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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 4th Edition

abide v (LIVE)
abode n
abrasive n
accommodate v (FIND A PLACE FOR)
accommodation n
address n (HOME DETAILS)
adhere v
adherent adj
adhesion n
adhesive n
adhesive adj
adjust v (MAKE CHANGES)
adze n
aid n
air v (DRY)
airing n (DRYING)
Allen key n
anatomy n
anvil n (EQUIPMENT)
anyhow adv (WITHOUT CARE)
aseptic adj
assembly n (JOINING)
asylum seeker n
auger n
awning n
axe n
back saw n
bar n (LONG PIECE)
barb n (POINT)
barbecue n
barrette n
bath towel n
bedclothes n
bedding n
bed linen n
bedraggled adj
bedspread n
beeswax n
bell pull n
besmeared adj
bespattered adj
bevel n
billet v, at billet n
billhook n
bimetallic strip n
biological adj
bit n (TOOL)
blacken v (MAKE DARK)
blade n (FLAT PART)
blanket n
blast furnace n
bleach n
bloodstain n
bloodstained adj
bloody v
blot n
blot v (SPOIL)
blotch n
blowlamp n
blowtorch n
Blu-Tack n
board n (MEALS)
board v (STAY)
board and lodging n

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bobby pin n
bodkin n
boil v (HEAT LIQUID)
boil n (HEAT)
boiler n
bolster n
bolt n (SCREW)
bolt-hole n
bond n (JOIN)
bond v (JOIN)
box spanner n
bradawl n
brain drain n
branding iron n
brazier n
broom n (BRUSH)
broomstick n
brush n (TOOL)
brush v (TOUCH)
brush v (CLEAN)
buff v
bulldog clip n
bum n (PERSON)
bungee (cord) n
bunker n (SHELTER)
burner n
burnish v
business end n
bus shelter n
cable n (WIRE)
carcass n
carpet sweeper n
catgut n
cement n (GLUE)
centerpiece n
central heating n
centrepiece n (DECORATION)
chain n (RINGS)
chainsaw n
chambermaid n
chamois n (LEATHER)
char v (CLEAN)
char n
charlady n
charwoman n
chimney sweep n
chisel n
chock n
cigarette lighter n
city slicker n
clag n
clamp n
clasp n
clasp knife n
clean adj (NOT DIRTY)
clean v
clean n
cleaner n
cleaning n
cleanliness n
cleanness n
cleanse v
cleanser n
cleansing adj

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clean-up n
clear-out n
clip n (FASTENER)
clip-on adj
clipped adj (TIDY)
cloth n
clothes brush n
clothes hanger n
clothes horse n (FRAME)
clothesline n
clothes peg n
clutter n
clutter v
coat hanger n
cohabitant n
comforter n
conditioner n
construction n (BUILDING)
contaminant n
contaminate v
continental quilt n
convector n
cord n (ROPE/WIRE)
cottager n
counterpane n
cover n (PROTECTION)
coverlet n
covert n
cream n
creamer n
crib n (HOME)
crowbar n
crud n
cruet n
cutters n
daggy adj, at dag n
daily n
daub n
decontaminate v
defile v
delouse v
denizen n
detergent n
device n (OBJECT)
diaspora n
the Diaspora n
digger n
dip n (LIQUID)
dirt n (NOT CLEAN)
dirtiness n
dirty adj (NOT CLEAN)
dirty v
disarrange v
disarray n
disaster area n
dishevelled adj
dish soap n
dishwasher n
disinfect v
disinfectant n
disorder n (CONFUSION)
disorderly adj (CONFUSED)
doily n
domestically adv, at domestic adj (COUNTRY)

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domestic adj (HOME)

domestic n
domesticated adj
domesticity n
domicile n
domiciled adj
doona n
doorstep v
door-to-door adj
drawing pin n
drawstring n
drill n (TOOL)
drip-dry v
dry-clean v
dry-cleaner's n
dubbin n
dugout n (SHELTER)
dust n
dust v (CLEAN)
duster n
dusting n (CLEANING)
dustpan n
dusty adj
duvet n
duvet cover n
dwell v
dwelling n
easel n
economic migrant n
edge n (BLADE)
eiderdown n
electric heater n
emigrant n
emigrate v
émigré n
epoxy v
epoxy resin n
-er suffix (FROM A PLACE)
excavator n
exist v (LIVE)
exodus n
extension lead n
facecloth n
fallout shelter n
fan heater n
fastness n (SAFE PLACE)
feather duster n
fetters n
file n (TOOL)
filth n (DIRT)
filthiness n
filthy adj (DIRTY)
finish v (WOOD)
finish n (WOOD)
fire n (FLAMES)
fixative n
flail n
flannel n (PIECE OF CLOTH)
fleck n
flex n
flint n
floor cloth n
foul v (MAKE DIRTY)
foxhole n
frame n (BORDER)

