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ev Southern Technical University Sub.: Unit operation Date : 28/1/2017 Duration: 2 Hours “fechnical Eng. College/Basrah Fuel & Energy Engineering Dept. Petrochemical Engineering Dept. Class : 4" year First semester Examination Qi/ A- Compare between free crushing and'choke feeding. B- What are the four basic patterns affected on size reduction. C- Define the open circuit grinding and the closed circuit grinding then draw a flow diagram for the closed circuit grinding stages. [30 Marks] SSS QUA- A double — effect backward — feed evaporator concentrates Skg/s of liquor from 10 percent to 50 percent solids. Steam is available to the first effect at 382 KN/m?, and the pressure fos the ceed eee ie 1 ee i fequired in each effect? And the percent of solid from the second effect. The overall heat transfer coefficients are 2.3 and 1.7 KW/m2K respectively. The feed enters second effect at 300 K. (Assume equal evaporation in each effect). Q3/It’s planned to cool water from 435 °C to 29°4 °C in a packed counter-current water couling tower using entering air 8¢ 29.4 °C with wet bulb temperature of 24°C. The water flow is 9764.9 Ke/m? h and the air flow is 6835.4 Kg/m? h. the overall mass transfer coefficient is Ky.a = 2500 Kg/m}.h. (AY). a) Calculate the tower height needed if the (average a )= 0.03615 b) Find the absolute humidity , relative humidity, humid volume, and the adiabatic saturation temperature for air-water system (using Psychrometric chart) c) Compute humid heat, partial pressure (Pa) , and vapor pressure (P,). [45 Mark] specific heat capacity = 4.18 Kj/Kg _ot GOOD LUCK Jamela S. Aziz, Dr.Amjed Ahmed Examiner Head of Dept. fouthern Technical University Sub.: Unit operation Date : 24 /4 /2017 Time: 2 Hours Class : 4" year echnical Eng. College/Basrah Fuel & Energy Engineering Dept. Petrochemical Engineering Dept. Second semester Examination QA //A- Filtration is carried out in a plate and frame filter Press, with 20 frames 0.3 m s and 50 mm thick, and the rate of filtration is maintained constant for the first 300 s, Dae period the pressure is raised to 350 KN/m? and one Quarter of the total filtrate er c} “ is obtained. At the end of the constant rate period, fi lee - i tration is continued at constant pressure of 350 KN/m? for a further time (t — t)) 1800s. After which the frames are full. The total volume of filtrate per cycle is 0.7 m? and dismantling and refitting of the pressure takes 500 s A It is decided to use a rotary drum filter, 1.5 m long and 2.2 m in diameter in place of the filter press. Assuming that the resistance of the cloth is the same in the two plants and that the filter cake is incompressible, Calculate the time of filtration of the drum filter which will result in the same overall rate of filtration as was obtained with the filter press; (Where Vern = rate of filter press * t drum) and the rate of filter press = ————¥ fae E+ (t+ Catomantiting The filtration in the rotary drum filter is carried out at constant pressure difference of 70 KN/m? [8 Marks] B- Drive a general equation to determine the velocity of particle moving in a fluid. [2 marks] Q2/ A: Numerate and draw the sedimentation equipment’s with pointing on their parts and streams. [4.5 Marks] B: Fill in the blanks: a) The disadvantage of high initial rates of filtration may be result in ‘ f b) There are four zones appears as the free settling proceeds; the clear liquid zone,__2 zone, transition zone, and__—3_——_zone. . ¢) When a particle moves steadily through a fluid it will affected by two opposite forces; U]The external force causing _the motion Pioneh Pluick {2]The drag force which arising from _f yie-hona/@Ct" d) The drag coefficient in Stoke’s law = _24/Re _; while in Newton’s law = tt. e) The advantage of vacuum filtration is that__—=—” ee f) The Carman — Kozeny equation