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Music superstars Kat Valdez
and Bastian are getting
married before a global
audience of fans. But when Kat
learns, seconds before her vows,
that Bastian has been
unfaithful, she decides to marry
Charlie, a stranger in the
crowd, instead.

(c) IMDB
Exchange vows - обмінятися клятвами
husband to be - майбутній чоловік
Veil - фата, вуаль
wanna (амер.) = want - хотіти
Gown - плаття
Tough oudience - не вийшло
Track - біг
check it out - перевір
ridiculous - нестерпно
can't wait - скоріше б
scoot over - посунся
I've got you in my head - ти в моїй голові
Something's wrong! - Дещо сталось!
She's making fool of herself - Вона виставляє себе на
They say:"If you want something different you have to make
something different" - Кажуть: "Хочеш змін - почни з себе"
to declare - оголошувати
Get the hell away of me! - Відваліть!
let everyone down - підвести всіх

to hang up - повісити трубку

you're kidding - ти жартуєш
to get one's head together - зібратися з думками
whatever - авжеж
to do a bit of digging - поритися, зібрати інформацію
dumpster fire - некерована ситуація чи подія
decent - пристойний
straight - правильний
to sign - підписати
NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) - договір про
let it blow over - нехай це закінчиться (про проблеми)
it's not legal - це не законно
insane - божевільний, неконтрольований
be a joke - бути дурепою
to be a punch line - бути кульмінацією
object of mockery - предмет насмішок
a break of tradition - відмова від традицій
nervous break - нервовий зрив
crowd - натовп
a moment of clarity - момент істини
she had that idea - вона це придумала

wrong approach - неправильний підхід

this is rediculous - це нісенітниця
credibility - визнання, авторитет
I'll take it - Дякую за комплімент
pretend - зображувати, прикидатися
not with that attitude... - з таким ставленням...
to be responsible - нести відповідальність
frivolous - легковажно
transactional - угода
leap of faith - стрибок у невідомість
shake things up - змінити хід подій
reliefed - відчуваю полегшення
fame - слава
glee club - хор, гурток вокалу
wrist - рука (зап'ястя)
corsage - бутоньєрка
inspiration - натхнення
fellow - колега
self-sufficient - самодостатня
social media - соціальні мережі
jerk - придурок
it worked down - спрацювало
i don't fit in - я не вписуюсь
shelter - сховище
Vocabulary practice
Task 1. Connect the phrases with
its translation
1. Exchange the vows
a) Неправильний підхід
2. I've got you in my
b) Ти в моїй голові
c) Момент істини
3. If you want
d) Прикидатися, вдавати
something different
e) Хочеш змін - почини з
you have to make
something different
f) Обмінятися клятвами
4. A moment of clarity
5. Wrong approach
6. To pretend

Task 2. Find the meaning of the

following phrases
1. To get one's head together
2. Dumpster fire a) an utterly calamitous or
3. Be a joke mismanaged situation or
4. Moment of clarity occurence: disaster.
5. Insane b) to be completely useless,
6. To be a punch line stupid or unreasonable.
C) culmination, humorous
or dramatic point.
D) a state of mind which
prevents normal
perception, behaviour or
social interaction.
E) to have one's actions,
thoughts, feelings and
emotions under control.
F) A time, when person
suddenly understands

Task 3. Translate the following

sentences into Ukrainian

1.The "Marry Me' country tour

is something you will not
wanna miss. ________________
2. I'll be the one in a veil.
3. This's just once in a lifetime.
4. I've been told that 20 million
people will supposed to watch as take
our vows.__________________________
5. Why not? Yes. You. I will marry you

6. Do you, 'some guy', take Kat to be your loved

7. It's an insane situation!
8. I don't even know her
9. Are you asking me at the school dance?
10. Who do you think you are, man?! Some fan?

Task 4. Watch the official trailer
and fill the empty spaces
The narrator: The "Marry Me'
country tour is something
In 36 hours Kat Valdez
and Grammy-winning Bastian will
perform the new song 'Marry Me'
in front of the streaming audience of 20 million
Bastian: See you tomorrow!
Kat: I'll be _______________________.
Parker: Charlie, this is once in a lifetime!
Charlie: I've got _______________________ tonight.
Parker: Good, I've got 3 tickets for the concert
tonight. _______________.
Lou: Dad, you haven't had any fun since mom left.
Just say yes!

Some guy: ______________________________!!!

Charlie: What am I doing here?
Kat: Ok, let's go. We only have 5 minutes. What's
everybody _______________________________?
Manager: Nothing.
Kat: Give me your phone.
The Narrator: Kat Valdez's___________________ ,
Bastian, ________________ with her assistant.
Audience: We love you, Kat!
Parker: Hold this.
Kat: I've been told that 20 million people will
supposed to watch as take our vows. They say:
Why not? Yes. You. I will marry you

Task 5. Watch the movie

Manager: It's Bastian. He says he just needs five
Kat: Hang (on/up/out) and turn that off.
Manager: I got to go.
Kat: God, he's unbelievable.
Colin: What now?
Manager: Well, he goes to Puerto Rico. He says he
needs to (get himself together/get away
together/get his head together)
Colin: (Whatever/Whenever/Wherever)
Manager: Kat, he was crying
Kat: Not helping
Colin: You all right?
Kat: No
Colin: Ok, I did a bit of (thinking/ climbing/ digging)
last night and it turns out, out of 10 000 potential
(disaster/dumpster/doorstep) fires, you picked a


(distant/recent/decent) straight single father with

no criminal record, and get this, he's a (Math/Arts/
Science) teacher.
Kat: And that's good?
Colin: It's great! He's not gonna be a problem! I say
we offer (9000$/1000$/5000$), get him to sign a
(DNA/MDA/NDA) and let it all (work out/blow
over/blow out).

