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Anaesthesia 2017, 72 (Suppl. 1), 7–15 doi:10.1111/anae.13737

Review Article
Haemodynamic monitoring in the peri-operative period: the past,
the present and the future
X. Watson1 and M. Cecconi2

1 Registrar in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care, 2 Reader in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine/Clinical Director
Adult Critical Care, St Georges Hospital, London, UK

Over recent years there has been an increase in the implementation of goal-directed therapy using minimally invasive
haemodynamic monitoring techniques to guide peri-operative care. Since the introduction of the pulmonary artery
flotation catheter in the 1980s, various haemodynamic monitors have been developed, each associated with their own
benefits and limitations. Goal-directed therapy has been well-established as a standard of care in the peri-operative
period and has largely been associated with a reduction in morbidity and mortality. However, evidence over the last
few years from major studies has led us to question: what is the future for goal-directed therapy? Care of the peri-
operative patient has significantly evolved over the last decade and this needs to be taken into account when assess-
ing the results of these studies. We should therefore not look at the effects of goal-directed therapy in isolation but
as part of a progressive care bundle. Additionally, other markers of haemodynamic status have also begun to be fur-
ther appreciated and these are worthy of further investigation. We feel that the future for haemodynamic monitoring
remains promising with new areas of interest continuously emerging, but further research is still required.
Correspondence to: X. Watson
Accepted: 1 October 2016
Keywords: cardiac output and haemodynamic monitoring; goal-directed therapy; peri-operative

Introduction anaesthesia. In recent years there has been increased

Approximately 2.7 million surgical procedures are per- interest and implementation of goal-directed therapy
formed each year in the UK, with approximately 4% (GDT) with the use of minimally invasive haemody-
of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery dying in namic monitors to improve tissue oxygen delivery [6].
hospitals postoperatively [1, 2], and an even larger Haemodynamic monitoring describes the ‘real-
proportion developing postoperative complications [3]. time’ measurement of cardiovascular variables and
Although the causes are multifactorial, it is believed dynamic parameters of fluid responsiveness to guide
that tissue hypoperfusion and the imbalance between administration of intravenous fluids, vasopressors and
oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption plays a sig- inotropic therapy [7]. Over the last few decades, there
nificant role [4, 5]. Achieving haemodynamic stability have been significant advancements in the develop-
and ensuring adequate oxygen delivery in the peri- ment of less invasive technology and increased avail-
operative period is therefore of paramount importance ability which, coupled with a large body of evidence
and is a core component in the provision of showing reduced mortality and complications, has led

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Anaesthesia 2017, 72 (Suppl. 1), 7–15 Watson and Cecconi | Haemodynamic monitoring in the peri-operative period

