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In 1996, two teams of archaeologists found what appear to be the remains of very ---- musical
instruments at Neanderthal sites. A) sensitive B) reluctant C) relentless D) simple E) confident 48. For
the past 40 years, the ---- view about the formation of our universe has been that it began about 14
billion years ago in a cosmic fireball known as the Big Bang. A) complete B) common C) profound D)
bearable E) vulnerable 49. Most experts agree that developing a 100% safe method of contraception
is as ---- as producing a car design that is guaranteed to have no defects. A) autonomous B) useful C)
loyal D) respective E) unlikely 50. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, there was a
common view that elegant speech was a mark of social prestige in that it was ---- of having come from
a good family. A) possessive B) perceptive C) indicative D) inclusive E) extensive 51. Bacteria are
truly remarkable in terms of their adaptations to extreme environments and their abilities to survive in
parts of Earth that are ---- to other forms of life. A) distasteful B) cordial C) inhospitable D) persuasive
E) discreet 52. In the past decade, technology has become ---- to freeze human embryos and then
successfully transplant them into host some young women the option of postponing childbirth. A)
appropriate B) negligible C) potential D) degraded E) available 53. Human childhood is a ---- period of
complex development during which a helpless infant becomes an adolescent. A) remarkable B)
redundant C) progressive D) contemporary E) relevant 54. Microorganisms are of ---- value to the
Earth s ecology, disintegrating animal and plant remains and turning them into simpler substances. A)
consecutive B) disputable C) controversial D) resistant E) incalculable 55. The brain coordinates our
speech ability so that it makes all the ---- sounds. A) competitive B) confident C) degenerate D)
appropriate E) impetuous 56. The transmission of black-andwhite television images became
technically ---- in the UK at the end of the 1920s. A) representative B) corrupt C) reluctant D) feasible
E) instrumental 57. The lead from exhaust fumes enters the atmosphere, mostly as simple lead
compounds, which are poisonous to children's ---- nervous systems. A) exclusive B) increasing C)
repeating D) developing E) domestic 10

18 YÖKDİL SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ SORU BANKASI 58. Even during its early phases, the French
Revolution aroused ---- conflict throughout Europe. A) ignorant B) accessible C) significant D) durable
E) fertile 59. Since most immunosuppressive drugs work by dampening the entire immune system,
they leave the patient ---- to short-term problems like infections. A) reliable B) detrimental C) indifferent
D) susceptible E) deficient 60. The world s forests provide many ---- benefits, such as prevention of
soil erosion, as well as commercially important timber. A) severe B) dependent C) extinct D) desperate
E) valuable 61. About 60 million people had to leave Europe before World War II, which caused an ----
migration to the US. A) indifferent B) explanatory C) intuitive D) ambiguous E) immense 11

19 ADVERB QUESTIONS 1. On Tuesday, I'll be able to let you know ---- how many people will be
attending the conference. A) mostly B) fortunately C) comparatively D) precisely E) immensely 2. His
forecast turned out to be ---- accurate considering how little information he had to work on. A) lately B)
effortlessly C) intentionally D) surprisingly E) heavily 3. Some women are ---- troubled with backache
as they get older. A) relevantly B) consecutively C) continually D) sufficiently E) reluctantly 4. British
supermarkets have more political influence than ---- any other corporate sector in Britain. A) often B)
immediately C) almost D) fairly E) quite 5. The doctors are ---- pleased with the progress he is making,
and he can leave hospital tomorrow. A) comfortably B) apparently C) successfully D) carefully E)
nearly 6. Russia has a fleet of 250 nuclear submarines, 170 of which are ---- out of service. A)
currently B) vehemently C) conventionally D) adequately E) consequently 7. Visibility depends ----
upon the concentration of water or dust particles in the air. A) rapidly B) obstinately C) instantly D)
suitably E) chiefly 8. Studies of the survivors of the atomic bomb blasts and radiation accidents have
---- demonstrated the leukemogenic effect of radiation. A) reluctantly B) properly C) sensitively D)
unmistakably E) understandably 9. Galileo, Descartes and many other European thinkers helped to lay
the foundations of today's ---- global education system. A) increasingly B) constantly C) repeatedly D)
reluctantly E) selectively 10. Iodine remains a mysterious substance; and ----, the iodine in the sea is
in a constant state of chemical change. A) comprehensively B) comparably C) conditionally D)
apparently E) excessively 11. Doctors can monitor a patient's temperature, pulse and blood pressure
using two-way transmission equipment without needing to be ---- present. A) remotely B) physically C)
quite D) increasingly E) proportionally 12. Apparently as much as 20 per cent of London fires are
started A) reputably B) appropriately C) preferably D) deliberately E) compulsively 12

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