is SS while the empirical relationship for filter - cake compressibility is ioe Ce GOOD LUCK ae atti Head of the Department Jamela S. Aziz Dr. Amjed Ahmed ; Sub.: Unit Operation Southern Technical University “Engineering Technical College/Basrah Dato Department of Fuel and Energy Time: 3 Hours Final Exam ~ 15 Attempt (2016-2017) : Class :4" year ‘Answer only five questions. Each question 20 Marks we, Q1/ Three stages forward-feed evaporator is fed SKe/s| at 294 k of a liquor which is concentrated frot 15, to 50 50 per cent by mass at 325k. The heat transfer coefficients may be taken as 3.2, 1 95, and 1.1 KW/m? ‘kin each effe t respectively. If the amount of the steam entering the first evaporator is 1.86 Kg/s at 394k. Calculate the heat transfer area in each effect, the percent of solid from the 1" and 2™ effect, and the steam economy. (Assume Cpr = 4.18 Kj/Kg. k) Q2//A- What are the aims of size reduction? Six B- A continuous separating tank is to be designed to follow after a water washing plant for liquid oil. Estimate the necessary area for the tank if the oil, on leaving the washer is in the form of small spherical particles 5.1 * 10° m diameter, the feed concentration is 4 Kg water to LKg oil, and the leaving water is effectively oil free. The mass rate of feed of solids is 200 Kg/h. Viscosity of water = 0.7*10° N.s/m”. Density of water= 1000 Ke/m’, Pas) 297489 [#7 - _ Q3// It’s planned to cool water from 43.3 °C to 29.4 °C ina packed counter-current water cooling tower using entering air at 29.4 °C with wet bulb temperature of 24 °C. The water flow is 9764.9 Kg/m? h and the air flow is 6835.4 Kg/m’ h. the overall mass transfer coefficient is Ky.G = 2500 Kg/m’.h. (AY). With [Cp = 4.18 Kj/Kg. k ] a) Calculate the tower height needed if the (average ta )= 0.03615 b) Find the absolute humidity, relative humidity, humid volume, and the adiabatic saturation temperature for air-water system (using Psychrometric chart). Q4//A cooling tower is to be designed to cool water from 45 °C to 30 °C by counter current contact with air of dry bulb temperature 30°C and wet bulb temperature 25 °C. The water rate is 5500 Kg/m?.h and the air rate is 3279 Kp/m’, ch. Determine the tower height if the individual gas-phase mass transfer coefficient (Ky.d) is 5743 Kg/m’.Ay. 1.96481- (3984.3923/ T -— 39.724) Cy = 4.187 Ki/Ke.k Gh 208% " ped 344 vee pe 126 Antonio equation: Ln Ps’ Pel A slurry is filtered in a plate and frame press containing 12 frames, each 0.3 m square and 25 mm thick. During the first 180 s the pressure difference for filtration is slowly raised to the final value of 400 kN/m? and, during this period, the rate of filtration is maintained constant. After the initial period, filtration is carried out at constant pressure and the cakes are completely formed in a further(t-t;) 900 s. What is the final volume of filtrate collected per cycle? A sample of the slurry had previously been tested with a leaf filter of 0.05 m? filtering surface using a vacuum giving a pressure difference of 71.3 kN/m?. The volume of filtrate collected in the first 300 s, was 250 cm? and, after a further 300 s, an additional 250 em? was collected. It may be assumed that the cake is incompressible and that the cloth resistance is the same in the leaf as in the filter press. G 8) Fill in the blanks: (? a x ke. --,and- 2) Sedimentation types are -- b) From the factors affecting on filtration rate are 1- eX'Humid volume may be calculated by the relation -~ b , and 2--- 4) Stocks’ Law applies in free settling where; 1-—- oe Three factors that have influence on the wet-bulb temperature; 2, and Benen 1- 2. : lo Q 8) - Draw the relation between the following factors with explain: e 1)) Particles diameter against revolutions of grinding mill. . 