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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the award of the Degree of

Session 2022-2024

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, UTTAR PRADESH,


Faculty Guide: Submitted By:

Dr.Arun Jadon Mr. Sakib
Professor & Head MBA-
1 Semester

Roll. No.
Q-1 What is the main objective of storage device?
we can say that a storage device is hardware that is used for storing, porting, or
extracting data files. It can also store information/data both temporarily and permanently.
Computer storage is of two types: Primary Storage Devices: It is also known as internal
memory and main memory.

Important functions of an operating System:

1. Security –
The operating system uses password protection to protect user data and similar other
techniques. it also prevents unauthorized access to programs and user data.

2. Control over system performance –

Monitors overall system health to help improve performance. records the response time
between service requests and system response to having a complete view of the system health.
This can help improve performance by providing important information needed to
troubleshoot problems.

3. Job accounting –
Operating system Keeps track of time and resources used by various tasks and users, this
information can be used to track resource usage for a particular user or group of users.

4. Error detecting aids –

The operating system constantly monitors the system to detect errors and avoid the
malfunctioning of a computer system.

5. Coordination between other software and users –

Operating systems also coordinate and assign interpreters, compilers, assemblers, and other
software to the various users of the computer systems.
2. What are the various input devices? Explain each of them in detail.
Following are some of the important input devices which are used in a
computer −

 Keyboard

 Mouse

 Joy Stick

 Light pen

 Track Ball

 Scanner
 Keyboard is the most common and very popular input device which helps to input data
to the computer. The layout of the keyboard is like that of traditional typewriter,
although there are some additional keys provided for performing additional functions.

Keyboards are of two sizes 84 keys or 101/102 keys, but now keyboards with 104 keys or 108
keys are also available for Windows and Internet.

Mouse is the most popular pointing device. It is a very famous cursor-control device having
a small palm size box with a round ball at its base, which senses the movement of the
mouse and sends corresponding signals to the CPU when the mouse buttons are
Generally, it has two buttons called the left and the right button and a wheel is present
between the buttons. A mouse can be used to control the position of the cursor on the
screen, but it cannot be used to enter text into the computer.

Joystick is also a pointing device, which is used to move the cursor position on a
monitor screen. It is a stick having a spherical ball at its both lower and upper ends.
The lower spherical ball moves in a socket. The joystick can be moved in all four

The function of the joystick is similar to that of a mouse. It is mainly used in Computer
Aided Designing (CAD) and playing computer games.

Light pen is a pointing device similar to a pen. It is used to select a displayed menu item or
draw pictures on the monitor screen. It consists of a photocell and an optical system
placed in a small tube.

When the tip of a light pen is moved over the monitor screen and the pen button is
pressed, its photocell sensing element detects the screen location and sends the
corresponding signal to the CPU.
Track ball is an input device that is mostly used in notebook or laptop computer,
instead of a mouse. This is a ball which is half inserted and by moving fingers on the
ball, the pointer can be moved.

Since the whole device is not moved, a track ball requires less space than a mouse. A
track ball comes in various shapes like a ball, a button, or a square.

Scanner is an input device, which works more like a photocopy machine. It is used
when some information is available on paper and it is to be transferred to the hard
disk of the computer for further manipulation.

Scanner captures images from the source which are then converted into a digital form
that can be stored on the disk. These images can be edited before they are printed.
3. Explain the important categories of software.
The Four Types of Computer Software
 System
 Application
 Malicious
 Programming

1. System Software

This is a type of computer software which controls and coordinates the

procedures and functions of computer hardware and applications. It
allows harmonious computing coexistence by carrying out the man in
the middle tasks which provide the platform onto which secondary
software is installed and run.

2. Application Software

This is a type of computer software meant to accomplish productive and

meaningful tasks for the user. Every single application is designed with
the end user in mind as contrasted with system and programming
languages software, which are concerned with computer management
and development.

An application software is designed to run on computer desktops, mobile devices

and web browsers.

There are two kinds of applications:

 General Purpose
 Custom/Bespoke

3. Malware

While the overall intention of applications is to be productive, some,

however, are laden with derivative motives. They are coded and spread
within systems to produce undesired results.

