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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

"‫ثانوية الشهيد عرجون معمر‬ ‫مديرية التربية لوالية الشلف‬
Level: 2 YearManagement &Economy Duration: 02 Hours Date: 28 / 02 / 2016


PART ONE: Reading (15 points)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Every year, thousands of people are killed by violent acts of nature. This year, we’ve already seen
earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and volcano eruptions. Even with warning systems in place, people still fall victim to
nature’s wrath. Perhaps they were unprepared or tried to play the hero. Most likely, they were misinformed or
simply didn’t know what to do during such an event. These are some basic information on what to do when severe
forces of nature such as earthquakes are heading your way.
As soon as you are aware that an earthquake may happen, turn off and unplug all appliances before it hits.
This includes water, gas, and the stove. Keep away from windows, mirrors, hanging objects, fireplaces, and any
heavy furniture or appliances. You will also want to take cover under a table or desk that is next to an inside wall.
If there are no tables or desks, simply position yourself next to an interior wall (preferably near any structural
strong points). Keep your head and neck covered and do not move until the quake is over.
If you find yourself in a vehicle during an earthquake, do not attempt to drive through or away from the
earthquake. Stop the car and simply wait it out. Do not stop on a bridge, overpass, or underpass. Also, do not stop
near any telephone poles or wires, signs, trees, large buildings, or anywhere that something could fall on top of
your car.
For those of you who happen to be outside when an earthquake hits, look for a safe, open area away from
buildings, trees, and anything that might fall on you. A field, hill, or wide open parks are good areas to start with.
Do not try to hide under a bridge or seek shelter near a building, as these things could potentially crumble or
collapse. Once you find a wide open space, stay there. Do not move unless you feel a sinkhole forming or are in
direct danger from the quake itself.
From: Disasters & Diversity

1. Choose the right answer.

The text is: a) a web article b) a newspaper articlec) an extract from a book

2. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false”.

a) Thousands of people are killed every year by natural disasters because they are unprepared.
b) Warning systems help reduce the number of casualties.
c) During an earthquake stay close to heavy furniture or appliances.
d) You should stop your car under a bridge during an earthquake.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Why can’t most people survive natural disasters?
b) What should be done before an earthquake?
c) Which places are the safest during an earthquake?

4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) they(§1) b) it(§3)
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B/ Text Exploration: (08pts)

1. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following.
a) alerting(§1) b) conscious (§2) c) secure(§4)

2. Complete the following table.

Words Nouns

prepare ……………………………
assist ……………………………

3. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1/ a) He told me: “Stop the car away from the bridge”.

b) He told me …………………………………………………………………….

2/ a) They asked me if I had experienced a natural disaster.

b) They asked me …………………………………………………………….

3/ a) A terrible earthquake destroyed the whole city.

b) The whole city …………………………………………………………….

4. There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct it.

a) You had better not to panic and stay calm.
b) He should takes care of her in serious situations.

5. Circle the silent letters in the following words.

neighbours - psychology - should - vehicle

6. Fill in the gaps with the following words.

angrier - training - medical - unpredictable

Nature is extremely…………………. Sometimes, things happen that no amount of survival ………………
or preparations can ready you for. Sometimes, nature is ………………… than predicted or expected. And sometimes,
events can happen without proper warning. So, do not ignore help provided by local ……………… services or reports
distributed by local news and weather stations.

PART TWO: Written ExpressionChoose ONE of the following topics: (05 points)

Topic One:Using the following notes, write a short paragraph about the precautions that people should take after
an earthquake. (Use had better, should and ought to)
- Check for injuries
- Provide first aid
- Clean up dangerous spills
- Wear shoes
- Turn on the radio and listen for instructions from public safety agencies
- Use the telephone for emergencies only

Topic Two:Are you ready to volunteer and take part to save people in danger ofnatural disasters?
Justify your answer with arguments.

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬
‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
"‫ثانوية الشهيد عرجون معمر‬ ‫مديرية التربية لوالية الشلف‬
Level: 2 YearManagement &Economy Duration: 02 Hours Date: 12 / 03 / 2018


PART ONE: Reading (15 points)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

A Tsunami is a series of wavesgeneratedwhen a body of water, such as an ocean, israpidlydisplaced on a

massive scale. Earthquakes, volcaniceruptions and otherunderwater explosions, landslides, large meteorite impacts
and the tests of nuclear explosions atsea all have the possibility to make a tsunami. The effects of tsunami can
range fromunnoticeable to devastating.

The term tsunami comesfrom the Japanesewordmeaningharbor ("tsu", 津 ) and wave ("nami", 波 ). The
termwascreated by fishermenalthoughtheyhad not been aware of anywave in open water. Therefore, the
termisconsideredmisleading and its usage isdiscouraged by oceanographerssinceitis not actuallyrelated to tides.
Tsunamis are commonthroughoutJapanesehistory; approximately 195 events in Japan have been recorded.

The 2004 IndianOceanearthquake, whichhad a magnitude of 9,15, triggered a series of lethal tsunamis on
December 26, 2004 thatkilledapproximately 23, 000 people (including 168, 000 in Indonesiaalone), makingit the
deadliest tsunami in recordedhistory. The disasterprompted a hugeworldwide effort to help victims of the
tragedy, with billions of dollars beingraised for disaster relief.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Choose the right answer.

The text is about: a) Tsunamisb) Earthquakesc) Landslides

6. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false”.

e) Nuclear test explosions can make a tsunami.
f) The term tsunami comes from the Chinese language.
g) The 2004 tsunami had a magnitude of 8,11.
h) The 2004 tsunami was the deadliest tsunami in recorded history.
7. In which paragraph is it mentioned that the effects of tsunami can be destructive?

8. Answer the following questions according to the text.

d) What does the term tsunami mean?
e) Why is the term tidal waves discouraged by oceanographers?
f) Was the 2004 tsunami really the deadliest tsunami in recorded history?

9. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

b) they (§2)b) it(§2)c) which(§3)

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B/ Text Exploration: (08pts)

7. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following:

a)port (§2) = ……………… b) help (§3) = ………………

Find in the text words which are opposite in meaning to the following:

a)tiny (§1) ≠ ……………… b) exactly (§2) ≠ ………………

8. Complete the following table.

Words Nouns

prepare ……………………………
assist ……………………………

9. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1/a)She said: “I have witnessed a dangerous flood”.

b)She said that ………………………………………………………………………….

2/ a)“I will help people in need”, he says.

b)He says that …………………………………………………………………………….

3/ a)Earthquakes can cause a tsunami.

b)A tsunami ………………………………………………………………………………….
4/ a)A lot of people were killed by lethal tsunamis in 2004.
b) Lethal tsunamis ……………………………………………………………………….

10. Circle the silent letters in the following words.

neighbours - psychology - should - storm - what - know

11. Fill in the gaps with the following words.

waves - happen - houses - are - break - of
Earthquakes often ………1……… near volcanoes, but this is not always true. The epicenter ………2………some might
occur under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves .The powerful forces inside the earth ………3……… the
rocks. The coast is shaken and great waves appear. These ………4……… travel long distances and rush over the land.
They ………5……… strong enough to break down ………6……… and other buildings; sometimes they break more buildings
than the earthquake itself.

PART TWO: Written ExpressionChoose ONE of the following topics: (05 points)

Topic One:Use the following notes to write a composition about what should be done to prepare in advance for a
tsunami and after.(Use had better, should and ought to)
What to do before a tsunami What to do during tsunami What to do after a tsunami
 Know if your city could be struck  Stay calm  Stay calm
by a tsunami.  Leave the area immediately if you  Listen to and follow the
 Talk with your family and prepare are at the beach or near a river instructions from the radio.
an emergency plan. when a strong earthquake occurs.  Help others who may need if
 Identify safe places close to your  Go at least one kilometer inland or you can.
home and school. 35 meters above the sea level.
 Don’t go to the river or beach to
watch the waves

Topic Two:Are you ready to volunteer and take part to save people in danger ofnatural disasters?
Justify your answer with arguments.

There is no Elevator to Success

You Have to Take the Stairs

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬
‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
"‫ثانوية الشهيد عرجون معمر‬ ‫مديرية التربية لوالية الشلف‬
Level: 2 YearScientificStreams Duration: 02 Hours Date: 28 / 05/ 2018


PART ONE: Reading (15 points)

A/Comprehension: (08pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

An Algerianmilitary planecarryingsoldiers, theirfamiliesand somerefugeescrashedsoonaftertakeoff into a

field in NorthernAlgeria, killingat least 257 people in whatappeared to be the NorthAfricannation’sworst-ever

aviation disaster. Algeria’sDefenseMinistrysaidthosekilledincluded 247 passengers and 10 crew.

The cause of the crash wasunclear and an investigation had been opened. Severalwitnessestoldan

Algerian TV networktheysawflamescoming out of one of the plane’senginesjustbeforeittook off. "The plane

crashed on itswing first and caughtfire″, an eyewitnesssaid.

Algerian authoritiesdid not mention anysurvivors but one witnessreportedseeingsome people jump out of

the aircraftbeforeitcrashedat 7:50 a.m. Wednesday. The victims’ bodies have been transported to the Algerian

army’s central hospital for identification.

1. Choose the right answer.

The text is taken from:

a)a newspaper article.
b)a magazine article.

c)a website article.

2. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false” according to the text.
a) The crashed plane was civil.
b) More than two hundred people were killed in the plane crash.
c) The plane was carrying just soldiers.
d) No body survived the plane crash.

3. In which paragraph is it mentioned that the disaster was the deadliest?

4. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Where did the crash take place?
b) What was the cause of the plane crash?
c) Was there any survivor? Justify.

5. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) their (§1) b) it (§3)

B/ Text Exploration: (07pts)

1. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following:
a) calamity(§1)= ………………b)collision(§2) = ………………c)carried (§3) = ………………

2. Complete the following table:

Verb Noun Adjective

To crash ………………………… ………………………
………………………… investigation ………………………
………………………… ………………………… deadly

3. Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1/ a) A witness said:”We have seen a terrible crash”.

b) A witness said ……………………………………………………………….
2/ a)“When did the plane crash happen?”, he asked.
b)He asked ……………………………………………………………………………….
3/ a) Ambulances transported the victims to the hospital.
b) The victims ………………………………………………………………………….
4/ a) We should take all safety measures into consideration.
b) We ………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Circle the silent letter(s) in each of the following words.
flight - hour - talk - whose

5. Fill in the blanks with words from the list.

disasters - needs - each other - solidarity

Natural disasters have alwayselicited…………………………. Therefore, people help ………………………… to copewith

emergency ……………………………. There are alsomany associations whichoffer a great support

PART TWO: Written ExpressionChoose ONE of the following topics: (05points)

Topic One:Whennaturaldisasters hit, the people affected are in need of immediate and swift help.
In a composition of about 70 words tell us whatkind of support youcanoffer to regions and people affected by a
Makeuse of the following notes :
 Volunteer in the Red Crescent / provide first aid / check for injuries / provide food and clothes to
victims / donate money or blood / clean up affected areas …

Topic Two: Anybody who has seen the effects of a natural or a man-made disaster knows what a devastating
impact it can have on people’s life.
Write a letter to one of the victim’s families in which you express your deep condolences after the last plane

Do your best, then enjoy your holidays…

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬
‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫ثانوية الشهيد عرجون" معمر‬ ‫مديرية التربية لوالية الشلف‬
Level: 2 Year S/M/TM/ME/LPH Duration: 02 Hours


PART ONE: Reading (15 points)
A/Comprehension: (08pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

The worst day, the unforgettable moment which stays black and painful in the Algerian history and
memory forever? On April the 11th 2018, Algerians awake to hear about one of the deadliest disasters ever
in North Africa. A military illushine airplane slammed into the earth seconds after taking off from the
military base in Boufarik resulting in 257 victims all which belong to the national army and were in their way
to Tindouf district along with their relatives and 10 others from the polizario.
After a while, National channels were showing live pictures of the black thick smoke coming from the
field where the airplane crashed. A number of ambulances and the Red Crescent were striving to save some
people if there any. Images of dead thrown bodies were also shown. The ministry of defense said that the
cause behind this crash is still unclear and the investigation will be launched to know the causes of this
From Telemcen to Annaba, from Chlef to Tamanraset, from Algiers to Oran. Several families cried the
victims and prayed Allah to save their lives in paradise. They also showed a great solidarity and unity with
the victim’s parents. Today, One year after the disaster, several Algerians are calling their government to
reveal the truth of the crash of the military airplane sooner.
Dzair press-April2018

1. The text is an extract from:

a) a magazine b) a website c) a newspaper

2. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false”.

a) The cause behind the crash and the explosion of the airplane is ambiguous.
b) Algerians all over the country were very sympathizing with the victims.
c) The truth behind this national disaster is still unrevealed by the authorities.

3. In which paragraph is it mentioned that the crash remained unclear and an investigation has been

4. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. a) Why will the authorities launch the investigation?
b. b) Why do this disaster still unforgettable for many Algerians?
c. c) From the text, pick 4 words that are related to the term “disaster”.

5. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) their (§1) b) where (§2) c) they (§3)

B/ Text Exploration: (07pts)

1. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following:
a) mortal (§1) = …………… b) collision (§2) = …………… b) losses (§3) = ……………
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2. Complete the following table:
Verb Noun Adjective
…………………………………… investigation ………………………………………
to crash …………………………………… ………………………………………
…………………………………… …………………………………… Deadly

3. Spot the mistakes and correct them.

a) We had better not to believe all the false news.
b) The authorities should told the truth to the victims’ families.

4. Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1/ a) ) “When did the plane crash happen?”, he asked.
b) He asked …………………………………………………………………………
2/ a) A witness says:”It was an unforgettable moment”.
b) A witness says ………………………………………………………………
3/ a) ) An investigation will be launched by the authorities.
b) The authorities ……………………………………………………………
4/ a) The crash of the plane caused a lot of victims.
b) A lot of victims ……………………………………………………………
5. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final « ed ».
slammed - collided - crashed - prayed
/t/ /d/ /id/

6. Fill in the blanks with words from the list.

hope - learn - disaster - health
People who live through a disaster often ………………… lessons that change their lives. They can learn that
what really matters in life is their lives and their …………………, not the things they own. Disasters can
devastate lives but as long as people survive, they can have …………………. Where there’s life, there’s hope and
the day after a ………………… is a time when many people have to start anew.

PART TWO: Written Expression (05 points)

Choose ONE of the following topics:

Topic One: Natural disasters appear to make people’s lives at risk and to make them suffer. However,
disasters have a positive side and constitute an opportunity to bring people together.
Use the following notes to write an argumentative essay supporting this point of view.
- To strengthen social relations: members of the same society/ to work hand in hand- to help each
other -to become brothers and sisters.
- To strengthen national unity: all citizens/from different parts of the country/ to stand as one/ to do
their best to help/ the affected areas - the government/ to declare/ a national mourning- to show
their compassion & solidarity.
- To strengthen international relations: countries/ from different parts of the world/ to show
sympathy/ to send aids- disasters/ to reinforce international cooperation.

Topic Two:
Are you ready to volunteer and take part to save people in danger of natural disasters?
Justify your answer with arguments.

Do your best, then enjoy your holidays…

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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
"‫ثانوية الشهيد عرجون معمر‬ ‫مديرية التربية لوالية الشلف‬
Level: 2ndYearScientificStreams Duration: 02 Hours Date: 08 / 05 / 2016


PART ONE: Reading (15 points)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Last summer, in a hot midday, I wasat home watching TV withmywife; suddenly a tsunami hit the city. Our
house collapsed and everything, people, cars,trees, and houses. People werescreaming and running in all directions
but wavesweretoofastand toohigh to escape .Karin istaken by ahugewave, all Ican do nowis survive. I swim. I cansee
the water hit buildings, and thenwatch the buildings collapse. I saw a boy, cut on hischeek, holding onto a bigpiece
of foam. Wemakeeye contact and shrugateachother. When I look back, hewasdrowning. People werefloating or
drowning. I decidedthatthisis not the time to die.
Water pushed me towards a building thatiscollapsing. I swim and swim and I’mstillpushed right towards,
then water seems to have stopped. I’m not swimming or climbing, but something in between. I makemyway to the
land. I climb up onto a dike and look around. I scream out for Karin. I startedpulling people out of mud,
fromunderhouses. I pull people out of the water, only to have them choke and die. It isbeyondanynightmare I
I findonly bodies. One looks like Karin, undersomerubble. I pull her out and it’s a woman I don’t know,
stillgrippingher scooter, mouth agape. When I find out Karin is alive, I fallapart. Shehadheld a tree,
wrappedherselfaroundit, and never let go. She has a few bruises and a black eye. I’mecstatic to seeherlikethat.
The nextday I go back to wheremy house was to see the damage. The bottomfloor of our house is gone. The
upperfloorismissing a couple of walls. None of our possessions are left. But I thankmyGodwhokept me alive
becauseI feelsad and grateful.

10. Choose the general idea of the text.

a) A huge flood.
b) A real Tsunami experience.
c) Escaping floods.

11. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false”.

a) The writer’s house wassafeafter the disaster.
b) When water stopped the writerkeptswimming.
c) The writerdidn’tsavehiswife.
d) The writerlost all his possessions.

12. In which paragraph is it mentioned thatthe writeriscourageous?

13. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Was the disasterexpected?
b) What made people unable to escape?
c) How did Karin saveherself?
d) Whatwas the writer’s feeling after the disaster?

14. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

c) he(§1) b) She(§3)

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B/ Text Exploration: (08pts)

1. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following:

a)fell(§1)= ……b)properties(§3)=……

Find in the text words which are opposite in meaning to the following:
a)slow(§1)≠……b) sad(§3)≠ …..

2. Complete the following table.

Words Nouns

destroy ……………………………
assist ……………………………

3. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1/ a) A tsunami hit the city last year.

b) The city ………………………………………………………………………………
2/ a)Thedisasterwasn’texpected by people.
b) People …………………………………………………………………………………
3/ a) Thewritersaidthathehadfoundhiswife alive.
b) The writersaid : “………………………………………………………………
4/ a)The Red Cross says: ”Up to 3 million people have been affected”.
b) The Red Crosssays ……………………………………………………

4. Circle the silent letters in the following words.

sandwich - psychology - storm - climb

5. Fill in the gaps with the following words.

angrier - training - medical - unpredictable

Nature is extremely…………………. Sometimes, things happen that no amount of survival ………………
or preparations can ready you for. Sometimes, nature is ………………… than predicted or expected. And sometimes,
events can happen without proper warning. So, do not ignore help provided by local ……………… services or reports
distributed by local news and weather stations.

PART TWO: Written ExpressionChoose ONE of the following topics: (05 points)

Topic One:Use the following notes to write a composition about what should be done to prepare in advance for a
tsunami and after.(Use had better, should and ought to)
What do we do before a tsunami What do we do during tsunami What do we do after a tsunami
 Know if your local area could be  Stay calm  Stay calm
struck by a tsunami.  Leave the area immediately if you  Listen to and follow
 Talk with your family and prepare are at the beach or near a river instructions from the radio.
an emergency plan. when a strong earthquake occurs.  Help others who may need if
 Identify safe places close to your  Go at least one kilometer inland or you can.
home and school-a place that is at 35 meters above the sea level.
least one kilometer inland or 35  Don’t go to the river or beach to
meters above sea level watch the waves

Topic Two:Are you ready to volunteer and take part to save people in danger ofnatural disasters?
Justify your answer with arguments.
Do your best, then enjoy your holidays…
SalhiABK Secondary School Al Chorfa2012/2013 Level:2S & 2MTiming: 02 hours

The Third Term English Exam

Part One:A) Reading Comprehension.