2)) Compression strength against particles diameter. JAouthern Technical University oa Sub.: Unit operation ‘Technical Eng. College/Basrah Date: 24 /1/2018 ’ Fuel and Energy Eng. Dept. Time: 2 Hours ae First semester Examination Class t 4" year QUA be designed to cool water from 60 °C to 30°C by countercurrent contac} ih air of presi” of pressukg 3651 N/m?|and,a ‘y bulb temperature of 30 “c ‘The water rate is: M194.17 Kg/m? h, and the air rate if 2500 Kg/m/ .h. Determine the to tower ngight if the’ individual gas-phase mass transfer coefficient Ky. = $000 Ky.d_= 5000 Ke/m’ h(AY). Given that the: “ equilibrium data are Tee 10 20 25 35 40 50 60 |” Hki/Kg dry air | 83 98 108 129 136 158 190 Atmospheric pressure = 101325 Nim? “~ Heat capacity of liquid 4.187 k/ Ke K _B- Fora given energy input to grinding equipment the new surface produced was independent of? Dive Redo [30 + 5 Marks] Q2/ A triple effect backward feed_evaporator are used to concentrate NaOH solution oft 10.) -Percent and 1.2: Kg/s of feed which is initially at 297 K, using steam at 393 K and a vacuum such that the boiling point in the last effect is 325 K. If the total water vaporized from the three effects was only one kilogram per second, what is the steam consumption, The heat transfer: vareas, And the concentration for each effect. Assume the heat capacity of liquid 4.187 kJ/ Kgk’ and the overall heat transfer coefficients are 2.5, 2, and 1.6 kW/m’. K. respectively. [30 Marks] Pas : : i as: 2d { G Q31A- A crusher) reducing limestone of crushing strength 70 Mm? from 6mm diameter average size to 0.1 mm diameter average size required 9 Kw. The same machine is used to -crush dolomite at the same output from 6 mm diameter average size to product consisting of 20 pereent with an average diameter of 025 mm, @ percent with average diameter of 0.125 mm and a balan¥having an average diameter of 0.085 mm, Estimate the power required, assuming ‘thatthe crushing strength of the dolomite is 100 MN/m, and that erushing follows Rittinger’s. Law. \ tee t Sub.: Unit operation = Date: 24 /1 2018 s Time: 2 Hour Southern Technical University Technical Eng. College/Basrah Fuel and Energy Eng. Dept. _ First semester Examination C!#88+ 4" year B- SreERE DIK we 1// Draw the ball mill with pointing on its parts. —— 2// Why does the Natural Draft towers have a hyperbolic shape? 3// Numerate the important solution properties for designing evaporator. i 2 oO )2 [20+15 Marks] ue ec GOOD LUCK a Head of the Department ‘Amjed A. Ali Operations Date: 28 /4/2018 Time: 2 Hours Southern Technical University Technical Eng. College/Basrah Fuel and Energy Engineering Dept. ae Second semester Examination Class 4" year > olf Qu//A- Filtration/is carried out in a plate and frame filter press with 20 fidence 0.3 m square and 50 mm Thick and the rate of filtration is maintained constant forthe first 300s, during this period the pressure is raised to 350 KN/m” and one- quarter of the total filtrate per cycle is obtained. At the end of the constant rate period, filtration is Continued aU constant pressure of 350 KN/m? for a further 1800s (t~ t1= 1800 s), after which the frames are full. The total volume of filtrate per cycle is 0.7 m’ and dismantling and refitting of the press, takes(600s>) It is decided to use a rotary drum filter, 2.5 m long and 12.2 min diameter, in place of beat | press. Assuming that the resistance of the cloth is the same in the two plants and-that the filter 1 2 (z)} which will result in the same overall rate of filtration as was obtained with the filter press. The filtration in the rotary drum filter is carried out at a constant pressure difference of 70 KN/m” cake is incompressible, calculate the speed of rotation of the drum [ speed [8 Marks] QU A- merate and sketch the sedimentation equipment’s with pointing. Wit z 12 B- Drive an expression to determine the settling velocity of cylindrical large particles. [8 Marks] Q3// Drive the following equation: = 7 t-te rE rw 7% Cru SGV) 4} V=¥, 7 aR me A) FC Ra [4 Marks] Se =a GOOD LUCK xaminer Head of the Department Jamela S. Aziz Dr. Amjed Ahmed Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Southern Technical University Engineering Technical College/Basrah Department of fuel and enargy Engineering ‘Subject: Unit Operation Class: 4" (Morning) Time: Three Hours Date:27/5/2018 E Final Exam — First Attempt (2017-2018) Model No.