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“oO In the mountains ) Reading @ vy Dad’s favourite walk My dad used to live in Switzerland and he worked as a mountain guide. This summer Dad wanted to visit Switzerland again. In July | travelled to. the mountains with Mum, Dad and my twin brother Fred. We stayed in a hotel a in alittle village and we had a great time. [ia Ae One day Dad took us on his favourite walk. First, we followed a narrow path through a meadow. There were lots of flowers and there were goats with bells round their necks. They tinkled when the goats moved. After that, the path went through a forest. Itwas shady and quiet. It reminded me of Red Riding Hood but | didn’t see a wolf! After the forest, the path climbed steeply towards the mountain peaks. It led between huge rocks and then the walk became a real adventure. Dad had some surprises for us 4 V2 yo” y e Bl Wewalked into a deep, narrow ravine. We could hear the river splashing over the rocks at the bottom. While we were walking, we heard a distant roar. Gradually, it got louder. We walked round a massive boulder and there was the most amazing sight. Water was falling straight down the mountain and crashing onto the rocks below us. &@ Unit 2. Reading: a personal recount "a The sound was incredible. A waterfall really does roar. It sounded like an angry beast. We couldn't hear each other at all. Dad beckoned to us and we followed him. The path led behind the waterfall Itwas amazing. On the left of the path was the mountainside and on the right was falling water. thought it was fantastic but it was a bit scary, too. Itwas quite dark and very noisy. The path came out from behind the waterfall but round the corner it stopped at the edge of a high cliff. There was a short wooden bridge with rope at the sides and it was swinging in the breeze. It looked terrifying but Dad knew itwas safe. Anyway, it was the only way to cross the ravine. The bridge swung even more when we walked on it. We walked slowly to keep steady. Fred and | thought it was fun but Dad had to help Mum. Sheis frightened of high places. She walked with her eyes shut! We:sat on the rocks and ate our lunch. Then we set off again. We climbed higher and higher. After an hour our legs were aching but at last we came to the best place on the whole mountain. Itwas a huge glacier and it looked like a frozen river of ce. There were lots of other people there too. There was a cavein the ice. There were rooms in the cave and ice furniture. Fred sat on the ice chair and played the ice piano. Itwas funny! The last surprise of all was a ride down to the hotel on the little mountain train. We were exhausted but it was a brilliant walk. Unit 2. Reading: a personal recount @® 7 Reading comprehension and vocabulary 1 Answer the questions. Who used to live in Switzerland? When did Susan and her family travel to the mountains? Which story did Susan think of in the forest? What did the waterfall sound like? Who did not like the bridge? Why not? What was special about the glacier? Why did Susan laugh inside the ice cave? How did Susan feel at the end of the day? eyauruns 2 Think about the answers to these questions. 1 Why do you think the forest reminded Susan of Red Riding Hood? 2. Why did Mum shut her eyes when she walked across the bridge? 3 Which part of the walk do you think Susan liked best? Why? 4 Which part do you think was the best? Why? 3 Match the adjectives and the definitions. Write the word. exhausted massive deep shady _incredible 1 full of shadows going a long way down very big not believable wn wn very tired 4 Match an adjective from Activity 3 to each noun below. Write phrases. ravine children boulder ~— forest. = sound ® Unit 2 Reading comprehension and vocabulary: literal and deductive questions; definitions; phra:

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