Malware, short for malicious software, is a generic term used to refer to

intrusive and cunning code and active content designed by criminals
and black hat hackers to cripple functionality of a computer. The end
result for the victim is usually data loss or hacker access to private
Programming Software

This is a set of tools used by programmers to create other software

like Windows OS and Word processing. Also called languages, they
are used to write source codes, debug errors, and maintain and
create new software for computers. They are also used towrite
malicious scripts like viruses and trojans. Programming languages
contain formal and comprehensive vocabulary and sets of rules that
must be followed.

These types of software are either high or low level, and this is
explained by the difference in their complexities. Some languages are
also loosely considered mid-level.Writing software in a low-level
language is tough business since the coding must communicate with
hardware architecture directly.

4. What is the function of output unit in a computer

Output devices relay the response from the
computer in the form of a visual response
(monitor), sound (speakers) or media devices (CD
or DVD drives). The purpose of these devices is to
translate the machine's response to a usable form
for the computer user.
An input/output (I/O) device is a piece of hardware that can
take, output, or process data.
It receives data as input and provides it to a
computer, as well as sends computer data to
storage media as a storage output.
5. Difference between LAN,MAN and WAN.
LAN stands for local area network. It is a group of network devices
that allow communication between various connected devices.
Private ownership has control over the local area network rather
than the public. LAN has a short propagation delay than MAN as
well as WAN. It covers smaller areas such as colleges, schools,
hospitals, and so on.
MAN stands for metropolitan area network. It covers a larger area
than LAN such as small towns, cities, etc. MAN connects two or
more computers that reside within the same or completely
different cities. MAN is expensive and should or might not be
owned by one organization.
WAN stands for wide area network. It covers a large area than LAN
as well as a MAN such as country/continent etc. WAN is
expensive and should or might not be owned by one
organization. PSTN or satellite medium is used for wide area


A compiler is a language translator that converts high level programs into

machine understandable machine codes. In this process, the compiler
converts the whole program to machine code at a time. If there are any
syntactic or semantic error, the compiler will indicate them. It checks the
whole program and displays all errors. It is not possible to execute the
program without fixing those errors.
An interpreter is also a language translator that converts high level
programs into machine codes. Unlike compilers, interpreters convert
the source code to machine code line by line. As it checks line by line,
the scanning time is lower. But the overall execution time is higher.

Interpreter displays an error at a time. The programmer should fix that

error to interpret the next line. Programming languages such as Python,
Ruby, PHP, Perl are some examples of interpreter-based languages.

In addition to high level languages and machine language, there is
another language called the assembly language. Assembly language
is in between the high level languages and machine language. It is
closer to machine language than high level languages. It is also called
low level language. This language is not easily readable and
understandable by the programmer like a high level programming
language. The assembler works as the translator in converting the
assembly language program to machine code.

Explain computer network and its element.

1. Computers:
A computer is a digital device that is able to accept data as input, a
process that data using predefined algorithms and data structures, and
perform tasks as output – that includes the transformation of raw data
into information, then knowledge, and finally insight about the data’s
domain. The output also takes the form of the performance of physical
tasks along with data storage, data transformation, and data retrieval.
The network is also formed by computers for the purposes of data
interchange and leveraging a distributed programming model for parallel
2. Transmission medium:
The means through which we send our data from one place to another
is known as the Transmission medium.
Signals are used to represent data by computers and other
devices. The signals (i.e., data or information) are transmitted in the
form of electromagnetic energy from one device to another. These
signals travel through a vacuum, air, or other transmission mediums to
move from one point to another (from sender to receiver).
The transmission medium is of two types:
 (i) Wired or Guided: For example, Twisted Pair Cable, Coaxial
Cable, and Optical Fiber Cable.
 (i) Wireless or Unguided: For example, Radiowaves,
Microwaves, and Infrared.
3. Protocols:
There are some defined rules and conventions for communication
between network devices.
These are called Protocols. Network protocols include mechanisms for
devices to identify and make connections with each other, as well as
formatting rules that specify how data is packaged into sent and
received messages.

Protocols may be of 3 types:

1. Internet Protocols
2. Wireless Network Protocols
3. Network Routing Protocols
4. Network Software:
Network software is a foundational element for any network. This type
of software helps administrators deploy, manage and monitor a network.
The traditional networks are made up of specialized hardware, such as
routers and switches, that bundle the networking software into the
Such types of software encompasses a broad range of software used
for the design, implementation, and operation, and monitoring of
computer networks. Traditional networks were hardware-based with
software embedded. When software like Defined Networking (SDN)
emerged, the software is separated from the hardware thus making it
more adaptable to the ever-changing nature of the computer network.

