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Santisimo Rosario Integrated High School

Learning Activity Sheet-Supplemental sheet

Physical Education /Festival Dance
Quarter 3 Week 1
Objective: describe what is physical activity and physical fitness.
Identify different kinds of physical fitness and physical activities.
Understand proper diet and weight management.
Perform physical fitness and physical activity
Learning task 1 Answer the following.
1.describe the following, use graphic organizer.
A. Physical activity
B. Benefits of Physical activity
C. Weight management
D. Why manage or guide our weight?
E. Physical fitness
F. Different kinds of physical fitness
G. Why undergo physical fitness test?
2.Answer the following questions, use word web diagram.
A. Describe what is diet?
B. Give the connection between of diet and weight management.
C. Different between physical activity and physical fitness
D. Example of physical activities and physical fitness
E. Why we need to maintain a good health?
F. What is a healthy lifestyle?
G. Describe warm up and cool down exercise
3.Why we need to undergo physical fitness and physical activity assessment.
4.Performance task, make a video of yourself performing physical activity and physical fitness

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