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frame n (STRUCTURE)
framework n
French polish n
fresh adj (CLEAN)
freshen v (AIR)
frontiersman n
front-loader n
full board n
fumigate v
fumigator n
furnace n
gadget n
gantry n
gas fire n
gavel n
germicide n
geyser n
gimlet n (TOOL)
gloop n
glue n
glue v
gluey adj
glutinous adj
going-over n
goo n
gooey adj
goop n
grapnel n
grappling iron/hook n
grime n
grimy adj
grindstone n
groom v (CLEAN)
groomed adj
grubby adj
grungy adj
guest worker n
guillotine n (DEVICE)
gum v
gummed adj
gun n
gunge n
gut n (BOWELS)
guttersnipe n
guy n (ROPE)
habitable adj
habitation n
hacksaw n
hairgrip n
hairpin n
hair slide n
half board n
halter n (ROPE)
hammer n (TOOL)
hanger n
hangout n
hardware n (TOOLS)
harem n
harness n
hatchet n
haven n
hawser n
head n (TOP PART)
hearth n
heater n

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hideaway n
hideout n
hidey-hole n
hiding place n
higgledy-piggledy adj, adv
home n (ORIGIN)
home adj (DONE/USED AT HOME)
home base n (PLACE)
the home front n
home help n
honeycomb n
hook n (DEVICE)
Hoover n
hose v
hot-air gun n
house v
housekeeper n
house-sit v
housework n
illegal immigrant n
immaculate adj
immersion (heater) n
immigrant n
immigration n
implement n
impurity n (MIXED)
incinerator n
infrastructure n
ingrained adj (DIRT)
inhabit v
inhabitable adj
inhabitant n
in-home adj
inhospitable adj (PLACE)
inky adj
in-residence adj
insalubrious adj
insanitary adj
institutionalize v (PLACE)
instrument n (TOOL)
iron n (FOR CLOTHES)
ironing n
ironing board n
islander n
jackhammer n
Jaws of Life n
J-cloth n
jemmy n
Jeye cloth n
jig n (TOOL)
jigsaw n (TOOL)
jimmy n, v
jumble n (MIXTURE)
jungle n (UNTIDY PLACE)
kiln n
kitchen paper n
kitchen roll n
knife n
lair n
landline n
lanyard n
lasso n
lathe n
launder v (CLOTHES)

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launderette n
Laundromat n
laundry n
layette n
lead n (FOR ANIMAL)
leash n
lifeline n
lighter n
line n (SUPPORT)
linen n
live-in adj (WORK)
local n (PERSON)
lodge v (STAY)
lodger n
lodging n
machine tool n
mallet n
manacles n
mangle n
mangy adj (OLD/DIRTY)
manicured adj (TIDY)
manky adj
mat n (TABLE)
match n (STICK)
matchbox n
matchstick n
matrix n (SUBSTANCE)
mess v
messy adj (DIRTY/UNTIDY)
migrant n
migrate v (TRAVEL/MOVE)
millstone n
modified American plan n
monkey wrench n
mop n
mop v
moving n
moving van n
muck n
mucky adj
muddle n
muddled adj (THINGS)
muddy adj (DIRTY)
muddy v
muss v
nail n (METAL)
napkin n
napkin ring n
neat adj (TIDY)
neaten v
neatly adv (TIDY)
neatness n
needle n (SEWING TOOL)
needle n (POINTER)
nest n (HOME)
non-bio adj
non-resident n
nook n
noose n

