A Treasury of Supplications

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A Treasury of
Supplications Often Recited in Witr
During Ramadan
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Tianslateu Intiouuction fiom the Book: "Supplications fiom 0ui'an anu
CompileJ bv SoeeJ bin Ali Al-0obtoni & TronsloteJ bv 0mm Rofiq


<(05/5,;5'#9B (6bofir, 4u:6u)

/5+;1#%;'%;<1%7),&1)%'@%1>1)&%+(77/5E,#;%4<1#%<1%E,//+%'#%?1GB (Al-Boqorob,

8"9)$:' "Bu'aa is (a foim) of woiship: youi Loiu saiu, "Call on Ne: I will
answei you (youi piayei)." (Abu BowuJ)

8"9)$:' "veiily, youi Loiu (Blesseu is Be anu Almighty) is alive, geneious,
anu if Bis seivant iaises his hanus towaius Bim, Be feels ieluctant not to
ietuin anything to him." (TirmiJbi)

% %
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8"9)$:' "Any Nuslim who supplicates to Allah with a supplication that uoes
not contain any sin oi cutting off of family ielations, Allah will give him one of
thiee things foi it:
1. Eithei Be will speeuily answei his uu'aa,
2. 0i Be will save it foi him until the Beieaftei,
S. 0i Be will aveit something bau fiom him equal to the value of his uu'aa."


1. Faithfulness (sinceiity) to Allah
2. To stait with thanking Allah anu piaising Bim, anu then by senuing peace
anu blessings on the Piophet anu enuing the uu'aa with the same
S. To be seiious in uu'aa anu be ceitain that it will be answeieu
4. Peisistence in the uu'aa anu not iushing it
S. To put youi heait into the uu'aa - make it fiom youi heait (even if you aie
ieauing the woius, i.e. mean what you say)
6. Say uu'aa in times of ciisis as well as times that aie goou - uon't just say
uu'aa in times of neeu only
7. Ask Allah alone - anu no one else
8. Bo not make uu'aa against someone's family, money, chilu, oi life
9. Nake uu'aa in a moueiately low voice - not silent, yet not completely out
1u. Know youi sins (faults) anu seek foigiveness foi them anu know anu
acknowleuge the benefits anu blessings you have been given anu thank
Allah foi them
11. The oppiessoi shoulu make amenus foi what he has uone anu iepent
12. Tuin to Allah with humility, longing, anu feai of Bim
1S. Bo not use ihymeu piose when making uu'aa
14. The supplication is (saiu) thiee (times)
1S. Face the 0iblah when making uu'aa
16. Raise the hanus uuiing uu'aa
17. Nake Wuuu befoie making uu'aa when possible
18. Bon't piay foi injuiious oi haimful things to happen to people. (Also
iemembei that the Angels say "Ameen" anu the same foi you aftei youi
19. The peison making uu'aa shoulu stait with himself if he is going to piay
foi someone else
2u. To make tawwasul thiough Allah's Names anu Attiibutes anu to make
tawwasul thiough one's goou ueeus. It is also peimissible to ask a
living, iighteous peison who is piesent to make uu'aa foi you
21. That the foou, uiink, anu clothing aie halal anu of a halal souice
- S -
22. Bo not make uu'aa foi a sin oi cutting off of family ties
2S. To oiuei that which is goou anu foibiu that which is foibiuuen
24. Bistancing oneself fiom all types of sin


(Beor in minJ tbot one con moke Juoo ot onv time onJ in onv ploce; bowever.
tbe followinq ore tbe most preferoble times. conJitions. onJ ploces.)

1. Lailatul 0aui
2. Beep in the last thiiu of the night
S. Immeuiately aftei the manuatoiy piayeis
4. Between the Auhaan anu Iqamah
S. An houi uuiing eveiy night
6. At the time of the call to manuatoiy piayeis
7. At the time of iain
8. Buiing jihau when the ianks of fighteis (mujahiuoun) auvance in the path
of Allah
9. An houi eveiy Fiiuay - the sounuest opinion iegaiuing this houi is the last
houi between the houis of Asi anu Naghiib on the uay of Iumuah, anu it
coulu be the houi of the khutbah anu salah
1u. At the time of uiinking Zamzam watei with tiue intention
11. Buiing sajuah
12. At the time of waking up at night anu theie aie Bauith iegaiuing what
the Piophet saiu in these uu'aas
1S. If you sleep aftei having maue Wuuu, then wake up at night anu make
14. Aftei you say uu'aa Yunus,
|loo iloobo illoo Anto subboonoko innee kuntu minoJb-Jboolimeen.
"Theie is none woithy of woiship but You, gloiy is to You. Suiely, I was
among the wionguoeis." (TirmiJbi S,29S)] make youi peisonal uu'aa
oi one fiom 0ui'an anu Sunnah
1S. Bu'aa of people aftei the ueath of a peison (e.g. the uu'aa of a peison
who is piaying foi someone who has just uieu)
16. Bu'aa aftei piaising Allah anu piaising anu senuing salah (peace anu
blessings) on the Piophet in the tashahhuu at the enu of the salah.
Nake youi uu'aa befoie the 2 tasleems
17. At the time of uu'aa, call upon Allah by the gieatest of Bis names that, if
calleu by them, Be answeis anu if askeu by them, Be gives
18. The uu'aa of a Nuslim foi his biothei oi sistei Nuslim stemming fiom
the heait
- 4 -
19. Bu'aa on the Bay of Aiafat in Aiafat
2u. Bu'aa uuiing the month of Ramauan
21. Bu'aa at the time of a Nuslim gatheiing foi the puipose of iemembeiing
22. Bu'aa at the time of a ciisis by saying:

lnnoo lilloobi wo innoo ilovbi rooiioon. Alloobummo-iurni fee
museebotee wo okbliflee kbovron minboo.

"We aie fiom Allah anu unto Bim we ietuin. 0 Allah, take me out of my
plight anu biing to me aftei it something bettei." (Huslim 2,6S2)
2S. Bu'aa when the heait ieaches out to Allah anu is ieauy to be totally
24. Bu'aa of the oppiesseu against the one who is oppiessing him
2S. Bu'aa of the fathei oi mothei foi oi against the son
26. Bu'aa of the tiavelei
27. Bu'aa of the one fasting until he bieaks his fast
28. Bu'aa of the one fasting at the time of bieaking fast
29. Bu'aa of a uespeiate peison
Su. Bu'aa of a just Imam
S1. Bu'aa of a son oi uaughtei obeuient to his oi hei oi paients
S2. Bu'aa immeuiately aftei Wuuu saying what has been mentioneu in the
Bauith that is uiiectly ielateu to it (ablution)
SS. Bu'aa aftei stoning the Iamaiat as-Sugiah uuiing Bajj
S4. Bu'aa aftei stoning the Iamaiat al-Wustah uuiing Bajj
SS. Bu'aa maue insiue the Ka'bah anu the uu'aa of one who piays insiue the
hiji, as it is pait of the house (bait Allah)
S6. Bu'aa on the mount of Safa uuiing 0miah oi Bajj
S7. Bu'aa on the mount of Naiwa uuiing 0miah oi Bajj
S8. Bu'aa at any of the sacieu sites

Note 1: The believei can call to his Loiu at any time wheievei he is, but these
times, conuitions, anu places aie special anu moie caie shoulu be taken.

Note 2: All of these ciicumstances aie substantiateu by Bauith.

- S -

Alloobum-mobJinee feemon boJovto. wo 'oofinee feemon 'oofovto.
wo towollonee feemon towollovto. wo boorik lee feemoo 'o'otovto. wo
qinee sborro moo qoJbovto. fo'innoko toqJbee wo loo vuqJboo
'olovko. 'innobu loo votbillu mon woolovto. [wo loo vo 'izzu mon
'ooJovto]. toboorokto Robbonoo wo to'oolovto.

"0 Allah, guiue me with those whom You have guiueu, anu
stiengthen me with those whom You have given stiength. Take me
to Youi caie with those whom You have taken to Youi caie. Bless
me in what You have given me. Piotect me fiom the evil You have
oiuaineu. Suiely, You commanu anu aie not commanueu, anu none
whom You have committeu to Youi caie shall be humiliateu |anu
none whom You have taken as an enemy shall taste gloiy]. You aie
Blesseu, 0ui Loiu, anu Exalteu." (Abu BowuJ, lbn Hoiob)

- 6 -

Alloobummo 'ivvooko no'buJu. wo loko nusollee wo nosiuJu. wo
'ilovko nos'oo wo nobfiJu. norioo robmotoko. wo nokbsboo
'otbooboko. 'inno 'otbooboko bilkoofireeno mulboq. Alloobummo
'innoo nosto'eenuko. wo nostoqbfiruko. wo nutbnee 'olovkol-kbovro.
wo loo nokfuruko. wo nu'minu biko. wo nokbJbo'u loko. wo nokblo'u
mon vokfuruko.

"0 Allah, You alone uo we woiship anu to You we piay anu bow
uown piostiate. To You we hasten to woiship anu to seive. 0ui
hope is foi Youi meicy anu we feai Youi punishment. Suiely, Youi
punishment of the uisbelieveis is at hanu. 0 Allah, we seek Youi
help anu Youi foigiveness, anu we piaise You beneficently. We uo
not ueny You anu we believe in You. We suiienuei to You anu
ienounce whoevei uisbelieves in You." (Al-Boiboqi, Al-Alboni)

- 7 -

Alloobummo lokol-bomJu 'Anto noorus-somoowooti wol'orJbi. wo
lokol-bomJu 'Anto qovvimus-somoowooti wol'orJbi. wo lokol-bomJu
'Anto Robbus-somoowooti wol'orJbi wo mon feebinno. 'Antol-boqq.
wo wo'Jukol-boqq. wo qowlukol-boqq wo liqoo'ukol-boqq.
wolionnotu boqq. wonnooru boqq. wonnobivvoono boqq. wossoo'otu
boqq. Alloobummo loko 'oslomtu. wo 'olovko towokkoltu. wo biko
'oomontu. wo 'ilovko 'onobtu. wo biko kboosomtu. wo 'ilovko
bookomtu. Ioqbfir lee moo qoJJomtu. wo moo 'okbkbortu. wo moo
'osrortu. wo moo 'o'lontu. 'Anto 'iloobee loo 'iloobo 'illoo 'Anto.

