Madalin Radu - BMP3001 Academic Skills and PDP A2

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BSc (Hons) Business Management with


Academic Skills and PDP

Assessment 2

Report on Personal Development

Submitted by:

Table of Contents

Personal and professional development.....................................................................................3

Short-term goals and 3 personal examples.................................................................................4

Medium-term goals and 3 personal examples............................................................................5

Long-term goals and 3 personal examples.................................................................................6

Concept of Personal Development Plan.....................................................................................7



Appendix: Personal Development Plan...................................................................................11

Development is a lifelong process that depends on a person’s overall activities. Development
and goal are interrelated with each other. Step and step goals ensure development in life.
Personal development helps to ensure professional development. So, development is a chain
of period that ensure short-term, medium, and long-term goal. Here I describe the personal
and professional development that can depend on our goal planning. I mentioned some
examples in this respect that clarify the overall development issues. This example will clarify
the ultimate objectives of the benefit of various goals. It will clarify the actual value of
personal development.

Personal and professional development
Personal development is the process of building potentialities that enhance self-improvement.
Personal development always focuses on skills and qualities. Personal development consists
of awareness, knowledge, and personal skills. It is a way for a strong mindset and capacities.
It is a process that makes one able to fulfil a person’s needs and demands through learning. It
always focuses on long-term development in life. Personal development may take place over
the lifespan and the realization and aspiration (Beagon and Bowe, 2018). Personal
development requires in every sector of life. As every person has a unique personality, it is
not as easy as it sounds. So personal development is focusing on the way of betterment.
Professional development can be defined as the system of the flourishing individual through
suchlike activities of performance as enhancing employment and command skills, increasing
dreams and consciousness as well as building treasure. Professional development is the
development of skills by continuous training that enhances the capacity of the professional or
work sector. Professional development increases the capacity of an employee which can lead
to better opportunities and the future (KARTHIKEYAN and CHONG, 2021). Professional
development makes a person better employed. In education, it can be used professional skills
and training. Professional development includes academic degrees to formal coursework.

Short-term goals and 3 personal examples
Short-term goals ensure the capacities, skills, and confidence that execute the short-term goal.
Every short-term goal has a near-clear vision of what an individual wants to achieve within
his planned time. It helps to focus on the future. It is comparatively easier than others.
Because it has a limited set of plans and limited timing. A short-term goal reflects the core
angle of the future. The short-term goal has a marathon speed that enhances working speed. It
makes a huge change in a certain time. It takes less time than other t. So, It gives clarity daily
that makes the process easier. It is easier to accomplish. Short-term goals minimize the
chance of destruction. As it takes less time, the person can assume early about the chance of
loss (Kolotouchkina, Gonzálvez and Alonso, 2021). Short-term goals are highly focused and
build self-confidence. The short-term goal helps to overcome the long-term barrier. At the
same time, short-term goals also reduce procrastination. Some examples are given below:
Eating a balanced diet: Good food habit is a habit of practice. It takes time to be habituated
to a proper balance diet. Sudden change can take any kind of hazard to health. So, changing
food habits is a gradual process in a short time goal. So, this can be an example of short time
Refrain from addiction: Any kind of addiction is used to be a moulding sudden period. It is
very difficult to give up suddenly (Beagon, Niall and Ní, 2019). It may take a quick time
frame. In this respect, a short-term goal can be useful.
Investment of minimum time on social media: At present, the young generation spends a
lot of time on social media. A person who is habituated cannot restrict themself suddenly. He
or she has to make a plan in this respect. In that case, a short-term goal can help.

Medium-term goals and 3 personal examples
A medium-term goal is comparatively flexible. A medium-term goal may depend on a short-
term goal. It covers less time than the long-term goal. It can be a time frame from three to
five years. It makes me able to make noticeable progress in work (PRABAHAR and
JEROME, 2021). All kind of measurement is easy here. Every time accomplishing a mid-
term goal enriches the possibilities of a long-term plan. It offers the best period to fulfil the
goal. Mid-term goals enhance the capacity of reaching a long-term goal (Beagon, Niall and
Ní, 2019). A medium-term gives a standard time to fulfil the goal. Some examples are
Academic certification: Gaining an academic certificate is a medium-goal process. To
obtain a professional certification or academic certification go through some certain process.
This process needs some time to be fulfilled. So, a medium-term goal is necessary.
Better immunity system: Improving health and immunity is a gradual process. Health
improves day to day which is why it is not possible at a certain time. It highly depends on
gradual food habits. So, a medium-term goal is needed.
Establishing a business plan: Improving a business plan depends on timing. Short-term goal
is not proper in this respect. On the other hand, the long-term goal is lengthy. So, a medium-
term goal is proper for setting up the business.

