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General questions for a university interview

Interviewers ask general questions at the start of the interview to help them in
learning more about you. Some examples include:

1. "Which academic strengths do you have?"

2. "Which academic areas do you consider yourself to be weak in?
What are your strategies for dealing with them?"
3. "What major are you considering?"
4. "What are the educational objectives of your university course?"
5. "What are your plans to contribute to this university's success?"
6. "How did you find out about this university?"
7. "Tell me about yourself."
8. "Why do you want to attend this university?"
9. "Tell us about your knowledge of the university."
10. "What's your motivation for studying this course?"

Questions about your experiences

The interviewer may question further you about your life experiences, your
worldview, and how you spend your time. Some examples include:

1. "Describe a time when you took a leadership role."

2. "How do you define success?"
3. "Tell us about a time when you overcame adversity. What was the
4. "How do you spend your free time?"
5. "What three adjectives can you use to describe yourself?"
6. "What have you read recently that has influenced or altered your
perspective on the world?"
7. "Describe a time when you had to work in a team."
8. "What do you think you'd do with the money if you won the lottery?"
9. "In your personal life, who do you regard as a role model?"
10. "What distinguishes you from the other students at this school?"

Questions about your background

The interviewer may ask you about your experience in secondary school and your
educational background. Some examples include:

1. "Tell us more about your academic accomplishments. Which makes

you the most proud?"
2. "Which academic abilities do you want to improve?"
3. "What are your personal interests?"
4. "Which skills do you think will help you find success in school?"
5. "What was your favourite project from high school? How did it
influence your career path?"
6. "What's your five-year plan?"
7. "What GPA did you graduate with?"
8. "Did you complete any honours or AP courses? If so, which ones?"
9. "Were you involved in any extracurricular activities? If so, which
10. "How can you describe the atmosphere at your high school?"

University interview questions and sample answers

Review these sample interview questions with answers to help you prepare for your
university interview:

Why did you choose this field of study?

Example answer: "I'm interested in seeking a career in veterinary science because I

really love animals and I want to help them as much as I can. I also believe that I can
influence wildlife preservation by being knowledgeable about the health of different

What skills do you hope to gain as a result of your degree program?

Example answer: "When I was in secondary school, I didn't have strong research

skills. I'm hoping that my degree program can enable me to get better at this skill to
become a more effective writer and researcher."

How can you contribute to the university community?

Example answer: "My high school's political science club was very active. As a
political science major, I hope to join the club here as well to continue honing my
skills in that subject."

Which career fields are you interested in?

Example answer: "I honestly do not know what I'm going to do after I graduate, but I
know I'd love to work in politics."

Are you considering furthering your education? .

Example answer: "I can see myself pursuing a higher degree after university,
though I'm not entirely sure that's what I'm going to do yet. I believe that after
completing my program, I may have equipped myself to make an informed decision."

Can you apply for financial assistance?

Example answer: "I received a good number of scholarships during my senior year

of high school and I might apply for more qualifying grants."

What are your plans following graduation from university?

Example answer: "I don't have a specific plan for after I graduate, but I know I want
to pursue a career in tourism. I'm hoping that this career field can provide me with the
opportunity to travel to places I've been wanting to visit."

What academic goals do you want to achieve during your time in


Example answer: "By the end of my first year of university, I hope to have expanded
my knowledge of mathematics and earned top grades in my physics class. I believe
that by achieving these objectives, I may be able to further develop how I problem-

What skills do you want to improve?

Example answer: "I believe I can get better at my communication skills. I intend to

use the time I have in class, by speaking with my classmates and offering to present
my projects, to hone these skills."

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