"0 Allah, piaise is to you. You aie the Light of the heavens anu the
eaith. Piaise is to You, You aie the Sustainei of the heavens anu the
eaith. Piaise is to You, You aie the Loiu of the heavens anu the
eaith anu all they contain. You aie the Tiuth, Youi Piomise is tiue,
Youi Woiu is tiue, Youi auuience is tiue, Paiauise is tiue, Bell is
tiue, the Piophets aie tiue, anu the Boui of Iuugment is tiue. 0
Allah, to you I have submitteu, anu upon You I uepenu. I have
believeu in You anu to You I tuin in iepentance. Foi Youi sake I
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uispute anu by Youi stanuaiu I juuge. Foigive me what I have sent
befoie me anu what I have left behinu me, what I have concealeu
anu what I have ueclaieu. You aie my uou, theie is none who has
the iight to be woishippeu but You." (Bukbori)

loo 'iloobo 'illoo 'Anto subboonoko 'innee kuntu minoJb-Jboolimeen.

"Theie is none woithy of woiship but You, gloiy is to You. Suiely, I
was among the wionguoeis." (TirmiJbi S,29S)

- 9 -

Alloobummo 'innee 'obJuko. ibnu 'obJiko. ibnu 'omotiko. noosivotee
bivoJiko. mooJbin fivvo bukmuko. 'oJlun fivvo qoJboo'uko. 'os'oluko
bikulli ismin buwo loko. sommovto bibi nofsoko. 'ow 'onzoltobu fee
kitoobiko. 'ow 'ollomtobu 'oboJon min kbolqiko. 'owisto'tborto bibi
fee 'ilmil-qbovbi 'inJoko. 'on toi'olol-0ur'oono robee'o qolbee. wo
nooro soJree. wo ioloo'o buznee. wo tboboobo bommee.%
"0 Allah, I am Youi slave anu the son of Youi male slave anu the son
of youi female slave. Ny foieheau is in Youi Banu (i.e. you have
contiol ovei me). Youi Iuugment upon me is assuieu anu Youi
Beciee conceining me is just. I ask You by eveiy Name that You
have nameu Youiself with, ievealeu in Youi Book, taught any one of
Youi cieation oi kept unto Youiself in the knowleuge of the unseen
that is with You, to make the 0ui'an the spiing of my heait, anu the
light of my chest, the banishei of my sauness anu the ielievei of my
uistiess." (AbmoJ 1,S91)

- 1u -

Alloobummo 'innee Jbolomtu nofsee Jbulmon kotbeeron. wo loo
voqbfirutb-tbunoobo 'illoo 'Anto. foqbfir lee moqbfiroton min 'inJiko
worbomnee 'innoko 'Antol-6bofoorur-Robeem.

"0 Allah, I have gieatly wiongeu myself anu no one foigives sins but
You. So, giant me foigiveness anu have meicy on me. Suiely, you
aie Foigiving, Neiciful." (Bukbori 1,S02)

Alloobummo loko oslomtu. wo biko oomontu. wo oloiko towokkoltu.
wo iloiko onobtu. wo biko kbosomtu. Alloobummo innee o'uJbu bi
izzotiko. loo ilobo illo Anto on tuJilloni. Antol Eovvul loJbi loo
vomootu. wol iinnu wolinsu vomootoono.

"0 Allah! I became obeuient foi You anu believeu in You, ieposeu
Faith in You, tuineu to You anu fought by You. I seek iefuge with
Youi honoi, lest You might not leau me. Theie is no tiue gou othei
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than You. You aie the Evei-Alive. You nevei uie while the jinn anu
the human beings uie." (Bukbori 7,167. Huslim 4,2086)

Allbummoqbfir lee Kboteeotee Wo Ioblee Wo lsrofee Iee Amree Wo
Ho Anto A 'lomu Bibi min-nee. Allbummoqbfir lee Eozlee Wo IiJJee
W!"#$!%!&&"'!"()*+&&"'!"#,--," Jboliko 'lnJee.

"0 Allah ! Foigive me my mistakes anu my ignoiance anu my
extiavagance ! foi You know them bettei than I ! 0 Allah ! Foigive me
my seiious mistakes anu those maue in jest ! my ! unintentional ! anu
my intentional mistakes anu all of these aie in me ! " (Bukbori

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Allobumm-oslib li JinivolloJbi buwo ismotu omri. wo oslib li
Junvovo-lloti fibo mo'osbi. wo oslib li okbiroti-lloti fibo mooJi.
woiolil-bovoto zivoJoton li fi kulli kboirin. woiolil-mouto roboton li
min kulli sborrin.