Read the text carefully then answer the following questions:

During the past decade there has been a considerable increase in the number of natural
disasters which have caused hardship and suffering in many countries. Disasters are notconfined to
particular regions, nor do they discriminate between developing and developed
countries. For the past year alone, widespread floods in France, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland,
Algeria and Vietnam as devastating earthquakes in El Salvador and India have reminded us ofthe
need to take global preventive measures against disasters.
During the 1990 s, there was a ten per cent annual increase in economic loss due to disaster…
Global warming is expected to increase the incidence of disasters such as storms, droughts
Although we continue to refer to these disasters as “natural”, they are, to a large extent,
man-made. Population growth, together with population movements and displacements to hazard
prone areas; the uncontrolled growth of megacities, the increasing emission of carbon
dioxide and other green house gases; deforestation and desertification; erosion of agricultural
land through poor irrigation practices; the destruction of rangelands through overgrazing are all
human factors which play a key role in the increase of natural disasters… Perhaps the most
significant lesson we have learnt from the recurrence of disasters is that solidarity, closecoordination
and long-term commitment are necessary to promote a culture of disasterprevention.

1. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

a) Natural disasters have caused happiness in many countries.

b) Disasters affected both developed and developing countries.
c) These disasters are only natural.
d) Solidarity is not important to raise a culture of disaster prevention.

2. Read the text and answer the following questions:

a) What have the natural disaster caused?

b) Why have people taken preventive measures disasters?
c) Which factors play a role in the increase of natural disasters?

3. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text:

a) they(§1)……………….b) Which(§3)………………….

B) Text Exploration:
1. a) Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following :
10 years(§1)=…………… pain(§1)= …………...

b) Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:
decrease(§1) ≠ …………… artificial (§1) ≠ …………

1. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a):

1- a)Specialists said: "Many traumatic earthquakes happened in the last ten years."
b) Specialists said…………………………………………………
2- a) “Have you ever experienced an emergency situation?” He asked me.
b)He asked me …………………………………………………..
3- a)He said:"I will help people in need."
b)He said …………………………………………………………

2. Classify the following words according to their final “ed”:

reported - volunteered - helped - flooded
/t/ /d/ /id/

3. Re order the following safety measures in case of an electric shock according to their importance.
a) Make sure that he is still breathing.
b) Never touch someone who has received an electric shock.
c) Switch off the electric current immediately.
d) If you cannot find the switch, hold the casualty from electrical contact with a dry wooden stick or hold
his clothes to pull him.

Part Two:Written Expression

Your friend is moving to an area where earthquakes frequently happen;Write aletter to him/her
where you give a piece of adviceabout what to do before, duringand after an earthquake. Use the
following notes with had better/had better not and sentences of your own:
 Before:- Make plans to keep your family together.
- Know emergency telephone numbers.
- Do not place objects over beds or anchor them to walls.
 During: - Stay calm. Do not panic.
- Stand in doorway or crouch under a desk (table).
- Don’t take the stairs or lifts.
 After: - Provide first aid.
- Check for injuries.
- Follow the given instructions carefully.


Ardjoun Maamer Secondary School 2015 / 2016 Level:

2nd Year M & TM Date: 04 / 05 / 2016 Full Name :
……………………………………………………… Class : ………………

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Kathmandu, Nepal (CNN) 2:56 PM - 27 April 2015
A magnitude -7.8 centered less than 50 miles from
Kathmandu rocked Nepal with devastating force last Saturday.
The earthquake and its aftershocks have turned one of the world’s
most scenic regions into a panorama of devastation.
More than 4,600 people dead, over 9,000 injured, eight million
affected across the poor country and one million children urgently
in need of help. Those are the startling numbers that indicate the
scale of the devastation from the huge earthquake that struck the Himalayan nation. Some of the grim
figures are likely to get even worse as hopes of rescuing any more survivors diminish every hour.
The landslide happened around 4 p.m. in Langtang National Park, said Ramesh Dhamala, president
of the Trekking Agents of Nepal. Laxmi Dhakal, spokesman for Nepal's Home Ministry, said he was
aware of reports about the landslide but wasn't immediately able to confirm details.
Quake relief efforts continued Tuesday, but officials warned that they were hampered by
problems of getting aid into the country and then delivering it to some of the remote communities in
desperate need.

Adapted from

1. Choose the right answer: The text is about:

a) The scenic region of Nepal. b) Nepal earthquake. c) A disastrous earthquake

2. Say whether these statements are "true" or "false":

a) The earthquake happened in a mountainous area. ……………

b) Hopes to save lives are too small. ……………
c) The landslide happened in the morning. ……………
d) It is difficult to get aid into the country. ……………

3. Answer the following questions according to the text:

a) When did the disaster happen?
b) How many people has the earthquake affected?
c) Is it the final statistic?

4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) its (§1) ……………………………………… b) he (§2) …………………………………… c) they (§3) ……………………………………

page 1/2
5. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:
a) hit (§1) ……………………………… b) capable of (§2) ……………………………… c) far (§3) ………………………………

6. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline it and correct it.

a) We had better to prepare ourselves for earthquakes. → ………………………..

b) You should followed the earthquake safety measures. → ……………………………………

7. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1. a) “The landslide happened around 4 p.m.”, said Ramesh Dhamala.
b) Ramesh Dhamala said that ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. a) Officials warned that relief efforts were hampered by problems.
b) Officials said:”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. a) “Have you done your homework?”, she asked him.
b) She asked him …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. a) He told her to pay attention to her studies.
b) He told her:” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. a) A journalist says: “The casualties were enormous”.
b) A journalist says that ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. a) “What do you study?”, he asked me.
b) He asked me ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Classify the following words according to their final “ed”.

volunteered – flooded – helped – damaged
/t/ /d/ /id/

9. Reorder the following words to make a coherent sentence.

Army /The/rescued / for / Nepalese / four-month old / a /baby boy.

Ardjoun Maamer Secondary School 2018 / 2019

Level: 2nd Year Literary & Philosophy Stream Date: 05/05/2019
Full Name : ………………………………………………………
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
A Tsunami is a series of waves generated when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced on
a massive scale. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other under water explosions, landslides, large meteorite
impacts and the tests of nuclear explosions at sea all have the possibility to make a tsunami. The effects of
tsunami can range from unnoticeable to devastating.
The term tsunami comes from the Japanese word meaning harbor ("tsu", 津 ) and wave ("nami", 波 ).
The term was created by fishermen although they had not been aware of any wave in open water. Therefore, the
term is considered misleading and its usage is discouraged by oceanographers since it is not actually related to
tides. Tsunamis are common throughout Japanese history; approximately 195 events in Japan have been recorded.
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, which had a magnitude of 9,15, triggered a series of lethal tsunamis
on December 26, 2004 that killed approximately 23, 000 people (including 168, 000 in Indonesia alone), making it
the deadliest tsunami in recorded history. The disaster prompted a huge worldwide effort to help victims of the
tragedy, with billions of dollars being raised for disaster relief.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
15. Choose the right answer.

The text is about: a) Tsunamis b) Earthquakes c) Landslides

16. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false”.
i) Nuclear test explosions can make a tsunami.
j) The term tsunami comes from the Chinese language.
k) The 2004 tsunami had a magnitude of 8,11.
l) The 2004 tsunami was the deadliest tsunami in recorded history.

17. In which paragraph is it mentioned that the effects of tsunami can be destructive?

18. Answer the following questions according to the text.

g) What does the term tsunami mean?
h) Why is the term tidal waves discouraged by oceanographers?
i) Was the 2004 tsunami really the deadliest tsunami in recorded history? Justify.

19. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

d) they (§2) …………………… b) it (§2) …………………… c) which (§3) ……………………

6. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following:
a) port (§2) = ……………… b) help (§3) = ………………
Find in the text words which are opposite in meaning to the following:
a) tiny (§1) ≠ ……………… b) exactly (§2) ≠ ……………

7. Complete the following table.

Words Nouns

prepare ……………………………
assist ……………………………
8. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).
1/ a) She said: “I have witnessed a dangerous flood”.
b) She said that …………………………………………………………………………

2/ a) “I will help people in need”, he says.

b) He says that ……………………………………………………………………………

3/ a) He asked: “Do earthquakes cause tsunamis?”

b) He asked ……………………………………………………………………………………
4/ a) A journalist said that a lethal tsunami killed a lot of people.
b) A journalist said ………………………………………………………………………
9. Circle the silent letters in the following words.
neighbours - psychology - should - storm - what - know

10. Fill in the gaps with the following words.

damage - prepare - foresee - victims
If we evaluate nowadays the potential of technology and science, like for example to ……………………………
a natural catastrophe and …………………………… the means to remedy the situation. We can say that the scientists work
is still very slow. The natural catastrophes may cause many …………………………… and great …………………………… that leave
thousands of people without shelter.

Good Luck
El Chorfa 6 Secondary School 2012/2013 Level: 2S & 2M

The First Term English Exam

Part One: Reading

A/ Comprehension:

Read the text carefully than do the activities.

In the last decade more than one a half million children have been killed in wars. More than
four million children have been physically disabled (limbs amputated, brains damaged, eye sight and
hearing lost) through bombing and mines, firearms, torture. Five million children are in refugee
camps because of war and further 12 million have lost their homes.
This war on children is a 20th century invention. 5 % of causalities in the First World War were
civilians end. The civilian share is normally about 80 % most of them women and children.
The psychological wounds are less visible. In one study of 50 displaced children in
Mozambique, 42 had lost father and mother by violence, 11 had seen or heard a parent being killed,
29 had witnessed murder, 16 had been kidnapped, all had been threatened or beaten or starved. In
total an estimated 10 million children in the world have suffered psychological trauma in civil and
international wars.
These many million of children, physically and mentally scared by the conflicts of their elders
are part of the generation on which the future must be built.
The time has come now for a world wide public to cry out against this war on children
(against those who use the weapons and those who supply them). If wars must be fought, then at the
very least, children should be protected from their worst effects.

