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Each developer will have specific areas for each of their tests that You may have a pre-existing opinion of a certain genre,
they want gamers to focus on to help progress their project to franchise or studio that relates to the game you’re testing, try to
the next stage of development. Read and take note of all test put these thoughts to the back of your mind when testing.
requirements and objectives, you don’t want to finish a test only Remaining impartial is incredibly important to offering unbiased
to realise you avoided things they wanted feedback on. and constructive feedback. You might not be the target audience
but your feedback can still be valuable.

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You never know what questions you’ll be asked at the end of Try to remember or note where you were and what you
the test and it’s easy to forget minor details, particularly when were doing when something went wrong and give as much
playing for longer sessions. Note your likes, dislikes and any information as possible, including your hardware specs where
bugs you encounter – it’s our number one tip for providing necessary. Links to in-game screenshots or video clips can
higher quality feedback. also be a powerful visual tool that help developers recreate
issues and have them fixed up quicker.

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As game testers the majority of the titles you play will still be Testing games can be difficult sometimes, especially if
deep in development. By their nature the content will be your hardware is causing a game to run poorly or crash.
unfinished, feature occasional crashes/bugs and sometimes Remember these developers are requesting your services
might not work at all. Try not to let this frustrate you and instead specifically to improve these issues. Try to remain constructive
channel these observations into the feedback you provide. and if something sucks, explain how you think it could
be improved.

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If you encounter a bug, glitch or crash, don’t let it slide. Reading through feedback from hundreds of testers can be a
Take a note of anything that doesn’t seem quite right, you daunting task for developers, try to present your feedback in
might end up being the sole reason no one else experiences a clear and neat format, using line breaks and bullet points
that same bug when the game releases to the public. You’re a where necessary to make the information easier to digest.
fundamental asset to increasing the overall quality of any title
you play with Game Tester.

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Take moments to absorb non-gameplay elements of the game, While a main target for game testers is to look out for bugs
for example art style, animations, music, voice acting, sound and areas that can be improved, it also helps developers just
effects, ambience, lighting, user interface etc. Each of these are as much to know what parts of the game are enjoyable, this
equally important when building the world and overall feel of allows them to focus on their strengths and bring other elements
any video game. of the game up to the same level of quality.

What issues did you experience during the test? What issues did you experience during the test? What issues did you experience during the test?
I had a bug and crashed twice, sound is weird, it was very glitchy I crashed to desktop when booting up the game, I received the error I had a few small issues and glitches which I have detailed below.
“202NT_045”. I was able to resolve this by making an exception in my
anti-virus software. I’m on Windows 10. 1 – I crashed to the desktop when loading the game, presented with
error “202NT_045”. It seems AVG Free anti-virus was the conflict, so I
During level 2 the trees were flickering between light and dark, this added an exception to the .exe and launcher files, which seems to
seemed to only happen when I was moving. have fixed the issue.

AVERAGE The sound during spells was distorted and warped in certain levels,
seemed to happen when a lot was going on at the time.
PC specs:
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 650Ti
Some doors in level 6 don’t open when it seems they should, maybe Processor: Intel i3 2120 3.3GHz
What issues did you experience during the test? these are placeholder rooms but it was confusing. Memory: 4 GB RAM
I crashed to the desktop when loading the game, the second level
had many graphical glitches and the sound was muffled and hard to 2 – Roughly 5 minutes in to level 2 (Forest of Dreams), trees and
hear at times. clouds were flickering between lit and shadowed textures, this took a
hit on frame rate, which dropped roughly 5-10 frames during
Sometimes doors wouldn’t open but the sound would still play as if it flickering. This happened whenever the character passed foliage
was opening. layered in front of the character.

3 – Repeated use of the ‘Eternal Flame’ spell would cause the sound
effect to overlap, giving an unpleasant echo which was particularly
evident during battle when there are lots of competing sounds. Using
the spell just once out of combat does not present the problem.

4 – In level 6 (‘Dust’) both blue doors in the lab don’t appear to open,
the sound effect is played and the diary log is updated, but you
cannot gain entry. Restarting the checkpoint or level didn’t help.

What did you like MOST about the game? What did you like MOST about the game? What did you like MOST about the game?
The game looks and controls great, clean menus and nice music Graphically the game is beautiful, the unique design of the characters There was clearly a lot to love about this game, here’s a few things
and the environments really help make the world feel like an that stood out for me:
undiscovered civilisation.
1 – This game has a very unique and compelling art style, the
Controls feel fluid and easy to get to grasps with, at least when using landscapes look hand crafted and the appearance of each character
a controller. Button prompts need fixing to match the device though. felt like they’d been carefully designed to match their surroundings
perfectly. It felt like a game set on a different planet.