(B) ‘i Note: Answer all the questions. Each question 25 marks — QU/IA- Water is to be cooled in a small packed column give a contact area of 50 m/m? from 330 to 295 K by means of air flowing counter currently at dry temperature of 285 K and with a relative humidity of 30%. The rate of flow of liquid is 1252 kg/h and the air leaving the column with moisture content of 0.017 kg/kg dry air and relative humidity of 60%. Determine the required height of the tower if the resistance mass transfer coefficient was 126.534 kg/m’.s. Given that the specific heat capacity 4.18 kJ/kg K, and the equilibrium data as follows: °) Ra ve °C 10 20 30. 40 50 HWKIKg 16 26 39 34 76 Antonio equation: In pa’ (bar) = 11.96481 — 3984.923/ (T-39.724) B- Compare between Sesuisnantn roller mills. W3%< 0 d Tues Q2ia{A rotary drum) ith'a filter area of 3 m*operates at constant filtration rate with an intemal pressure of 71.3 KN/m?, calculate the amount of filtrate and the thickness of cake when it rotates at 0.0083 Hz if the filter cake is incompressible and filter cloth has a resistance equal to 1 mm, The cake then washed with a pressure difference of 275 KN/m? for 400 s using through washing, how much wash water is used? If the specific resistance of cake 2*10! m?, the viscosity of filtrate 10° Ns/m? , and the ratio of cake volume per unit volume of filtrate is 0.23. ete B- Choose 2 only: 4 w 1)) what are solution’s properties effecting on evaporator design’ ,e 2)) why do the initial stages in cake formation is important? re” 0 3)) Numerate the influencing factors on product size from ball mill. 4akoll Ol vA paral pie O\ ayy FF a Pes e bof 2 oo ore Cease) ’ a # Q3IIA- Sugar is ground from ane « 500 micro meter sieve down to a 88 micro meter sieve and a 5hp motor is found just sufficient fr the required throughput, where the energy required for size reduction is proportional to the change i 7 ace area. If the requirements are changed such that the grinding is only down to a 1254 micro oineter sieve ‘but throughput is to be increase grinding is only by 60%, would the aK motor have sufficient power to operat PING 6 es Soc B- Estimate the ree area for a tank used to settling sand particles had an average diameter ee PAE EAL OF of Imm, shape factor of 2000 and density of 4500 Kg/m* if tie Red concentration 6 Kg water to 2 Kg of sand, and the underflow leaving the tank with 0.5 Kg of water, the feed rate is 4900. Kg/h, the temperature of water was 20 °C. Assume the density of water is 1000 Kg/m’, Q Q4IIA- A triple-effect backward-feed evaporator is fed with 5 kg/s of liquor containing 15 per cent solids. The concentration in the first effect is 60 per cent solids, and the last effect operates at 13.5 KN/m’, If the overall heat transfer coefficients in the three effects are 2.3, 2.0, and 1.6 kW/m? K, respectively, and the steam is fed at 388 K to the first effect, determine the temperature distribution, the heat economy and the area of heating surface required in each effect? The calancrias are identical. The feed temperature is 294 K and the specific heat capacity of all liquors is 4.18 kI/kg K. B- Choose 2 only: Eke 1)) What is the belt filter? Explain with drowing. a a 2))Represent the cooling tower classification by a digram. » ~ \o peat ee 3))Represent the fnechanical separaifon)processes by a table showing the separating phases and the driving force for each process. \/ SE _iBEST WISHES V6 —— Gan “Head of department Tomcla SAU ee / 2. aM Scientific Research ry of Higher Education and Southern Technical University Engineering Technical College/Basrah Department of fuel & energy and chem. & petro. Engineering QI/A- A cooling tower is to be designed to cool water from 60°C to 30 contact with air of pressure 3651 N/m’, and dry bulb temperature of 30 1194.17 Kg/m? .h, and the air rate i individual gas-phase mass transfer coefficient Ky.a = equilibrium data are: ¢ Unit Operation 4" (Morning) : Three Hours Final Exam — First Attempt (2017-2018) Model No.