Extract from the state of world’s children 1992,

Published by the United Nations children’s fun

1) How many paragraphs are there in the text?

2) Are the following statements ′′True′′ or ′′False′′?

a- More than one and a half million children have been killed because of hunger.
b- The number of victims from civilians has increased.
c- Children had suffered less in the wars.
d- War had physical and mental effects on children.

3) Answer the following questions according to the text.

a- What are the consequences of wars on children in the last decade?
b- How many children in the world have suffered psychological trauma in wars?
c- What is the duty of the world now, since children have the right to live in peace?

4) Give a title to the text.

B/ Text Exploration:

1) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:
a- a period of ten years (§1) = ………..
b- victims (§2) = …………..
c- injuries (§3) = ………….
d- wars (§4) = ………...

2) Which nouns can be derived from the following words?

Words able protect starved die

Nouns ………………… …………………. …………………. ………………….

3) Choose the appropriate modal to replace the underlined expression:

(had to / need to / must)
- The Palestinians were obliged to dig tunnels to survive.

4) Choose the correct form of “be able to“ to complete the sentence below:
(was able to / were able to / will be able to)
- I have a dream that one day the Palestinians ……………………….. live in an independent state
with Al-Quds as its capital.

5) Complete the following conversation:

A: What are the most basic rights should any child have?
B: Well…………………………………………………………
A: ………………………………………………………………
B: Yes there are unfortunately, these laws are often violated and most victims of wars are children
and civilians.

Part Two: Choose only one topic.

Topic 1: Imagine you are a Palestinian child living under occupation, deprived of your basic rights
unlike all children of the world. What are your dreams?
- Independent state / end occupation.
- Exerce your civil rights.
- Live in peace.
- Freedom.
- Equality………….etc.
Write a paragraph where you express your wishes. Start like this:
As a Palestinian child, I have a dream …………………………………………

Topic 2: Huge sums of money are spent on arms while thousand of people suffer poverty and all
sorts of shortages. Write an essay where you denounce wars and defend peace.

There are no secrets to success.

It is the result of preparation, hard work & learning from failure.
"Good Luck"

Azil Abderrehmen Secondary School

Class: 2nd year classes Duration: 2 hours

Third Term Exam

PART ONE: Reading and interpreting (15 points)
Read the text carefully then do the activities
On the day of the celebration of the Aïd el Fitr (Islamic Feast), very strong flooding took place in all
the towns of the valley of the Oued (stream) Mzab, of which Ghardaïa is the capital city, at around 600 km
south of Algiers in the middle of the Sahara desert. This was a historical flood because such a one had not
been seen since more than one hundred years ago.
I went there three days after the start of the flooding, and I was able to observe by myself the
magnitude of the damage, the disarray of stricken population and the apocalyptical landscape that
followed. Material damage is tremendous. According to official statements, there were around fifty dead
only in the city of Ghardaïa, but the figure of a hundred dead and missing people is certainly closer to
Happily, there have been no dead or wounded among the people I met; however, two of them had their
houses severely damaged. (Adapted from
1. The text is: ……………………. a- narrative b- argumentative (01 PT)
2. Choose the suitable title according to the text : …………………………………….(01 PT)
a- A flood in Ghardaia b- The valley of Mzab c-A Disastrous Earthquake
3. Reorder the following sentences according to their appearance in the text. (01 PT)
a- All the people I saw there were safe. ……
b- The date and place of flood ……
c- The casualties of the flood were considerable and noticeable. ……
d- A flood hit the city of Ghardaia . …….
4. Answer the following questions according to the text : (04 PT)
1. When did the flood hit Ghardaia?
2. How far is Ghardaia from Algiers?
3.Did the writer visit the city ?
. ……………………………………………………………………………………
4. How many people died in the city?.........................................................................
1. Match words and definitions. (2 PTS)
2. Words synonyms
 Disarray -the water level in an area rises where there was normally little or none
 flood before
 missing -very great in amount
 tremendous -state of disorganization or untidiness
-absent or not yet confirmed as alive
Complete the chart as shown in the example. (1 pt )
Verb Noun Adjective
To start Start Starting
………….. Celebration ……………….
………… …………… flooding

3. Rewrite sentence B so that it means the same as A : (2 pts )

A- “We have witnessed a flood” B- They told him ………………………..
A- He said, “This flood caused damage to the city .”
B- He said…………………………..
4-Match pairs that rhyme. (1 pt )

flood Responsive
knight Package
Effective blood
Damage bright

4.Fill in the blanks from the list below so that the text makes sense.(Melting, flooding, likely, coasts) (2)
Floods are …..…….. to be a major concern in the future especially with larger population living near water
such as …………… or rivers. Of possible concern is the idea of a rise in sea levels (due to the ……….….. of
ice in Antarctica) and the possible ………...…… of entire pacific island
Choose one of the following topics
Topic 01
Imagine that you were the mayor of Ghardaia. Write an announcement advertising the precautions
that citizens should take before, during and after a flood.
Topic 02
Disasters increase the sense of charity
Write a composition in which you discuss how people can take part in charitable organizations.
These cues may help you:donate money/ volunteer in the red crescent and associations/ provide food and
clothes to victims/ contribute in telethons
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ArdjounMaamerSecondarySchool2017 / 2018 Level: 2ndYearScientific Stream

Date: 03 / 05 / 2018 Full Name : ………………………………………………………
Class : ………………
Read the textcarefullythen do the activities.
In the 1920s, wheatfarmers on the Great Plains wereearning a lot of money. This made manyother people
want to befarmers, too. But no one thought to stop the farmersfromploughingalmost all the land and cutting down
most of the trees.
Still, everythingwas fine until 1931. This was the beginning of a terrible drought, a long periodwithoutrain.
The beautifulwheatfieldsdried up, and the cropsdied. Thentherewere no plants to hold down the soil. All
thatwasleftwasbare, ugly, dry dirt. Then the windstarted to blow. With no trees to block it, the windgathered up
the soilintohuge black cloudsthattravelled for miles. Thesecloudswerecalledduststorms, and theywere impossible
to escape. Dirtcollected in people’shouses. It fellintotheirfood. Itgotintotheirnoses, mouths, and eyes. People
woremasks, but the duststillcloggedtheirlungs, causingmany people to getsick. The dustevenfellwaist-high in a few
places. Nothingsurvivedbeingburied in the dust, and farmanimalsstarvedfrom a lack of food. The cruel
stormspunishedeveryone and everything. The Great Plains becameknown as the DustBowl.
This was the worstnaturaldisasterever to strike the United States. But some people believed the
farmersdeservedwhathappened to thembecausetheydid not care for the soil. Theysay the disastercould have been
prevented if the farmershad been wiser and more careful.
Adaptedfrom: EvanMoor’s 'Daily Reading Comprehension (Grade 4)’. P. 165.
1. Say whether these statements are "true" or "false":
a) Manyfarmersdecided to cut down trees and to replace them by wheatfarms. ……………………
b) After 1931, the cropdiedbecause of wind. ……………………
c) People succeeded in protectingthemselvesfrom the dust by wearingmasks.……………………
d) The disasterwould not have happened if the farmershad not cut down the trees.……………………

2. Answer the following questions according to the text:

a) Whatencouraged the people of the Great Plains to becomefarmers?
b) Whywere the Great Plains known as the DustBowlafter 1931?
c) Did the farmersdeservewhathappened to them? Justify.

3. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) It(§2) ……………………………… b)they(§3) ……………………………… c)They (§3) ………………………………

4. Find in the text words that are synonym to the following:

a)put on (§2) = ………………………………… b)hit(§3) = ……………………………
Find in the text words that are opposite to the following:
a)spending (§1) ≠ ……………………………… b)beautiful (§2) ≠ ……………………………

5. Spot the mistakes and correct them.

a) We had better to prepare ourselves for any disaster. → …………………………………
b) The farmers should been wiser and more careful. → …………………………………
6. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).
7. a) He said that the disaster could kill a lot of people.
b) He said: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. a) “Have you ever seen such a terrible drought?” she asked him.
b) She asked him …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. a) He advises me: ”Stay away from dust storms.”
b) He advises me ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. a) A journalist says that the casualties were enormous.
b) A journalist says: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
11. a)He said: “The cruel stormspunishedeveryone and everything.″
b)He said that ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. a)The teacher asked: “What did the disaster cause?”

b) The teacher asked ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed”.
survived – flooded – punished – damaged – started - wrecked

/t/ /d/ /id/

8. Fill in the gaps withwordsfrom the listbelow.

rain - disaster- worst - shortage

The DustBowlis an environmental ……………………… that hit the Midwest in the 1930s. A combination of
a severe water ………………………… and harshfarming techniques createdit. Somescientistsbelieveitwas the
………………………drought in NorthAmericain 300 years. The lack of ………………………killed the cropsthatkept the
soil in place. Whenwindsblew, theyraisedenormousclouds of dust. It deposited mounds of dirt on
everything, evencoveringhouses.

Good Luck

If we evaluate nowadays the potential of technology and science ,like for example to foresee a natural
catastrophe and prepare the means to remedy the situation. We can say that the scientists work is still very
slow. The natural catastrophes may cause many victims and great damage that leave thousands of people
without shelter.
The last violent earthquake that occurred in the South-East of Asian shores on December 26,2004 ravaged
many regions by murderous wave called “ Tsunami” .The scientists did not foresee the earthquake to evacuate
the population from that giant tidalwave. However, we recognize the International Community’s big help and
intervention means, which were set up for the population rescue, care and emergency shelters.
Unfortunately, in this domain, it is not the lack of means that matters, but the methodical organization to
put an end to all forms of anarchy.

01)-Are these statements TRUE or FALSE according to the text?
a)-The disaster causes a few victims and no damage.
b)-Tsunami occurred in the south of Africa.
c)-The scientists had foreseen the earthquake before it occurred.
d)-The International Community remained passive.
2)- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a)-What does the natural catastrophe cause?

b)- Did the scientists foresee the earthquake before it occurred?
c)-For what reasons are the victims of disasters not well taken in charge?
d)-In which paragraph is it mentioned that the scientific performance is still slow?
01)- Find in the text opposites to the following words :

►artificial (§ 1)≠…………………………. ►peaceful (§ 1)≠………………………….