to the concept of GDT becoming significantly embed- With the focus trending away from PACs,
ded in clinical practice [8, 9]. No single device exists researchers started to develop novel methods of opti-
at present that is able to provide the clinician with a mising the cardiovascular system using fluids to target
complete and 100% accurate evaluation of cardiovascu- stroke volume (SV) and inotropes to target cardiac
lar status, and each monitor is associated with its own output and oxygen delivery. Less invasive haemody-
benefits and limitations. Recent evidence, however, has namic monitors were developed in parallel to the
cast doubt on the beneficial effects of GDT and the implementation of peri-operative protocols. These pro-
gap between the supporting evidence for its use and its tocols aimed to optimise cardiac output with fluids,
implementation in clinical practice is wider than ever. and in some protocols with inotropes, to increase oxy-
This review will revisit the physiological rationale gen delivery, in order to compensate for the increased
for GDT, and discuss the most commonly-used metabolic response of major surgery. With a growing
haemodynamic monitoring devices and variables used body of evidence, further minimally invasive haemody-
in clinical care, with a focus on the most recent evi- namic monitors were developed and the practice of
dence. It will also look at how current practice has GDT progressed.
evolved and what the future for GDT and haemody-
namic monitoring holds. Haemodynamic monitoring and
Brief history Traditionally, anaesthetists have used parameters such
In the 1980s, using data from the pulmonary artery as heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), central venous
flotation catheter (PAC), Shoemaker et al. noted higher pressure (CVP) and urine output to guide their peri-
postoperative indices of oxygen delivery and reduced operative care, but although readily available, these
oxygen debt in survivors of major surgery compared variables have consistently shown to be neither sensi-
with non-survivors [10–12]. When these higher indices tive or specific enough to provide an accurate evalua-
found in survivors were used as targets, they found an tion of the cardiovascular status as a whole [16]. Both
improvement in survival. Later studies similarly showed HR and CVP have been proven to be inaccurate indi-
that patients with increased oxygen delivery indices cators of volume status [17], and research has shown
were more likely to survive major surgery, and that that the relationship between arterial pressure, ventric-
measuring oxygen delivery could predict postoperative ular stroke volume and venous return is non-linear,
outcome [10, 11]. Shoemaker et al. subsequently thereby preventing the arterial pressure from being
hypothesised that attainment of ‘supranormal’ physio- used as an endpoint for cardiac output monitoring
logical parameters; a cardiac output of > 4.5 l.min.m2, and optimisation [18–20].
oxygen delivery of > 600 ml.min.m2 and oxygen con- Central venous pressure has previously been used
sumption of > 170 ml.min.m2 would be associated with to guide peri-operative fluid therapy, but a CVP of
improved survival after major surgery. between 5 mmHg to 20 mmHg has certainly almost
Drawing on this hypothesis, other studies went on no predictive value, and changes in CVP with a fluid
to demonstrate that using a PAC-based protocol with bolus have not been shown to be predictive of fluid
fluids and inotropic support and reducing the ‘oxygen status [21]. Central venous pressure is well-known to
debt’ significantly decreased mortality and organ fail- be affected by other variables, such as intrathoracic
ure in high-risk non-cardiac surgical patients [10, 13]. pressure, venous resistance and pulmonary vascular
However, over time, observational data showed an resistance, and a recent study demonstrated that there
association between use of the PAC and increased is little value in using CVP as a marker of adequate
mortality in the ITU. At the same time, evidence systemic oxygen delivery after major surgery [22].
started to emerge that targeting supranormal values Both central and mixed venous oxygen saturations
with a PAC yielded no benefit over standard care in (Scv02, Sv02) have been used as markers to reflect on
elderly surgical patients when started late or when high the balance between oxygen delivery and oxygen con-
dose of vasoactive drugs were used [14, 15]. sumption, with an increased oxygen consumption

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Watson and Cecconi | Haemodynamic monitoring in the peri-operative period Anaesthesia 2017, 72 (Suppl. 1), 7–15