( A) Note: Answer only/4 questions. Each question 25 marks °C °C by countercurrent . The water rate is / 's 2500 Kg/m? .h. Determine the tower height if the 5000 Kg/m® .h(AY). Given that wc T*c 10 20 25 35 40 | 50 60 H KJ/Kg dry air 83 98 108 129 136 158 190 = 101305 Nim’ Heat capacity of liquid 4.187 KI/ Ke.K Atmospheric pressure B- For a given energy input t of....? Q2//A=/ A triple effect backward feed evaporator percent and 1.25 Kg/s of feed which is initially at 297 such that the boiling point in the last effect is 325 K. I effects was only one kilogram per second, what is the areas, And the concentration for each effect. Assume and the overall heat transfer coefficients are 2.5, 2, an B- Draw the ball mill with pointing on its parts. grinding equipment the new surface produc Vey 69 Mesh if the total water vapo! steam consumption, d 1.6 KW/m?. K resp \US Q3\\A- A crusher reducing limestone of crushing strength 70 MN/m* from 61 average size to 0.1 mm diameter average size required dolomite at the same output from 6 mm diameter average size to pro with an average diameter of 0.25 mm, 60 percent with aver: 9 KW. The same mac! eee independent Kd aie Sma are used to concentrate NaOH solation of 10 K, using steam at 393 K and a vacuum rized from the three The heat transfer the heat capacity of liquid 4.187 KJ/ Kg.K ectively. 200) ge mm diameter hine is used to crush duct consisting of 20 percent age diameter of 0.125 mm and a Lecaeg having an average diameter of 0.085 mm. Estimate the power required, assuming that the crushing strength of the dolomite is 100 MN/m? , and that crushing follows Kick’s Law. SJ try of Higher Education and tific Researeh Southern Technical University Engineering Technical College/Basrah Department of fuel & energy and chem. & petro, Engineering ‘Subject: Unit Operation 4 (Morning) Three Hours Date: / /2018 B- Why does the Natural Draft towers have a hyperbolic shape? 7 of Q4// Filtration is carried out in a plate and frame filter press with 20 frames 0.3 m square and 50 mm thick and the rate of filtration is maintained constant for the first 300s, during this period the pressure is raised to 350 KN/m’ and one-quarter of the total filtrate per cycle is obtained. At the end ofthe constant rate period, filtration is continued at constant pressure of 350 KN/m’ for a further 1800s (t-t)=1800s), after which the frames are full. The total volume of filtrate per cycle is 0.7 m’ and dismantling and refitting of the press takes $00s. OM y Itis decided to use a rotary drum filter, 1.5 m long and 2.2 m in diameter, in place of the filter press. Assuming that the resistance of the cloth is the same in the two plants and that the filter cake is incompressible, calculate the speed of rotation of the drum [ speed = + (Hz)] which will total v totale filtration in the rotary drum filter is carried out at a constant pressure difference of 70 KN/m?: result in the same overall rate of filtration [ |] as was obtained with the filter press. The Q5\\A-_Numerate and sketch the sedimentation equipment’s with pointing. B- Drive the following equation: i te rpv rpvV, ryuL —4 = __ vv -,)+ = + v-Y ZAX—APy ( 1) A2(—AP) " A(—AP) C-Draw the double crushing rolls. - ou ae | BEST WISHES : yo | Ss . | les Head of department EI . : Subject: Unit Operation. Stage: Fourth Date : 23/ 1 /2019 Time: 2 Hour Seasonal Exam 2018-2019 Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education And Scientific Research ‘Southern Technical University -Basrah Engineering Technical College Fuel and Energy Engineering Dept. Q1// Give the main differences between the following:(choose three only) 1- Forward and backward effect. 