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PHILIPPINE MUSLIM TEACHERS’ COLLEGE 13. A relationship between producer and consumer is
best illustrated by ______.
a. A snake eating a rodent
LET REVIEW b. A bird eating a snake
GENERAL EDUCATION: BIOLOGY c. A barnacle attached to a whale
1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of d. A zebra eating a grass
living things?
a. Organization c. indefinite size range 14. Which of the following is a food chain?
b. b. adaptation d. nutrition a. Algae ----mongo----bird
b. Snake --- rat --- grass
2. Organisms keep their internal conditions relatively c. Eagle ---snake----frog
stable through ______. d. Plant ---rat ---hawk
a. Reproduction c. changes through time
b. meatbolism d. adaptation 15. A chicken ate a worm that ate the leaves of a plant. A
snake ate the chicken. What is the chicken called?
3. A litter of puppies being born to a dog is an example a. Producer b. primary consumer
of ______. b. c. secondary consumer d. tertiary consumer
a. Continuity c. changes through time
b. Interaction d. adaptation 16. what do you call the consumers that directly feed on
producers and get the greater amount of energy?
4. What is the basic requirement of an organism to stay a. Herbivores c. carnivores
live? b. Omnivore d. decomposers
a. Care b. mate c, habitat d. energy
17. Lions feed on animals only. On what classification do
5. The four basic needs of living things are ______. they belong?
a. Food, clothing, shelter, love a. Herbivore c. carnivore
b. Water, hair, habitat, protection b. Omnivore d. scavenger
c. Food, water, habitat, space
d. Air, water, food, habitat 18. Animal communication can occur through ______.
a. Smells b. touches c. sound d. all of the above
6. The following are stimuli that may affect living things
EXCEPT ______. 19. What do you call the reduction of activity by animals
a. Light b. temperature c. pressure d. none of these during summer?
a. Estivation b. hibernation c. vacation d. mutation
7. The following are abiotic components EXCEPT ___.
a. Air b. water c. temperature d. bacteria 20. A relationship wherein both organisms benefit from
each other is called_____.
8. Which of the followings refers to all animal and plants a. Commensalism c. mutualism
in a place and the ways they live together? b. Paratisism d. predation
a. Species b. ecosystem c. community d. population
21. An organism that harms another organisms by living
9. Which level of biological organization includes all on it and taking nutrients from it.
others listed? a. Host commensal c. mutualism d. predation
a. Ecosystem b. population c. biome d. community
22. Animals with backbone are called_______.
10. Where does one experience the longest and coldest a. Vertebrates c. reptile
winters? b. amphibians d. invertebrates
a. Coniferous forest c. taiga
b. Tropical forest d. tundra 23. mammals gain water through
a. sweat b. feces c. urine d. food
11. The where the animal naturally lives is known as ___.
a. House b. niche c. habitat ecosystem 24. animals that may live both on land in water are called
12. Which is a producer a. Mammals b. fishes c. birds d. amphibians
a. Frog b. mouse c. grasshopper d. corn
25. Which is NOT fish? 40. The growth of roots towards water is an example of
a. Shark b. catfish c. starfish d. lamprey _____.
a. Chemotropism c. hydrotropism
26. Which is an amphibian b. Geotropism d. phototropism
a. Snake b. frog c. turtle d. crocodile
41. What is the reproductive unit of a plant?
27. The word “reptile” means ______. a. Stem b. root c. leaf d. flower
a. Flying animal c. creeping animal
b. Water animal d. repulsive animal 42. When pollen grains are carried from another to stigma
of another flower, the process is called ______.
28. The following animals are cold-blooded EXCEPT a. Cross pollination c. fertilization
a. Bird b. snake c. frog d. lizard b. Self-pollination d. budding

29. Which organism would MOST likely be in an arctic 43. Which of the which of the following is a flowering
environment? plant?
a. Maya bird b. crocodile c. walrus d. giraffe a. Fern b. poinsettia c. moss d. algae

