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LINY XIONGLI INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO., LTD ‘Gaoli Community Qingtue Town, Yinan County, Linyi City, Shandong ‘Shangdong, July 26th 2022 Mister, Juan Carlos Lampa Ayaviti La Paz, Bolivia SUBJETCT: REQUEST FOR B START THE RESHIPMENT. f \ In response to your request the folp In view of your request, Sve aa Your seMfirmation to coordinate the reception of the merchandise in |QUIQUE-CHILE a5 agreed, it is necessary that you send us the requested documentation for your reshipment and our agent in Chile can ccarry out the necessary procedures. 2, Regarding your request for a refund of cash, it does not proceed / is not authorized. On the other hand, once we have confirmation that the container/merchandise is in the port of Iquique-Chile, we will proceed to prepare the correct merchandise. 3. In response to your request for identification: | am WalterYin (in English, Active Trade Representative of Lingy Xiongli International Trade Co.LTD, which is also the company, Shandong Zhengbang Plastic Products Co.Ltd, Add: Industrial Park Of Xinji Town,Yinan County, Shandong,China, Phone:0086-18063155590 _(wechal), Without another particular, we are waiting for your documents to process your request. Sincerely, Walter Yin International sales Lingy Xiongli International Trade Co., LTD | LINY XIONGLI INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO., LTD Gaoli Community Qingluo Town, Yinan County, Linyi City, Shandong Shangdong, 28 de julio de 2022 Sefior, Juan Carlos Lampa Ayaviri La Paz, Bolivia REFERENCIA: SOLICITUD DE DOCUMENTOS PARA INICIAR EL REEMBARQUE. ‘Atendiento nosotros a su solicitud lo siguiente: 1. En vista su solictud, aguardamos su confirmacién para coordinar ta Fecepcién de la mercaderia en IQUIQUE-CHILE como lo acordado, es preciso nos envien la documentacién solcitada para su reembarque y nuestro agente en Chile puede realizar las gestiones necesarias. 2. En cuanto a su solicitud de devolucién del efectivo no procede / no autorizado. En cambio una vez que ‘contenedor/mercaderia esta en puerto de, correcta mercaderia, tengamos confitmacién que el 3, Atendiendo su solicitud Representante Comercial activo od} CO.LTD, que es a su ver la empresa, ‘Add: Industrial Park Of Xinji Town’ 18063155590(wechat), Sin otto particular, uedamos nosotros a la espera de sus documentos para dar curso solictua, Atentamente, Walter Vin Ventas internacionales Lingy Xiongli International Trade Co., LTD

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