proportional to delivery resulting in decreased values. difficult to use when performing a fluid challenge with
Although Sv02 has not been well-studied outside of a small amount of fluid given in 5–10 min [28].
cardiac surgery [23], Scv02 has been shown to be asso-
ciated with reduced morbidity and length of stay in Real-time monitoring of fluid
patients undergoing abdominal surgery [24]. responsiveness
Various haemodynamic monitors are currently Fluid responsiveness can be defined as an increase in
clinically available, each associated with their own ben- SV or cardiac output by 10–15% in response to a fluid
efits and limitations. Additionally, each monitor will challenge, although the rate and volume of fluid is
vary in its accuracy and precision. In order to interpret variable [21]. Fluid is titrated until it reaches the pla-
the values generated by these monitors, clinicians need teau of the Frank–Starling curve as seen in Fig. 1 [29].
to understand how the circulation is regulated. One In patients whose lungs are mechanically ventilated,
relevant approach is to consider how best to combine the cyclical variations in SV and pulse pressure caused
measurements of the different variables within a con- by the heart–lung interaction can be used to predict
ceptual framework model of the circulation [25]. Guy- fluid responsiveness before giving fluids.
ton stated that the cardiac output and central venous Pulse pressure analysis uses the arterial waveform
pressure are determined by the interactions between to calculate cardiac output and SV, and can also calcu-
both cardiac function and venous return to the heart. late dynamic parameters such as stroke volume varia-
This is the focus of cardiovascular modelling [25]. tion (SVV) and pulse pressure variation (PPV). Pulse
Another approach is to consider the ability of a device pressure is dependent on the amount of blood ejected
to detect changes in cardiac output following a thera- into the aorta and is thereby related to stroke volume.
peutic intervention, particularly in haemodynamically The arterial pressure waveform is, however, not
unstable patients as this will have a direct impact on directly proportional to SV and is related to the
the therapeutic intervention [16, 26]. The analysis of changes between SV and changes in vascular resis-
the general trend over the specific measurement could tance, compliance and impedance [7]. Devices there-
also be argued as of greater clinical significance. fore use complex algorithms to analyse the pulse
Cardiac output can be measured using invasive, pressure and determine the SV and many of these
minimally invasive and non-invasive devices, with the devices require calibration. The PiCCO requires cali-
PAC enabling pulmonary artery thermodilution being bration with thermodilution, whereas the FloTrac uses
the most invasive. the standard deviation of the arterial pulse pressure
around the mean arterial pulse pressure and an auto
Pulmonary artery catheter calibration factor. The LiDCOTM plus uses pulse power
This is currently the gold standard monitor, with an analysis [7]. The FloTrac, since its introduction in
estimated accuracy of 12–15% with triplicate injection 2005, has been continuously updated, and now inte-
of iced saline and poorer accuracy in obese or elderly grates ‘third-generation’ software; studies have shown
patients [16, 27]. It allows for direct measurements of reasonable agreement with pulmonary artery thermod-
central venous, right-sided intracardiac, pulmonary ilution [30, 31]. Although it has not been extensively
arterial and pulmonary artery wedge pressures, and studied in GDT, there are limited data showing benefi-
can estimate both systemic and pulmonary vascular cial effects in reducing postoperative complications
resistance [7]. It also has a role in assessing whether [32, 33]. The LiDCOplus technique stands for lithium-
the cardiac output is providing adequate oxygen deliv- diluted cardiac output, which, using pulse power
ery to meet the metabolic demands of the tissue, the analysis, converts the arterial waveform into a vol-
basis for which GDT has been developed [7]. Unfortu- ume-time waveform to calculate cardiac output [24].
nately, PACs are unable to effectively predict fluid The LiDCOrapid system uses a nomogram to calculate
responsiveness using stroke volume variation (SVV), as the patient’s specific aortic compliance, and therefore
the cardiac output is measured by thermodilution over prior calibration with lithium dilution is not required
a 15-s period. Additionally, its time lag makes it [30]. The use of both LiDCO systems in

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Anaesthesia 2017, 72 (Suppl. 1), 7–15 Watson and Cecconi | Haemodynamic monitoring in the peri-operative period