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occupancy n
occupant n
occupier n (LIVING)
occupier n (CONTROLLING)
once-over n (CLEANING)
ordered adj
orderly adj
outflow n
overspill n
pad n (HOUSE)
paper clip n
paper knife n
paper towel n
paring knife n
paste v (STICK)
peg n (HOOK)
penknife n
pepper pot n
peroxide n
pet-sit v
photo frame n
pick n (TOOL)
pickaxe n
picture frame n
pillow n
pillowcase n
pinhead n (OF PIN)
place n (AREA)
plane n (TOOL)
plaster v
pliers n
plug n (FOR HOLE)
plunger n
pneumatic drill n
pocketknife n
polish v
polish n (CLEANING)
polished adj (CLEAN)
pollutant n
pollute v
polluter n
pollution n
pooper-scooper n
populate v
post v (PLACE)
power tool n
precision instrument n
premises n
press v (PUSH)
pressure washer n
prong n
pulley n
punch n (TOOL)
pure adj (NOT MIXED)
purification n (NOT MIXED)
purifier n
purify v (NOT MIXED)
purity n (NOT MIXED)
pushpin n
putty n
quarter v (SOLDIER)
quilt n

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rack n (FRAME)
radiator n
rag n (CLOTH)
ragged adj
ragtag adj
rasp n (TOOL)
razor knife n
reamer n
recess n (SPACE)
refuge n
rehouse v
rein n
relocate v
resettle v
reside v
residence n
residency n
resident n (HOME)
resident adj
residential adj
retreat n (POSITION)
rinse v (CLEAN)
rinse n
rivet n
room v
room and board n
roomer n
rope n
rosin n
rumpled adj, at rumple v
rush n (HURRY)
-'s suffix
safe haven n
safe house n
safety match n
safety pin n
salt cellar n
salubrious adj
sanctuary n
sandblast v
sander n
sandpaper n
sanitize v (CLEAN)
saw n
scald v
scissor adj
scissors n
scour v (CLEAN)
scraggly adj
scraper n
scrappy adj (NOT ORGANIZED)
screw n (METAL OBJECT)
screw n (TURN)
screwdriver n
scrub v (CLEAN)
scrub n (CLEAN)
scrubbing brush n
scruff n (PERSON)
scruffy adj
seat v
self-catering adj
serviette n
settle v (LIVE)
settled adj (HOME)
settler n
shackles n

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shaft n (POLE)
shaggy adj
shambles n
shampoo n
shampoo v
sharpener n
shears n
sheet n
shell n (COVERING)
shelter n
sheltered accommodation n
shine v (LIGHT)
shipshape adj
shovel n
shower gel n
size n (GLUE)
skanky adj
skeleton n
skipping rope n
sledgehammer n
sleep v
sleeping bag n
slicker n
slide n (HAIR)
slime n
slimy adj
slob n
slovenly adj
slut n (LAZY WOMAN)
smear n (SPREAD)
smelter n
smudge n
soap n
soap flakes n
soapy adj
socket set n
soil v
soiled adj
sordid adj (DIRTY)
spanner n
speck n
speckle n
spin-dryer n
spirit n (ALCOHOL)
spiritual home n
splodge n
sponge n (SUBSTANCE)
sponge v (CLEAN)
spot n (CIRCLE)
spotless adj (CLEAN)
spotlessly adv, at spotless adj (GOOD)
spring-clean v
squalid adj (DIRTY)
squalor n, at squalid adj (IMMORAL)
squat v (LIVE)
squatter n
squeaky-clean adj
squeegee n
squeegee mop n
stain v (MARK)
stain n (MARK)
-stained suffix
stand n (FRAME)
Stanley knife n
staple n (WIRE)
starch n (CLOTH)

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starch v
stay v (LIVE)
steam iron n
steel wool n
sterile adj (CLEAN)
sterilization n (CLEANING)
sterilizing adj
stick v (FIX)
stickiness n (SUBSTANCE)
stick-on adj
sticky adj (NOT DRY/SMOOTH)
storage heater n
stove n
straggly adj
straight adj (TIDY)
straighten v (TIDY)
streak n (MARK)
streaky adj
string n (ROPE)
stringy adj
structural adj (ARRANGEMENT)
structurally adv, at structural adj (BUILDING)
structure n (ARRANGEMENT)
substructure n
suburbanite n
suction cup n
sully v
superglue n
swab v (WASH)
sweep v (CLEAN)
sweep n (CLEAN)
sweeper n (CLEANING)
swill v (MOVE LIQUID)
swill n (LIQUID)
tablecloth n
table linen n
table mat n
tacky adj (STICKY)
tangled adj, at tangle v
tarnish v (METAL)
tenancy n
tenon saw n
tether n
thermostat n
thread n (SCREW)
thumbtack n
tidemark n
tidy adj (ORDERED)
tidy v
tiepin n
tissue n (PAPER)
toilet brush n
toilet soap n
tongs n
tool n (EQUIPMENT)
toolbox n
toolkit n
tooth n (POINT)
torch n
tousled adj
towel n
towelette n
townie n
townspeople n
tow rope n