02)- Match the word with its synonym.
Example : 1)- wound a)-destruction

2)-damage b)-predict
3)-evacuate c)-help
4)-foresee d)-injure

03)-Derive adjectives from the following nouns.

Noun Adjective
a--science→ …………………………..
b-violence→ …………………………..
c-nature→ ………………………….
04)-Turn the following sentences into reported speech :
►a)- The doctor said, “ I examine the victims seriously injured .”
b)-The doctor said that……………………………………………………………………………………
►The journalist asked , “ When did the Tsunami happen ?”
b)-The journalist wanted to know ………………………………………………………………………
►He asked , “ Do you have blood donations?”
b)-He wanted to know…………………………………………………………………………………….

05)-Underline the silent letter :

a- high b-would c-psychologist d-write

PART TWO : WRITTEN EXPRESSION:Choose one of the following topics.

TOPIC ONE: Use the following notes to write a paragraph about “TSUNAMI”
--time : December 20 th ,2004
--place :Indonesian islands
--region : full of people and tourists
--results : many people were killed and others were homeless
And you can add your own ideas.
TOPIC ONE :Suppose you’re a journalist working for a well-known Algerian newspaper. Write an
article about any natural disaster you’ve witnessed along your career.

Level: 2nd year (M&E)
chool-Year: 2017-2018 Duration: 2 hours.

The Second Term English Language Exam

) READING(15pts.)

A- Comprehension (08pts.)

Read the passage belowthen do the activitiesthatfollow.

In recent years, the world has seen a series of natural disasters. Itis expected thattheirnumber willrise in
the coming years. Natural disasterscause financial, environmental or human losses. When they happen,
communication between people increases. This is because people want to know whether their family and
friends are safe or not. Social mediahas played a major role in circulating information about these disasters.
The wide-ranging reach of social networks, like Facebook and Twitter, allows people to rapidlyconnect
with their family. For example, on Facebook, people share information and ask for help.Moreover, Facebook
has also added a "Safety Check" option, which allows users to mark themselves safe in natural disasters zones.
Similarly, on Twitter, people share valuable news and information.
In short, the Internet has re-defined communication in today’s modern world through social media. It
has made it possible to talk to a large number of people anywhere on earth. As a result, it became an efficient
way to share information when natural disasters happen. In a post on hisFacebook profile, Mark Zuckerberg the
founder of Facebook, wrote, “When disasters happen, people need to know their loved ones are safe. It's
moments like this that being able to connect really matters.”

Adapted fromthe Internet.


1. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

a. The number of natural disasters is decreasing.
b. Natural disasters lead to the death of people.
c. Communication is needed during natural disasters.
2. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. Have natural disasters dropped in number in recent years? Justify your answer.
b. Why do people use social media when natural disasters happen?
c. What has the Internet done for communication in our modern world?
3. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a. their(§1) b. his(§3)

4. In which paragraph are examples of social media’s help during disasters mentioned?
5. Givethe general idea of the text.

B- Text Exploration(07pts.)

1. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following.
a. quickly(§2) b. contemporary(§3)

2. Rewrite sentence “b” so that it means the same as sentence “a".

1. a- He said: “Each of us has a responsibility to help people affected by disasters.”
b- He said…………………………………………………………………………
2. a- “Have you tried to call an ambulance yesterday?” the journalist asked him.
b- The journalist asked him……………………………………………………
3. a- She says she doesn’t know where her siblings are.
b- She says, “……………………………………… .”

3. Underline the silent letter in each of the following words.

autumn – castle - isle – knot
4. Fill in the gaps using the words in the list below to get a meaningful paragraph.

grounds – evacuation - tsunami – water

A flood is an overflow of…..(1)….on land which is usually dry. Extreme flooding can also be caused by
a ……(2)……. or a large storm. During a flood, people try to move themselves and their most precious
belongings to higher……(3)……quickly. The process of leaving homes in search of a safe place is called……
(4)…….. .

II) WRITING(05pts.)

Choose ONE of the following topics.

Topic One:
El Asnam earthquake happened in Chlef in 1980. Its magnitude was recorded at 7.1 on Richter scale.The
shocks were felt over 550 km. It was the largest earthquake in Algeria.
Using the notes below, write a composition describing what happened after El Asnam earthquake.
- buildings and houses collapsed
- many casualties/deaths
- quick arrival of rescuers to save people
- solidarity among Algerians
- foreign aid
- government program to reconstruct towns and villages
Topic Two:
Write a short paragraph in which you state the different safety measures that should be taken before, during and
after an earthquake.

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫ثانوية الشهيد عرجون" معمر‬ ‫مديرية التربية لوالية الشلف‬
Level: 2nd Year S / LPH Duration: 02 Hours


PART ONE: Reading (15 points)
A/Comprehension: (08pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

We live in a world where the risk of accidents is very high. At home, for example, we are often
surrounded with objects which constitute a real source of trouble if we do not pay attention. This is true
with the gas, electricity, sharp things and chemicals. In this case, adults are obliged to be very attentive how
to handle each item and what to do after using them so as not to put their life and that of their children in
It is also the same attitude which is indispensable for everybody in the factory. There, it is necessary
for the workers to operate the machines with the greatest care because their manipulation needs precision
and special concentration. Any mistake is likely to cause serious damage to the employees and sometimes
brings even death.
In the street, people have the obligation to be very careful not only because of the passing cars moving
quickly but also because of the big number of pedestrians walking in hurry and taking diverse directions.
As a result, it is essential for everyone to be alert so as to keep away from the obstacles that are present in
that environment.
Adapted from "Book of Progress in English"

1. The text is an extract from:

a) a magazine b) a website c) a book

2. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false”.

a) It is not necessary to use sharp things carefully.
b) Mistakes can be deadly when operating machines in the factory.
c) In the street, people walk in the same directions.

3. In which paragraph is it mentioned that it is necessary to be attentive in order to keep away from
various obstacles?

4. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Where can accidents happen?
b) What can happen if the workers do not operate the machines carefully?

5. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) which (§1) b) their (§2) c) that (§3)

B/ Text Exploration: (07pts)

1. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following:
a) danger (§1) = …………… b) essential (§2) = …………… b) different (§3) = ……………

page 1/1

2. Complete the following table.

Verbs Nouns

To live ……………………………
To assist ……………………………
To help
To prepare

3. Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1/ a) He said: “I have a terrible accident”.
b) He said …………………………………………………………………………
2/ a) The manager told me: “Be very careful when using these machines”.
b) The manager told me …………………………………………………
3/ a) Many accidents can cause death.
b) Death ……………………………………………………………………………

4. Cross the silent letters in the following words.

island - should - vehicle - what

5. Fill in the blanks with words from the list.

disasters - needs - each other - solidarity

Natural disasters have always elicited …………………………. Therefore, people help ………………………… to cope
with emergency ……………………………. There are also many associations which offer a great support
during …………………………….

PART TWO: Written Expression (05 points)

Choose ONE of the following topics:
Topic One:
Write a short paragraph in order to give advice that people should take before, during and after
a man-made disaster like an “accident on the road”.
Use the following notes: - You should/ You shouldn't/ You ought to/ You'd better/ You'd better not
 Before an accident: Drive slowly/ Drive so quickly/ Respect the rules of driving/ not to speak
on phone when you are driving.
 During an accident: Check for injuries/ Call the police/ Call the Ambulance.
 After the accident: Not fight with the driver/ Provide the first aid/ Visit the hospital or a doctor

Topic Two:
Car accidents have become a part of our daily life. What should be done to reduce them?

Good Luck & Happy Holidays…

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2014 / 2013 Ardjoun Maamer Secondary School

Date : 20 / 05 / 2014 Duration : 02 Hours Level : 2nd Year Literary Streams
Mark: …..………./20 Class: ………………. Full Name: ………………..…………….….
PART ONE: Reading (15 points)
A/Comprehension: (08pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
During the past decade there has been a considerable increase in the number of natural disasters
which have caused hardship and suffering in many countries. Disasters are not confined to particular
regions, nor do they discriminate between developing and developed countries. For the past year alone,
widespread floods in France, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland, Algeria and Vietnam as devastating
earthquakes in El Salvador and India have reminded us of the need to take global preventive measures
against disasters.
During the 1990s, there was a ten percent annual increase in economic loss due to disaster. Global
warming is expected to increase the incidence of disasters such as storms, droughts and floods.
Although we continue to refer to these disasters as “natural”, they are, to a large extent,
man-made. Population growth, together with population movements and displacements to hazard prone
areas; the uncontrolled growth of megacities, the increasing emission of carbon dioxide and other green
house gases; deforestation and desertification; erosion of agricultural land through poor irrigation
practices; the destruction of rangelands through overgrazing are all human factors which play a key role
in the increase of natural disasters. Perhaps the most significant lesson we have learnt from the
recurrence of disasters is that solidarity, close coordination and long-term commitment are necessary
to promote a culture of disaster prevention.
1) Circle the right answer: (01pt)
The text is taken from: a. A Web Site b. A Magazine c. A Book
2) Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false” according to the text: (02pts)
a. Natural disasters have caused happiness in many countries. …………………………
b. Disasters affected both developed and developing countries. …………………………
c. These disasters are only natural. …………………………
d. Solidarity in not important to raise a culture of disaster prevention. …………………………
3) Answer the following questions according to the text. (03pts)
a. What have natural disasters caused?
b. Why have people taken preventive measures against disasters?
c. Which factors play a role in the increase of natural disasters?
4) In which paragraph is it mentioned that: (01pt)
a. The loss of ten percent in economy. ................ b. Man-made disasters. ................
5) What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text: (01pt)
a. they (§1) ………………………………. b. which (§3) ……………………………….
B/ Text Exploration: (07pts)
1) a. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (0.5)
10 years (§1) = …………………….…. distinguish (§1) = ………………………………
b. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (0.5)
decrease (§1) ≠ ............................. construction (§3) ≠ .............................
Page 1/2
2) There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct it: (01pt)
a. If he studies a lot, he would pass the exam. .......................................
b. We had better to prepare ourselves for earthquakes. .......................................
3) Complete the following table: (1.5pts)
Verb Noun Adjective
.................... destruction ....................
to save ..................... ....................
..................... ..................... charitable
4) Rewrite sentence ‘a’ so that it means the same as sentence ‘b’: (1.5pts)
A/ a- “The casualties were enormous”, says a journalist.
b- A journalist says …………..........………....................…………………………………………..……………..
B/ a- He asked me:” Have you ever experienced an emergency situation?”
b- He asked me .....................................................................................................................
C/ a- A volunteer said that he would help people in need.
b- A volunteer said:” ............................................................................................................
5) Fill in the gaps only with four words (04) from the following: (01pt)
Richter – damage – disastrous – rescue – struck - power
On May 12 , 2008, a major earthquake…………………….…China. It was the most …………………………
earthquake. It had the ………………….… of 5 megaton explosion. It caused great ………………..…… , and made
thousands of people homeless .
6) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed “: (01pt)
helped – provided – injured - damaged
/t/ /d/ /id/