8. What are the elements of GUI based operating system?

Elements in Graphical User Interface

Graphical User Interface makes use of visual elements mostly. These elements
define the appearance of the GUI. Some of these are described in detail as
follows −
This is the element that displays the information on the screen. It is very easy
to manipulate a window. It can be opened or closed with the click of an icon.
Moreover, it can be moved to any area by dragging it around.In a multitasking
environment, multiple windows can be open at the same time, all of them
performing different tasks.
There are multiple types of windows in a graphical user interface, such as
container window, browser window, text terminal window, child window,
message window etc.

A menu contains a list a choices and it allows users to select one from them. A
menu bar is displayed horizontally across the screen such as pull down menu.
When any option is clicked in this menu, then the pull down menu appears.
Another type of menu is the context menu that appears only when the user
performs a specific action. An example of this is pressing the right mouse
button. When this is done, a menu will appear under the cursor.

Files, programs, web pages etc. can be represented using a small picture
in a graphical user interface. This picture is known as an icon. Using an
icon is a fast way to open documents, run programs etc. because clicking
on them yields instant access.

Information in an application can be directly read or influences using the
graphical control elements. These are also known as widgets. Normally,
widgets are used to display lists of similar items, navigate the system using
links, tabs etc. and manipulating data using check boxes, radio boxes etc.

A tab is associated with a view pane. It usually contains a text label or a graphical icon.
Tabs are sometimes related to widgets and multiple tabs allow users to
switch between different widgets. Tabs are used in various web browsers
such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari etc. Multiple web pages
can be opened in a web browser and users can switch between them using
9. Describe the software development process in brief.
Software Development Process Steps

The software development process consists of four major steps. Each

of these steps is detailed below.
 Step 1: Planning
 Step 2: Implementing
 Step 3: Testing
 Step 4: Deployment and Maintenance

Step #1: Planning

An important task in creating a software program is
Requirements Analysis. Customers typically have an abstract
idea of what they want as an end result, but not what software
should do. Skilled and experienced software engineers
recognize incomplete, ambiguous, or even contradictory
requirements at this point.
Frequently demonstrating live code may help reduce the risk that
the requirements are incorrect. Once the general requirements
are gathered from the client, an analysis of the scope of the
development should be determined and clearly stated. This is
often called a Statement of Objectives (SOO).
Step #2: Implementation

Implementation is the part of the process where software

engineers actually program the code for the project.
Step #3: Testing
Software testing is an integral and important phase of the
software development process. This part of the process ensures
that defects are recognized as soon as possible. It can also
provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow
users to appreciate and understand the risks of software
Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and
verifying that a software program/application/product.


 meets the requirements that guided its design and development;

 works as expected; and
 can be implemented with the same characteristics.

Step #4: Deployment and Maintenance

Deployment starts after the code is appropriately tested, approved for
release, and sold or distributed into a production environment.
This may involve installation, customization, testing, and
possibly an extended period of evaluation. Software training and
support are important, as the software is only effective if used
correctly. Maintaining and enhancing software to cope with
newly discovered faults or requirements can take substantial time
and effort, as missed requirements may force software redesign

10. What is operating system and its function?

An operating system (OS) is a program that acts as an interface
between the system hardware and the user. Moreover, it
handles all the interactions between the software and the
hardware. All the working of a computer system depends on
the OS at the base level. Further, it performs all the functions
like handling memory, processes, the interaction between
hardware and software, etc. Now, let us look at the functions of
operating system.

Functions of Operating System

1. Memory Management
It is the management of the main or primary memory. Whatever
program is executed, it has to be present in the main memory.
Main memory is a quick storage area that may be accessed
directly by the CPU. When the program is completed, the
memory region is released and can be used by other programs.
Therefore, there can be more than one program present at a
time. Hence, it is required to manage the memory.
The operating system:

 Allocates and deallocates the memory.

 Keeps a record of which part of primary memory is used by
whom and how much.
 Distributes the memory while multiprocessing.
 In multiprogramming, the operating system selects which
processes acquire memory when and how much memory
they get.
2. Processor Management/Scheduling
Every software that runs on a computer, whether in the
background or in the frontend, is a process. Processor
management is an execution unit in which a program operates.
The operating system determines the status of the processor and
processes, selects a job and its processor, allocates the
processor to the process, and de-allocates the processor after
the process is completed.

