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- MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL TRIAL RUN EXAMINATION FIFTH (5™) FORM CHEMISTRY 02 Date: November 18, 2022 Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes Wee’ k ‘S INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This paper consists of TWO SECTIONS across seventeen (17) pages n Section A and Section B consist of THREE (3) questions respectively for a grand total of 100 marks, 3. Candidates MUST answer ALL questions in ALL TWO sections IN THE SPACES PROVIDED. 4. DO NOT write in the margins 5. Where appropriate, ALL WORKING MUST BE SHOWN in this booklet. 6 You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer questions 7. You are encouraged to read all instructions carefully before you begin Name: _ ID#: __ Form: Teacher: SCORE: IS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO ' & Chemistry Fifth Form Trial Run Examination 2022 DO NOT spend more than 30 minutes on Question 1 1, Hydrogen peroxide (1.03 Teaction can be increased by the use of catalysts. The eff the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide For EACH experiment, a diff Was combined with 50em3 of 0.8 Produced was measured. The masses used a TION Answer ALL questions decomposes to produce ox: en and water. The rate of t of th ed, atalyst on was investi ferent mass of the catalyst, ma inese (IV) oxide (MnO2) moldm-3 hydrogen peroxide and the vi re shown on the bal: jolume of oxyg lances displayed in Fig ie) ——————— ‘igure 1: Masses of Magnesium (IV) Oxide Page 1 of 17, Fifth Form ‘Trial Run Examination 2022 Ty eee (@) There ofthe reaction for BACH quantity of catalysts used was calculated and mire 1 to complete Table 1. recorded in Table 1. Use the balances shown in Fig (5 marks) ‘TABLE 1: RATE OF REACTION BY MASS OF MANGANESE(LV) OXIDE, Eanes Mass ot engnesT¥) One sea 1 = 2 os 06 a PS 18 4 22 29 2 3-6 2 4-0 (b) Define the term “rate of reaction’ Chovings- na concent “penelisct oe { (1 mark) {© Write a balanced equation to show the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (2 marks) reaction versus 1. Circle the plotted (marks) 2) on page 3, plot a graph of rate of (a) Using the grid (see Figure formation in Table mass of manganese (IV) oxide from the in! points on the graph and draw the line of best it Page 2 0f 17 Rate of Reaction/mLs") Fifth Form Trial Run Examination 2022 IDt_ 50 4s eaten HH BH eaceeasi 40 38 30 25 epee Set Mass of manganese (IV) oxide/g Figure 2. Rate of reaction versus mass of mang: Page 3 of 17, ial Run Examination 2022 IW Chemistry Fifth Form (e) Using your graph, i. Describe the relationship between the rate of reaction and the mass of th catalyst Q marks) ii, Determine the rate of reaction using 3.0g of the catalyst (1 mark) iii. Determine the volume of oxygen produced after 10 s using the val obtained from (e) (ii) — nliS % |0-S a (1 mark) am in Figure 3 to show how ac ergy profile diag (8) Complete and label the affects the rate of reaction. Energy level Products Time Figure 3. Energy Profile Diagram (2 marks) Page 4 of 17 S&S Chemistry Fifth Form Trial Run Examination 2022 ema = (g) Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus (including reagents) that was used to conduct the experiment and collect the gas Delivery ta (marks) h can affect the rate of reaction (hy List TWO other factors whic (2 marks) ‘Total: 25 marks age 5 of 17 Chemistry (2) Jamelia isin her room studying and smells the scent of curry com moms cooking in the kitch Mivement of f Fifth Form, Trial Run F; mination 2022 IDM, ig from her area, She thinks to herself, “Ah! Diffusion at work! () Define the term diffusion | (1 mark) (i) Explain how the diffusion ofthe scent of the curry supports the particulate theory of matter It Supasy a . Aes are m ¢ { wv Thee a act Sale a (2 marks) ii) Diffusion is a process that can also occurs in liquids. State how the arrangement of particles in a liquid differs from that in a solid and a (2 marks) Page 6 of 17 @ Chemistry Fifth Form ‘Trial Run Examination 2022 Dee (iy) Apart from diffusion, identify ONE process that supports the Particular theory of matter and state ONE example of such a process. Process OS) ee Example: Ang Githe Brno — Morn c es 6f e. T Champles bauneirg ih air Pollerracains va outer ae Osmosis~ Potecto oK oc Pa-Paya Ships Vy marks) mriny Soft, fle ace idl ) (©) Jametia's mom sli hatin order to cook w ith curry she first had to mix the curry powder with water. Jamelia observed that the mixture resembled a chalk and water mixture she had seen in class, e brown in colour. xcept the curry mixture was State whether the mixture of curry powder and water is a suspension or colloid. (i mark) (©) State the MOST appropriate technique that could be used in a school laboratory to separate this mixture (1 mark) (2) Draw a clearly labelled diagram of the apparatus that could be set up in the school laboratory to separate the mixture of curry powder and water. In your diagram, show the location of the separated components. (@ marks) ‘Total: 13 marks Page 7 of 17 Chemistry Fifth Form, ‘Trial Run Examination 2022 IDA__ (@) A student is provided with two solutions, X and Y. X is aqueous sulphurie acid containing 4.9¢ dm’, ¥ is an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution which was prepared by dissolving 5.0 g of sodium hydroxide in 1 dm’ of water. The student titrates X against 25.0 em? of Y in order to determine the purity of the sodium hydroxide, Figure 4 below shows the readings on the burette before and after each titration against 25,0 em’ of