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Learning Journal Unit 6

University of the People

Online Education Strategies, Group-0032

Christine Rogers

July 28, 2022


1. Was this your first time taking this type of inventory? If no, did your results change from
the last time? If so, did your learning style results surprise you?

Yes, this was my first time reading about this topic, the learning styles, learning and trying

my learning technique, Kinesthetic learning as per what I was able to understand, is a learning

method focused on the experiences of the body itself, its sensations, and its movements.

The body remembers the actions that it is learning to act accordingly with the different

challenges that arise I found out I have a strong trend for the usage of kinesthetic learning

Technique. and it did not surprise me, I’m a very field person, I like to learn things watching

others do them, as I use to do with my father, theory is good, but practice is the real deal, the

main “thing” in my perspective and opinion.

2. Now that you have identified your learning style, how will you apply this knowledge to
your studying?

Knowing that this is a complete online university, that would be complex, not only I can’t

watch someone performing the theory, in a practical way, but also the learning process is not

beneficial for a kinesthetic learner, the only way in which I think my learning method will work

is trying things by myself, sharing the knowledge with others and learning what difference do

they have in comparison with me once I know the theory and have tried myself.

this goes more for a face to face contact, I would say in my perspective, well, I think that also by

watching videos count as kinesthetic? If so, then I would definitely use that.

I would watch on the internet how others have used this learning method trough an online study

format and learn from that, that would be interesting to see, if any have tried whatsoever of

course, I don’t think it will be sufficient, most likely will end up using other techniques as well

I am the type of person who do not focus on one single resource, I will use as Many as I can to

my advantage. If I had to choose a second technique, that would be visual, diagrams, mappings.

3. Reflect on the studying strategies you have used previously. Have your study habits been
effective? Why or why not? What studying strategies from this week do you think will be

My study habits have not been very effective, but I am pretty certain they will improve now

acquiring this knowledge on this week’s learning material. So many interesting things about

techniques to improve my learning were shared, things that are proven to work, and well

documented and researched on, hence I will apply them from now on, Using the Cornell method

for taking notes and kinesthetic method for learning, those are my favorites


(since I cited a journal article in my first week, instead of an eBook, I have searched for an
eBook now as supposed to have been back then)

1. Coppa, F. (n.d.). Vidding: A History. University of Michigan Press.

2. “Instead of the textual violence and misogyny that result in canonical man tears, vidders
create feelings and emotions using the techniques of poetry in the Aristotelian sense”
(Coppa, n.d)

3. But racism isn’t a technical problem, or vidders would have hacked

it by now. Vidding culture, like fan culture, feminist culture, queer culture, culture, is
made of people, so racism is structural and deep rooted.
That said, fandom’s relative weakness in terms of race is a conversation
that fandom has had, and continues to have, with itself. In 2002, Te, an
influential fan of color, founded a site called Remember Us devoted to
promoting fan works about characters of color. The site’s tag line is “Do

not adjust your monitors. The color is just fine.” A subpage, “Dreaming
in Color,” features vid recs. In her “Manifesto,” Te writes

4. “culture, is made of people, so racism is structural and deep rooted” (Coppa, F. n.d)

5. Culture are a people’s traditions rather than their problems, racism is not an issue when it
comes to main play role in filmmaking

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