When more than one process runs on the system the OS decides
how and when a process will use the CPU. Hence, the name is
also CPU Scheduling. The OS:

 Allocates and deallocates processor to the processes.

 Keeps record of CPU status.
Certain algorithms used for CPU scheduling are as follows:

 First Come First Serve (FCFS)

 Shortest Job First (SJF)
 Round-Robin Scheduling
 Priority-based scheduling etc.
Purpose of CPU scheduling
The purpose of CPU scheduling is as follows:

 Proper utilization of CPU. Since the proper utilization of the CPU is

necessary. Therefore, the OS makes sure that the CPU should be as
busy as possible.
 Since every device should get a chance to use the processor. Hence,
the OS makes sure that the devices get fair processor time.
 Increasing the efficiency of the system.
3. Device Management
An operating system regulates device connection using drivers. The
processes may require devices for their use. This management is done
by the OS. The OS:

 Allocates and deallocates devices to different processes.

 Keeps records of the devices.
 Decides which process can use which device for how much time.
4. File Management
The operating system manages resource allocation and de-allocation. It
specifies which process receives the file and for how long. It also
keeps track of information, location, uses, status, and so on. These
groupings of resources are referred to as file systems. The files on a
system are stored in different directories. The OS:

 Keeps records of the status and locations of files.

 Allocates and deallocates resources.
 Decides who gets the resources.
11. Difference between multimedia and animation.
Paíameteís Multimedia Animation

Basics and Multimedia is multiple foíms of digital Animation íefeís to a type of

Definition media, such as videos, images, multimedia that píovides the
audio, texts, etc. vieweís with an illusion of
pictuíes moving in a
sequential manneí.

Inteí Relation It is an integíation/collection of vaíious It is a type of multimedia that is

types of media. veíy inteíactive.

Uses Multimedia can be used in web Animation can be used in web

designing, gíaphic designing, design, app development,
píesentations, movies, podcasts, and film píoduction, sound
many moíe. design, and many moíe.

Stoíage We use electíonic media devices such as We can íecoíd animations and
Devices mobile phones, laptops, computeís, stoíe them on analogue
etc., foí stoíing multimedia content. media, like flipbooks,
We can also stoíe them on díives videotapes, motion pictuíe
and SD caíds. films, oí digital media devices
wheíe we stoíe the

Deíivation ľhe woíd multimedia is a combination ľhe woíd Animation has been
of the woíds “Multi” and “Medium”. deíived fíom the Gíeek woíd
“Ani” meaning a non-living
object, and the woíd “motion”
which íefeís to movement.

Hand Díawn Multimedia isn’t usually hand-díawn, Animations aíe píimaíily hand-
except digital aít. díawn. But stop motions aíe
also a type of animation, and
they aíe not hand-díawn.
12. What are the three types of user interface
presented by an operating system?

Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)

Interfaces that are graphical in nature are known either as Graphical User
Interfaces (GUI) or WIMP interfaces (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointer).
Typically, you would expect these types of interfaces to be available in multi-
tasking environments (where you open and use more than one piece of
software at a time) or in applications software that involve a considerable
degree of complexity.
Some operating systems are designed with a menu-based user interface.
Menu-based user interfaces are ideal for situations where the user's IT skills
cannot be guaranteed or in situations which require selections to be made
from a very wide range of options or in situations which require very fast
selection. The user of a system that uses a menu-based interface will be
presented with a limited number of options on the screen.
Natural language
This kind of interface requires the user to enter responses to questions asked
by the computer. The questions are displayed on the VDU and the answers
are entered via the keyboard. This kind of interface is called a 'natural
language' interface because the computer and the user appear to be holding a
This kind of interface can be found on data entry terminals and other types of 'dumb
terminals' connected to a network where non-expert users are guided by the
computer through the complex tasks they need to perform.

Explain all the steps involved in making and saving a file in MS word.
Method 1: Saving a file with File Menu
To save a document using the options provided by MS Word in its File
menu, go through the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the File Menu.
Step 2: Go to the Save or Save As button provided.

Step 3: Select the location where you want the file to be saved.
Step 4: Provide a name to the file or use the default one.

Step 5: Click on the Save button

13. Define the following.


Word Processing refers to the act of using a computer to create, edit,

save and print documents. In order to perform word processing,
specialized software (known as a Word Processor) is needed. One
example of a Word Processor is Microsoft Word, but other word
processing applications are also widely used. Examples include:
Microsoft Works Word Processor, Open Office Writer, Word Perfect
and Google Drive Document..