PART TWO: Written Expression Choose one of the topics below: (05pts)
Topic 01: Using the following notes, write a paragraph on the 1980 earthquake of El Asnam.
- October 10th, 1980 - seven on Richter scale
- buildings and houses collapsed - many casualties
- quick arrival of rescuers - solidarity among Algerians
- foreign aid - government program to reconstruct towns / villages.
Topic 02: Write a piece of advice about the precautions that people should take before, during and
after an earthquake.
Topic n=°………:
"Best wishes of success"
Page 2/2

2014 / 2013 Ardjoun Maamer Secondary School

Date : 18 / 05 / 2014 Duration : 02 Hours Level : 2nd Year Scientific Streams


Mark: …..………./20 Class: ………………. Full Name: ………………..…………….….

PART ONE: Reading (15 points)

A/Comprehension: (07pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

A powerful earthquake measuring 7.5 hit China’s southern province of Sichuan, shaking buildings as
Beijing, Shanghai and Bangkok.
It was not immediately clear if there were any casualties or damage from the tremor which the U.S.
Geological Survey (UGS) earlier put at 7.8. The epicentre of the quake was 93 kilometres north of
Chengdu. Wenchuan, which took full force of the quake, has a population of 111,000 people. It is in an
ethnic Tibetan area in Aba country which recently saw violent clashes between Tibetans and Chinese
According to some reports, there was a second earthquake measuring 3.9 which hit the Beijing
district of Tongzhou at roughly the same time. Reports from Thailand said high buildings in Bangkok
continued to shake several minutes after the tremors began. “We felt continuous shaking for about two
or three minutes. All the people in our office are rushing downstairs. We’re still feeling slight
trembling”, said an office worker in Chengdu. China’s tallest building, the Jinmao Tower, and other high-
rise buildings in Shanghai’s financial district were evacuated after tremors were first felt. “People were
shouting ‘get out, get out’, so we all ran out of our dorm”, said a student surnamed Zhang at a university
in nearly Chongqing.
ABC / Reuters: By China correspondent Stephen McDonell
1) Are there any direct quotations in the text? If so, how many? (01pt) ...........................
2) Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false” according to the text: (02pts)
a. China’s earthquake was 7.5 at the Richter scale. …………………………
b. Many victims were recorded immediately …………………………
c. The epicentre of the quake was 93 kilometres south of Chengdu. …………………………
d. A worker said that continuous shaking was felt for some minutes. …………………………
3) What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text: (02pts)
a. it (§2) ………………………………. b. which (§3) ……………………………….
4) Answer the following questions according to the text. (02pts)
a. Which province in China was hit by the earthquake?
b. What did Zhang, the student say?

B/ Text Exploration: (08pts)

1) a. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (01pt)
strong (§1) = …………………….…. victims (§2) = ………………………………
b. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (01pt)
different (§3) ≠ ............................. finished (§3) ≠ .............................

Page 1/2
2) Which nouns can be derived from the following verbs? (02pts)
Verbs to continue to begin to evacuate to measure
Nouns ………………… …………………. …………………….. ……………………
3) Rewrite sentence ‘a’ so that it means the same as sentence ‘b’: (01.5pts)
A/ a- “We are still feeling slight trembling”, said an office worker.
b- An office worker said …………………....................…………………………………………..……………..
B/ a- The journalist asked me if I had helped people in need.
b- The journalist asked me:”..............................................................................................
C/ a- “I examine the victims seriously injured”, the doctor says.
b- The doctor says that ......................................................................................................
4) There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct it: (01.5pts)
a. If he studies a lot, he would pass the exam. .......................................
b. He should takes care of her in serious situations. .......................................
c. We had better to prepare ourselves for earthquakes. .......................................
5) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed “: (01pt)
collapsed – reported – volunteered - stopped
/t/ /d/ /id/

PART TWO: Written Expression Choose one of the topics below: (05pts)
Topic 01: Using the following notes, write a composition about China’s earthquake (May 12 th, 2008).
- thousands of people killed / injured
- building collapsed
- rescue workers / to save people
- foreign aid ...
Topic 02: Write a piece of advice about the precautions that people should take before, during and
after an earthquake.

Topic n=°………:
"Best wishes of success"
Page 2/2

Toualbi ataalibi high school-B.E.O School Year 2012/2013

Name:……………………. Duration: 2 hours
Class:2 FL
Third term exam of English
Read carefully the following text then do the activities.
Part one: Reading and interpreting (15 pts)

It was a nice bright sunny day; people were starting to gather in the field under the shadows of the trees
in small groups. The families had brought some food and drinks for the picnic. Children were playing around
and seemed so excited to take a day off. Their parents were setting up the place while the young boys and girls
were throwing balls and all sort of toys to each other.
Suddenly a violent sound came out of the trees and then the birds started to fly in flocks leaving their
nests, all sorts of animals appeared to run outside their refuges in all directions. It was an earthquake.
Minutes later other people came to the place, most of them seemed terrorized. They run to this area
because it was the most secure, far from the buildings and the walls. Nothing could fall on their heads. It was
the police and the firemen who directed them there. Fortunately, nobody was injured as it during the weekend.
Most of the people had decided to go for walks in the fields and for picnics in the green areas surrounding the
town after a hard work week by that bright sunny day.
1. Circle the title that best summarizes the text (0.5pts).
a) Peaceful scenery
b) The world of animals.
c) A disturbed weekend
2. Reorder the following ideas according to their occurrence in the text. (1pt)
a) The local authorities oriented the people to a safe place. (§........)
b) Everything seemed to be quiet and calm (§........)
c) The unusual behaviour of the beasts. (§........)
3. Answer the following questions according to the text. (3pts)
a) What did the people gather in small groups for ? Why did Henri Dunant receive a Nobel Prise for
b) What was Dunant’s purpose behind creating an international
committee? ..........................................................................................................................
c) How would the victims of war be treated according to the convention of
Geneva? ...................................................................................................................................................

4. What or Whom do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1.5pts)
Which (§2) = ........................ him (§3) =..................... its(§3) =...................................
A) Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following. (1pt)
hunted= ....................................... defeated=........................................
B) Find in the text words opposite in meaning to the following. (1pt)
lost ≠ ........................................ different ≠..................................

B) Text exploration: 1- Complete the following table as shown in the example. (2pts)

Verb Noun Adjective

to dry Drought Dry
......................... ......................... Hot
to negate ......................... .........................
......................... productivity .........................
2- ......................... ……………. Expected Rewrite
sentence B so as it means the same as sentence A. (1pt)
a. The National Red Crescent gathers food and medicines to the needy.
b. Food ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
a. “The fire has destroyed a big part of the country,” reported the BBC.
b. The BBC…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3- Fill in each gap with one word from the list: table - don’t – balcony – shaking – had better – ‘d
better not (2pts)
When an earthquake happens, you...............panic and run. Find the nearest …….……. or desk and
stay under it. Don’t lean out of a window or go to the …………, stay under the table or the desk and
wait until the ………… ends. Then step calmly out of the house
4-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final ‘s (1pt)Austrians - eyes -
losses - camps -
/s/ /z/ /iz/
Part two: Written Expression: (5pts)Choose only one topic from the following:

Topic one: Write a paragraph on the different types of pollution.What are their causes and consequences
on human life?

Topic two: Use the following cues to write a paragraph on deforestation and its consequences:

Erosion - climate change – species extinction – danger on flora and fauna -

Ardjoun Maamer Secondary School 2018 / 2019

Level: 2 Year MT Date: 05/05/2019
Full Name : ………………………………………………………
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. Others do not have many:
for example, there are few earthquakes in Britain. There is often a great noise during an earthquake. The ground
vibrates, houses fall down, and railway lines are broken. Trains run off the lines .Sometimes thousands of people
are killed in different ways.
Earthquakes often happen near volcanoes, but this is not always true. The epicenter of some might occur
under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves .The powerful forces inside the earth break the rocks. The
coast is shaken and great waves appear. These waves travel long distances and rush over the land. They are strong
enough to break down houses and other buildings; sometimes they break more buildings than the earthquake itself.
This is what happened recently in Japan.
What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake? A building with concrete walls is perhaps the best.
A steel frame will make it even stronger. The frame holds the different parts together and the walls do not easily
fall. There is less chance of fire because concrete and steel do not burn.

1. Say whether these statements are "true" or "false":

a) There are numerous earthquakes in Japan. ………………………
b) Earthquakes can cause different damages. ………………………
c) The waves caused by earthquakes are not dangerous. ………………………

2. Answer the following questions according to the text:

a) What happens when there is an earthquake?
b) Do earthquakes always happen near volcanoes? Justify.
c) What are the advantages of building with concrete walls?

