Class 5

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Sema Moen, Naulakha, Dhanauli, Baheri

First Term Examination
Class- 5th Time - 2 hr.
Sub - SCIENCE Marks - 80

Q1. Define the following terms :- 2x5 = 10

(a) Crop (b) Seed dispersal (c) Cotyledons
(d) Fracture (e) Microbes

Q2. Name the following :- 1x5 = 5

(a) Outer covering of a seed __________
(b) Crops grown in summer __________
(c) Crops grown in winter __________
(d) The parts of a seed that contain stored food for the baby plant __________
(e) Goitre is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin __________

Q3. Match Column A with Column B :- 1x5 = 5

Column A Column B
(a) Soft bones (i) Vitamin A
(b) Tuberculosis (ii) Virus
(c) Common Cold (iii) Calcium
(d) Night blindness (iv) Iron
(e) Anaemia (v) Bacteria

Q4. Give reasons for the following :- 2x4 = 8

(a) We should not wear synthetic clothes while near fire.
(b) We should not use water incase of electric fire.
(c) If a person’s clothes have caught fire, he or she should not run.
(d) In case of a sprain, the bandage is tied in the shape of figure 8.

Q5. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false. 1x10 = 10
(a) Stray dogs and cats carry the rabbies virus.
(b) Snake bite is harmless.
(c) To put out an electrical fire, you should use water.
(d) A sling provides a rigid support to the fractured area.
(e) In a sprain, the injured area swells up.
(f) Rice and potato are rich sources of proteins.
(g) The deficiency of Iodine in our body causes anaemia.
(h) Vitamin ‘A’ is essential for building strong bones.
(i) Vitamin ‘C’ is found in lemon.
(j) Minerals and Vitamins helps us to stay healthy.

Q6. Draw any five traffic signs with their name. 2x5 = 10

Q7. Answer the following questions :-

(a) What are different ways through which plants reproduce? {5}
(b) List the condition necessary for a seed to germinate. {3}
(c) Name the essential components of a food. {7}
(d) Write the differences between communicable and non-communicable diseases
with their examples. {5}

Q8. Write the name of diseases which are caused due to the deficiency of following Vitamins
and Minerals 1x6 = 6
(a) Vitamin A (d) Calcium
(b) Vitamin C (e) Iron
(c) Vitamin D (f) Iodine

Q9. Write down any three safety rules that we should follow while crossing the road.
1x3 = 3

Q10. Write down any three ways of preventing mosquito breeding. 1x3 = 3

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