"0 Allah! Set iight my faith which is the safeguaiu of my affaiis. Anu
set iight foi me my woiluly affaiis wheiein is my living. Anu set
iight foi me my Beieaftei on which uepenus my aftei-life. Anu
make my life foi me (a souice) of abunuance foi eveiy goou anu
make my ueath a souice of comfoit foi me piotecting me against
eveiy evil." (Huslim 4,2087)

Alloobummo inni os'olukol-buJo. wot-tuqo. wol-ofofo. wol-qbino.

"0 Allah, I ask You foi guiuance, piety, abstinence (fiom the
unlawful) anu mouesty, anu contentment anu sufficiency." (Huslim
- 1S -

Alloobummo-bJini wo soJJiJni. Alloobummo inni os'oluk-olbuJo

"0 Allah! Biiect me to the Right Path anu make me auheie to the
Stiaight Path. 0 Allah! I beg You foi guiuance anu upiightness."
(Huslim 4,2090)

loo 'iloobo 'illolloobul-'AJbeemul-Eoleem. loo 'iloobo 'illolloobu
Robbul-'Arsbil-'AJbeem. loo 'iloobo 'illolloobu Robbus-somoowooti.
wo Robbul-'orJbi. wo Robbul-'Arsbil-Koreem.
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"Theie is none woithy of woiship but Allah the Nighty, the
Foibeaiing. Theie is none woithy of woiship but Allah, Loiu of the
Nagnificent Thione. Theie is none woithy of woiship but Allah,
Loiu of the heavens anu Loiu of the eaith, anu Loiu of the Noble
Thione." (Huslim 4,2092)

Alloobummo robmotoko 'orioo foloo tokilnee 'iloo nofsee torfoto
'ovnin. wo 'oslib lee sbo'nee kullobu. loo'iloobo 'illoo 'Anto.

"0 Allah, I hope foi Youi Neicy. Bo not leave me to myself even foi
the blinking of an eye. Coiiect all of my affaiis foi me. Theie is none
woithy of woiship but You." (Abu BowuJ 4,S24. AbmoJ S,42)

- 1S -

Allobummo Husorrif ol-0ulubi Sorrif 0ulubono olo Tootiko.

"0 Allah, Tuinei of the heaits, uiiect oui heaits to Youi obeuience."
(Huslim 4,204S)

Yo Huqollibol-0ulub. tbobbit qolbi olo Jeeniko.

"0 Changei of the heait, keep my heait fiim on youi ieligion."
(TirmiJbi S,2S8. AbmoJ 4,182)

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Alloobummo innee osoluk-oloofivoto fiJ-Junvoo wolookbiroti.

"0 Allah, I seek Youi piotection in this woilu anu the next."
(TirmiJbi S,SS4)

Alloobummo obsin ! oqibotono filumri kullibo ! wo oiirno min kbizviJ -
Junvo wo ! oJbbil okbirob !

"0 Allah !"#$%&"'()"*$+,"-$.+"/&,,&) in all aspects anu spaie us fiom
humiliation in this woilu anu punishment in the Beieaftei ! " (AbmoJ

- 17 -

Robbi oinni wo loo tuin olovvo. wonsurni wo loo tonsur olovvo.
womkur li woloo tomkur olovvo. wobJini wo vossir ol-buJo ilovvo.
wonsurni olo mon boqbo olovvo. robbiiolni loko sbokkooron. loko
Jbokkooron. loko robboobon. loko mitwooon. ilovko mukbbiton.
owwoobon muneebon. robbi toqobbol towboti. woqbsil bowboti. wo
oiib Jowoti. wotbobbit buiioti. wobJi qolbi. wosoJJiJ lisooni. woslul
sokbeemoto qolbi.
"0 my Loiu, help me anu uo not help (otheis) against me: suppoit
me anu uo not suppoit (otheis) against me: plan foi me anu uo not
plan against me: guiue me anu facilitate guiuance foi me, anu
suppoit me against anyone who oppiesses me. 0 Allah, make me
always thank You, iemembei You, feai You, obey You, submit to
You, invoke You humbly, anu iepent to You. 0 Allah, accept my
iepentance, wash my faults, answei my supplication, stiengthen my
case, guiue my heait, giant my tongue success anu iemove the
uaikness fiom my heait." (Abu BowuJ 2,8S. TirmiJbi S,SS4. lbn
Hoiob 2,12S9)

- 18 -

Alloobummo inn nosoluko min kbovri mo sooloko minbu nobivvuko
HubommoJun sollollbu olovbi wosollom. wo nooJbu biko min
sborri mostooJboko minbu nobivvuko HubommoJun sollollbu
olovbi wosollom. wo ontol mustoonu wo olovkol boloqbu woloo
bowlo woloo quwwoto ill billob.