3. In which paragraph is it mentioned that waves are sometimes stronger than the earthquake itself? …

4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

b) them (§1) ……………………………… b) they (§2) ……………………………… c) it (§3) ………………………………

5. Find in the text words that are synonyms to the following:

a) happen (§2) = ………………………………… b) opportunity (§3) = ……………………………

Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:
a) tiny (§1) ≠ ……………………………… b) top (§2) ≠ ……………………………

6. Spot the mistakes and correct them.

c) We had better to prepare ourselves for earthquakes. → ………………………..
d) You ought to followed the earthquake safety measures. → ……………………………………

7. Complete the following table.

Words Nouns

prepare ……………………………
assist ……………………………

8. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

12. a) He said that he would help people in need.
b) He said:”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
13. a) “Have you witnessed a natural disaster?”, she asked him.
b) She asked him …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
14. a) He told her: ”Stay in a safe area”.
b) He told her ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
15. a) “Earthquakes can be dangerous”, the teacher says.
b) The teacher says that ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
16. a) A journalist said: “The casualties were enormous”.
b) A journalist said that ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed”.
volunteered – flooded – helped – damaged – vibrated - collapsed

/t/ /d/ /id/

10. Reorder the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph.

a) like for example to foresee a natural catastrophe
b) We can say that the scientists work is still very slow.
c) If we evaluate nowadays the potential of technology and science,
d) and prepare the means to remedy the situation.

The Secret of Success:

“Stop Wishing, Start Doing.”

School:………………………… Second year high school classes

Name :........................................... Class: …………..
Third Term Final Examination.

Part one : 16 points / Read the text and do the activities:


Floods have been and continue to be a great destructive natural danger facing our country. A
flood is an abnormally high stream flow mat overtops the natural or artificial banks of a stream.
Flooding is a natural characteristic of rivers. Flood plains are normally dry-land areas which act
as a natural reservoir and temporary channel far flood waters. If more quantity is generated than
the banks of a stream channel can accommodate, the water will overtop the stream banks and
spread over the flood plain causing social and economic disruption and damage to crops and
Floods can also form where there is no stream, as „ for example, when abnormally heavy
precipitation falls on flat terrain at such a rate that the soil cannot absorb the water or the water
cannot run off as fast as it falls.
Edited by W. If. Hays.
1) The text is : a- narrative. b- descriptive. c- argumentative. (0.5)
2) Say if the following statements are True or False: ( 1-5}
a) Floods are a new phenomenon. / .............
b) A flood is an overflow of water caused by heavy rains J ............
c) Intense rainfall causes great damages J ............
3) Answer the following questions according to the text: ( 03)
a) How is the word flood defined in the text ?
b) What can floods cause?
c) Why do floods happen ?
4) Choose the best title to the text: (01)
a- Natural disasters. b- violent storms. c- Flood's causes and effects.
5) a) Find in the text a word whose definition follows :
* a high stream of water =..................................... §1 (0-5)
b) Find in the text a synonym to caused =............................ §1 (0.5)
c) How, find in the text the opposite of: artificial ±......................§1 (0.5)
6) What or whom do the underlined words refer to in the text ? ( 01)
a-which refersto................................... §1
b- itrefers to........................................ §2
7) Complete the following table: (1-5)
..................... dead
.................. thought .................
Torain ....................
8) Put tbe verbs between brackets in their correct tense: (02)
a- While they ( watch) a football match, the earthquake (occur).
b- As soon as they ( hear ) about the disaster, International help ( arrive ).

9) Rewrite sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A: (02)

a) A= "Have the youth helped during the disaster?1*
B= The reporter asked the inhabitants.........................................................
b) A= "What does the Algerian Red Crescent collect?"
B= He wondered..........................„......................................................
c) A= The flood took many lives.
B= Many lives..................................................................................
d) A= “ Crouch under the table." He advised the pupils.
B = The teacher advised his pupils.............................................................
10) Give the opposite of the flowing words keening the same root:
Fortunate # .............. ..... // Correct^ .................. .
1 1 ) Underline the silent letters :
Over - psychologist - autumn - would .
Part two : writing ( 04 points )
List 08 safety measures that we take before, during and after an earthquake.
Mechref El Tayeb Secondary School School Year : 2017/2018
Duartion : 2 Hours Level : 2nd Year

The Third Term English Exam

Part One: Comprehension (15pts)

Read the text carefully then answer the questions

More than 250 dead in Algerian military plane crash

A military plane(Russian- built Ilyushin Il-76) carrying soldiers and their families has crashed soon after
takeoff in northern Algeria, killing 257 people in what appears to be the worst plane (aviation) crash in the
north African country’s history. The defence ministry said 247 passengers, made up of Algerian soldiers and
their relatives, died along with 10 crew members when the plane crashed into a field on Wednesday, next to an
airbase in the town of Boufarik, 20 miles (30km) from the capital, Algiers. The cause of the crash was unclear
and an investigation had been launched, the ministry said.
Algerian authorities did not mention any survivors but one witness reported seeing some people jump out of
the aircraft before it crashed at 7:50 a.m. Wednesday. Several witnesses told Algerian TV network Ennahar
they saw flames coming out of one of the planes’ engines just before it took off. “The plane started to rise
before falling,” an unidentified man lying on what seemed to be a hospital bed told Ennahar TV. “The plane
crashed on its wing first and caught fire.” The victims’ bodies have been transported to the Algerian army’s
central hospital for identification.

Footage from the scene showed thick black smoke coming off the field, ambulances and Red Crescent
vehicles arriving at the crash site. Pictures showed the burnt-out tail section of the aircraft separated from the
rest of the fuselage, which was being attended to by rescue workers. Private Algerian TV network Ennahar
published images of body bags lined up in the field. It is the deadliest plane crash since Malaysian Airlines
flight MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine in July 2014, killing all 298 people on board.

The previous most deadly crash on Algerian soil occurred in 2003, when 102 people were killed after a
civilian airliner crashed at the end of the runway in Tamanrasset. There was a single survivor. An Algerian air
force Lockheed C-130 Hercules crashed in a mountainous area of the Oum El Bouaghi province in 2014, killing
more than 70 people on board and leaving just one survivor. The defence ministry said poor weather conditions
had been the likely cause.
The Guardian. April 12th, 2018.
1/ The text is: a) a web article b) a newspaper article c) an extract from a book (1pt)
2/ Complete the table with information from the text (2pts)
What happened?
The accident When/ where Number of Victims causes

3/ Answer the following questions according to the text: (3pts)

a- What was the military plane carrying when it crashed in Boufarik?

b- Was the plane crash the worst in the Algerian history?
c- Was it the first time Algeria experience such a catastrophe? Justify from the text.

4/ In which paragraph is it mentioned: (1pt)

a- Algeria had witnessed other plane crashes before.

b- The number of victims in the last tragedy.

5/ What do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1pt)

- their(§1)= which(§3)=

Text Exploration:
1/ Find in the text words that are close in meaning to: (1pt)
Aircraft (§1) = took place (§4) =

2/ Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to: (1pt)
Obvious (§1) ≠ the best (§1) ≠

3/ Complete the table with the missing words: (2pts)

Verb Noun Adjective

To crash ............ ...............
................. ............. Deadly

4/ Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one: (2pts)

a- “The plane started to rise before falling,” a witness said.

b- A witness said..................................................................
c- The reporter said: “The victims’ bodies have been transformed to the Algerian army’s central hospital
for identification.”
d- The reporter said......................................................................

5/ Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”: (1pt)

Crashes- passengers- bodies- inspects

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part Two: Written Expression (5pts)

Choose one topic only

Topic One: The Algerians felt deeply sad after the military plane crash in Boufarik.

Use the following notes to write a composition in which you describe the different reactions:

- Ambulances/ rescuers rush to check for injures and survivors.

- National sympathy in TV channels and social media: Facebook.....etc
- The president decided three days of mouring.
- People prayed for the martyrs and their families
- Hundreds walked in their funerals.

Topic Two:
Write an article in your school magazine giving instructions and safety measures is case of fire.

Your teachers of English wish you a nice holiday

2nd Year: experimental sci/ Management Time: 01 hour


Full name: ………………………………..
Class: ………………..
PART ONE: reading
A. Comprehension
Read the text carefully then do the following activities
The worst hurricane in living memory has caused terrible damage and loss of life throughout Central
America. In the large towns, nearly three-quarters of all buildings have been destroyed. In thecountryside,
whole villages, in which hundreds of people lived, have disappeared. Hundreds of thousands are homeless and
10,000 are feared dead.
The storm hit the area late on Tuesday evening, destroying everything in its path. Winds of over 240
klm/h demolished all the wooden houses and tore the roofs off others, including the country’s main hospital.
Cars and Lorries were blown onto their sides. Whole banana plantations, on whichthousands of people worked,
were flattened. Electricity and telephone lines were cut. In themountain areas, heavy rain caused flash floods
and landslides. Roads and bridges, along which all supplies used to come, were swept away. Rivers of mud, up
to five metres deep, swept down themountainsides, covering several villages.
On Wednesday afternoon the full extent of the damage became clear. Rescue teams started work as soon
as theycould, but they can do little for most of the people. There are no tents and few medical supplies. The
only way to deliver them is by helicopter and the army only has two. The hurricane is now moving towards the
south coast of the USA, but is getting weaker all the time.

1. Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer.

The hurricane hit:
a. North America. b.Central America.c.Southern America.
2. Are these statements true or false? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the statement.
a. In the large towns, most of all buildings have been destroyed. ………
b. The hurricane was very weak. …..…..
c. The hurricane didn’t strike the mountainous area. …………
d. The hurricane is getting stronger moving towards the south coast of the USA. ………

3. In which paragraph is mentioned the damage caused by this hurricane?

4. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. When was Central America hit by this hurricane?
b. How many people are feared killed by the storm?
c. How did the rescue teams deliver the tents and medical supplies?