a closed chest and normal abdominal pressures for

these devices to accurately predict fluid responsiveness
[16, 41, 42]. The effect of intrathoracic pressure on SV
varies depending on the function of the left ventricle,
and therefore PPV is not a useful indicator in these
patients [43]. Pulse pressure variation is also affected
by the presence of cardiac arrhythmias, peripheral
vasoconstriction and the use of vasopressors [44]. It
has also been demonstrated that despite being effective
as a predictive marker, in up to 25% of patients, PPV
can fall in the ‘grey zone’ between 9% and 13% mak-
ing it difficult to determine if a patient is indeed fluid
Figure 1 Fluid optimisation based on cardiac output responsive [16].
monitoring. Fluid is titrated until the stroke volume With regard to non-invasive devices, PVI is the
increases by <10%. (Adapted from [29, 39]) most widely studied in GDT. The pleth variability
index is calculated by measuring both the minimal and
peri-operative GDT have been extensively studied and maximal plethysmographic waveform amplitudes and
evidence has demonstrated both reduced length of calculating the percentage difference [16]. Although
stay and postoperative outcomes [34–36]. there are various factors which will affect the wave-
Various haemodynamic indices exist which have form, there is evidence to suggest that it has reason-
been used to predict fluid responsiveness and optimise able reliability in predicting fluid responsiveness in
the cardiovascular state. Pulse pressure variation values patients undergoing anaesthesia, although further
around 13% and SVV values around 10–13% accu- research is warranted [45].
rately predict fluid responsiveness, with reported pre-
dictive values of more than 0.85 [37, 38] in patients Oesophageal Doppler
whose lungs are mechanically ventilated in sinus The oesophageal Doppler monitor (ODM) and arterial
rhythm without arrhythmias. This is in stark contrast pressure waveform analysis are the two most common
to the 50% accuracy rate of a clinician to predict minimally invasive methods of haemodynamic moni-
whether a patient is fluid responsive based on clinical toring. The ODM, which uses the pulse-wave Doppler
criteria alone [37]. The pleth variability index (PVI) principle has gained in popularity, with increasing evi-
calculated with non-invasive monitoring has also pro- dence showing that fluid optimisation with its use can
ven to be effective in predicting fluid responsiveness improve patient outcome [45–47]. The oesophageal
[39]. Doppler is inserted into the oesophagus of the anaes-
Intra-operative SVV-guided fluid optimisation has thetised patient at mid-thoracic level and calculates
also been shown to decrease gastrointestinal complica- CO by measuring blood flow velocity in the descend-
tions in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery ing aorta and using the cross-sectional diameter of the
and reduce wound infections after high-risk surgery aorta, often using nomograms. In 2010, the British
[39, 40]. Intra-operative PPV has additionally been National Institute for Health and Care Excellence rec-
proven to reduce duration of mechanical ventilation, ommend its use in patients undergoing major or high-
morbidity and length of stay in non-cardiac, high-risk risk surgery-based primarily on the reduced length of
surgery [41]. Although the theoretical advantage of hospital stay associated with the ODM [48]. However,
dynamic indices is that they reflect the changes in SV this was a finding that was not reported in all the studies
with changes in intrathoracic pressures, they are that NICE examined and of note, NICE only considered
nonetheless associated with various limitations. the results from eight randomised, controlled trials to
Patients’ lungs must be mechanically ventilated with a formulate their guidance [49]. Additionally, many of the
tidal volume of at least 1, in sinus rhythm with trials examined were single-centre studies with an

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Watson and Cecconi | Haemodynamic monitoring in the peri-operative period Anaesthesia 2017, 72 (Suppl. 1), 7–15

extremely heterogeneous population, which brings into monitoring and their benefits and limitations is shown
question the validity of their conclusions. in Table 1 [52].

Bioreactance Evidence for goal-directed therapy

Another novel non-invasive method of measuring car- In recent years, the focus has moved away from ‘max-
diac output is thoracic bioreactance. This is based on imisation’ of cardiac output to ‘optimisation’ in the
the application of a high-frequency transthoracic cur- peri-operative period. Goal-directed therapy has been
rent and the analysis of variations of voltage in each well-established as a standard of care in anaesthesia
heartbeat. The NICOM device is an example of this due to the strong body of evidence behind it and its
method and consists of four pads placed across the benefits in reducing both morbidity and mortality [8,
chest connected to a monitor. An advantage of this 53]. Although the majority of the evidence for GDT is
system is that it can be used in patients whose lungs centred around patients undergoing major gastroin-
are mechanically ventilated and in patients who are testinal surgery, there is an increasing body of evidence
spontaneously breathing alike, and in the presence of for its use in orthopaedic [54], cardiac [55, 56] and
cardiac arrhythmias [16]. vascular surgery [57]. However, the last couple of years
A recent study using bioimpedance technology in have seen a shift in the evidence, with recent studies
GDT demonstrated similar performance compared showing little or no benefit of GDT in the peri-opera-
with the ODM, and studies have shown encouraging tive period, leading clinicians to question its clinical
results regarding its precision compared with pul- utility.
monary artery thermodilution [50, 51] The use of elec- The OPTIMISE study is the largest study to date
trocautery, however, interferes with the thoracic of peri-operative GDT and its results were published
bioimpedance signal, making it unlikely that it will in 2014 [58]. It was a multicentre, randomised, blinded
become a widely applicable device in the future, trial which enrolled 734 patients undergoing major
although, again, further research is necessary. An over- abdominal surgery. The intervention group were moni-
view of the various devices used for haemodynamic tored with calibrated waveform analysis and