"0 Allah! We seek all what is goou, what has been askeu foi by Youi
Piophet Nuhammau We seek Youi iefuge fiom all what is evil,
fiom what has Youi iefuge been sought foi by Youi Piophet
Nuhammau . You aie the only helpei who is askeu foi help anu it
is foi You to accomplish oui piayeis. Theie is no stiength oi powei
except with Allah." (TirmiJbi S,SS7. lbn Hoiob 2,1264)

- 19 -

Alloobummo innoko 'ofuwwun koreemun tubibbul 'ofwo fo'fu 'onnee.

"0 Allah, inueeu you aie the Paiuonei, the Nost ueneious, anu you
love to paiuon, so paiuon me." (TirmiJbi S,SS4)

"0 Allah, I beg of You (powei) to uo goou ueeus, anu abanuon
abominable ueeus, to love the pooi, that You foigive me anu show
meicy to me anu when You intenu to put people to tiial You cause
me to uie unblemisheu anu I beg of You Youi love anu the love of
one who loves You anu the love foi the ueeu which biings me neai
to Youi love." (AbmoJ S,24S. TirmiJbi S,S69)

- 2u -

Alloobummo inni os-oluko minol-kboiri kullibi ooiilibi wo ooiilibi
moo olimtu minbu wo moo lom oolom. wo ouJbu biko minosb-
sborri kullibi ooiilibi wo ooiilibi moo olimtu minbu wo moo lom
oolom. Alloobummo inni os-oluko min kboiri moo so-oloko minbu
obJuko wo nobivvuko. wo ouJbu biko min sborri [mos-toooJbo
biko] [minbu] obJuko wo nobivvuko. Alloobummo inni os-olukol-
ionnoto wo moo qorrobo iloibo min qowlin ow omolin. wo ouJbu
biko minon-noori wo moo qorrobo iloibo min qowlin ow omolin. wo
os-oluko on toiolo kullo qoJooin qoJoitobu lee kboiron.

"0 Allah! I ask You of all the goou that will occui at once anu what
will occui latei (anu the goou) that I know anu that I uo not know.
Anu I seek iefuge with You fiom all the evil that will come at once
anu that which will come latei, (anu the evil) that I know anu that I
uo not know. 0 Allah, I ask You of the goou that Youi slave anu
Piophet askeu, anu I seek iefuge with You fiom the evil that Youi
slave anu Piophet has sought iefuge with You fiom. 0 Allah! I ask
You foi Paiauise anu what biings me close to it fiom speech oi
- 21 -
ueeus anu I seek iefuge with You fiom the Fiie anu what biings me
close to it fiom speech oi ueeus anu I ask You to make all that You
have uecieeu foi me to be all goou." (lbn Hoiob 2,1264. AbmoJ

"0 Allah! Piotect my Islam while (I am) stanuing, anu piotect my
Islam while (I am) sitting, anu piotect my Islam while (I am) lying
uown: anu uon't allow the enemy anu enviei to iejoice ovei my
giief: 0 Allah! I ask You foi all that which is goou that lies in Youi
Banus, anu I seek iefuge with You fiom all that which is bau that
lies in Youi Banus." (Al-Eokim 1,S2S)

- 22 -

Alloobummoqsim lono min kbosbvotiko moo toblu bibi boinono wo
boino moo ! osiko ! wo min to ! otiko moo tubolliqbuno bibi ionnotoko !
wo minol - voqini moo tubowwinu bibi ! oloino moso ! iboJ - Junvo ! wo
motti ! no ! Alloobummo bi osmo ! ino ! wo obsorino ! wo quwwotino !
oboJon moo obvoitono ! woi ! olbul woritbo minno ! woi ! ol tbo ! rono ! olo
mon zolomono ! wonsurno ! olo mon ! oJono wo lo toi ! ol musibotono fi
Jinino wo loo toi ! oliJ Junvo okboro bommino wo loo mobloqbo
! ilmino ! wo loo tusollit ! oloino biJbububino mon loo vokbofuko wo
loo vorbomuno.

"0 Allah ! uive us a shaie of Youi feai to pievent us fiom uisobeying
You ! of obeuience to guiue us foi the way to Youi Paiauise anu of
conviction to ielieve us of the buiuens of life ! 0 Allah ! Let us enjoy
oui heaiing ! sight anu poweis thioughout oui lifespan anu make it a
heiitage afteiwaius ! Biiect oui ievenge towaius those who weie
unjust to us anu help us against oui enemies ! Let us not suffei a
calamity conceining oui ieligion anu make us not take this woilu as
oui gieatest concein oi a goal foi oui knowleuge ! Bo not punish us
foi oui sins thiough someone who feais You not anu will have no
!"#$%&'%()* " (TirmiJbi S,S28!

- 2S -

Alloobummo inno nos ! oluko muiiboti robmotiko ! wo ! ozo 'imo
moqbfirotko. wos-soloomoto min kulli itbmin. wol-qbonimoto min
kulli birrin. wol-fowzo bilionnoti. won-noioto minon-no!"#

"0 Allah! We uo seek all causes of the giant of Youi meicy anu Youi
foigiveness. We uo seek complete safety fiom all sins anu a full
shaie in all viituous ueeus. We ask fiom you the success to Paiauise
anu ueliveiance fiom Bell." (Al-Eokim 1,S2S)

- 24 -

"0 Allah! Inciease foi me my sustenance in olu age anu at the enu of
my life." (Al-Eokim 1,S42)

Alloobummoqbfirli Jbonbi. wo wossi'li fee Joori. wo boorik lee
feemoo rozoqtoni.

