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1. What were the Khanets of Northern Azerbaijan?

Khanate is essentially a state governed by Khan and led by Khan. The Khanate is an
empire and a royal dynasty with its own policies, economics, and environment. Many
separate Khanates arose on the lands of Northern Azerbaijan, particularly when the
Afshar dynasty fell. The Khanates of Northern Azerbaijan that have ever existed are
Sheki Khanate established by Haji Chelebi who was brave enough to emerge a khanate
while Nader Shah was in power, Karabakh Khanate by Panahali Khan from Javanshir
tribe, Quba Khanate by Hossein Ali Khan, Irevan Khanate in 18th century by Irevan
Khan, Shamakha Khanate established after the death of Nader Shah in 1747 by
Mahamaadsaid Khan.

2. Why did those Khanets emerge?

When another powerful state fell, skilled and daring leaders seized the opportunity to
establish their own state. Many empires and countries despised Nader Shah because he
was a highly knowledgeable and powerful warrior with great leadership abilities, and
hence everyone feared him. When Nader Shah died, humanity, which had been waiting
for it for so long, revealed itself and arose as a state if they had sufficient power and
opportunities. Simultaneously, several leaders were not scared to form their own
kingdom while Nader Shah was still alive. For example, Haji Chelebi, the founder of the
Sheki Khanate, established his empire in 1747 under the reign of Nader Shah. Panahali
Khan capitalised on Nader Shah's death since the Karabakh Khanate was created
shortly after his death. Despite having just a little area between 1726 and 1735, the
Quba Khanate gained independence in the 18th century. Husseingulu Khan, who
established the Quba Khanate, used the potential of Nader Shah's death to announce
his dominance over the province.

3. Who were the rulers of Khanets originally?

As famous historians say the rulers of the Khanates were mostly from Turkic tribes and
Persia. Haji Chelebi, the founder of the Sheki Khanate, was born in the Safavid dynasty
and was Persian. When he gained power and support, he chose to form his own khanate.
Khan Mahammadsaid of the Shamakhi Khanate was particularly close to India since he
worked for the East India Company and was even buried there. The Revan Khanate was
founded on the territory of Afharid Iran, which had Persian roots but were originally
Turks. Mirza Muhammed, the first khan of the Baku Khanate, was Persian and served
as the khanate's founder and ruler. The majority of monarchs and establishers belonged
to Turkic or Persian clans.

4. Which of those Khanets were more powerful than others and why?

Ganja Khanate ruled from 1747 to 1805, Baku Khanate reigned from 1747 to 1806 and
Quba Khanate reigned from 1747 to 1806. Most khanates persisted for a longer length of
time than is expected for small khanates. Shaki, Karabakh, Nakchivan, Irevan, and
Shamakhi Khanates existed in the same year, namely from the death of Nader Shah in
1747 through 1819, 1820, 1822, and 1828. Between 1747 to 1828, the Revan Khanate
and the Nakhichevan Khanate both existed. The Revan Khanate was the longest
dynasty in existence,it has been formed in 742. The Irevan Khanate was the most
powerful because they had powerful leaders throughout their history, a large territorial
amount, good and clever war tactics, some wealth from trading, collaborative people,
strong warriors, majestic architecture, religious diversity, and they were much more
experienced than other states. Essentially, Irevan thrived and flourished because it was
held by different empires every year, each adding and developing new things from their
own perspective, resulting in a tremendous diversity of faiths, architecture, trade, and
people. Nobody wanted Revan to fall since it had a wonderful position in the Caucasus;
instead, rulers wanted to dominate it until one day in 1747.

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