Table 1 Overview of minimally and less invasive haemodynamic modalities. Adapted from Geisen et al. [49].

Modality Device Features Requirements CCO response Additional variables

Pulse pressure analysis
Calibrated PiCCOplus Thermistor-tipped CVP 3s CVP, GEDV,
arterial catheter EVLW, SVV, PPV
LiDCOplus Lithium dilution set Arterial catheter Beat by beat SVV, PPV
EV1000/volume Thermistor-tipped CVP Beat by beat CVP, GEDV,
view arterial catheter EVLW, SVV
Uncalibrated LiDCOrapid n/a Arterial catheter Beat by beat SVV, PPV
FloTrac/Vigileo Specific arterial Arterial catheter 20 s SVV,
pressure transducer
Non-invasive Nexfin Finger pressure cuff n/a Beat by beat SVV, PPV
Transoesophageal CardioQ Oesophageal probe n/a Beat by beat n/a
Transthoracic USCOM Transthoracic probe n/a Intermittent n/a
Thoracic NICOM Specific electrodes n/a Continuous SVV
Plethysmographic analysis
Plethysmogram MASIMO Specific n/a n/a PVI
variability transcutaneous

CCO, continuous cardiac output; CVP, central venous pressure GEDV, global end-diastolic volume; EVLW, extravascular lung
water; SVV, stroke volume variation, PPV, pulse pressure variation; PVI, pleth variability index..

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Anaesthesia 2017, 72 (Suppl. 1), 7–15 Watson and Cecconi | Haemodynamic monitoring in the peri-operative period