AVERAGE The HUD and UI were really well designed, nothing felt too
complicated and nothing important was hidden from view. 2 – The controls for controller were near perfect, even without
appropriate button prompts I was able to intuitively work out what
The music was a real stand out positive, different styles of music for buttons did what very early in to gameplay. I rarely use controllers
What did you like MOST about the game? different levels was a great choice and clearly had a lot of thought but this game made the idea of doing so much more appealing.
The graphics and art style are really pleasing, the controls were really put in to it.
good, wasn’t too complicated to learn. 3 – Every interface and menu in the game seemed very well placed
and designed, new tabs and options are opened up to you at the
The menus were simple and easy to navigate and the music was perfect moment and nothing felt overwhelming or crowded. The
relaxing and tense at the right moments, helped with the most important menus were within simple reach at all times. Bravo!
4 – The music was really something else. The way the style of the
music shifts between sombre tones to high-tempo beats between the
exploration and combat areas flows perfectly. The music generally
set the tone of the atmosphere moment to moment and kept
adrenaline rushing when required but soothed your nerves at the
right moments between battles.

This game has a hell of a lot of potential and leaning on its positives
while addressing its frustrating areas could turn it in to a fan
favourite. Good luck!

How do you think the game could be improved? How do you think the game could be improved? How do you think the game could be improved?
Keyboard controls suck, dialogue is lame, also it runs so low The keyboard controls aren’t intuitive, I felt I failed missions more While the game is generally very enjoyable, there were some key
often due to controls than my own skills or experience, popular areas I feel could help improve the overall experience:
games that share the genre have much better mapping.
1 – Keyboard controls are confusing, the keys you’d expect to be
The subtitles haven’t been greatly localised. Common spelling errors related to specific actions are not what you assume and as there’s no
and even code language found in dialogue during mission 3. Could do way to map controls you have to learn the hard way. Button prompts
with more language support. help with this, but when using the otherwise excellent controller

AVERAGE The lack of voiced characters really puts focus on the poor subtitles
controls, key prompts are still set to keyboard mapping.

during dialogue. Each character is so unique that a lot of fun could be 2 – English localisation for subtitles in the game is pretty rough.
had with unusual voices and accents. “There” and “Their” are commonly misspelt and during mission 3
How do you think the game could be improved? when conversing with ‘Borak’ his last response is followed by
The keyboard controls are really confusing and there’s no way to map The FPS during heavy load can tank to below 30 on my 1080. The “close_caption_228”. With just Japanese and poor English
them. The subtitles have lots of errors and dialogue seems forced and game can hang for 1-2 seconds at times too, making precision play localisation, I feel the game could do with a heavy focus on additional
unprofessional. very difficult. Loading in to missions for the first time has FPS in the language support.
single digits.
The game runs really slow and freezes a lot, especially during combat 3 – A game such as this really benefits from voice acting, even if just
and when first entering a level. in the native language. Character design is a strong point so voices
tailored specifically to their characteristics would really help immerse
you in the story and the world you inhibit. This would make the
subtitle issues less of a problem overall.

4 – During combat and busy moments in the battle sections, my

frames per section reduced to 20-30, which really impacted the
fluidity of the gameplay. It also had occasional hitches and mini-
freezes following 30+ play sessions. Texture pop and low FPS during
texture streaming when levels were loading were also a glaring issue.

Please provide your final thoughts and feedback. Please provide your final thoughts and feedback. Please provide your final thoughts and feedback.
This game is AMAZING. You guys are great for creating it. I will buy Couch co-op is great but I’d love to see other options such as cross- This game has the potential to relate to so many different types of
when it comes out. I wish you and your families good luck and play and online multiplayer. players, casual and hardcore, young to old. If console ports are being
fortune. considered I think the game would really benefit from cross-play and
Trading cards and achievements would be great additions, please online co-op. I’d love to play with my buddy on console while playing
also consider cloud saves so that I can play on different devices. on my PC.

A small issue but I noticed ultrawide resolutions weren’t supported, Too many games release these days without modern quality of life

AVERAGE which caused black bars that had an impact on immersion. features such as achievements, mod support and cloud saves. The
latter is particularly important to me as I am expecting my Steam
The music was the strongest point of the game’s design, I Deck to arrive soon and would love to play this between my PC and
recommend leaning on this strength wherever possible as it really Deck and keep my in-game progress.
Please provide your final thoughts and feedback. helps deliver a believable universe with genuine emotion and energy.
As said, I love the music, graphics and xbox controls. Hate the lack of Additional aspects ratios and resolution support would be great, the
optimisation and keyboard controls. I also think Zulra is a badass and the story should focus more on her. game doesn’t take advantage of my ultrawide monitor at all. If you’re
worried about player advantage in multiplayer games, you could
I also think you could should consider cross-platform multiplayer and eliminate the extra field of view by zooming in slightly on widescreen
adding achievements. Zulra is cool btw! devices or placing elements of the HUD outside the playable area.

The music is by far the strongest element of the game, additional

sound cues and more punchy effects during combat could take the
game to a new level of sonic excellence. The music already conveys
the atmosphere, builds energy during tense battles and lowers the
tone during emotional moments between characters.

I’d also love to know more of the back story of the character ‘Zulra’ –
she’s by far the most complex personality in the game and would be
great to explore more of her history in an expansion or sequel.

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