"0 Allah, foigive my sins, to wiuen my house, anu bless foi me my
piovision." (AbmoJ 4,6S)

- 2S -

"0 Allah! I ask You foi Youi Favois (bounties) anu Youi Neicy, foi
inueeu, no one possesses them but You." (At-Toboroni)

Alloobummo inni osolukol-Ionnoto. wo ostoiiru biko min on-noor.

!"#$%%&'(# I ask You foi paiauise anu to save me fiom Bell ! " (TirmiJbi
4,700. lbn Hoiob 14SS!

Whoevei asks Allah foi Iannah thiee times, Iannah will say, "0 Allah,
entei him in Iannah," anu whoevei seeks piotection fiom the Fiie
thiee times, the Fiie will say, "0 Allah, save him fiom the Fiie."

- 26 -

Alloobummo foqqibni fiJ-Jin.

"0 Allah! uiant me the unueistanuing of the Religion." (Bukbori.

Alloobummo ootinoo fiJ-Junvoo bosonoton wo fil-ookbiroti
bosonoton wo qinoo otboobon-noor.

"0 Allah, giant us the goou things in this woilu anu the goou things
in the next life anu save us fiom punishment of the Fiie." (Abu
BowuJ, AbmoJ)

- 27 -

Alloobummo innee osolukol-ofwo woloofivoto fiJ-Junvoo
wolookbiroti. Alloobummo innee osolukol-ofwo woloofivoto fee
Jeenee wo Junvoovo wo oblee. wo moolee.

"0 Allah, I seek Youi foigiveness anu Youi piotection in this woilu
anu the next. 0 Allah, I seek Youi foigiveness anu Youi piotection in
my ieligion, in my woiluly affaiis, in my family anu in my wealth."
(lbn Hoiob, Abu BowuJ)

- 28 -

Alloobummoiol fee qolbee nooron. wo fee bosoree nooron. wo fee
somee nooron.

"0 Allah, giant me light in my heait, anu light in my eyes, anu light
in my heaiing." (Bukbori, Huslim)

Alloobummo innee oootbu biriJbooko min sokbotiko. wo
bimuoofootiko min uqoobotiko wo oootbu biko minko. loo ubsee
tbonooon olovko Anto komoo otbnovto oloo nofsiko.
"0 Allah, I seek piotection in Youi pleasuie fiom Youi angei, anu I
seek piotection in Youi foigiveness fiom Youi punishment. I seek
piotection in You fiom You. I cannot count Youi piaises. You aie as
You have piaiseu Youiself." (Huslim)

- 29 -

Alloobum-moqbfir lee moo qoJJomtu. wo moo 'okbkbortu. wo moo
'osrortu. wo moo 'o'lontu. wo moo 'osroftu. wo moo 'Anto 'o'lomu
bibi minnee. 'Antol-HuqoJJimu. wo 'Antol-Hu'okbkbiru loo 'iloobo
'illoo 'Anto.

"0 Allah, foigive me what I have sent befoie me anu what I have left
behinu me, what I have concealeu anu what I have uone openly,
what I have uone in excess, anu what You aie bettei awaie of than I.
You aie the 0ne Who senus foith anu You aie the 0ne Who uelays.
Theie is none woithy of woiship but You." (Huslim)

- Su -

Alloobummo 'innee 'os'oluko 'ilmon noofi'on. wo rizqon tovvibon. wo
'omolon mutoqobbolon.

"0 Allah, I ask You foi knowleuge that is of benefit, a goou piovision,
anu ueeus that will be accepteu." (lbn Hoiob)

Alloobu Alloobu Robbee loo 'usbriku bibi sbov'on.

"Allah, Allah is my Loiu. I uo not associate anything with Bim." (Abu

- S1 -

Alloobummo lnni Asoluko loJbJboto on-Nozori ilo Woibiko wosb
Sbowqo ilo liqoik.