Text exploration
1. Find in the text words opposites in meaning to:
a. appear ( 1§) = ………………
b. stronger( 2§) = …………….
c. finish( 3§) = ……………….

2. Complete the following table as shown in the example:

Noun/ verb Adjective
example destroy destructive
mountain …………………
Electricity …………………
rectangle ………….. ……
3. Rewrite sentence « b » soi t has the same meaning as sentence « a ».

1. a. The reporter said: “The storm has destroyed many houses and buildings.”
b. The reporter said that the storm …………………………………………………..

2. a. The reporter asked the officer: “ When did the storm hit the area?”
c. The reporter asked the officer …………………………………………………….
3. a.She asked me : “ Did you contribute in clearing the damaged area?”
b.She asked me ………………………………………………………………………

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list.

sections– earthquake – called – moving
The hard rock surface of the earth is ………….…….. the crust. The earth’s crust isdivided into several
………………. called plates. The place where two platesmeet is called a fault line. Two plates …………..
along a fault line causes anearthquake. During an ………………….. the ground moves and shakes.

GOOD LUCK Dear Pupils

Year Management Time allotted: two hours

Part one: reading ………….. (15 points)
B. Comprehension (07 points)
Read the text carefully then do the following activities. 20
When Hurricane Katrina hit the southern USA, more than 1,000 people died in the most destructive and
costly natural disaster in US history. It passed over the Bahamas, southFlorida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and
Alabama between23 and 31 August 2005.
On 28 August, with Hurricane Katrina heading for New Orleans, the city’s mayor ordered everybody to
evacuate. Five days after the storm, New Orleans was almost completely deserted. With electricity and water
cut off and no food supplies, the last evacuees left their homes, clutching a few precious possessions. Over a
million people were left homeless and five million without power. The streets of the historic city of New
Orleans lay under metres of water. Many said they were unlikely ever to return to the region where
thiscatastrophic disaster had struck.
Three weeks after Katrina, warnings of the arrival of Hurricane Rita sentresidents of cities such as
Houston in Texas rushing to evacuate, fearingfor their lives. Mass evacuations like this bring hazards of their
own;as panicking drivers may cause accidents on the jammed roads. Fortunately Hurricane Rita turned out to
be much less severe than Katrina.
From: Natural disasters, EYEWITNESS GUIDES. By: Claire Watts / p: 38

5. Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer.( 1 pt)

The text is:
a. a book extracts b.a magazine article c.a web site article.
6. Are these statements true or false? Write T or F.( 2pts)
e. Hurricane Katrina left hundreds of dead and thousand homeless. ………
f. The mayor of New Orleans asked the inhabitants to leave immediately.……….
g. People from New Orleans could easily return to their homes. ………
h. Hurricane Rita was more destructive than Katrina. ………

7. Answer the following questions according to the text.( 3pts)

d. When and where did Hurricane Katrina strike?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
e. List three effects of that disaster?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
f. Did Hurricane Rita reach Houston in Texas?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

8. Copy the title you think is most appropriate to the text.( 1pt)

a. Hurricane Katrina b.Natural disasters c.Earthquakes and floods

The title of the test is: …………………………

C. Text exploration (08 points)

5. Complete the following table as shown in the example: ( 1.5pt)
Verb Noun Adjective
example to encourage courage courageous
………………… …………………… destructive
to circle …………………… ……………………
………………… help …………………
6. Complete sentence “b” reporting question in sentence “a”. ( 3pts)

1 a- The mayor asked : “ when will the storm strike? ”

b- The mayor asked ………………………………………………………………

2 a- He asked me :“  where have you studied English ? ”

b- He asked him …………………………………………………………………..

3 a- She asked her friend : “ Did you travel abroad before?”

b- She ……………………………………………………………………………...

7. Classify the following words according to the numbers of their syllables. ( 1.5 pt)
Southern –passed - return –disasters–warnings - most

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables

8. Fill in the gaps with the given words. ( 2pts)

constructed -say - can - usually

Engineers ………… that it is not earthquakes that kill,but buildings. Earthquakes …………….have a
minorimpact in the wilderness, but when they affectbuilt-up areas, the results ………. be devastating. Insome
earthquake zones, buildings are specially……………. to absorb vibrations without collapsing.

Part two: Written expression (5 pts)

 Read the reported speech. Then write as a dialogue in the box.

Juliet said that she didn’t like Manchester. She said that she was lonely. Mary said that she knew a good
café in Manchester. She said that it had great food and fantastic music. Juliet said that she could not go to
the café because she didn’t have any friends. She said that she hated going to the café alone. Mary said that
she had a friend in Manchester. She said that she was really nice. Juliet said that she wanted to meether.
Mary said that she was trying to find her phone number.

Juliet: I do not like ……………… .I am ……..… .

Mary: I know a ………………..…………… .It ….
……………………………………..………………. .
Juliet:I can’t ……………………….………………..
Because ………………………….…………………..
I hate ……………………………………………… .
Mary: I have got …………………………………. .
She ………………………………………………. .
Juliet: I …………………………..…………… her.
Mary: I …………………………………………..
ArdjounMaamerSecondarySchool2015 /
2016Level: 2ndYear GE GOOD LUCK
Date: 11 / 02 / 2016Full Name : ………………………………………………………
Class : ………………
Read the textcarefullythen do the activities.
The earthquake, whichmeasured 6.7 on the Richter scale and wasfelt as far away as Spain, wasAlgeriaworst
in more thantwentyyears. The earthquakedevastatednumeroustownsthroughoutBoumerdes on May 21, 2003 at 7:44
pm, whenfamiliesweregathering for dinner. Itkilled 2.200 people and at least 20.000 familieshomeless.
When the earthquake hit, Algerian Red Crescent staff and volunteerswere quick to respond to the
disaster, participating in search and rescue efforts, providing first aid, transporting the injured to hospitals,
mobilizingblooddonors and distributing relief goods. Following the disaster, the International Federationlaunched
an appeal for immediateresponse for quakevictims. Manysocieties sent theirrescue teams and dogs to search for
survivorstrappedunder the rubble.
The Federationsupported the Algerian Red Crescent providing people with essential assistance such as
food, water and tents. As well as providingmaterial assistance, they continue to provide vital psychological support
services to traumatized people.
1. Choose the right answer: The text is about:
a) Earthquakes in Algeriab)Flood in Algeria c) A natural disaster

2. Say whether these statements are "true" or "false":

a) People abroad could feel the earthquake over a long distance. ………………………
b) No material damages were caused. ………………………
c) After a short time, the Red Crescent team arrived to rescue people. ………………………
d) Shocked people were not attended. ………………………

3. Answer the following questions according to the text:

a) Was Boumerdes’ earthquake the only one to hit Algeria?
b) Who first reacted to the disaster?
c) Did Algeria get any assistance from other countries?

4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) It (§1) ……………………………………… b) their(§2) ……………………………………

5. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:
a) near(§1) ……………………………… b) slow (§2) ………………………………

6. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline it and correct it.

a) We had better to prepare ourselves for earthquakes. → ………………………..
b) You should followed the earthquake safety measures. → ……………………………………

page ½
7. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).
1. a) He said that he would help people in need.
b) He said:”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. a) “Have you done your homework?”, she asked him.
b) She asked him …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. a) He told her: ”Pay attention to your studies”.
b) He told her ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. a) “Students are lazy”, the teacher said.
b) The teacher said that ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. a) A journalist says: “The casualties were enormous”.
b) A journalist says that ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. a) “What do you study?”, he asked me.
b) He asked me ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Classify the following words according to their final “ed”.

volunteered – flooded – helped – damaged

/t/ /d/ /id/

9. Reorder the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph.

a) Important measures were taken by the government ………
b) It destroyed the whole town. ………
c) At midnight, a violent earthquake awakened people. ………
d) to rescue and help the victims. ………

Name :………………………………………………………
Read the text carefully then do the activities .
As human beings cannot change the forces which reduce natural catastrophes they do their best and use
their intelligence to find the most efficient solutions to obtain the maximum of protection against their
destructive effects. It is naturally scientists and inventors who are expected to realize this task because the work
to perform needs exceptional skills and patient efforts.
The whole operation moves through several steps. At the beginning it is essential to conduct detailed
observations to understand the phenomenon. Whether it is earthquake, volcanoes, cyclones, or drought the same
process is adopted. The second phase consists of thinking about devising practical methods that will provide
exposed populations with sufficient opportunities to reduce the violent effects of the imminent dangers. The
authorities are informed about the results of the studies and recommendations are given to everyone about the
realities which are examined.

A/ Reading comprehension: ( 8 pts )

1) Choose the most suitable title to the text: underline the right choice. 1 pt
a- Natural Disasters b- Solutions Against Disasters c- Man-Made Catastrophes.

2) Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the text. 2 pts
a- Human beings can change the power of nature.
b- The last step is called “detailed observation”.
c- Each disaster has different process.
d- The second step provides people with opportunities to decrease the danger of disasters.

3) Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text? 2 pts

a-who (§1)………………….…….. b-that (§2)…………………………

4) Answer the following questions according to the text.

a- What do human beings do to obtain protection against natural catastrophes? 1.5 pt


b- What are the steps of this operation? 1.5 pt



B/ Text exploration: ( 7 pts )
1) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: 2 pts
a- results (§1) =……………… b-different (§2)=…………………
c- important (§2)=…………… d- decrease (§2)=……..………….

2) Find in the text a word which means 1 pt

“sudden, unexpected and terrible events that cause great suffering” (§1):……………………………..

3) Complete the following table: 1 pt

Word Verb
experiment ………………………
practical ………………………
resistant ………………………
reliable ………………………

4) Rewrite sentence “b” so that it means the same as sentence “a”: 2 pts
1/a- They said: “We can reduce the risks of natural disasters”
b- They said…………………………………………………………………………………
2/a- She asked: “What did this catastrophe cause?”
b- She asked …………………………………………………………………………………

5) Circle the silent letter in the following words: 1 pt

being - work - psychology - bomb
Good Luck

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