30. The following animals can lay eggs EXCEPT _____. 44. The taxon that includes the others.
a. Owl b. platypus c. crocodile d. elephant a. Class b. order c. genus d. phylum

31. Which of the following animals feed on necrotic and 45. What do you call a group of organisms having similar
decaying matter? traits?
a. Vulture b. parakeet c. yeast d. algae a. Species b. phylum c. genus d. kingdom

32. The life cycle undergone by insects is called _____. 46. Who is the father of binomial nomenclature?
a. Metabolism c. synthesis a. Albert Einstein c. Charles Darwin
b. Metamorphosis d. mitosis b. Carolus Linnaeus d. Galelio Galilei

33. What is the larval stage of a fly? 47. The smallest part of living thing which performs all the
a. Wriggler b. maggot c. toad d, caterpillar processes a living organism does.
a. Organ b. atom c. tissue d. cell
34. A process of food-making in plants is known as ____.
a. Photosynthesis c. transpiration 48. Single-celled organism that lack membrane-bound
b. Respiration d. diffusion organelles are called ____.
a. Multicellular c. eukaryotes
35. Photosynthesis= carbon dioxide + water = ______ + b. Prokaryotes none of these
a. Nitrogen b. carbon c. water d. glucose 49. Which of the following is NOT eukaryoten?
a. Fish b. Spider c. Bacterium d. Earthworm
36. Which of the following source of energy is needed for
photosynthesis? 50. Which of the following is the control center of the cell?
a. Water b. light c. soil d. fertilizer a. Mitochondrion c. lysosome
b. Nucleus d. Goldi bodies
37. Plants receive their nutrients mainly form _____.
a. Atmosphere c. light 51. What part of cell is made up of cellulose
b. Chlorophyll d. soil a. Cell wall c. ribosome
b. mitochondrion d. cell membrane
38. The exchange of gases between plants and the
atmosphere takes place in the _____. 52. cell of the same kind make up a/an ____.
a. Roots b. stem c. flowers d. leaves a. Organ b. tissue c. system d. organ system

39. What is the molecule that allows plants to capture 53. Different tissues that work together form_____
energy? a. A cell b. a system c. an organ d. a tissue
a. Oxygen b. carbohydrates c. ATP c. chlorophyll
54. What is the largest internal organ of the human body?
a. Brain b. heart c. kidney d. liver
69. Energy giving foods keeps us supplied with energy
55. Which body system supplies nutrients and oxygen to and are typically ______.
the cells? a. Protein b. fat c. carbohydrate d. junk food
a. Digestive b. circulatory c. skeletal d. muscular
70. Absorption of nutrients happens in the ___.
56. What is the functional layer of the skin? a. Kidney c. large intestine
b. stomach d. small intestine
a. Epidermis c. hypodermis
b. dermis d. sebaceous gland 71. which organ produces bile?
a. Liver b. pancreas c. heart d. kidney
57. which part of the skin gives out perspiration
a. dermis c. sebaceous gland 72. What do you call the very small structures that are
b. epidermis d. sweat gland specialized for absorption in the small intestine?
a. Cilia b. nephrons c. mucus d. villi
58. what pigment gives the skin its natural color?
a. Chlorophyll b. ptyalin c. keratin d. melanin 73. A muscular pump located between lungs and the
diaphragm is the _____.
59. It is also known as sunshine vitamin. a. Pancreas b. liver c. kidney d. heart
a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin D
b. Vitamin E c. Vitamin K 74. It carries oxygen-rich blood to the head, arms, and
down to the legs.
60. Which of these hold bones together? a. Spinal cord c. neuron
a. Synovial fluid c. ligament b. Capillary d. artery
b. Cartilage d. tendon 75. Blood leaving the heart the left ventricle of the human
heart goes directly to the _____.
61. Which joint allows bending and straightening a. Capillaries c. veins
movement? b. Right Ventricle d. aorta
a. Pivot c. hinge
b. Ball-and socket d. gliding 76. What is a protein in the blood that gives the blood a
red color?
62. How many bones does a human adult have? a. Bile b. hemoglobin c. plasma d. albumin
a. 150 b. 260 c. 206 d. 310
77. This blood cell helps fight infections by attacking
63. What is the longest bone in the human body? bacteria and viruses that invade the body.
a. Fibula b. ulna c. scapula d. femur a. Red blood cell c. platelet
b. White blood cell d. all of these
64. The muscles you used to lift a book are ___ muscles.
a. Cardiac b. smooth c. involuntary d. skeletal 78. What is the main organ of respiration?
a. Pancreas b. lungs c. heart d. kidney
65. Which part of the alimentary canal connects the throat
to the stomach? 79. Which part of the respiratory tract is colloquially called
a. Mouth b. intestine c. trachea d. esophagus windpipe?
a. Pharynx b. larynx c. trachea d. alveoli
66. In what part of the body does digestion start?
a. Esophagus b. stomach c. small intestine d. mouth 80. The trachea divides into two parts, each entering a
lung. Each part is called _____.
67. A wave like muscle contractions that moves food to a. Larynx b. Bronchus c. Bronchioles d. Alveolus
different processing stations in the digestive tract is
known as _____ 81. Which of the following is a large muscle located below
a. Cyclosis b. peristalsis c. osmosis d. mastication the lungs that separates the chest cavity from the
68. This is a juice inside the stomach that contains dilute a. Stomach b. Ribs c. Diaphragm d. Pancreas
hydrochloric acid an enzyme which aid in digestion
a. Pancreatic juice c. mucus 82. What is the chief excretory organ in human?
b. Bile d. gastric juice a. Kidney b. Heart c. Intestine d. Skin
83. Which of the following organs helps in removing 97. The asexual reproduction which occurs when a new
waste materials from the bloodstream? organism develops from an outgrowth is called ____.
a. Pancreas b. Lungs c. Liver d. Kidney a. Fission b. Fertilization c. Budding d. Grafting

