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Strategic Management Studies 1 (1) 2022

Strategic Strategic Management Studies
ISSN :xxxx e-ISSN:
ISSN: 2798-4400; e-ISSN: xxxx

The effect of brand authenticity, hedonic value, and utilitarian value toward
brand love with customer satisfaction as intervening variables on “vans” shoes
products (Case Study Among Gen-Z in Padang City)

Rini Sarianti 1, Givani Violyta 1*

1Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia


Received April 13, 2022 The purpose of this research are to analyze: (1) the influences of brand
Accepted 25 May 2022 authenticity toward brand love, (2) the influences of brand authenticity toward
Published 30 June 2022
customer satisfaction, (3) the influences of hedonic value toward brand love, (4)
the influences of hedonic value toward customer satisfaction, (5) the influences
Brand Authenticity, Hedonic of utilitarian value toward brand love, (6) the influences of utilitarian value
Value, Utilitarian Value, Customer toward customer satisfaction, (7) the influence of customer satisfaction toward
Satisfaction, Brand Love, brand love. The type of this research is causative research. This research aims to
Generation Z, and Brand Love analyze the effect of brand authenticity, hedonic value and utilitiran value
toward brand love with customer satisfaction as intervening variable on “Vans”
shoes product (case study among gen-z in padang city). This research used 244
respondents who have bought Vans shoes. The analytical method used is
structural equation model (SEM) with PLS (Partial Least Square) analysis.
The results of this research indicated that brand authenticity, hedonic value and
customer satisfaction has significant influence toward brand love. Also, brand
authenticity, hedonic value, and utilitiran value has significant influence
toward customer satisfaction. Whereas, utilitarian value has no significant
influence toward brand love
DOI:10.24036/jkmb.xxxxxxxx ABSTRAK
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis: (1) pengaruh keaslian merek
Kata Kunci: terhadap kecintaan terhadap merek, (2) pengaruh keaslian merek terhadap
kepuasan pelanggan, (3) pengaruh nilai hedonis terhadap kecintaan terhadap
Pertukaran Informasi Antara
Pemimpin dan Bawahan, merek, (4) pengaruh nilai hedonis terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, (5) pengaruh
Kepuasan Kerja, Keinginan nilai utilitarian terhadap cinta merek, (6) pengaruh nilai utilitarian terhadap
Karyawan Untuk Meninggalkan kepuasan pelanggan, (7) pengaruh kepuasan pelanggan terhadap cinta merek.
Organisasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kausatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
menganalisis pengaruh keaslian merek, nilai hedonis dan nilai utilitiran
terhadap kecintaan terhadap merek dengan kepuasan pelanggan sebagai
variabel intervening pada produk sepatu “Vans” (studi kasus pada gen-z di
kota padang). Penelitian ini menggunakan 244 responden yang pernah
membeli sepatu Vans. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah model
persamaan struktural (SEM) dengan analisis PLS (Partial Least Square).
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keaslian merek, nilai hedonis dan
kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kecintaan terhadap
merek. Selain itu, keaslian merek, nilai hedonis, dan nilai utilitiran berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Sedangkan nilai utilitarian tidak
berpengaruh signifikan terhadap brand love
How to cite: Rini Sarianti & Givani Violyta. (2021). The Effect Of Brand Authenticity, Hedonic Value, Utilitarian Value
Toward Brand Love With Customer Satisfaction As Intervening Variable on “Vans” Shoes Products (Case Study Among Gen-Z
in Padang City. , 1 (2), xx-xx. DOI:https://doi. org/10.24036/SMS.xxxxxxxx
Sarianti & Violyta. / Straregic Management Studies 1 (1), 2021, 01-12

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited. ©2020 by author.

* Corresponding author:


The growth and development of business in Indonesia is very rapid, which has led to intense
competition, especially in the fashion sector. According to Kotler (2005), companies in winning the
competition must present the best products and can meet the ever-changing and changing tastes of
consumers. The business in the fashion sector continues to grow every year and always changes what
trends are happening. One of the growing fashion businesses is shoes.

