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Modern ways of life throughout all countries and the choices these latters adopt to

satisfy the demands of their rapidly evolving populations in terms of agriculture, industry
and services have put an enormous strain on energy requirements. Many organizations and
entities, including the United Nations, have already stressed the need for new paradigms of
energy transition as an ideal solution to the sustained development issue. In this regard, the
Moroccan Kingdom is considered worldwide, as a pioneering country who embarked early
and steadily in an energy transition strategy aiming to diversify the energetic mix end secure
national needs. In this regard, it would be judicious to wonder about the opportunities that
our country can offer to strengthen energy security at the regional level.

Alongside its solid infrastructure of renewable energy parks and logistics means,
the kingdom of Morocco is able to benefit its regional partners by sharing its notorious
expertise and successful lessons drawn from its pioneering energy transition strategy, and
can serve both as a recipient and provider of investments in clean energy especially in hard
times of conventional energy.
To support this thesis, the opportunities offered by our country in favor of regional
energy security will be underlined in the areas of infrastructure, transfer of expertise and
know-how and lastly in investment possibilities.

The Moroccan kingdom can benefit regional energy security through its solid clean
energy infrastructure. Indeed, the country has achieved enormous strides with the
construction of impressive solar and wind turbine parks in many areas such as Noor and eL
Koudia el Baida projects. These facilities where technology don’t allow yet a sufficient
storage capacities can be put exploited to provide their surplus to interconnections with
neighboring countries. Moreover, the kingdom having interconnection grids with
neighboring countries of Europe and Maghreb can be used as a physical hub for any regional
energy cooperation agreements. Finally, the important potential of Morocco in terms of
logistics, especially its strategic ports in the Mediterranean and Atlantic sea can be of huge
importance to the facilitation of energy importation and exportation.

The kingdom can greatly benefit regional partners through its elaborated expertise
end know-how in the area of clean energy. As a matter of fact, the Moroccan energy
strategy accumulated a myriad of successful enterprises and knowledge since its inception in
2009, which can be of huge interest to African states particularly. In addition, the multiplicity
of meetings and initiatives that Morocco hosted and supervised are great opportunities to
replicate best practices and models that are worldwide proven. Here, the example of “the
coalition for sustainable energy access”, co-chaired with Ethiopia in 2019 is very indicative in
this regard. Finally, the kingdom offers southern european countries a window for a
smoother triangular transfer of technology to the south. In this respect, the recent
cooperation with Germany for the development of Hydrogen energy technology illuminates
the potential of the kingdom in terms of triangular technology cooperation. Thus, the
kingdom offers enormous opportunities for south-south and north-south cooperation
through the sharing of its renowned expertise and know-how.

Finally, by means of sustained energy investment opportunities, Morocco’s

emerging clean energy sector can be a baseline for a lucrative regional market. First of all,
with its successful experience of inclusion of private and international partners in the clean
energy production effort, the country is poised to serve as a reliable investment destination.
Furthermore, with the strong presence of its ecosystems in the African soil, the kingdom can
easily duplicate efficient energy projects in already conquered markets such as in ECOWAS
countries. To finish up, in light of the recent geopolitical turmoil that strained energy
markets and soared their prices to record levels, the investment in the clean program of a
safe and stable country like the kingdom of Morocco is a smart regional choice for southern
European and African countries that can be shield from the whims and risks imposed by
traditional energy providers. All in all, Morocco can represent a lucrative investment
destination for developed and developing regional partners alike, especially in times of hard
conventional energy situation.

In a nutshell, being a leading nation in terms of energy transition through the

development of alternative sources, the kingdom is poised to offer significant opportunities.
As far as infrastructure is concerned, the enormous wind turbine and solar parks, the
interconnection grids with various countries and the logistics capacities of its ports and
ground communications can greatly benefit the regional energy security. Besides, the
lessons learned from the successful enterprises of the Moroccan strategy and the multitude
of Initiatives chaired by the kingdom are an entitlement for its role as an agent for south-
south and south-north transfer of technology. Finally, the country can consolidate regional
energy security through the investment lever, be it as a recipient from southern european
countries partners or as a provider to African countries where Moroccan ecosystems enjoy
already a strong presence, hence a great safety against dangerous fluctuations of
conventional energy markets.
However, the success of the regional integration for the kingdom is dependant upon
the activation of the Maghreb Union and the disparition of the longstanding hurdles
impeding the concretization of its founders’ vision.

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