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OTS LAO relay AZ, Wistareteaystenaes ke compared 0 25 yer ago? Ae thre any seifcant differences between the two generations? Which ones? Exchange ideas with your teacher and dassmates. D read the tet and check hat itsay about the questonsin Atty 1. Life as a teenager in 1994, 2014, and 2034 - What a difference a generation makes! How quckly we forget, Events of decades ago seemlike a dstant memory, but 1994 was the year when Nelson Mandela was elected President af South Attica, D], Smpson was arrested tor murder, huge massacres were happening in wanda and Seraevp, and China got its first connection to the Internat. Bill Cinton was President, the Academy Aivard for Best Picture went to Forest Gump and the viortd's penuiatian reached 56 Dilan, To put this yecr into perspective, ths was before the death of Princess Diana (1SS7}. Ityias.a'soatter the fallot the Berin fal (1935), after the Persian Gulf War (19513 after the Rochey Xing incent (1931), and after the Branch Divsdian catastrogte in vaca, Texas (1993 But most teenagers weren't taking about woridatiaess Instead, they vere far mate interested n getting ther criver’s license, Istening to the muse of Madonna, New Kids on the Block, Celine Dien, Coolio, Cr Prince,at gong tothe latest jm Carey mae, Mare teling for these teenagers vias what they cidn't have yet, They dich't have the Internet, e-mail, -smariphares, Search engines, social networking, Sorg Playstation, App\e Pods. or anything cormnioadabe, Muric,mowies, and nformatian came cn CDs, cassaties, VHS, in cartridges, or printed form. But here's one crazy detail youmay nat hoe Cons vated, Many of the teens af 1894 are non the parents of teenagers in 2014. Ths is the group tasked with reinventing the cules of chilchood in terms, of screen time, celphane curfews, social ratvorking etiquette, and more, Sut were just geting started, ‘Aspe fom, men frneeveaercon Aare tendfeesw eraer 19M BORE and THE late sffenas gorratan mais rte Aue om Otte 2 2007 2 3 Check (w) the sentences that are true according to the text, 2 Impeteteveres Happened in 1988 all one the mil, ch 35 O hina geting its it canectian tothe Iara. . West teesages fats 1998 were tot wuried about wasldvide ise O tary teenagurs ef 1994 ane parts eam, but they ave rot weer bout oO the sc of tevhnelegial dices, 4 ‘What do you understand from this part of the text? Exchange ideas with your classmates, “Hore telling fox these teenagers was what they didn’t have yet. They didet have the leteree, exist phones, sexe engines, socal networking Sony Plystatian, Apple ods, or anything dovwiazdhle, Music, mav‘es, and ‘information came on CDs, cassettes, VHS, in carvidges, cin printed fon Deep PM ney se rts ae 2 fj Youare going to read a brief introduction to the history of the Web. Scan the text DA srasrte ie name ofthe technology Si Tim Bervers-ee used to ceateit <20 HISTORY OF THE WEB. “= Tim Sarears Lee tsa British computer scent He mas om in Londo, and is parents eee early computer scentists working en onect the earlest computes. Geouingup Sir Tim was interested in trains nd bad a model rita bedroom. Herecals:"I made same electonic gadgets tocoetol the trains, Then lended up yetieg more interested is electronics than trai, Later fon, when asi college made a computer out ofan old telansionsat* Alter grocunting trem Onford Univesity, Serness Lee became a soltare engineer at CERN, the Lge posite physics ibaratory near Gene Suitecland, Sentsts come trom all cue the world 1 vse itsacceleatos but Si Tim noticed that they were having dict sharing “In those days, there was diferent infarction en difareetcsenputes, but you hodto leg onto dilerent competes to getatit Abe, sometimes you hhodto learn a dierent progeam on exch computer Oten it was jest easier to goand ast people when they were hoving ctte,. Tim sys, Timtheughtbe sa nyo soles problem one 2 czuld alga have muth broader appbeations tend, enfens of cempeters wee bl cm rough te fst developing Internet 22d Bercarse realized they could shareinforeantion by exlciting a> emerging techeclogy elle typestest In March 1989, Tea fai out his isn for whet would become tz web na documest called “Infomation Mezagemest: Proposal Belive itor cot, Tes teital proposal wis natiewsadiat'y accepted, la fac hls boss 2 tbe time, Mike Sandall noted the words Yague but excting’ onthe cove. the Web wis esr an tial CERN