OM Unit 2 Discussion

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Simplicity is a condition of being easy to understand or do which could have the capacity to

change the business in a great way. I agree that simplicity “gives companies a powerful
competitive advantage by making user-friendly products.” Admin (2017). Most big
organizations, for example, Amazon use simple processes, make products that are simple to use
which is a good contributor for their success. Jensen has added on saying, “Simplicity is about
working smarter, not harder; it gives you the power to create more flexible and productive
organizations, more compelling experiences for colleagues and customers, and more fulfilling
work for everyone.” (Jensen, B 2001). Organizations that use complex strategies need also high
qualified employees and skills which may add labor costs end up making products more
expensive therefore fewer sales especially if the competitors offer cheaper products. For
simplicity to work well, an organization should understand its market so that strategies and
decisions are based on the market that is, customer’s needs. (Brown, T. 2009). Value, in its
simplest form, is the relationship between the price a customer pays for a product and the
benefits perceived by the customer in exchange for money and time. Goods and services should
be produced from the customers’ perspective. To add value to customers, businesses should
improve the buying process especially nowadays where most people are impatient so fast
delivery is very important and responding to their requests. Organizations should take customer
feedback seriously and provide products that serve the purpose. Marketing strategies may be
adjusted to suit a certain group of customers and incentivize if necessary. Connecting with
customers on social media is a great way to encourage people to know about company products
and they feel valued if listen to. (Indeed Editorial team, 2021)

What other factors do I consider suitable for adding value to customers?

Know your target market and how your product or service will benefit them, the problems that
which your product will better resolve for your customers to overcome obstacles when using
your product. Always soliciting honest feedback through surveys on a regular basis allows you
to keep you abreast that might be a problem with your product. It is important to always develop
or leave a memory to beat any competitor to your product. Always be consistent to your
customers while products you may be offering something for free, it still needs to have relevance
to your market and should always be consistent with your brand’s overall purpose. ("5 ways to
create added value for customers," 2015)

My conclusion
Most product developers and manufacturers have learnt through the pandemic that the more the
product is simple and accessible, the better for customers. MTN South African network
company launched an accessible and cheapest network to all mostly learners in rural
communities and disadvantaged areas. The very network was also created to offer same target
audience a link to access medical and or pharmaceutical needs and free delivery thereof. This
was the most needed device that brought innovation to the people and other organizations.
which is a

Admin (2017) Why Simplicity Is Key

Breeden, A., & Howe, A. (n.d.). Why simplicity is the key to accelerating performance. Insights
Heidrick & Struggles. Retrieved April 16, 2022 , from

Brown, T. (2009). Designers—think big! TED. [Video File]. Retrieved Nov 24, 2018, from

Hayes, A. (2020, August 21). Why value-added matters. Investopedia. Retrieved April 16, 2022,

Indeed Editorial team (2021) 14 Tips You Can Use To Create Value for Your Customers

Jensen B (2001) Simplicity: The New Competitive Advantage in a World of More, Better, Faster

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