4 24 28
5 24 34
6 22 20
7 20 24
8 17 23
9 10 18
10 11 19
11 20 26
12 15 20

1. Ho: There is no significant difference between the attitude test given before and after a film was
shown to the group of employees on a controversial subject.
2. (μ 1 = μ 2)

Ha : There is a significant difference between the attitude test given before and after a film was shown
to the group of employees on a controversial subject.
(μ2 > μ1) directional test, one - tailed test (antipating that posttest scores > Pretest scores)

3. α = 0.01 (this is emphasized in the problem)

4. use t-test for dependent or correlated data

5. df = n – 1 = (df for paired observations where n is the number of paires observation)

df = n – 1 = (n = refers to the number of paired observations)

df = 12-1

df = 11

Tabular or critical t-value = 1.796 (from the t-distribution Table or this can be seen in the output if you are
using Data Analysis ToolPak)

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 18.16666667 23.25
Variance 20.33333333 20.02272727
Observations 12 12
Pearson Correlation 0.777195913
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 11
t Stat -5.872199722 Computed t
P(T<=t) one-tail 5.36823E-05 p-value
t Critical one-tail 2.718079184 critical or tabular-t
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.000107365
t Critical two-tail 3.105806516


6. Computation:

Use Data Analysis ToolPak in getting the mean, standard deviation, t-value and p-value.
1 (pretest) = 18.17

2 (posttest) = 23.25

t-value = -5.87
p-value = 5.37


Using the p-value and level of significance

Table 3
Testing the Significance of the Difference Between Means of the
Pretest and Posttest Results of the Employees during the Attitude Test
n = _________
Test Computed Critical p-value Decisio Remark
t-value t-value n

Pretest 18.17 -5.87 or 2.718 5.368 Do not Not

5.87 Reject Ho Significant
Posttes 23.25
Level of significance = 0.01; df = 11
Table 3 reveals the overall results of administering an attitude test to a group of employees
before and after a film showing. It can be gleaned in the table that the posttest mean score (23) is five
points higher than the pretest mean score (18). Using t-test for correlated or dependent data, it shows
that the computed p-value (5.368) is gretaer than the level of significance (0.01). This finding will result to
the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means that there is no significant difference between the
attitude test given before and after a film was shown to the group of employees on a controversial
subject.This simply implies that the film showing has no impact to the group of employees on a
controversial subject.

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