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transfer v
transient n
treacly adj (STICKY)
trim adj (TIDY)
trimmer n
troglodyte n
trouser press n
trowel n
tumble dryer n
tuning peg n
tweezers n
twine n
unclean adj
uninhabitable adj
unkempt adj
unmade adj
unmarked adj
unruly adj
unsanitary adj
untidy adj
untreated adj
unwashed adj
utensil n
vac v
vacuum n (CLEANER)
vacuum v
vacuum cleaner n
valance n
valet n
valet v
valet service n
vane n
ventilate v (PROVIDE AIR)
vice n (TOOL)
village n
villager n
vise n
wash v (CLEAN)
wash n (CLEANING)
washcloth n
washer n (MACHINE)
washer-dryer n
washing n
washing machine n
washing powder/liquid n
washing-up n
washing-up liquid n
wedge n (SHAPE)
Welcome Wagon n
well kept adj (TIDY)
whetstone n
willy-nilly adv
wing nut n
winter v
wipe v
wipe n
wire brush n
wireless adj
wire wool n
women's refuge n
wrench n (TOOL)
X-acto knife n
adz, at adze n
any old how, at anyhow adv (WITHOUT CARE)
sunshade, at awning n

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ax, at axe n
barbie, at barbecue n
blowlamp, at blowtorch n
carcase, at carcass n
centerpiece, at centrepiece n (DECORATION)
chamois leather, at chamois n (LEATHER)
charlady, at charwoman n
cohabitee, at cohabitant n
duvet, at comforter n
disheveled, at dishevelled adj
domestic help, at domestic n
dustcloth, at duster n
continental quilt, at duvet n
emigré, at émigré n
steam shovel, at excavator n
washcloth, at facecloth n
cord, at flex n
freshen up, at freshen v (AIR)
grappling iron, at grapnel n
gummy, at gummed adj
gunk, at gunge n
guy rope, at guy n (ROPE)
inhabitable, at habitable adj
bobby pin, at hairgrip n
clothes hanger, at hanger n
institutionalise, at institutionalize v (PLACE)
jimmy, at jemmy n
laundrette, at launderette n
leash, at lead n (FOR ANIMAL)
flex, at lead n (ELECTRICAL)
roomer, at lodger n
wringer, at mangle n
mess up, at mess v
remover, at mover n (MOVE POSSESSIONS)
serviette, at napkin n
well ordered, at ordered adj
pocketknife, at penknife n
pickax, at pickaxe n
pillowslip, at pillowcase n
sanding machine, at sander n
sanitise, at sanitize v (CLEAN)
scour out, at scour v (CLEAN)
wrench, at spanner n
splotch, at splodge n
sponge down, at sponge v (CLEAN)
sterilisation, at sterilization n (CLEANING)
sterilizing, at sterilizing adj
city slicker, at townie n
townsfolk, at townspeople n
tweezer, at tweezers n
insanitary, at unsanitary adj
hoover, at vacuum v
vise, at vice n (TOOL)
the wash, at washing n
make the bed
the dry
dry the dishes
city, town, cave, etc. dweller
the fabric of sth
filthy dirty
the fold
unfit for human habitation
an island of peace, calm, sanity, etc.

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a light
live in, at, etc.
be/become mired (down) in sth
move house
two-pronged, three-pronged, etc.
(furniture) remover
in residence
find/take shelter
slum it
just/exactly so
a son of somewhere
spick and span
spick and span
stay overnight
the town
wash well
the wash
be in apple-pie order idiom
look like something the cat brought/dragged in idiom
(as) clean as a (new) pin idiom
a dog's breakfast idiom
down sb's way idiom
an Englishman's home is his castle idiom
home from home idiom
a lick and a promise idiom
live in sin idiom
greener pastures idiom
all over the place idiom
a place for everything and everything in its place idiom
the polluter pays principle idiom
a roof over your head idiom
put down roots idiom
spit and polish idiom
up sticks idiom
(as) clean as a whistle, at (as) clean as a (new) pin idiom
home away from home, at home from home idiom
pastures new, at greener pastures idiom
pull up stakes, at up sticks idiom

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