At this time, shoes are one of the products that can support one's appearance in one's activities,
especially among the Z generation (the generation born in the 1995-2010 period) Bencsik, Csikos, and
Juhez (2016). The company sees consumers in Indonesia especially among young people, whose
lifestyle is very easily influenced by trends and how much value a brand is. This opportunity is
exploited by shoe manufacturers by issuing various types and well-known brands that are issued in
Indonesia. One of these brands is Vans.

Brand is the most important part of a product to enter the market. Brand can be a characteristic or
differentiator of a product. Customers can see brands as individuals, so they can love brands as they
love someone (Sallam, 2014: 187). In terms of customer satisfaction and brand love in general, many
previous studies point out that consumer satisfaction leads to brand love, and also they show at the
same time that brand love leads to consumer satisfaction (Alber, et al., 2013).

At first, Vans shoes were the mandatory shoes for skateboarder pioneers in Venice, California at that
time. Apart from its function as footwear, Vans is also seen from the uniqueness of the models and
designs offered, the good quality of the materials, and the utilitarian value of this product to carry out
certain activities. This is related to consumer behavior in buying a product because of the utilitarian
value of the product. Holbrook and Hirschman in Anderson et al., (2012: 14) explains that consumer
behavior oriented to utilitarian value will choose products efficiently based on rational reasons. This
makes consumers love the brand (brand love) Vans because they feel satisfied (customer satisfaction)
getting a product that fits its function with the needs of skaters in an efficient way (utilitarian value).

Vans are not just shoes, they are also a way of life. Classic is the appeal of Vans shoes. This is related
to brand authenticity, namely the uniqueness, tradition, and culture of a brand. The literature claims
that authenticity is an attribute that generates favorable customer responses (satisfaction). (Muscat et
al., 2019). Furthermore brand authenticity in the field of product marketing is closely related to the
credibility and trust of consumers in a brand. The consumer's perception of the authenticity of an
authentic brand in person can create buying interest and make consumers love the brand Beverald

Vans is one of the brands with the most imitation shoe production, because the Vans brand is
worldwide and popular with many young people. So as to make Vans consumers feel trendy and
make Vans shoes a lifestyle. According to Kunto (1999: 86) hedonism (in Greek, hedone means
enjoyment, joy) is a lifestyle that makes enjoyment or happiness a goal. This hedonic behavior was
created because the Vans brand, which was considered popular, created a love for the Vans brand
(brand love) among young people. Batra et al. (2012) found that marketing in constructing brand
meaning that is connected to deeply held values can facilitate the consumer experience of brand love.
The consumer chooses Vans shoes on the fact they are using the Vans shoes have a reason why they
loves the Vans shoes, whether they are good against the brand and also benefit from the quality of the
Vans shoes.
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Generation Z
Generation Z are young people born in 1995 or later (Bassiouni & Hackley, 2014; Fister-Gale,
2015) and are highly educated, technically minded, innovative and creative young people. Usually the
primary era born into the computerized world who live online and for all intents and purposes
coordinated and lock in with their favorite brands (Bernstein, 2015). Gen Z may be a challenge, since
it appears that they carry on in an unexpected way from past eras and this behavior can lead to
changes in customer behavior (Barclays, 2018; Schlossberg, 2016), particularly considering that they
are characterized as traditionalist financial and social activists (Barclays, 2018), think of individual
fulfillment, but are moreover more delicate to social impacts (Abdullah, Ismail, & Albani, 2018).

Brand Love
Brand love is portrayed as “the level of passionate connection a fulfilled shopper has for a
specifis trade title” (Carrol and Ahuvia, 2006). Consumers discover brand love through different
perspectives of the item/brand, such as extraordinary quality, inborn appreciation, self-identity,
positive impact, common fit, passionate connection, and through visit considering and utilize (Batra
et al., 2012). Bergkvistet et al (2009) state that brand love and love between individuals are two
distinctive things. Brand love may be a one-way relationship, whereas interpersonal love may be a
two-way relationship. In quintessence, brand love may be a readliness to precise love for a brand
(Fournier and Mick, 1999). Researchers conclude that love for a brand comprises of three dimensions:
passion, intimacy, and commitment (Kamat & Parulekar 2007; Keh, Pang, & Peng, 2007).
Brand love in this study, it will be measured by several indicators put forward by Sallam (2014)
including: Passion for a brand, brand attachment, positive evaluation of the brand, positive emotions
in response to the brand, and a declaration of love toward the brand.