Long-term goals and 3 personal examples
A long-term goal can be personal as well as professional. Long-term personal goal help to
improve the professional setting and carrier. The long-term goal is a lengthy process. The
long-term goal focuses on the future which is accomplished in the future (McGill, Ali and
Barton, 2020). Long-term goals make people aware of the future. It increases self-confidence
gradually. A long-term goal made people focused on their carrier. Long-term goals play a
role as key in future life that helps to build a proper path in life. Long-term goals encourage
organizational behaviour and make people disciplined. It requires the full potential of a
person that helps a person’s overall development. The long-term goal gives people the
necessary time to enrich their development (Asio, Riego and Lapuz, 2019). They get the
proper chance of improvement according to their needs. The benefit of long-term goals is
giving the steady time that is required. Some examples of long-term goals are given below:
Be a leader in your field: leadership is a quality that is required to enrich day by day. Good
leadership is a lifelong practice. It is a position that takes a lengthy time. So, to be a leader a
person has to make a long-term plan. It can be an example of a long-term goal.
Be a better parent or partner: Partnership is a lifelong process. Besides good parenting is
required for a child of a certain age (McGill, Heikkila and Lazarowicz, 2020). To be a good
parent or partner, a person has to take the long-term goal. So, it can be an example of a long-
term goal.
Learning a foreign language: People normally learn their mother language from birth. This
is a gradual process. But learning a foreign language is time-consuming and a long-term goal.
It can say as an example of a long-term goal.

Concept of Personal Development Plan
Personal development has a significant value for enriching development. Personal
development increases mental stability and increases the power of thinking. It also enhances
the creative sector of a person. Social connection and relationships also depend on personal
development (Sallati, de and Schützer, 2019). This improves communication skills and social
learning. Personal development help to increase deeper understanding and thoughts. Another
issue is, it develops emotional intelligence. It increases the power of learning. A healthy body
depends on a healthy mind. Personal development nourishes the mindset. It enhances self-
awareness and self-capacities. A person gains a greater reliance on personal development.
This is another positive side of personal development. It is a framework that identifies the
positive and negative sectors of a person (Casquero, Núñez and Iniesto,2022). I learn how to
be dedicated to my professional as well as personal life. Personal development gives not only
knowledge but also improves skills. This makes people professional in general. So, personal
development is the key to all other success in life. If a person wants to build personality or
success, personal development is a must require. Personal development has a huge value in
human life (Alresaini, 2021).

Development is a process that improves qualities and other characteristics. Development and
goal are highly connected. Development is difficult without the fulfilment of the goal. On the
other hand, management of time helps to achieve the goal easily. personal development and
focused goal can be a blessing for a person. Moreover, a person has to fulfil short-term,
medium, and long-term goals. Short term goal creates the path of the medium goal. Some set
of medium goals is needed for the fulfilment of the long-term goal. So, every phase of the
goal is interrelated and helpful for personal and professional development.

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Beagon, U. and Bowe, B., 2018, May. The Academic Perspective: A study of academic
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Ireland. In Spring Colloquium of the UK & Ireland Engineering Education Research
Network Symposium.
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of its value in developing professional skills for engineering practice. European
Journal of Engineering Education, 44(6), pp.850-865.
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KARTHIKEYAN, J. and CHONG, S.E.N.G., 2021. “Writing Skills for Academic Research.”
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Frontiers Media SA.
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sequential explanatory mixed methods study. New Horizons in Adult Education and
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PRABAHAR, I.B. and JEROME, V.B., 2021. Academic Leadership and Professional Skills
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Sallati, C., de Andrade Bertazzi, J. and Schützer, K., 2019. Professional skills in the Product
Development Process: The contribution of learning environments to professional
skills in the Industry 4.0 scenario. Procedia Cirp, 84, pp.203-208.

Appendix: Personal Development Plan
Skills to be Development Plan Resources Target Date
To improve I can conduct an online Online courses December 2022
efficiently course to increase my
presentation expertise in presentation
skills skills.
To develop I can join IT based training Computer training February 2023
skills in the IT centre to develop my skills. program
To learn a I can participate in a Books on language May 2023
foreign language learning institute learning
language to learn a foreign language.
To gather work I can join an organization to Business March 2023
experience work as an intern. organization
through an
To develop I can try to complete every Planning and April 2023
skills in task effectively within the scheduling
effective time given time.
and task


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