underwent haemodynamic optimisation with colloid optimisation such as volume overload which need
boluses and dopexamine infusion specifically targeting further exploration [62].
SV for the duration of the surgical procedure and 6 h Despite recent negative evidence, there is still a
postoperatively. Although the study showed there was future for GDT, but perhaps not in the manner origi-
no difference in mortality or postoperative complica- nally or currently envisaged. Care of the peri-operative
tions at day 30, when a planned subanalysis was per- patient is continuously progressing and our under-
formed removing the first ten patients per site, a standing of cardiovascular physiology and prediction
significant reduction in postoperative complications of fluid responsiveness has significantly evolved over
was demonstrated. the last few years. Implementation of peri-operative
The POEMAS study, a multicentre, randomised trail enhanced recovery programmes have taught us how to
also published in the same year, randomly allocated encompass bundles effectively in clinical care, and this
patients undergoing major abdominal surgery to non- will only continue to improve as these bundles become
invasive monitoring using chest bioreactance and a further embedded in ‘standard care’. It may be that we
tailored haemodynamic protocol. Again there was no dif- no longer focus on specific haemodynamic variables
ference in mortality, length of stay or complications [59]. per se but that we include GDT as part of a progres-
More recently the POMO study was published in sive peri-operative bundle. There are still many areas
2015, and this was also a multicentre, double-blind, that warrant further research and further research
randomised trial enrolling over 200 patients undergo- studies comparing GDT with a control group will have
ing major elective surgery. The intervention was ran- to take the change in baseline care into account. As
domisation to a GDT protocol and specifically Pinsky noted: ‘no monitoring device, no matter how
targeting the patient’s pre-operative oxygen delivery simple or sophisticated, will improve patients outcome
values. Interestingly, the study demonstrated that those unless coupled to a treatment which itself improves
patients who were able to achieve their pre-operative outcome’. Therefore, the next challenge in the peri-
oxygen delivery targets in the postoperative period sus- operative era will be to determine the right goals to
tained reduced morbidity and infectious complications target and integrate them into appropriate protocols
[60]. As well as demonstrating a lack of benefit, delete- which can be used to guide peri-operative care.
rious effects have been seen in healthy aerobically fit While there are some studies that have shown no
patients undergoing major colorectal surgery receiving increased benefit for GDT with minimally invasive
GDT by the development of volume overload [61]. techniques, most literature has consistently demon-
Although this finding has not been reproduced by strated a reduction in morbidity when applied to high-
other studies, it is a significant observation that war- risk surgical patients [7, 9].
rants further exploration in future studies.
Despite these negative trials, it is important to take Further developments
into consideration that the care of the surgical patient Other potential markers of haemodynamic status which
in the peri-operative period has evolved significantly are worthy of further research include vascular tone and
over the last few years. The progressive development the microcirculation. It is well-known by all anaes-
of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pro- thetists that general anaesthesia influences vascular tone
grammes which encompass haemodynamic monitoring and therefore has a considerable effect on whether a
and GDT have altered what we think of as ‘standard patient is deemed to be ‘preload or fluid responsive’.
care’ and it may be that ‘best practice’ has actually However, being preload responsive does not necessarily
become ‘standard care’. The ability to detect the effect equate to a patient requiring extra fluid as this can be
of a single intervention has therefore been hampered. seen in healthy haemodynamically stable patients with
Other possibilities suggested by Cecconi and Rhodes adequate organ perfusion [63, 64]. It is important for
are that the large body of evidence may have suffered the clinician to therefore assess whether a reduced mean
from publication bias or that, as mentioned previously, arterial pressure under anaesthesia is due to a decreased
it may be that there are harmful effects of SV vascular tone or inadequate blood flow.

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Watson and Cecconi | Haemodynamic monitoring in the peri-operative period Anaesthesia 2017, 72 (Suppl. 1), 7–15

Assessment of vasomotor tone using dynamic arte- Conclusions

rial elastance (Eadyn) may therefore be of clinical util- In conclusion, we have seen that the implementation
ity. Research has shown that when the arterial tone of GDT with the use of minimally and less invasive
and ventricular systolic function is coupled, ventricular monitors to guide peri-operative practice has become
performance is maximised [65]. Eadyn is defined as rapidly established and accepted over the last few
the PPV to SVV ratio measured during a single posi- years. Although recent evidence has cast some doubt
tive breath and has been suggested to provide a func- over the beneficial effects, the majority of the literature
tional assessment of arterial tone [62]. Eadyn has been has demonstrated improved morbidity and mortality
shown to predict the response to a single fluid chal- in certain populations. Care of the peri-operative
lenge in both patients whose lungs are mechanically patient is continuously evolving and our standards of
ventilated and spontaneously breathing patients [66, care have changed and this needs to be taken into
67]. The development of GDT protocols potentially account in future studies. Haemodynamic monitoring
incorporating the assessment of Eadyn in the future in the peri-operative period remains promising with
could have significant benefits in helping guide the exciting new areas emerging which are of potential
clinician as to whether the first-line intervention interest in the future.
should actually be fluid or whether a vasopressor is in
fact required to restore vascular tone before further Competing interests
optimisation [62]. MC has received consulting and speaker fees from
Another potential area of interest is microcircula- LiDCO Edwards Lifesciences, Maquet and Cheetah.
tory dysfunction. Although it has been extensively No other funding or competing interests declared.
studied in the critical care setting, the evidence of its
effect on peri-operative outcomes is currently lacking. References
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