Brand Authenticity
In this research, brand authenticity is portrayed from a socio-psychological point of view that
considers realness as self-actualization (Guignon, 2004). (Gilmore and Pine, 2007) suggest that
genuine branding is based on two assumptions: "(1) be genuine to yourself and (2) be who you say
you’re to others." In this way, authenticity is seen as the degree to which individuals are correct with
their identities whereas being affected by social confrontation (Schallehn et al., 2014).
Recent research has shown that brands that are considered authentic: more commercially
effective (Napoli et al., 2014), have increased brand trust (Schallehn et al., 2014; Moulard et al., 2016),
have emotional brand-customer ties that are higher and larger word-of-mouth appeal (Morhart et al.,
2015), are more likely to be seen as the brand of choice and may charge a higher premium that
customers are willing to pay (Napoli et al., 2014; Fritz et al. , 2017). Reflecting the optimistc esteem
included to realness, past inquire about has appeared that brand realness emphatically impacts
customer reactions to brands (Napoli et al., 2014; Morhart et al., 2015).
The indicators used in brand authenticity variable were taken from the research of Mike
Schallehn Christoph Burmann Nicola Riley (2014) namely; first, brand (x) possesses a clear
philosophy which guides the brand promise. Second, brand (x) knows exactly what it stands for and
does not promise anything which contradicts it’s essence and character. Third, considering it’s brand
promise, the brand (x) does not pretend to be someone else. Fourth, considering it’s brand promise,
brand (x) doesn’t curry favour with its target group; moreover, its shows self-esteem. Fifth, brand (x)
distorts itself, to match contemporary market trends. Sixth, the saying “you trim your sails to every
wind that blows” describe brand (x) adequately.

Hedonic Value

Sarianti & Violyta. / Straregic Management Studies 1 (1), 2021, 01-12

Japarianto (Umami, 2013) defines hedonism as a concept that a person has based on pleasure
solely for the sake of fulfilling their own thought satisfaction. Hopkinson & Pujari (Kirgiz, 2014)
explain that pleasure is the highest beauty, and the hedonic lifestyle aims to seek pleasure. The
concept of hedonic value in Kotler's (2010) view cannot be separated from the concept of consumer
value, meaning that understanding hedonic value we also need to review our understanding of value
in consumer perceptions. While Chen et all (2015) believes that value always consists of all forms of
consumer subjective experiences during product consumption and the main purpose of product
consumption is not always for functional benefits but also consumer efforts to obtain various
satisfactions of hedonic values.
Hedonic behavior is rampant among students, as evidenced by Masrukhi's statement (in Ulfah,
2013) that 10% of students are idealistic students while 90% are hedonistic students.
According to Ryu et. al, 2010; To, et. al, 2007, the indicators of hedonic value namely; Good
mood, a pleasant place, amazing view, and new experiences.

Utilitarian Value
In pursuance of to Overby and Lee (2006) utilitarian value can be characterized as a
comprehensive appraisal of useful benefits and tradeoffs. Batra and Ahtola (1991) explained that from
a utilitarian viewpoint, buyers are exceptionally task-oriented and sound in their behavior. Therefore,
Jarvenpaa and Todd (1997) and Teo (2001) suggest that utilitarian value consolidates more cognitive
side of viewpoints of state of mind, such as financial esteem for money and contemplations of confort
and time sparing.
Consumer behavior that is oriented towards utilitarian value will choose products efficiently
based on rational reasons (Holbrook and Hirschman in Anderson et al., 2012: 14). According to Ryu
et. al, 2010; To, et. al, 2007, the indicators of utilitarian value namely; Helpful, it costs a lot, and good

Customer Satisfaction
In pursuance of Kotler and Armstrong (2005) customer satisfaction is a level where estimates of
product performance are in accordance with buyer expectations. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction
concurring to Zeithaml, Bitner and Dwayne (2009) is a shopper assessment of a items or service in
terms of assessing if the item or service has met buyer desires and needs.
Customer satisfaction arises because customers have conducted a positive evaluation of a
product they have purchased (Hafeez and Muhammad, 2012). Customer satisfaction is a strategy
implemented by a company in order to be able to retain customers and attract new customers
(Khattak and Rehman, 2010). Customers who have high loyalty can create plans to repurchase an
item or service in the forthcoming and provide recommendations to other customers (Dimitriades,
According to Irawan (2008), the indicators of customer satisfaction namely: Feelings of
satisfaction, always buy a product, would recommend to others, the fulfillment of customer
expectations after purchasing the product.