2- Gas-solid cyclone and liquid —solid cyclone. 3- Evaporation , drying and crystallizion. 4- Batch and continuous crystallizion equipment's (20 marks) Q2// A: Power of 3 KW is supplied to a machine crushing material at the rate of 0.3 kg/s from? £12.5 mm cubes to a product having the following sizes: 80% 3.175 mm, 10% 2.5 mm and 10%’ .25 mm. What power should be supplied to this machine to crush 0.3 kg/s of the same material ‘from 7.5 mm cube to 2.0 mm cube? alps PEM: B: A centrifuge with a phosphor bronze basket, 380 mm in diameter, is to be run at 67 Hz with’ ‘a. 75 mm layer of liquid of density 1200 kg/m’ in the basket. What thickness of walls is required vin the basket? The density of phosphor bronze is 8900 kg/m’ and the maximum safe stress for’ phosphor bronze is 87.6 MN/m’. (30 marks) -Q3// A rotary filter is required for the filtration of a slurry to produce 10 m° in 3500 s, the + pressure difference is a constant at 70 KN/m? and 20% of the drum is submerged in the slurry. A sample was tested on a laboratory filter of area 0.023 m’ to which it give filtrate at a ” constant rate of 0.0125 m’/s. The pressure difference across the test filter increased from 14 © N/m? after 300 s to 28 KN/m? after 900 s. What are suitable diameter for the rotary filter. “ Assuming that the resistance of the cloth used is the same that on the test filter . i x (25 marks) Q4// 5 kg a solution at 288 °K containing 10% of dissolved solids is feed to double effect ~vaporator operating at pressure of 14 KN/m’ in the last effect. If the product is to consist of a liquid containing 50% weight of dissolved solids and dry saturated steam is feed tg the steam ‘oils, what should be the pressure of the steam? The surface in each effect is 50 m? and the coefficients for heat transfer in the first and second effects are 2.8 and 1.7 kW/m°K ‘respectively. Assume the concentrated solution exhibited a boiling point rise of 5 °K, the latent ‘heat has a constant value of 2260 K J/kg, and the specific heat of the liquid stream is constant is’ ‘constant at 3.73 kJ/kg.°K. op (25 maks) Republic of Iraq. U {Ministry of Higher Education Stage: 4" 7 And Scientific Research. Date : 23/ 4 /2019 {Southern Technical University. Time: 2 hour :Basrah Engineering Technical College. Seasonal Exam 2018-2019 ; ; Fuel and Energy Engineering Dept. 7 -QI// A- What are the major applications of humidification operations? B- What are the factors that have influence on the wet bulb temperature? C- Explain five factors govern the operation of cooling tower. D- For a natural draft tower; why a hyperbolic shape is desired? E- What are advantages of a forced draft tower? F- Define: _1- Freezing dryer 2- Bond moisture (35 marks) {QUA 3000 kg batch of granular solids containing 30 percent of moisture is to be {dried in a tray dryer to 15.5 percent moisture by passing a current of air at 350 K ‘Aangentially across its surface at the velocity of 1.8 m/s. If the constant, rate of ‘drying under these conditions is 0.7 g/sm? and the critical moisture content is-15 per scent. It may be assumed that the drying surface is 0.03 m’/kg dry mass. Calculate ¢ approximate drying time. (20 marks) /Q3// In an air-conditioning system, 10 kg/s air at 300 K and 10 per cent humidity is amixed with 15 kg/s air at 325 K and 30 percent humidity. What is the enthalpy, humidity, and temperature of the resultant stream? Z oli) Huver” Page 475 (15 marks) /Q4/ Water is to be cooled from 325 to 290 K by means of a counter-current air istream entering at 293 K with a relative humidity of 30 percent. The flow of air is -0.65 m°/m’s and the water throughput is 0.26 kg/m?s. The whole of the resistance to eat and mass transfer may be assumed to be in the gas phase and the product,(hp.a) ay be taken as 0.2 (m/s)(m?