Question Oneg

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Question One

1. The agile model agile is the iterative method of project development which takes into
accounts the customer demands and expectations this means that it is used to some
glitches and changes in the whole outline of the project that may arise due to these
This approach is more flexible and makes testing of the whole product fairly easy
This model is a lot more collaborative when we are talking about the customer and so we
are working really closely with them throughout the entire project as may need to tater
some additional requirements as we move along
This is best when requirements are not as well known. This was developed originally for
use with software development and did not really know at the very beginning of the
It really is that collaboration with the customer that is driving and the project forward and
again software development where this come about innovative type of projects are really
great to use agile project management. This is something called sprints it is a time box.
There is a set amount of time where we need to accomplish specific work and then we are
going to deliver part of the project incrementally.
2. Waterfall project management also called traditional or predictive project management.
It focuses on developing a plan and really following that plan throughout the project life
So we are starting at the very beginning and developing that plan executing the plan all
the way through.
When would you use waterfall project management this is generally used when
requirement are well known for example
-Building a house
-Building a bride…
So when requirements are well known this tends to be the best approach.
The waterfall method is the counter part of agail and it is the recursive approach. It
follows a strict routine and doesn’t allow changes in the project in the middle of the
3. Hybride Methdology /Mixing the two models/
This is a combined approach and this is generally customized to organization based on
how they are structured the culture of the organization.
The agile waterfall hybrid methodology surely has its flaws but that doesn’t prevent the
companies from using it. There has been a significant growth in the trend of using the
agile waterfall model for a lot of reasons
Both of these approaches have their pros and cons ruling out one in the favour of the
other would not be a sensible approach the model that is to be followed depends on the
type of the project
Agailwater hybrid for companies it allows you to deliver continuously the team keeps
delivering the tasks as pre design project while in corporating the feedback in to the next
An IT industry for example allows both the hardware and software team to work
independently with very little dependence on each other. The software team uses the
agail method while the hardware team shifts towards the waterfall model.
The merit and demerits of the agile waterfall hybrid it is easy to understand that the agail
waterfall hybrid model has flexibility of the agail method and it also as the fixed
expectation that come in from the V model. Here both the teams would be to show a little
understanding of the process and adapt to the changes.
This model is shurly not perfect but the way it blends both the project management
worlds is remarkable
In order to succeed you need to be capable of working in both the environments as a
project manager choosing the right people is as important as knowing nitty-gritty details
of the model yourself.

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