Relations between variables

a.Relationship Between Brand Authenticity To Customer Satisfaction
According to research conducted by María Eugenia Rodríguez-Lopez, Salvador del Barrio-
García and Juan Miguel Alcántara-Pilar (2019) in his research said that the literaute claims that
authenticity is a trait that creates favorable reactions from clients (satisfaction) (Muscat et al., 2019).
Recapitulate it as brand authenticity has a positive effect with customer satisfaction. In addition, there
is research conducted by Jisun Lee and Lana Chung (2019) said there a positive effect direct from
brand authenticity to customer satisfaction.

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b. Relationship Between Brand Authenticity To Brand Love

According to research conducted by Aikaterini Manthioua, Juhee Kangb, Sunghyup Sean
Hyunc, & Xiao Xiao Fub (2018) found a connection for Brand Authenticity with Brand Love. Brand
Authenticity has a positive and significant relationship to Brand Love.Besides that, according to
research conducted by Julie Napoli, Sonia Dickinson-Delaporte & Michael B.Beverland (2016) found a
connection for Brand Authenticity with Brand Love. It is stated that the more authentic a brand is, the
noteworthy the content of brand love felt by shoppers.

c. Relationship Between Hedonic Value To Customer Satisfaction

According to research conducted by Johar Diah Syafita, Suharyono, and Sunarti (2018) say that
hedonic value has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. According to research conducted by
Chia-Lin Hsua & Mu-Chen Chenb (2018) found a connection between hedonic value and customer
satisfaction. Hedonic value has a positive and significant connection with customer satisfaction

d. Relationship Between Hedonic Value To Brand Love

According to research conducted by Chia-Lin Hsua & Mu-Chen Chenb (2018) found a
connection for Hedonic Value with Brand Love. There is a positive and significant connection
between Hedonic Value with Brand Love. According to Carroll and Ahuvia (2006) written in the
research of Farah Astri Ramadhina, they suggest that hedonic products have a positive relationship
with brand love. Hedonic value can fulfill prestige needs where it can lead to passion, affection, and
positive emotional feelings towards a brand (Bhat and Reddy, 1998; Huber et al., 2015).
In addition, there is also research conducted by Rivan Riawan & Ari Setiyaningrum (2018)said
a number of previous studies found that the hedonic value of a product affects brand love
(Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001). Carroll and Ahuvia (2006) and Huber et al. (2015) found a positive
influence of hedonic value on brand love. Therefore, hedonic value is simultaneously related to the
tendency of consumers to form brand love (Babin et al., 1994; Carroll and Ahuvia, 2006; Huber et al.,

e. Relationship Between Utilitarian Value To Customer Satisfaction

According to research conducted by Johar Diah Syafita, Suharyono, and Sunarti (2018),
utilitarian value has a positive influence on customer satisfaction. According to research conducted
by Chia-Lin Hsua & Mu-Chen Chenb (2018) found a connection between utilitarian value and
customer satisfaction. Utilitarian Value has a positive and significant relationship with customer

f. Relationship Between Utilitarian Value To Brand Love

According to research conducted by Chia-Lin Hsua & Mu-Chen Chenb (2018) found a
connection between utilitarian value and brand love. Utilitarian value has a positive and significant
connection with brand love.

g. Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction To Brand Love

According to research conducted by Methaq Ahmed Sallam (2015) said that customer
satisfaction and brand identification have a positive effect on brand love. In addition, according to
research conducted by Chia-Lin Hsua & Mu-Chen Chenb (2018) found a relationship between
customer satisfaction and brand love. Customer satisfaction will have a positive effect on brand love.
Research Model
To make it easier to answer the research objectives, based on the problems and theoretical basis
above, the conceptual framework of this research is:

Sarianti & Violyta. / Straregic Management Studies 1 (1), 2021, 01-12

In accordance with the problems stated above, the following hypothesis is formulated:
H1: Brand Authenticity has a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction on VANS shoe users
among generation Z in Padang City.
H2: Brand Authenticity has a significant influence on Brand Love on VANS shoe users among
generation Z in Padang City.
H3: Hedonic Value has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction on VANS shoe users
among generation Z in Padang City.
H4: Hedonic Value has a significant influence on Brand Love on VANS shoe users among
generation Z in Padang City.
H5: Utilitarian Value has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction on VANS shoe users
among generation Z in Padang City.
H6: Utilitarian Value has a significant influence on Brand Love on VANS shoe users among
generation Z in Padang City.
H7: Customer Satisfaction has a significant influence on Brand Love on VANS shoe users
among generation Z in Padang City.

The type of research to be carried out is classified as causative research. This research was
conducted on Generation Z wearing Vans shoes in Padang City from November, 2020 to completion.
This study uses a sampling technique with purposive sampling. Sampling is based on the
consideration of consumers who have bought Vans shoes, born between 1995-2010, and live in the
city of Padang. Researchers used the formula Hair et al. (2010) to establish the number of samples in
this study. With a minimum sample size of 220. Types and sources of data in this research using
primary data and secondary data. Data collection was executed by distributing questionnaires utilize
a Likert scale.


Respondents in this study were grouped by gender age, city, marital status and monthly income. The
result of research on the characteristics of respondents in this study is the majority of respondents are
male which are 50,4% and for female is 49,6%. And, the majority of respondents are in age 15-25
which is 89,8%. Also, the majority of respondents are college student which is 58,6%. After that, the
majority of respondents are single which is 97,1%. Furthermore, the majority of respondents for the
monthly income are having less than Rp.1.000.000 worth of income which is 45,5%.

Validity and Reliability Test

The validity test is used to determine the feasibility of the questionnaire in defining variables
(Sujawerni, 2015). Meanwhile according to Chin (in Ghozali, 2006), an indicator is said to have good
reliability if the value of composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha is greater than 0.60. The greater
the value of composite reliability and cronbach's alpha (close to number one), the more reliable the
research instrument is.

Validity Test

This study used testing with the partial least square structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS)
approach using the SmartPLS version 3.3.2 software. Convergent validity test of reflexive indicators
can be seen from the loading factor value for each construct indicator. According to Guo et al. (2018)
assessing convergent validity is usually used the rule of thumb with the condition that the loading
factor value must be more than 0.6 for confirmatory research or 0.6 - 0.7 for exploratory research with

Sarianti & Violyta. / Straregic Management Studies 1 (1), 2021, 01-12

an average variance extracted (AVE) value must be more than 0.5. The following is the SmartPLS
output for the loading factor:

AVE Test

Table 1. AVE Value (Average Variance Extracted)

Variable AVE value (> 0.5)

Brand Authenticity 0.691

Hedonic Value 0.755

Utilitarian Value 0.680

Brand Love 0.751

Customer Satisfaction 0.791

Source: Primary Data, 2020

From Table 1, it can be seen that the AVE values of all variables that have met the required rule of
thumb (AVE> 0.50). If referring to the rule of thumb the required outer loading value is 0.50, then all
indicators in this study are declared valid because each indicator meets the requirements.

Reliability Test

Table 2. Cronbach's Alpha

Composite Reliability Cronbach's Alpha Information

BL (Y) 0.936 0.917 Reliable

CS (Z) 0.938 0.912 Reliable

BA (X1) 0.931 0.911 Reliable

HV (X2) 0.925 0.892 Reliable

UV (X3) 0.845 0.724 Reliable

Source: SmartPLS output version 3.2.2, 2020

Based on Table 2, it can be seen that each variable used in this study has a good composite reliability
value and Cronbach's alpha is greater than 0.6. Therefore, the constructs that are built show the
accuracy and accuracy of the measurements or are reliable.

