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Warm up Activity: Beaver tag

The play area will be the dark brown part of the floor on the center of the gym. This game will be
played for around 5 minutes to warm up participants and help them build strategy and technique
for the upcoming game. All participants will be split up into 4 teams and be given a pinny. Each
of the 4 teams will be represented by a different color pinny. The pinnies will be tucked in their
waste bands in the back (to imitate a beaver tale) where it is visible and appropriate for others to
grab. The object of the game is to “tag” others by grabbing a hold of their pinny and pulling it
from their waist band. Once a person is tagged they must remain frozen and can not tuck their
“tails” back in until a teammate unfreezes them by giving them a high five. The last team to
have all members unfrozen wins.

- Equipment needed for warm up: pinnies

-Play area: whole court within the orange/peach line. Middle black dividing line and blue skinny
line down the long ways.
-Team distribution: 4 groups even
-Basic setup: one hula hoop in each corner for each team, 10 bean bags in each hoop, one pylon
in the middle to divide the court, pylons on the sides to indicate the end of the playing field.
Teams start at their corner hoop with one foot in the hoop
-Object of the game: to gather as many bean bags in your hula by the end of the game.
-Strategies of the game: Will you set up specific jobs for specific team members? Do you want to
have someone guard your station or have someone as a tagger or de tagger? Are you going to
work with another team or target a specific team? How can teams work together to unfreeze
teammates that were tagged?
-Equipment required: bean bags (40), Pinnies, hula hoops (4), cones/pylons (5)
-Scoring: whoever has the most pieces in their hula at the end
-Rules: safe in your own zone, but you can be tagged in the other zones. You cannot tag people
not in your zone. No throwing the beanbags, you must enter the hula and drop your beanbag. If
you are tagged while transporting a beanbag, you must surrender the beanbag to whoever's
quadrant you were tagged in.
-Game modifications: change to two teams, restrict the play size
-Skills and concepts needed to play:

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