These programs
allow users to
create a wide
variety of
including (but
certainly not
limited to)
reports, letters,
newsletters and
brochures. In
addition to typing
text, the word
processor allows
you to add
content such as
pictures, tables,
and charts to
your documents
as well as
decorative items
including borders
and clipart.

A spreadsheet is a computer program that can capture, display and manipulate
data arranged in rows and columns. Spreadsheets are one of the most popular
tools available with personal computers.

A spreadsheet is generally designed to hold numerical data and short text

strings. In a spreadsheet program, spaces that hold items of data are called
spreadsheet cells. These can be renamed to better reflect the data they hold
and can be cross-referenced through row numbers and column letters.

A single spreadsheet can be used as a worksheet to compile data for a

purpose, or multiple sheets can be combined to create an entire workbook.
(c) DataBase
A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically
stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a
database management system (DBMS). Together, the data and the DBMS, along with
the applications that are associated with them, are referred to as a database system,
often shortened to just database.
Data within the most common types of databases in operation today is typically
modeled in rows and columns in a series of tables to make processing and data
querying efficient. The data can then be easily accessed, managed, modified, updated,
controlled, and organized. Most databases use structured query language (SQL) for
writing and querying data.

14. How will you take out the hard copy of document
from MS office? Explain

Print a Document
1.Click the File tab.

2.Click Print.
3.Examine the print preview on the right side of the screen to ensure the
document appears correct.

4.Select the correct printer by clicking the Printer list arrow and selecting it from the
5.Adjust the printer settings using the options below the printer,
described in the following table.
6.Set the number of copies in the Copies text field.
7.Click Print.

document is sent to the printe
16. Discuss the process of a typical hardware
connection of accessing the Internet.
List of Essential Haídwaíe Components to Choose Ïíom

Routeís and modems aíe netwoík-enabling electíonic devices that help
connect two oí moíe packet-switched netwoíks. ľhey have two
píimaíy functionalities. One is to manage tíaffic between netwoíks,
and the second is to foíwaíd data packets to the IP addíesses of the

It is an electíonic netwoíking device that modulates and demodulates. It is
íesponsible foí bíinging and facilitating the netwoík connections needed at youí
íesidence oí business place. Also, with this device, you can connect and use otheí
laptops and smaítphones to access the inteínet.

Etheínet cables
ľhese aíe netwoík cables that help connect two oí moíe computeí systems as a
wiíed medium. LAN cable oí etheínet cables can connect the modem to youí
system diíectly and píovide an inteínet connection.

If you want to connect two oí moíe netwoík devices, a switch can help íeceive and
foíwaíd data packets to the destination devices.

High-speed fibeí optics cable

ľhe veíy fiíst haídwaíe you need to puíchase is the fibeí optics cable. You need to extend youí
netwoík to connect youí data centeí to the ISP upstíeam fíom whom you avail the inteínet
connection. Using a wiíed medium might be expensive. Alteínatively, you can use a wiíeless link
to do the same. As the leading bíoadband seívice píovideí opeíating acíoss 19 cities in India,
ACľ Fibeínet can help youí business heíe

17. What are the main features of word processor?

Ïeatuíes of MS Woíd
Now let us íead moíe about the featuíes and components of an MS Woíd doc file in detail.
ľhe image given below shows the diffeíent elements and categoíies which aíe available in MS Woíd doc:

 Home
ľhis has options like font colouí, font size, font style, alignment, bullets, line spacing, etc.
All the basic elements which one may need to edit theií document is available undeí
the Home option.

 Inseít
ľables, shapes, images, chaíts, gíaphs, headeí, footeí, page numbeí, etc. can all be
enteíed in the document. ľhey aíe included in the “Inseít” categoíy.

 Design

ľhe template oí the design in which you want youí document to be cíeated can be
selected undeí the Design tab. Choosing an appíopíiate tab will enhance the
appeaíance of youí document.

 Page Layout
Undeí the Page Layout tab comes options like maígins, oíientation, columns,
lines, indentation, spacing, etc.