solution Y. 12| 31] 13 Start End Start End Start End ‘Titration 1 ‘Titration 2 ‘Titration 3 Figure 4, Readings on the burette (@) Inthe space below, construct Table 2 to record the titration results You should include the initial and final burette volumes and the volume of solution X used. TABLE2 (7 marks) Page 8 of 17 gy... Fifth Form, ‘Trial Run Examination 2022 IDit aii) (iit) (iv) ) (vi) (vii) What is the volume of X to be used for calculation? Ayverone x (1 mark) Calculate the concentration of sulphuric acid in solution X in mol dm*. (Relative atomic mass: H= 1; $ = 32; O= 16) (1 mark) Calculate the number of moles of sulphuric acid used in the titration. (1 mark) Write a balanced equation forthe reaction between the sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions (2 marks) Determine the number of moles of sodium hydroxide in the 25 em? of solution used, (1 mark) Calculate the concentration of NaOH in g dm? (Relative atomic mass: Na = 23; 0 = 16; H=1) Page9 of 17 Chemistry Fifth Form ‘Trial Run Examination 2022 TD ee (b) Figure 5 shows a section of periodic table with two unknown elements represented as X and Y. Use the figure to answer the question that follow. N.B. You are not required to identify X and Y. 7 = = Na | Mg si |e | s | a | ar x se ly Figure 5. Section of the periodic table 6 Compare Mg and Xin terms ofthe ease of ionization, Additionally, Somer Cland .xplanation for your ¥ in terms of the strength of oxidizing power. Provide a sui answer in EACH case Comparison of Mg and X according to ease of ionization x Comparisorrof Cl and Y according to strength of oxidizing power (1 mark) Page 10 of 17 Trial Run Examination 2022 Chemisty Fifth Form (©) Referring to only the electrons in the outer shells of the ele diag im to show the bonding between phosphorous and Y ID keich a nent SECTION B Answer ALL questions (a) When a reaction is accompanied by ener Page of 17 @ marks) Total: 24 marks and ‘exothermic Chemistry Fifth Form Trial Run Examination 2022 ID (©) In an experiment, when 17.3 g of potassium nitrate, KNOs is dissolved in 100 cm? of water, the temperature drops by 4.20 °C. (Calculate the number of moles of KNOs used in the experiment (RMM: KNO; = 101) (1 mark) (ii) Calculate the heat change for the reaction Specific heat capacity of water = 4,2 J 7 °C Heat change =m x cx AT; Density of water 1 gem? (2 marks) (ii) Calculate the enthalpy change for 1 mole of potassium nitrate f (1 mark) Page 12 of 17 Chemistry Fifth Form ‘Trial Run Examination 2022 ID SB (c) Distinguish between a normal salt and an acid salt, and give a named example of EACH. FN A Mecmsl salt as Wo: veplacealblet hinds aan s : nla =X NakSO4 ve aceable hycvogems <— na in _itS freee ee NaHS O4 (4 marks). ; (2) Name FOUR different salts used in daily life and give one use of e4¢h, i, % ochum ( <= Adds Haver to food Cov \ Wed aso |akatioes : | meaf.. =Useel a5 preserva itl A mess p Ken bimbbs (4 marks) Total 14 marks ®- Pepending on their structures and properties, solids may be classified as having, metallic, Biant covalent, simple molecular or jonie lattice structures. The structure and conductivity of selected solids are to be summarized in Table 3, (@) Complete Table 3 to show the structure and conductivity of EACH solid Substance listed. The first one is done as an example. TABLE 3. STRUCTURE AND CONDUCTIVITY OF SELECTED SOLIDS Solid Structure | Conducts Electricity in Solid State ‘Magnesium Chloride Tonic coe ~ No Zi Se bali: even panrona + | giant molerulor _ Nb (marks) (b) Magnesium chloride and potassium nitrate have ionic lattice structures. Figure 6 ‘on page 14 shows the solubility curves for magnesium chloride and potassium nitrate, Use the information in Figure 6 to answer the questions below. (Which of the two compounds, magnesium chloride or potassium nitrate, has the GREATER solubility at 15°C? (Naa net and. Chili ide (1 mark) Page 13 of 17 Solbeoty (of 109 x water) Chemistry Fifth Form, ‘Trial Run Examination 2022 IDi_ eae Fi +t fs tt SHH Bete reer att t a ot S aes Hetty elk Eee el et aa CTE EH SAG of HE STEHT He HE i ae i Hf] CTR HT Ta Ste: F t Tet ¢ SHH i EEE LET HES ret THC rH THT fF SETAE RHE EE HHL ESHA HH * ” » “ a LJ 10 ‘Teaperatare (°C) Figure 6. Solubility curves of magnesium chloride and potassium nitrate Page 14 017 @ Chemistry Fifth Form Trial Run Examin (ii) Calculate the mas of ID) its saturated solution is co from 80 °C to 20 marks) (ii) Determine the temperature at which the solubilities of magnesium loride and potassi (1 mark) (c) Draw the bonding diagram to show how magnesium combines with chlorine to gnesium chloride. . (marks) (@) Based on the use 1d purpose of solid fresheners, would you classify them as having simple molecular, giant covalent or ionic lattices? Explain your answer @ marks) Total: 15 marks Page 15 of 17 }. Chemistry Fifth Form ‘Trial Run Examination 2022 ID# a, A colourless solution, X, causes acidified potassium manganate (VII) solution to change from purple to colourless and aqueous potassium iodide to change from colourless to brown. i, What can you deduce about solution X? sth pees) todine b. Oxidation can be defined as an increase in oxidation number of an element due to decrease on oxidation number of an ement applies i the loss of electrons and reduction a element due to the gain of electrons. Explain how this sta of the following reactions. CH > Ir(aq) + 2 ¢ €_10M 1 ——> Few (2 marks) Page 16 of 17 (2 marks) (Total: 9 marks) lee END OF EXAMINATION § Grand Total: 100 Marks % Page 17 of 17

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