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Hypothesis test

Table 3. Path Analysis Results

Original T Statistics (| O /
P Values Information
Sample (O) STDEV |)

BA (X1) -> CS (Z) 0.301 4,489 0.000 H1 accepted

BA (X1) -> BL (Y) 0.266 3,722 0.000 H2 accepted

HV (X2) -> CS (Z) 0.380 6,012 0.000 H3 accepted

HV (X2) -> BL (Y) 0.430 5,581 0.000 H4 accepted

UV (X3) -> CS (Y) 0.268 4,384 0.000 H5 accepted

UV (X3) -> BL (Y) 0.056 0.793 0.428 H6 rejected

CS (Z) -> BL (Y) 0.190 2,107 0.036 H7 accepted

Source: Primary Data, 2020

The data above shows that all the hypotheses in this study are accepted except H6 (UV -> BL).
Hypothesis testing can be seen from the results of the significance test (P value), where the
significance level used in this study is 5%. At a significance level of 5% or 0.05 it is considered
significant and if the t-statistic value is greater than 1.96. The following is a summary of the results of
hypothesis testing.

H1: Brand Authenticity has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction on VANS shoe users
among generation Z in Padang City.

Based on table 3, there is a significant influence between BA and CS, because it has a t-statistic value
of 4.489 (> 1.96). Meanwhile, the original sample value is positive with a value of 0.301 which
indicates the direction of the relationship between BA and CS is positive. Thus the first hypothesis
(H1) in this study states that the positive and significant effect of Brand Authenticity on Customer
Satisfaction can be accepted. The comes about of this ponder are in understanding with the comes
about of inquire by Jisun Lee and Lana Chung (2019) which states that brand authenticity has a
positive connection with customer satisfaction.

H2: Brand Authenticity has a significant influence on Brand Love on VANS shoe users among
generation Z in Padang City.

Furthermore, based on the structural model test, it shows a significant effect between BA and BL,
because it has a t-statistic of 3,722 (> 1.96). 0.266 is the original positive sample estimate value that the
direction of the relationship between BA and BL is positive. Thus the second hypothesis (H2) in this
study which states that the positive and significant effect of Brand Authenticity on Brand Love can be
accepted. This finding is also confirmed by Julie Napoli, Sonia Dickinson-Delaporte & Michael B.
Beverland (2016) propese a connection between Brand Authenticity and Brand Love. It is stated that
the more authentic a brand is, the noteworthy the content of brand love felt by shoppers.

Sarianti & Violyta. / Straregic Management Studies 1 (1), 2021, 01-12

H3: Hedonic Value has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction on VANS shoe users among
generation Z in Padang City.

Next, Table 3 shows the significant effect between HV on CS, because it has a t-statistic of 6,012 (>
1.96). 0380 is the original positive sample estimate value that the direction of the relationship between
HV and CS is positive. Thus the third hypothesis (H3) in this study which states that the positive and
significant influence of Hedonic Value on Customer Satisfaction can be accepted. This finding is also
reinforced by Chia-Lin Hsua & Mu-Chen Chenb (2018) propse a connection between hedonic value
and customer satisfaction. Hedonic value has a positive and significant relationship with customer

H4: Hedonic Value has a significant influence on Brand Love on VANS shoe users among generation
Z in Padang City.

Furthermore, based on the results of the structural model test, it shows a significant effect between
HV and BL, because it has a t-statistic of 5,581 (> 1.96). 0.430 is the original positive sample estimate
value that the direction of the relationship between HV and BL is positive. Thus the fourth hypothesis
(H4) in this study which states that the positive and significant influence of Hedonic Value on Brand
Love can be accepted. This finding is also confirmed by Carroll and Ahuvia (2006) and Huber et al.
(2015) found a positive influence of hedonic value on brand love. Therefore, hedonic value is
simultaneously related to the tendency of consumers to create brand love (Babin et al., 1994; Carroll
and Ahuvia, 2006; Huber et al., 2015).

H5: Utilitarian Value has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction on VANS shoe users among
generation Z in Padang City.