 Refeíences
ľhis tab is the most useful foí those who aíe cíeating a thesis oí wíiting books oí lengthy
documents. Options like citation, footnote, table of contents, caption, bibliogíaphy, etc.
can be found undeí this tab.
 Review
Spell check, gíammaí, ľhesauíus, woíd count, language, tíanslation, comments, etc. can
all be tíacked undeí the íeview tab. ľhis acts as an advantage foí those who get
theií documents íeviewed on MS Woíd.
Apaít fíom all the above-mentioned featuíes, the page can be set in diffeíent views and
layouts, which can be added and optimised using the View tab on the Woíd
document. Maígins and scales aíe also available foí the benefit of the useís.

18. Difference between web servers and web clients.

Based on Client Server

functionalit Client relies on the services of Server authorizes the client's
y server, and generates requests requests and facilitates
for various services. them with the requested

Configuration The configuration of client systems The configuration of the server is

is simple. Their tasks are more complex and
limited to generating requests. sophisticated. Server has
It has a basic hardware advanced hardware
configuration. configuration.

Efficiency The efficiency of client is limited. The performance of server is high,

and they are highly efficient.

Tasks The common tasks for client are The complex tasks like fulfilling
simple and mostly include client requests, storing and
requesting services. processing large datasets, data
analysis are common for server.
Switch off The client systems can be switch off without
any servers may be disastrous for clie

Login Support There can be single user logins. Server support multiple user login
and request processing

Examples Examples of clients are Examples of servers are web

smartphones, desktops, servers, file servers, database
laptops, etc. servers, etc

19. Discuss the various alignments and text formatting in

MS word.
This is one of the features provided by MS-Word to its user. This feature is
used by the user to align text or paragraphs so that it gives a good look or a
kind of systematic look. There are 4 types of text alignments which are left-
aligned, center-aligned, right-aligned, and justified. (All 4 are shown in the

below image.
Left-Aligned Text
A paragraph or a text is left-aligned when that paragraph or text is aligned
evenly along the left margin of the page in MS-Word. Now, we will learn
step by step with the help of a diagram to make a paragraph text left-
Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.
Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to
perform this operation.
Step 3: Now, select the paragraph text which you want to make Left-aligned.
Step 4: Now, go to the “Home” tab and click on that. (As shown in the
below image)

Step 5: Now, go to the “Paragraph” section in the “Home” tab and

click on the Left-Align text button.

Step 6: The paragraph text is aligned to left successfully.

Alternate way or using shortcut key:The shortcut key for Left-
Aligned Text is “Ctrl + L”.

20. What is the Main feature of the Internet?

Ïeatuíes of Inteínet
Majoí featuíes of the Inteínet aíe listed below:

Easy to Use
ľhe softwaíe that is used to access the Inteínet oí web bíowseí is designed in
such a way that is veíy simple and can be easily leaíned and used. Also, it
is easy to develop.

Flexibility in teíms of tíansfeí of data. Basically, the inteínet netwoík caííies
infoímation in digital foím in a majoíity of cases instead of voice
infoímation in analog foím.

Inteínet seívice is a woíldwide seívice and access to all. People located in
íemote oí anywheíe inteíioí can also use the Inteínet. ľheíefoíe,
infoímation thíough the inteínet flows acíoss the netwoíks in a
standaídised manneí.

Inteíaction with Media and Ïlexibility of Communication

Businesses aíe expanding with the help of the Inteínet. ľheíe is a high degíee
of inteíaction with the media due to inteínet seívice. Like, News,
magazines, publishing houses, etc. have extended theií business with the
help of Inteínet seívice. Also, communication is flexible due to inteínet
seívice. With the help of text voice, video people can communicate
Low Cost and Secuíity

ľhe maintenance and development costs of Inteínet seívice aíe compaíatively low.
Also, Inteínet seívice helped the secuíity system both at an individual and
national levels. Foí example CCľV cameías, etc.

Inteínet Applications
Woíld Wide Web
It is a paít of the inteínet and suppoíts hypeítext documents, allowing useís to view
and navigate vaíious types of data. A web page is a document that is encoded
with hypeítext maíkup language (HľML) tags. Each web page has an addíess,
URL (Unifoím Resouíce Locatoí).

Electíonic mail (e-mail)

One of the most populaí íeasons that people use the inteínet is e-mail. And to cíeate,
send, and íeceive e-mail messages people need an e-mail píogíamme and an
account on an inteínet mail seíveí with a domain name.
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the award of the Degree of

Session 2021-2023

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,UTTAR PRADESH,


Faculty Guide: Submitted By:

Dr.Arun Jadon MR. SAKIB
Professor (HoD ) MBA-
1 Semester

Roll. No.

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