84. Urine is stored in the _____ before it leaves the body. 98. The transmission of traits from parents to offspring is
a. Heart b. Urinary bladder c. lungs d. stomach called _____.
a. Chromosomes b. Genes c. Heredity d. Genetics
85. The tube that allows urine to pass out of the body is
the _____. 99. Which molecule contains an organism’s genetic
a. Esophagus b. trachea c. ureter d. urethra makeup?
a. Genetic Membrane c. Nucleolus
86. Which organ controls breathing, digestion and heart b. Nucleic Acid d. Cytosol
a. Brain b. Liver c. Kidney d. Pancreas 100.A normal human zygote contains _____
87. When we think, study, and react consciously, which a. 23 b. 36 c. 46 d. 63
part of the brain is functioning?
a. Brain stem c. Thalamus
b. Cerebellum d. Cerebrum

88. What is the functional unit of the nervous system?

a. Nephron b. Neuron c. Nerves d. Hormones

89. Nerves that are found in the inner ear, that send
impulses to the brain.
a. Olfactory b. Auditory c. Optic d. Vagus

90. Which interprets the message sent by different

a. Spinal cord b. Muscle c. Heart d. Brain

91. The sense organ which helps us in determining the

correct position of standing, sitting or lying is the ___.
a. Nose b. Eye c. Skin d. Ear

92. Which is NOT an endocrine gland?

a. Thyroid gland c. Pituitary gland
b. Adrenal Gland d. Sweat gland

93. Which of the following is NOT a hormone?

a. Insulin b. Adrenaline c. Testosterone d. Ptyalin

94. The male primary reproductive organ is the _____.

a. Penis b. Testis c. Ovary d. Uterus

95. Humans reproduce when an ovum is combined with a

sperm leading to the development of an embryo. This
process is called _____.
a. Binary fission c. Asexual reproduction
b. Budding d. fertilization

96. What is the period in the life of the boys and girls
during which they experience rapid growth and
physical changes?
a. Pregnancy b. Fertilization c. Puberty d. Conception

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