"0 Allah, I ask You foi the uelight of gazing at Youi Countenance anu
the eageiness of meeting You." (An-Nisooi)

"0 Allah! Inciease my wealth anu (pioviue me) with moie chiluien:
anu bless me in all that You have given me (wealth, chiluien,
knowleuge, etc.): |piolong my life in obeying You, (help me) to excel
in peifoiming iighteous ueeus] anu foigive me." (Bukbori 7,1S4.
Huslim 4,1928)

- S2 -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min fitnotin-noori wo oJboobin-noori
wo fitnotil-qobri wo oJboobil qobri. wo sborri fitnotil-qbinoo. wo
sborri fitnotil-foqr. Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min sborri fitnotil-
moseebiJ-Joiiol. Alloobummoqb-sil qolbi bimooitb-tbolii wol-boroJ.
wo noqqi qolbi minol-kbotovo komoo noqqoitotb-tbowbol-obioJo
minoJ-Jonos. Wo booiJ boini wo boino kbotovovo komoo boooJto
boinol-mosbriqi wol-moqbribi. Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko minol-
kosoli wol-motbomi wol-moqbrom.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom the Fitnah (tiial oi affliction,
etc.) of the Fiie anu the punishment of the Fiie, the Fitnah of the
giave anu the punishment of the giave, anu the evil of the Fitnah of
wealth anu the evil of the Fitnah of poveity. 0 Allah! I seek iefuge
with you fiom the evil of the Fitnah of al-Nasih au-Bajjal. 0 Allah!
Cleanse my heait with snow anu hail, anu cleanse my heait fiom all
sins as a white gaiment is cleanseu fiom filth, anu let theie be a
gieat uistance between me anu my sins as You maue the East anu
West fai away fiom each othei. 0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom
laziness, sins, anu being in uebt." (Bukbori 7,161. Huslim 4,2078)

- SS -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko minol-oizi wol-kosoli. wol-iubni wol-
boromi. wol-bukbli. wo ouJbu biko min oJbobil-qobri. wo min
fitnotil-mobvo wol-momoot.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom incapacity, laziness,
cowaiuice, olu age anu miseiliness. I seek iefuge with You fiom the
punishment in the giave, anu seek iefuge with You fiom Fitnah
(tiials oi afflictions, etc.) of life anu ueath." (Bukbori 7,9S. Huslim

- S4 -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min iobJil-bolooi. wo Jorokisb-
sboqooi wo sooil-qoJooi wo sbomoototil-oJooi.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom being uestineu to an evil enu,
anu fiom being oveitaken by wietecheuness in the Beieaftei, anu
fiom a bau uestiny, anu fiom the malicious joys of enemies."
(Bukbori 7,1SS. Huslim 4,2080)

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko minol-oizi wol-kosoli. wol-iubni. wol-
bukbli wol-boromi. wo oJbobil-qobr. Alloobummo ooti nofsi
toqwoobo. wo zokkibo Anto kboiru mon zokkoobo. Anto Wolivvubo
wo Houloobo. Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min ilmin loo vonfou.
- SS -
wo min qolbin loo vokbsbou. wo min nofsin loo tosbbou. wo min
Jowotin loo vustoioobu loboo.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge in You fiom the inability (to uo goou),
inuolence (laziness), cowaiuice, miseiliness, ueciepituue (olu age)
anu toiment of the giave. 0 Allah! uiant me the sense of piety anu
puiify my soul as You aie the Best to puiify it. You aie its uuaiuian
anu its Piotecting Fiienu. 0 Allah! I seek iefuge in You fiom
knowleuge which is not beneficial, anu fiom a heait which uoes not
feai (You), anu fiom uesiie which is not satisfieu, anu fiom piayei
which is not gianteu." (Huslim 4,2088)

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min zowooli nimotiko. wo tobowwuli
oofivotiko. wo fuiooti niqmotiko. wo iomeei sokbotiko.
"0 Allah! I seek iefuge in You against the ueclining of Youi Favois,
changing of Youi Piotection (secuiity, well-being, etc.), the
suuuenness of Youi punishment anu all that uispleases You."
(Huslim 4,2097)

- S6 -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min sborri moo omiltu. wo min sborri
moo lom omol.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom the evil of that which I have
uone anu the evil of that which I have not uone." (Huslim 4,208S)

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min sborri somi. wo min sborri bosori.
wo min sborri lisooni. wo min sborri qolbi. wo min sborri monivvi.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom the evil of my heaiing, the evil
of my seeing, the evil of my tongue: the evil of my heait anu the evil
of passions." (Abu BowuJ 2,92. TirmiJbi S,S2S. An-Nisooi 8,271)

- S7 -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min ol-borosi. wol-iunooni. wol-
iuJboomi. wo min sovviil-osqoomi.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom leucoueima, insanity, lepiosy
anu evil uiseases." (Abu BowuJ 2,9S. An-Nisooi 8,271. AbmoJ S,12)

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min munkorootil-okblooqi. wol-
omooli. wol-obwooi.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom unuesiiable manneis, ueeus,
anu aspiiations." (TirmiJbi S,S7S)
- S8 -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko minol-iubni. wo ouJbu biko minol-
bukbli. wo ouJbu biko min on uroJJo iloo orJbolil-umuri. wo ouJbu
biko min fitnotiJ-Junivo wo oJboobil-qobr.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom cowaiuice: anu I seek iefuge
with You fiom miseiliness: anu I seek iefuge with You fiom being
sent back to a senile olu age: anu I seek iefuge with You fiom the
Fitnah (tiial anu affliction) of this woilu: anu I seek iefuge with You
fiom the punishment of the giave." (Bukbori 11,181)

- S9 -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko minol-boromi. wot-toroJJi. wol-boJmi.
wol-qbommi. wol-qboroqi. wol-boroqi. wo ouJbu biko on
votokbobbotonivosb-sbovtonu einJol-mowti. wo ouJbu biko on
omooto fee sobeeliko muJbiron. wo ouJbu biko on omooto loJeeqbo.