/m*). What is the required height of packing and the’ condition of the exit air stream? assuming the latent heat of water at 273=2495 J/kg, the density of air at293 K is 1.2 kg/m’. jote: using the plot method for solving the integral. i (30 macs), > an Examiner Head of the Dep. i Dr .Amjed Ahn Republic of Iraq Subject: Unit Operati Ministry of Higher Education Stayer 4" 2 And Scientific Research Date : 16 / 6 /2019 Southern Technical University Time: 3 Hour Basrah Engineering Technical College Fuel and Energy Engineering Dept. Final Exam 2018-2019 Not nswer five questions only (20 marks for each question). Q1// Explain the following (Choose three only): 1- Natural cooling towers. 2- Evaporation differs from the other mass transfer operation such as distillation and drying. 3- Continuous thinker. 4- Double pipe cooler crystallizer. — Q2// Acetone is to be recovered from AS percent becetond it mixture by scrubbing with water in a packed tower using countercurrent flow. The liquid rate is and the gas rate is 0.5 kg/m’s. The overall absorption coefficient KGa may be taken as 1.5 x 10‘ kmol/[m’s (kN/m?)] and the gas film resistance controls the process. What height of tower is required tower to remove 98 percent of the acetone? The h equilibrium data for the mixture a ~ ¥ Mole fraction of acetone in gas : 0.0099" 0.0196 0.0361 0.0400 Mole fraction of acetone in liquid :0.0076 0.0156 0.0306 (0.0333 @3//A crushing mill reduces limestone from a mean particle size of 45 mm to the following product: Size of aperture (mm) | 12.5 | 7.5 | 5.0 | 2.5 | 1.5 | 0.75 | 02 ‘Amount of 100 | 7% | | 23 | 8 7 | 4 product(percent) It requires 21 kJ/kg of material crushed. Calculate the power required to crush the same material at the same rate, from a feed having a mean size of 25 mm to a product with a mean size of 1 mm. Q4//A liquor containing 15 per cent solids is concentrated to 55 percent solids in a double effect evaporator operating at a pressure of [8 KN/m’ in the second effect. No crystals are formed. The feed rate is 2.5 kg/s at a, temperature of 375 K with a specific heat capacity of 3.75 ki/kgK. The boiling-point rise of the concentrated liquor is 6 K and the pressure of the steam fed to the first effect is 240 kN/m’. The overall heat transfer coefficients in the first and second effects are 1.8 and 0.63 kW/m? K, respectively. If the heat transfer area is to be the same in each effect, what areas should be specified? “ My 5 -Turn the Page- QS5// A: Moist air at 310 K has a wet-bulb temperature of 300 K. If the latent heat of vaporization of water at 300 K is 2440 kJ/kg, estimate the humidity of the air and the percentage relative humidity. The total pressure is 105 kN/m? and the vapour pressure of water vapour at 300 K is 3.60 KN/m’ and 6.33 KN/m’ at 310 K. B: A wet solid is dried from 40% to 8 % moisture in 20 ks. If the critical and the equilibrium moisture contents are 15% and 4% respectively, how long will it take to dry the solid to 5 % moisture under the some drying conditions Q6// Filtration is carried out in a plate and frame filter press, with 20 frames 0.3 m square and 50 mm thick, and the rate of filtration is maintained constant for the first 300 s. During this period, the pressure is raised to 350 kN/m’, and one-quarter of the total filtrate per cycle is obtained. At the end of the constant rate period, filtration is continued at a constant pressure of 350 kN/m? for a further 1800 _s, after which the frames are full. The total volume of filtrate per ‘cycle is 0.7m’ and dismantling and refitting of the press takes 500 s. It is decided to use a rotary drum filter, 1.5 m long and 2.2 m in diameter, in