Timekeeping Workflow

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Timekeeping Workflow

Files you will need to reference

 Peer Tutor Timecards

o To view each tutors’ activities and UC Flex screenshot
 Timekeeping Log
o To note whether there are mistakes with a tutor’s timekeeping
 TracCloud report (should be emailed on Friday at 5pm)
o To compare tutoring appointment records to timecards
 SASS report
o To compare tutoring appointment records to timecards
 UC Flex Correction Form
o To check when a timecard has highlighted cells
 Tutor Prep Time Tracker
o To check if a timecard notes prep time in a description

1. Open the TracCloud and SASS reports.

2. Open Peer Tutor Timecards and Timekeeping Log in OneDrive.

a. Timekeeping Log: This is where you will keep records of completed timekeeping
and mistakes broken down by tutor. Each tab represents a different week. You
will notice columns A through M are for filling in information. Below is a
breakdown of each column:
Columns A and B
- Last name and first name of each tutor
Column C – TracCloud Report (Y/N)
- Type Y or N based on whether each tutor appears on the TracCloud report (did they
have tutoring appointments this week)
Column D – SASS Report (Y/N)
- Type Y or N based on whether each tutor appears on the SASS report (did they have
SASS appointments this week)
Column E – Timekeeping Complete (Y/N)
The Timekeeping Complete column will help you keep track of which tutors have complete and
correct timekeeping and which tutors have mistakes and will require follow-up to correct their
3. Mark this column as Y if a tutor’s timekeeping is complete and correct and N if it is not.
Here is what you will need to check for each tutor to answer this question:
a. Is their OneDrive timecard filled out?
i. If they did not have tutoring appointments and did not work, make sure
they still included a screenshot
b. Is there a UC Flex screenshot? And do the total hours match the total in their
c. Do their clock in and out times for tutoring sessions match TracCloud and/or
SASS reports?
d. If no-shows are listed in the TracCloud report, does the tutor also note these as
no-shows on their timecard? If the tutor indicates they conducted an
appointment marked in TracCloud as a no-show, then follow up with them to
verify (sometimes students get marked as no-shows even though they attended
their appointment)
e. If a cell is highlighted indicating an error, has the tutor completed an error
report? (check their survey response in the Correction Form file)
f. If a description notes tutor prep time, has the tutor completed the prep time
survey? (check their survey response in the tutor prep time tracker)
g. Note: In addition to appointments, tutors may have Peer Tutoring training and
activities on their timecard, but make sure they do not have activities from other
Learning Commons positions (like SRS, SI, etc.) on their PT timecard unless pre-
*You may notice later columns autofill with formatting or text when you type “Y” into this
column. This is to save you a little bit of time as tutors with correct timekeeping will not require
follow-up. If columns do not autofill, you can also type the desired text into the cell.

Column F – Mistake (N/A or note the mistake)

4. If the tutor has no errors, (you typed Y in the Timekeeping Complete column), this
column should autofill with N/A (if not, type N/A in the Mistakes column)
5. If they do have errors (you typed N in the Timekeeping Complete column) then note the
errors in the Mistakes column. Be as specific as you would like as this column is what
you will reference to send reminder emails

Column G – UC Flex Correction (Y/N/TBD/Y - Submitted)

Sometimes tutors have errors in their UC Flex timesheet that require a correction form.
If you cannot find an existing correction form submitted by the tutor to fix this error, you as the
coordinator should submit an error form on their behalf to correct their timesheet. This column
is designed to help you keep track of which tutors require you to submit error forms on their
6. If the tutor has an error in their timekeeping that will require a UC Flex Correction form
to be submitted and they have not already submitted one, you should mark the UC Flex
Correction column as Y and submit a correction form on their behalf. Here are some
things to look out for:
a. Mismatched screenshot and timecard totals, especially screenshots that show
unreasonable amounts of hours worked in a day (the tutor probably forgot to
clock in or out)
b. Their timecard indicates a mistake with a highlighted cell, but you cannot find an
error report submitted for this

7. Once you submit a correction form on the tutor’s behalf, change the cell text to “Y –
Submitted”. This is so you can keep track of which forms you have and have not

8. If the tutor has not added a screenshot, has a blank timecard, or otherwise has a
mistake in timekeeping that causes you to be unable to check the accuracy of their UC
Flex timesheet, mark this cell as TBD
*Note: If you indicated Y in the timekeeping complete column then you should always indicate
N is the UC Flex correction form column as the tutor will not require an error form if their
timekeeping is correct

Column H - Email
9. This column contains emails corresponding to tutors. This can be useful when sending
mass emails for a common timekeeping mistake. Just filter the mistake column to show
only a given mistake and copy the email addresses.

10. Email templates for a few common mistakes can be found here: __

Column I – Date Reminder Email Sent (Date or blank)

11. If tutors have mistakes in their timekeeping, you should send a reminder email detailing
the mistake and when to fix it by (usually the deadline is the upcoming Monday by

12. If the tutor has no mistakes, this column will be grayed out to indicate they do not need
a reminder email.

13. If they do have mistakes, enter the date you sent a reminder email to them

Column J – Comments (Notes)

14. The comments column is for miscellaneous notes that may not fit into the mistakes
column. (ex. if a tutor responds to a reminder email immediately and fixes the mistake, I
may check their timecard again and note “fixed” in this column. I also note tutor no-
shows in this column)

Column K - Alaina Follow-Up

15. Alaina will check timecards with mistakes on Monday morning and note whether they
were fixed or not

Column L - Infraction
16. This is for Alaina to fill out. You will not need to do anything with this column.

Column M - Coordinator Follow Up

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