Marry Me

Task 6. Watch the movie

(1:00:20 - 1:01:40)
What do the following phrases
'Kill the music' means:
a) kill the DJ
b) turn the music off
c) shut up

'Glee Club' means:

a) music club
b) chamber choir
c) arts club

'Inspiration' means:
a) muse
b) motivation
d) frustration

'A fellow architect

of song' means:
a) a songwriter
b) co-author of song
d) a lovely fan

'Corsage' means:
a) boutoniere
b) bunch
c) flower


Task 7. Put the actions into the

correct order.

a) The girls from the Glee Club are singing ___

b) Pitts asks Kat to sign the poster ___
c) Kat is surprised ___
d) Charlie is talking about rules at school disco ___
e) Charlie gives the corsage to Kat ___
f) Kat shows her corsage to Parker ___
g) Pitts scresms 'Kill the music' _____
f) Kat and Charlie enter the school_____


Task 8. Who is it?
I am pop superstar and Kat’s stage partner and
I'm about to marry Kat after we released a hit
single together. On the day of the wedding, I am
found cheating on Kat.
a) Charlie
b) Bastian
c) Collin

I am an international sensational music star.

We've just released our chart-topping single
“Marry Me” and are about to tie the knot in
front of their fans and thousands of people at a
live concert. But, in a second before my vow
I've found out that my husband-to-be cheated
b) Melissa
c) Kat
I'm a divorced high-school math teacher. I am a
single father. I happen to be at the concert
where the celebrity couple, Kat and her groom
are about to get married and through a strange
twist of fate, Kat ends up marrying him instead. It
was twisted idea. I don't know how does it
happen, but We are a couple with an
international pop-star
a) Bastian
b) Charlie
c) Colin

I'm Kat’s assistant, agent, confidante, and friend.

a) Colin
b) Bastian
c) Pitts


I'm Charlie’s best friend and, in a way, the reason

why Kat ends up choosing Charlie in the crowd.
a) Lou
b) Parker

I am the only daughter. We share a very friendly

bond and have a great sense of understanding
between each other.
a) Parker
b) Lou
c) Kat

I'm the glee club director

a) Pitts
b) Charlie
c) Kat


Task 9. Read the review from the

official IMDb agency. Which
review is clother to you.


Task 10. Write your own review


Task 11. Do the quiz
1. Did Kat and Bastian get marry and the concert?
a) Yes they did
b) No, they didn't

2. Why did Kat decide to

get married to Charlie?
a) Because she felt boring
b) Because she noticed Charlie with the poster
"Marry Me" and decided that it was a proposal.
c) Because she didn't know what to do in such an
insane situation.

3. Did Charlie want to go to the concert?

a) Yes, he did
b) No, he didn't

4. Why did Charlie agree to marry Kate?

a) he felt sorry for her.
b) just for fun


5. How come that Charlie went to the concert?

a) Lou asked Charlie to buy the tickets and take her
to the concert.
b) Charlie felt boring and decided to go to the
c) Parker broke up with her girlfriend and she had 3
free tickets, so she invited her friend and collegue -
Charlie to the concert.

6. Did Lou accept Kat as her father's spouse?

a) Yes, she did
b) No, she didn't
c) She doesn't know

7. Did Kat and Charlie stay together?

a) Yes, they did
b) No, they broke up
c) They remained to be friends.




Task 1 Task 2 Task 4
1. f 1. e 1. you will not wanna miss
2. b 2. a 2. exchange vows
3. e 3. b 3. the one in a veil
4. c 4. f 4. my daughter
5. a 5. d 5. Kat I love you
6. d 6. c 6. looking at
7. husband-to-be
8. cheated
9. if you want something different, you
have to make something different.
Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9
1. up 1. b 1. e 1. b 1. b
2. get his head together 2. b 2. f 2. c 2. b
3. whatever 3. a 3. g 3. b 3. b
4. digging 4. b 4. a 4. a 4. a
5. dumpster 5. a 5. c 5. b 5. c
6. decent 6. b 6. b 6. a
7. 5000$ 7. d 7. a 7. c
8. NDA 8. f
9. blow over


Hello, my dear student! My name is Alina Taran. I'm
an English teacher and interpreter. I have been
teaching adults for 11 years and every time try to
improve my teaching skills. I believe, that lessons
have to be deep, effective, interesting and full of
useful activities. I have been inspired to create this
workbook based on "Marry Me" muvie. I hope, that
it will be useful for you and you will enjoy the
studying process.

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