project, bot Mice managed to give Ta tie to wark en it in September 1999. He kegon workusing » NeXT ompute one of Steve obs ear products. By October 1990, Tevhad wre: web: HTM URL and HTP SirTim Bernesse Inverted the Heb in 1929, 0 G Find the words below in the text. Then match each word with its meaning. axxcenter ning ce wing somthing with ther people . shoring mache wed to make onal pheces of matter me faster €. ephitg Chai get a5 math 25 you can ur of a sitation, sometimes unftly certs Workbook unit 2 SPONTANEOUS DECISIONS AND OFFERS: WILL & A: It's so cald in here! B: Dorit worry. will a lose the window. Pres Like sal dees ict, au sa dvr ue tamadesnormamestncn qeestanas iota extn a PREDICTIONS ABOUT THE FUTURE: WILL ss atic 0 Robots will cook for people in the year 3008. Will things be different then? Quredo queenos fly de pevites str ofurva.usenes mi Nashua. eve eta ave asm foe aac psi Afsana regi ese made wi ratou is cnrexees nace wane a interopiea mvetencn a pein exe wien seth Pra Fora quatinn word bate carpio cl Agerafigp aenidaces Ved BE GOING TO vs. WILL I think Iwill travel to Canada next month, am going to treve! to Cenada next month. My mother has the tickets forthe trip, ring sndlones usa wie be gang tp ron ers sm ugertendes om pruts dents, arr: wall quseds folsce um futur cern. and glare mon aed ata, ing ta. ceemen dior ie go arcane acces, Ln gate est sTeato Lumbempe pies atria de fiserouresags Agora igs ms otsidiees 526 shamber party feza mi cusiun gnpode anions seine e dome #2 aa doun des a wealth of ~ ums garde curctidse de breakthroagh - incwcin, avargo tise surest togain-pecher towipe cat destiir valuable -wliva(a) entirely - onletirente to keep in mind tiem vente ceuntlest inners) oneness -sitin be - cee mixonception eqiisea SUPERLATIVES Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the werld, It 5 8,848 meters (29,028 feet) high. in theworld. aa | COMPARATIVES vs. SUPERLATIVES Scecer is more exciting than volleyball, bt basketball is the most exciting sport. Irregular Comparative and Superlative Forms Adjectives | Comparative | Superlative geod betterthin | thebest bad worse than | the worst for further? the furthest/ fartherthan | farthest Word pop-up |} random ~ esss(s) ‘nests ~ dsegas enborn ~icasien(s) benting - aa dame —dinis Bil - nen, care wilde — i sagem racer ACY tet) 3 unit 5 PAST OF BE: QUESTIONS ‘Ac Ws Mark Zuckerberg born in Canads? B: No he west, ‘As Where was he bom? 1B: He was bern in the USA. ‘As Wher was he bom? 1B: He'was been on May 14°, 1984. Bo enti eptrt 9 cms frat do vet ta be no pad sto was (pe Ke ware (puts you we they) egitha, basa aerate’ mot depesde tobe ou ust 2: (cntnyges wasn (0 «not ¢ worm (eee » not) bata nse a question weed (cans whet « whe) 10 PAST OF THERE IS/ THERE ARE ‘A: Wes there a burger place in your grandparents” neighberhood? B: Yes, there was: Joe's burger. (aed Oldies but goodies. sun. Na paula deve Newz Pa tarmar SIMPLE PAST: REGULAR VERBS + en vets terminodes em comsaonte » vogal = consonmte (CVC). a ira conwnanina wircetation af eat oh stogpadeosfred Os A: Did you visit New York on your last vacation? B: Yes, I did. liked it» lot! Fara Sormorton perme questions no Simple Past sos 0 aus 1 suite ds war pircion eabase frm astonishing —supeerdite — aowd — mutitio speeches - discuss twlead to-ver® cry AY t tele) PT) SIMPLE PAST: IRREGULAR VERBS (AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE SENTENCES) “Teen didn't have lunch at home yesterday. He had. lunch at school. Aigons thy breguer verb eo respecte Form 20 Simple Pane sb went ge got hore had Sop so SIMPLE PAST: IRREGULAR VERBS (QUESTIONS) A: Did Doug and Sarah gohome after school? B: Na, they didn't. They went running, ‘A: What did Dora do yesterday? B: She read a book in the libeary. Did you have a good weekend? a forms perp 20 Sy Pst ee seen ysegston ett ey 1 questions with quvstion wordy sc retin da perguita O wstate ds ie 0 ves rnc Sc ane form SEQUENCE WORDS Last weekend was great! First | woke up early. Then | beushed my teeth and after that | went en a pier in the park with Mom and Dad. Fast 9 Thos afer ta tage - corns) tached - passa de seach, at9gu world affairs — asus und fixed — pasado dt fy, prepa pec do om, rots) ae cartridge = crtcho curfews = resker begin, taque de recter fall = qs Ihied - pip prsada eto bre, coratada(a) sive = exams) fern -corunteis

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