place of the filter press. Assuming that the resistance of the cloth is the same in the two plants and that the filter cake is incompressible, calculate the time of rotation of the drum which will result in the same overall rate of fiitration-as-was obtained with tue filter press. The filtration in the rotary filter is carried out at a constant pressure difference 70 kN/m’, and the filter operates-with 25 percent of the drum submerged in the slurry at any instant. Examiner ae Dr. Buthaina S. Azeez Dr .Amjed Ahmed Subject: Unit Operation, \ Stage: 4" Year Date :5/9 /2019 Time: 3 hours Final Exam 2018-2019 Republic of Iraq. Ministry of Higher Edueation And Scientific Research. Southern Technical University. Basrah Engineering Technical College. * Fuel and Ene i Note: Answer five questions only (20 marks for each question). /QAll A; Give the main differences between the following: T- Jaw and Dodgo crusher, 2- Tunnel and spray dryer. 3- Simple and through washing in filtration 4- Batch and Continues crystallization equipment. Ga 3000 kg batch of granular solids containing 30 percent of moisture is to be dried in a tray ryer to 15.5 percent moisture by passing a current of air at 350 K tangentially across its surface at the velocity of 1.8 m/s. If the constant rate of drying under these conditions is 0.7 g/sm* and the critical moisture content is 15 percent. It may be assumed that the drying surface is 0.03 m’/kg dry mass. Calculate the approximate drying time. Q3/KAIA Power of 3 kW is supplied to a machine crushing material at the rate of 0.3 kg/s from 12.5 mm cubes to a product having the following sizes: 80% 3.175 mm, 10% 2.5 mm and 10% 2.25 mm. What power should be supplied to this machine to crush 0.3 kg/s of the same material from 7.5 mm cube to 2.0 mm cube? BECompare between filter press and filter drum and explain the factors that are affected on the ‘selecting of filtration equipment's Q4i/ Acetone is to be recovered from a 5 percent acetone-air mixture by absorption with water. a F Hog The gas rate is 0.5 kg/m? s. the overall absorption coefficient’ may be taken as 1.519*10 kmol/m’ s and the gas film resistance controls the process. What height of tower and the number of stages are required to remove 98 percent of acetotle? If the liquid flow rate is 0.85 kg/m? s. and the equilibrium line is given by (y* =1.2 x) mel {Q5} A double-effect forward-feed evaporator is required to give a product consisting of. 30% solids and a mother liquor containing 40% by mass of dissolved solids. Heat transfer coefficients are 2.8 and 1.7 kW/m’K in the first and second effects respectively. Dry saturated steam is supplied at 413 K. If the temperature in the second effect is 325 K. What area of heating surface is required in each effect, assuming they are both identical, if the feed rate is 0.6 kg/s of liquor, containing 20% by mass of dissolved solids, and the feed temperature is 313 K? Taken A= 2140 kJ/kg, 4) = 2257 kJ/kg, 22 = 2375 kKi/kg -Turn the page: eo Q6// Answer only one: v A: A slurry containing 5 kg of water/kg of solids is to be thickened to a sludge containing 1.5_ kg of water/kg of solids in a continuous operation. Laboratory tests using five different concentrations of the slurry yielded the following data: Concentration (kg water/kg solid) 5.0 4.2 3.7 3.1 25 Rate of sedimentation (mm/s) 0.2 0.12 0.094 0.07 0.05 Calculate the minimum area of a thickener required to effect the separation of a flow of 1.33 ka/s of solids. B: Air at 300 K and 20 per cent humidity is to be heated in two stages with intermediate saturation with water to 90 per cent humidity so that the final stream is at 320 K and 20 per cent humidity. What is the humidity of the exit stream and the conditions at the end of each stage? Se Head of the Dep. Examiner te S. Azeez Dr.Amjed Ahmed

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