"0 Allah, I seek iefuge with You fiom olu age, being knockeu uown,
being uemolisheu, being uistiesseu, being uiowneu oi buineu. Anu I
seek iefuge with You fiom being beaten by Shaytan at the time of
ueath. I seek iefuge with You fiom uying in Youi Cause while
tuining my back to the enemy, anu I seek iefuge with You fiom
uying by being bitten oi stung." (An-Nisooi. Abu BowuJ 2,92)

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko minol-iui. fo-innobu bisoJ-Joiiu; wo
ouJbu biko minol-kbivonoti. fo-innobo bisotil-bitoonob.
- 4u -
"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom hungei: suiely, it is the woist
companion. Anu I seek iefuge with You fiom tieacheiy: suiely, it is
a bau innei tiait." (Abu BowuJ 2,91. An-Nisooi 8,26S)

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko minol-oizi. wol-kosoli. wol-iubni. wol-
bukbli. wol-boromi. wol-qoswoti. wol-qbofloti. wol-oiloti. woJb-
Jbilloti. wol-moskonoti. Wo ouJbu biko minol-foqri. wol-kufri. wol-
fosooqi. wosb-sbiqooqi. won-nifooqi. wos-sumoti. wor-rivooi. Wo
ouJbu biko minos-sommomi. wol-bokomi. wol-iunooni. wol-
iuJboomi. wol-borosi. wo sovviil-osqoom.

"0 Allah, I seek iefuge with You fiom incapacity, anu fiom laziness,
fiom cowaiuice, anu fiom miseiliness, ueciepituue (olu age), fiom
haishness (having a haiueneu heait), fiom heeulessness, injustice,
humility (being humiliateu), fiom miseiy anu I seek iefuge with You
fiom poveity, uisbelief, uisobeuience, uissension, hypociisy, fiom
seeking ieputation anu showing off, anu I seek iefuge with You fiom
ueafness, uumbness, fiom insanity, lepiosy, leucoueima anu evil
uiseases." (Al-Eokim. Al-Boiboqi)
- 41 -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko minol-foqri. wol-fooqoti. wol-qilloti.
woJb-Jbilloti; wo ouJbu biko min on oJblimo ow uJb-lom.

"0 Allah, I seek iefuge with You fiom poveity, paucity (littleness),
fiom being humiliateu, anu I seek iefuge with You fiom oppiessing
(otheis) oi to be oppiesseu." (An-Nisooi S,1111. Abu BowuJ 2,91)

- 42 -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min iooris-sooi fee Jooril-muqoomob.
Io inno ioorol-booJivoti votobowwol.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom an evil neighboi in the living
aboue: veiily, the neighboi of the ueseit changes." (Al-Eokim 1,SS2)

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min qolbin loo vokbsbo. wo min Juoo-
in loo vusmo. wo min-nofsin loo tosbbo. wo min ilmin loo vonfo.
ouJbu biko min boo-olooil-orbo.

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom a heait which uoes not have
humility (Khushoo) befoie You, anu fiom a supplication that is not
iesponueu to (by You), anu fiom a self that uoesn't get satisfieu, anu
fiom a knowleuge that uoes not benefit, I seek iefuge with You fiom
these foui." (TirmiJbi S,S19. Abu BowuJ 2,92)

- 4S -

Alloobummo inni ouJbu biko min vowmis-sooi wo min loilotis-sooi
wo min soootis-sooi wo min soobibis-sooi wo min iooris-sooi fee

"0 Allah! I seek iefuge with You fiom an evil uay, fiom an evil night,
fiom an evil houi, fiom an evil companion anu fiom an evil
neighboi in the home of uuiation (of this life)." (At-Toboroni)

- 44 -

Alloobummo 'innee 'o'ootbu biko minol-bommi wolbozoni. wol'oizi
wolkosoli. wolbukbli woliubni. wo Jbolo'iJ-Jovni wo qbolobotir-

"0 Allah, I seek iefuge in you fiom giief anu sauness, fiom weakness
anu fiom laziness, fiom miseiliness anu fiom cowaiuice, fiom being
oveicome by uebt anu oveipoweieu by men (i.e. otheis)." (Bukbori)

- 4S -

Al Huda Sisters are a group of dedicated Muslim
women committed to providing authentic, insightful,
and enlightening Islamic education for the Muslim
and non-Muslim women and girls of our community.

We are a non-profit organization with members from
various backgrounds and cultures coming together
under the banner of (Laa ilaaha illallaah).

To many of us, Al Huda has become our second home:
a place where we not only bond with our sisters for
the sake of Allah, but also nourish our hearts and
souls in the hope of coming closer to our Lord.
Email Address: alhuda.sisters@gmail.com | Website: www.alhudasisters.com

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