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Happiness is a sense of feeling that can be measured in many aspects.

people in the present day are getting richer, healthier, and more secure than in the past,
they lack happiness in daily life. These problems can be led by several causes, as now will
be discussed before indicating some solutions for its issue.

The most important cause of not staying happy is the lack of caring in family
members. In this contemporary world, the number of kids getting independent from their
parents is earlier than in the past decade. This is due to the reason that modern children are
prepared with several useful skills and knowledge in multiple aspects of life, therefore, they
tend to feel easy to tackle their problems by themselves. As a result, children are getting far
away from their parents’ eyes and then start feeling lonely in their own homes. In addition,
young people who are living in the present era have to face an issue called mental health
because there is always thought of failure surrounding them. The young are gaining more
opportunities in work, therefore, lots of people have fallen into a disease called peer
pressure because of the reason that surrounding people are getting more achievements
which they are not. Consequently, it blocks them from being happy.

However, the government and families should take action in order to prevent youth
from unhappy sick in many ways. The most effective way is that parents should spend more
time listening to their children. Sometimes, children are stuck in some problems which they
cannot share with other people, parents have to spot their issues and direct them some
ways to suffer from them. There is an example that a boy who performed extremely well at
school attempted suicide because he has stuck with some problems that he cannot share
with other people but his parents used their time on work instead of him. As a result, he
found a way to free himself negatively. On a larger scale, the state should pass some rules
in working places such as maintaining working times which is a balance between family time
and working time but their income still stays at an acceptable level which can afford their life
from that people will feel happy and comfortable because there is no place for money’s

In conclusion, people are not only getting wealthier, healthier, and safer, but they
also suffer unhappy diseases because of a lack of love and caring in life, therefore, the
authorities and family should provide some ways to decrease it by spreading caring, love,
and balancing citizens’ time.

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