Next, table 3 shows the significant influence between UV and CS, because it has a t-statistic of 6,012 (>
1.96). 0.380 is the original positive sample estimate value that the direction of the relationship between
UV and CS is positive. Thus the fifth hypothesis (H5) in this study which states that the positive and
significant influence of Utilitarian Value on Customer Satisfaction can be accepted. This finding can
also be reinforced by Johar Diah Syafita, Suharyono, and Sunarti (2018) saying that utilitarian value
has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. In addition, research conducted by Chia-Lin Hsua &
Mu-Chen Chenb (2018) propose connection between utilitarian value and customer satisfaction. The
is a positive and significant connection between Hedonic value with customer satisfaction.

H6: Utilitarian Value has no significant effect on Brand Love on VANS shoe users among generation
Z in Padang City.

Furthermore, based on the results of the structural model test, it shows a significant effect between
UV and BL, because it has a t-statistic of 3,722 (> 1.96). 0.056 is the original negative sample estimate
value that the direction of the relationship between HV and BL is negative. Thus the fourth
hypothesis (H6) in this study which states that the negative and insignificant effect of Utilitarian
Value on Brand Love cannot be accepted. This finding is also corroborated by this in accordance with
previous research conducted by Frank Huber Frederik Meyer David Alexander Schmid, (2015) in his
research stating that the overall model tested proves a significant and well connection, except for the
hypothesized of the effect of the utilitarian value towards brand love.

H7: Customer Satisfaction has a significant influence on Brand Love on VANS shoe users among
generation Z in Padang City.

Next, table 3 shows the significant effect between CS and BL, because it has a t-statistic of 2.107 (>
1.96). 0.190 is the original positive sample estimate value that the direction of the relationship between

Sarianti & Violyta. / Straregic Management Studies 1 (1), 2021, 01-12

CS and BL is positive. Thus the fifth hypothesis (H7) in this study which states that the positive and
significant influence of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Love can be accepted. This finding can also be
strengthened by Methaq Ahmed Sallam (2015) saying that customer satisfaction and brand
identification have a positive influence on brand love. Furthemore, according to research conducted
by Chia-Lin Hsua & Mu-Chen Chenb (2018) found a relationship between Customer Satisfaction and
Brand Love. Customer Satisfaction will have a positive influence on Brand Love.


The conclusions in this study are as follows:

1. Brand authenticity has a significant effect on brand love for Vans shoe users among generation z in
the city of Padang. This means that the authenticity of the brand on Vans shoes can affect customer
satisfaction who uses Vans shoes.
2. Brand authenticity has a significant effect on customer satisfaction on Vans shoe users among
generation z in the city of Padang. This means that the authenticity of the brand on Vans shoes can
affect the love of consumer brands for Vans shoes.
3. Hedonic value has a significant effect on customer satisfaction on Vans shoe users among
generation z in the city of Padang. This means that the hedonic value of Vans shoe products can
affect customer satisfaction who uses Vans shoes.
4. Hedonic value has a significant effect on brand love for Vans shoe users among generation z in the
city of Padang. This means that the hedonic value of Vans shoe products can affect the love of
consumer brands for Vans shoe products.
5. Utilitarian value has a significant effect on customer satisfaction on Vans shoe users among
generation z in the city of Padang. This means that the utilitarian value of Vans shoe products can
affect customer satisfaction who uses Vans shoes.
6. Utilitarian value has no significant effect on brand love for Vans shoe users among generation z in
the city of Padang. However, utilitarian value has a significant effect on brand love through
customer satisfaction.
7. Customer satisfaction has a significant effect on brand love among Vans shoe users among
generation z in the city of Padang. This means that customer satisfaction of Vans shoe users has an
effect on brand love for Vans shoe products.

The Vans shoe brand must pay more attention to brand authenticity, hedonic value, use value
(utilitarian) to satisfy customers and love the Vans brand more. This is because after this research
shows that brand authenticity, hedonic value, use value (utilitarian) are increasingly becoming the
most important so that consumers are satisfied and love the Vans brand.
In the future, the researcher is expected to be able to examine other variables that can influence
or be influenced by the variables of brand love, customer satisfaction, brand authenticity, hedonic
value, and utilitarian value. And researchers are expected to conduct research with different objects.


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